Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 12 Dormitory Head Teacher

Although the first meeting was not very pleasant, because of Judai's outgoing personality, Maeda Hayato quickly became friends with Judai and Xiang. After all, in the next three years, as long as they did not leave the red dormitory, they would probably stay together. They will all be roommates, so it will be better for everyone if they have a harmonious relationship.

But, in the next three years? Maeda, are you also a first-year freshman? Judai looked at Maeda Hayato strangely, and Judai asked strangely, But why haven't I seen you on the ship? Could it be that you are just like the fourth grader? Same thing, he has been reading on the deck, have you been sleeping in the room?

Well, it's actually a bit hard to say. I was actually a repeater from the previous class because of my poor grades. Turning his head, Maeda Hayato said with some embarrassment, Although my scores in the theory test were passable, But when it came to a real duel that required enough courage and willpower, I was completely unable to duel normally, and my overall score was almost on the verge of being dropped out of school.”

After hearing Maeda Hayato's words, Shoya Marufuji, who felt that the other person seemed to be more unlucky than himself, suddenly gained confidence and was no longer afraid of the other person's plump figure. He comforted him and said: It doesn't matter. In fact, we are almost the same, Osei. The 'red' in Rees-Red Dormitory probably means 'danger', and those of us assigned here are probably also in the dangerous red zone. The more we are at the bottom of this college and have no hope of rising, the more we are like this, the more we must help each other

Having said that, Sho Marufuji was actually a little happy that Hayato Maeda's written test scores were acceptable but his actual combat ability was good. Yujo Judai did not do well in the written examination but had excellent practical ability, while Maeda Hayato was just the opposite. Doesn't this mean that he could learn from the two of them to improve himself?

Although I am indeed in the Osiris-Red Dormitory now, maybe as long as I work hard, I can be promoted to the Sun God-Yellow Dormitory in the second year, or even be promoted to the Obelisk-Yellow Dormitory before graduating in the third year. Isn't it impossible to be blue?

I am like Liu Xuande in the ancient legend in the west. Today, I have the general Yu Chengyun Chang and the military advisor Maeda Wolong. The world is at my fingertips!

Maeda Hayato tilted his head and looked at Marufuji Sho who was daydreaming to himself, thinking that one day he might be able to be with the beautiful Tenjoin classmate who left a deep impression on him. He said in confusion: Although I am self-aware and know that I don't have much hope of ascending to places like the Sun God-Yellow Dormitory, but that doesn't mean that people in the Osiris-Red Dormitory have no hope of ascending?


Although the students who have been promoted from the Osiris-Red Dormitory to the Obelisk-Blue Dormitory so far seem to be the only ones among the first graduates after the establishment of the college, even he still did it in one academic year. But as far as I know, there are actually not many people who can ascend to the Sun God-Huang dormitory.

Maeda Hayato spread his hands, After all, those of us who have been admitted through the assessment have not received three years of dueling-related education like those students who study in the secondary department of Duel Academy. After making up for theoretical shortcomings through study, some people can often improve their results. Upgraded to the level of the Sun God-Yellow Dormitory, the Osiris-Red Dormitory has experienced the most personnel changes.”

After a pause, Maeda Hayato said with some sigh: Although the college's system seems to discriminate against poor students, when it is implemented, it can be found that the school actually treats all students equally. For example, Obelisk -Professor Kuronos, the director of Blue Dormitory, although he looks like a bad guy, he just puts a little more pressure and supervision on poor students like us, and a little more encouragement on top students.

It's just that sometimes he can't grasp the balance. But thanks to the principal, he is also a very tough and even arbitrary person. If it were replaced by someone with a gentler personality like Vice Principal Samejima, maybe our school would really As Marufuji said, poor students are so suppressed and humiliated that they cannot hold their heads up.

Ah hahaha, is that so? Sho Marufuji scratched his head, smiled awkwardly, and decisively changed the subject and looked at the table behind Maeda Hayato, Ah, by the way, Maeda-san, what is that on your table? I’ve been a little curious since just now.”

After hearing Marufuji Sho's words, Maeda Hayato's attention was immediately diverted. He smiled rather shyly and said, This is my little hobby and insignificant specialty. Although it can't be compared to Those professional duelists draw cards to duel with the same confidence, but I think that my love for dueling monsters will never be inferior to others, and I have always had the dream of becoming a dueling monster card designer.

I have been living alone in this dormitory before, without any other roommates, so Judai and Xiang, you are the first to see my paintings.

Oh! Can you show it to us, Maeda? Judai said excitedly, and immediately approached the table, Wow, Kakuichi! Is this a stone for pickling pickles?

Sho Marufuji, who also saw Maeda Hayato's painting, almost fell down: No, you can recognize it at a glance as that famous scenic spot, with some rocks.

This is Australia's Ayers Rock, also called Uluru. Although Judai and Xiang didn't recognize each other and neither named them, Maeda Hayato didn't feel angry or frustrated about it. This is the scenery I saw in Australia during this holiday. I originally went there for no reason, but now there is no need to say that. In short, when the sun rises from the horizon and shines on Ayers Rock, I can no longer I can’t erase that moment from my heart.”

So, even though I know it's just a delusion, I still dream of seeing the day when the scenery in my mind can be turned into a Duel Monsters card and shared with others.

Seeing the subconscious smile on Maeda's lips, Judai didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: Then come on, Maeda, we are the passionate Osiris-Red Dormitory!

Speaking of which, I also enjoyed drawing the cards of my dreams when I was in elementary school. Everyone said that I was good at drawing, and I even designed a whole set of cards. Well, now, let me show off my skills too! As he spoke, Judai actually started drawing on the freshman manual, not caring that the patterns he drew had covered the contents that he had not remembered at all, making them difficult to recognize.

What makes it even more difficult for Maeda Hayato is that Judai may not have lied. His painting level in elementary school should have been okay, but the problem is that even though Judai is now fifteen years old, his painting level is still at the elementary school level. It can barely be seen that what he drew seems to be a human form.

I named him [X Hero Eleven], just like an additional warrior in Super Sentai, an additional 'extra' hero. He does not stand at the front of the team, but stands at the back of the team to assist. Other people's support heroes, but I haven't compiled the specific settings yet. I only have this first draft, but I think it's already very cool. Putting his hands on his hips, he looked at the freshman handbook with X characters all over it. Judai said proudly that he wished he could call himself X-Men.

That is to say, after he finished speaking, because Sho Marufuji, who was the last one to enter the dormitory, did not close the door, a fat orange cat walked into the dormitory as if visiting his own home without anyone noticing. The moment Judai finished painting, he suddenly jumped on the table and stepped on Judai's masterpiece!

Wow! [Wand Rear Drive]!

Wasn't it called [Eleven-Character] just now? It turns out you really haven't thought about the setting yet. Maeda Hayato complained, but he put away his as soon as the fat cat jumped on the table. painting. Thanks to Judai's abstract painting that attracted the cat's attention, otherwise his painting would have been ruined.

After the fat cat stepped on the painting and glanced at Judai nonchalantly - if it could still see through its squinted eyes - it stretched lazily without any sense of doing anything bad. If you are lazy, you have to lie down on the table and sleep.

After stretching out his hand and tugging a few times, Judai found that the weight of this cat seemed to be a bit too heavy. It was not like an ordinary cat at all, and even heavier than an ordinary orange cat. His important newborn manual was pressed down by it and he could not pull it out at all.

You fat cat! Judai called the cat a fat cat when they first met, Give me back my [Fear Annihilator]!

However, Judai just pretended to be evil and tried to scare the cat away without harming the cat. Just before Maeda Hayato and Marufuji Sho complained that Judai changed the name of the monster he drew in the blink of an eye. But a pair of hands pinched the neck of the orange cat Destiny, lifted the overly heavy cat from the table and held it in his arms: Ah, Pharaoh, you can really run away~

I'm sorry, Marufuji-san, Yujo-san, and Maeda-san, Pharaoh is having trouble with me because I ate his dried fish, nya.

Judai and the other three looked at the man who was holding an orange cat named Pharaoh and apologizing to them. They found that the man had the same squinting eyes as the orange cat, and was also wearing a pair of thick glasses. face with a charitable smile.

Teacher Daitokuji, why did you eat the pharaoh's dried fish again? Maeda Hayato obviously knew the person in front of him better than Jushidai Kazuho, ​​so he greeted him.

Ah hahaha, I forgot to eat because I was not paying attention, nya. Daitokuji said with a smile, looking at Judai and Xiang, Hello, I am the dormitory teacher of Osiris-Red Dormitory, Daitokuji Yu Guo, and also serves as the teacher of alchemy class.

Fusion? Sho Marufuji was stunned when he heard Daitokuji's self-introduction.

It's not fusion (Yuugo), it's Hugo (Hyugo). Anyway, you can call me Daitokuji-sensei. If you encounter anything, you can come to me, nya. Daitokuji corrected with a strange accent, He turned to look at Judai and said, Also, I didn't expect you, Yujo, to be assigned to the Osiris Red Dormitory. You obviously have a record of defeating Professor Chronos in actual combat. That's the academy. It’s something awesome that most people, including me, can’t do.”

Hey, hey, it doesn't matter. I'd rather say I'm happy to be able to enter the academy. And I also like the red dormitory very much. The burning fire and fiery breath are perfect for the hot-blooded me!

Looking at Judai who didn't care at all that he failed to enter the higher Sun God-Yellow Dormitory, Daitokuji nodded: You are really energetic, not like me who is about to be buried, but you like the Red Dormitory so much I’m happy too, meow.”

Haha, teacher, you are so humorous. You must be in your twenties or thirties at most. Seeing that Daitokuji seems to be very easy to talk to, Sho Marufuji is not afraid of Daitokuji who is easy to deal with.

Daitokuji looked at Marufuji Sho and gave an incomprehensible smile. He did not explain anything, but looked at the three of them and said: Tonight, every dormitory will have a welcome ceremony to welcome new students. Of course, our Osiris-Red Dormitory also has one. , so remember to go back to the dormitory early today and don’t wander around the school too late~

Holding the heavy orange cat Pharaoh in his arms, Daitokuji waved his hands and planned to leave and go to other dormitories to inform the new students. But before going out, he suddenly stopped and turned back to Judai and said: Oh, I almost forgot something important. It's happened, Yucheng-san, when I came from school just now, I saw a freshman from the Obelisk-Blue dormitory looking for you, as if he was calling for lightning.

Lightning? Ah, I get it, it's Manzōme. Judai remembered that Manzōme was particularly obsessed with what others called him. He always liked others to call him Lightning (actually Mr.), But Strange, does he have something to do with me?

Daitokuji shook his head: I don't know about that, nya. Today is a free time for freshmen to visit the school. If you go now, you should still be able to find Yucheng-san, but remember to come back early tonight.

Because Maeda Hayato originally lived in the dormitory, Judai and Xiang did not need to clean like the freshmen who lived in the empty dormitory. Maeda Hayato even helped them make their beds, so they spent the whole day today They have free time to move around. Anyway, he wanted to get to know the building facilities around the school, so Judai decided to go and find out what Banzhangmu wanted to do with him.

Marufuji Sho followed Judai very closely and planned to go see it with Judai. Maeda Hayato also enthusiastically said that he could help them lead the way to avoid getting lost in the school.

Standing at the door of the dormitory, Daitokuji looked at the three people leaving, with an inexplicable smile still on his face: The user of [E·hero], Judai, is such an interesting kid, and that hairstyle is similar to mine. The person in the illusion I saw before seems like, will he be the right person? Let me see more of your talents, Yujo-san.

Smiling, Dadeji saw the Pharaoh in his arms suddenly shouting, which brought him back to his senses. His nose subconsciously twitched twice, but he smelled a burnt smell that he didn't know where it came from.

Daitokuji, who instantly figured out where the burnt smell came from, hugged the pharaoh and hurried downstairs to the dormitory building and rushed towards the kitchen, shouting: The stew I prepared for the welcome party?! It's burnt! It’s going to be mushy, it’s going to be mushy, meow!”

Compared to fate, evil heart, masks and phantoms, the possibility of a special hero appearing in this book is lower than the possibility of the Emperor of Hope appearing because of the link between all members. Even the opposite may appear. So this chapter is probably their only appearance

However, the names of this chapter are all modified versions of the devil, Cross Man and Eleven Man, Wand Herald and Wand Rear Expedition, Fear Destroyer and Fear Annihilator. After all, the article states that it is the unfinished fantasy of ten generations.

Also, tomorrow will be updated at 6:00. I haven’t pre-ordered Starry Sky, so I won’t take leave for the next two days.

——But that’s not necessarily the case if the spoilers of the premium version that I played in advance attracted me :)

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