Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 11 The beginning of school and roommates

Wow, this is the Duel Academy, it's great!

After getting off the cruise ship docked at the pier, Judai stood on the shore and looked at the huge island in the distance that was connected to the piers by a bridge. At a glance, he saw the towering top floor between the jungle and the mountains. Duel Academy, sighed.

The result of the card exchange activity was undoubtedly Judai's victory. Although Wan Zhangmu was lucky, he could only compete with humans and not with the magic dog. Although he opened three cards from the beginning, he could add them to his deck. powerful cards, but they are incomparable to the eight powerful cards Judai had in his hand.

What's more, the tenth card [Old Sage Dai-Shilong] drawn by Judai was also noticed by Asuka Tenjoin immediately after taking it out, and she exchanged it with Judai for a card of [Beloved Hero]. Judai also immediately agreed to exchange cards, causing Banzhangmu to lose the contest between the two before they even started exchanging cards.

Even if Wan Zhangmu exchanged the remaining cards he didn't need in the freshman, he only got two cards in exchange. Although Wan Zhangmu also met those people who had been complimenting him and actively wanted to be his younger brothers, and actively wanted to exchange Wan Zhangmu's useless cards with more powerful and rare cards that were obviously not equivalent, but Wan Zhangmu had no interest in taking advantage of this and rejected several of them.

After learning about the rivalry between Judai and Bankhoumu, Asuka also took the initiative to join in with great interest. The quality of the cards she initially issued was about the same as Bankhoumu. She encountered a similar situation to Bankhoumu. There were many boys. Even if a girl wants to have a good relationship with her, Asuka's choice is the same as that of Banzhangme, but because she is easier to deal with than the domineering Banzhangme, her final reward is six cards, which is higher than that of Banzhangme. .

However, compared to Banjomu and Asuka, Judai was obviously more focused on the original intention of this card exchange meeting. He was a little socially afraid and excitedly dragged Marufuji Sho, who was also somewhat socially afraid, to mess around with him. He is willing to communicate with others even if there are no cards to exchange, but few others are like him. Most of them just focus on exchanging cards instead of taking this opportunity to get to know each other.

But no matter what, through this card exchange meeting, Judai thought that he had met a lot of new friends before the start of school, including Banzhangme whom he had known since he was a child, Sho Marufuji whom he met during the assessment, and Tenkami whom he met at the card exchange meeting. Asuka Asuka has now arrived at the Duel Academy headquarters. He is completely excited and can’t wait to meet more friends and have more interesting duels!

(Misawa who completely memorized the freshman handbook and completely missed the card exchange meeting:?)

It’s not just the first-year students who came to the Duel Academy Island on the same boat. The second- and third-year students were also on the boat. However, the freshmen who were more curious about everything than the first time they arrived were there every year during the holidays. The senior students who can take the cruise ship are not that curious, and they don't get together with the noisy freshmen. They just hang out with classmates they know or rest in their own rooms.

The first-year students disembarked first under the leadership of Professor Kuronos, and then the senior students slowly packed their luggage and walked off leisurely. However, Professor Kuronos was only responsible for leading the freshmen. Those senior students The students themselves knew each other and would go back to their dormitories.

Naturally, it is impossible to walk from the pier to the school like a primary school student. There is already a bus at the pier. The person in charge of driving is Sun God - the dormitory teacher of Huang Dormitory, the palm care elective course, and the only designated overtime worker at Duel Academy. Subject—Teacher Kira Aoki.

Compared to Professor Kuronos, who was wearing a gorgeous trench coat modified from the Obelisk-Blue dormitory uniform, Teacher Kira Aoki, who was wearing a suit, looked so inconspicuous that many students didn't think he was sitting in the driver's seat at all. He would be a classroom teacher in the school, but I just thought he was a slightly better-dressed school bus driver.

The large bus carrying freshmen was fully loaded with 80 students who enrolled this year. After crossing the bridge, they came to the Duel Academy Island. They drove left and right on the wide mountain road in the forest and soon arrived at the academy. In front of the main building, Professor Kuronos also handed over the student's files to Teacher Kira Aoki, who took him to the principal's office, then got off the car and continued to take the new students to the auditorium in the college.

In the spacious auditorium, which can accommodate hundreds of people, the freshmen who have put on brand-new uniforms are casually arranged in a square formation. The DA logo of Duel Academy - Duel-Acadey (Duel-Acadey) - is always displayed on the wall. The screen of Duel Academy - turned around and showed an image of a man wearing a black coat, sitting flamboyantly on the back of a bench with his legs crossed.

Welcome! The man with black hair and golden eyes glanced at the screen, Welcome to Hog Duel Academy to start a new school year and a new life. You all came here because you pushed open the door of Duel Academy with your own strength. , then please study happily with the goal of becoming a future duel king.

That is, the principal of Duel Academy, the legendary duelist, the strongest man in the world, 'Duel King' Kobayashi Hayato. Tenjoin Asuka recognized the person who appeared on the screen at a glance as Hayato, it seemed because For what reason, the other party could not appear directly in the auditorium to welcome the new students, so he could only give a speech through video.

Although we are told to target the duel king, himself, that kind of thing is simply impossible. The memory of a few years ago is a bit blurry because of that duel. Marufuji Sho did not remember that he had ever had a duel with him. The king had dueled in person and experienced complete defeat, but even if he remembered it, it would only make him feel that Hayato's words of becoming the future duel king were even more unreal than now.

How could he be so weak and powerless as a duel king?

The one in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory with the highest ranking among the admitted students seems to be called four arithmetic? There is also the beautiful and lovely Asuka-san from Tenjoin. Only then can they get closer to the position of Duel King as the principal said.

That's easy to say, this guy. I think he just neglected his duties by not showing up here. After complaining in a low voice, Marufuji Sho turned his head and said, You think so too, Ten.

What caught his eye was Yujo Judai, who could fall asleep even while standing and was not disturbed at all by Hayato who was giving a speech.

Although he looked very energetic when he got off the ship, in fact Judai didn't sleep well last night because he was too excited. By the time he got off the ship, he was full of energy. In addition, he was definitely worried about the start of any school. I wasn't interested in the principal's speech part at all, so I naturally took advantage of this time to fall asleep.

That's about it. I need to add a few more words about some things you need to keep in mind after the start of this semester. Hayato said to the screen, First-year students, please pay attention to the abandoned buildings behind the school. The dormitory is a dangerous area and no students are allowed to enter. Anyone who breaks in without permission will most likely face expulsion from school.

Registration for clubs will begin in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in club activities or already have a favorite club should contact Professor Kuronos. Teacher Kira also asked me to remind everyone that there is a place in the college The newly built dueling venue has not yet completed all construction, so do not use that place for dueling without permission.

Finally, I wish you all the best in the new semester again - Before he could finish his words, Hayato on the screen raised his head, Wow, this outfit is very beautiful, but Issei, you are more beautiful - ahem, anyway. , I wish you all to study hard in school and make progress every day.

Seeing Hayato's image suddenly disappear on the screen, not to mention the students, even Professor Kuronos couldn't help but complain: I said I was going on a business trip to discuss the running status of the college with Mr. Seto Kaiba. This is obviously just shopping outside!

However, complaints are complaints, Chronos still completed the follow-up work that he had not completed for Hayato, and arranged for the freshmen to return to their assigned dormitories to rest after receiving their dormitory keys.

I see, I asked why there are three colors of uniforms. It turns out that the students in this school are divided into three different dormitories. Judai looked at the red coat on his body, I happen to like it quite a lot. The red one looks like the color of a hero, Osiris-red.

On the walkway at the front entrance of the school, Judai held the freshman handbook that he had never used before, looking at the page that Marufuji Sho helped him turn to, and looking at the introduction to the dormitory divisions.

I remember that the top student in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory explained it once when we were on the ship. Why did he forget it so quickly? Besides, more red will only make people think of trap cards. Judai was speechless. Sho Marufuji sighed, Obviously Osiris-Red seems to be the dormitory with the worst treatment. I'm sorry you can still be so happy.

Ah haha, don't worry, don't worry. He patted the shoulder of Sho Marufuji, who was a head shorter than him, and Judai said nonchalantly. When he turned his head, he saw Misawa Daichi was here, and said hello with a smile, Hey, 3, are you from the Osiris-Red dormitory too?

Misawa Daichi raised his eyebrows and looked down at the yellow uniform he was wearing: No, it's obvious that I'm in Huang's dormitory, right? Sun God Huang, listening to your words, I almost thought I got the wrong clothes.

Looking at the red uniform on Judai, Misawa said in confusion: But it's really unbelievable. Why were you assigned to the Osiris-Red dormitory even though you have such actual combat results?

Well, it's probably because I'm not very good at theory. I have to admit, you're better in this area. A 40% discount -

It's Misawa.

Okay 3. Judai, who realized that he was somehow unable to remember Misawa Daichi's full name, used his amazing wisdom and decisively chose to use 3 instead of calling Misawa Daichi.

Looking around at the students who were either wearing red uniforms or yellow uniforms like Misawa's, Judai was a little curious: Speaking of which, Wanzhangmu and Tenjoyuan seem to be wearing blue uniforms, too. Is it the 'Obelisk-Blue' dormitory mentioned in the book? It's strange, why don't we see many people wearing uniforms like theirs here?

Wanzhangmu? Tianshangyuan? Are you a top student who was promoted from the secondary department to the upper department? Misawa, who had read the freshman handbook, knew that only the top students in the middle department could be assigned to Obele when entering the upper department at the beginning of the first grade. Sk-Blue Dormitory, immediately remembered the two names Judai mentioned, and planned to list them as the same observation objects as Judai. At the same time, he answered Judai's doubts, The three dormitories divided by the college are not in the same location. , the specific location is on page 167 of the freshman handbook.

The location of the Obelisk-Blue dormitory is not in the same direction as us. The two people you mentioned should have gone in the direction of their own dormitory.

Sho Marufuji tried to turn to page 167 and found that just as Misawa Daichi said, there was a slightly smaller map of the college. Three dots of different colors were marked next to the main building of the college to refer to the location of the student dormitories. .

Judai said with some surprise: It's so awesome. Did you memorize the whole book? It's too cool!

No, it's just a basic understanding of the academy's information. Although he didn't know why this kind of thing was considered cool by Judai, Misawa still enjoyed the recognition of others. He waved to Judai and Marufuji Sho and walked in the other direction, and said, Then I'll go to the dormitory first. The Osiris-Red dormitory is in that direction.

Following the direction guided by Misawa, when Xiang and Judai found the red dormitory on the edge of the cliff, they found that it was only a two-story building with four rooms on each floor, plus the dormitories. It is just a small apartment with the teacher's room and common areas such as bathroom, kitchen, and dining room.

Isn't it only the red dormitory where the treatment is so bad? Standing in front of the dormitory, Sho Marufuji said in despair, This is nothing, it's too much.

Maybe it's to encourage us to study hard, right? But I think it's still very nice here, with a good view and sea breeze.

It was clear that Judai was better in terms of family background and grades, but he was quite satisfied with the Osiris-Red Dormitory. On the contrary, Sho Marufuji was always dissatisfied.

As soon as Sho Marufuji opened the door with the key and before he turned on the lights in the room, he was suddenly so frightened that he sat down on the ground and screamed: Uh-oh! Help!

Ah? What's wrong, Sho? Hearing Sho Marufuji's cry for help, Judai, who just now was holding on to the railing and looking at the scenery on the sea under the sun, decisively turned around and ran towards Sho Marufuji, only to find that he was Shivering, he pointed to the room and said, There are, there are koalas!

Judai heard the sound and went out and found that in the somewhat dark room, a burly black figure stood up and looked outside. The round cheeks and big nose, coupled with the hairstyle on both sides of the head that resembled the big ears of a koala, even though Judai also mistakenly thought it was the koala mentioned by Sho Marufuji for the first time.

But he soon realized something was wrong. He took a closer look and patted Xiang on the shoulder with a smile: What? That's obviously our roommate. Xiang, your eyes are so bad. Please say I'm sorry.

After hearing Judai's words, Sho Marufuji saw clearly that the person in the room was indeed a person and not a koala, and he also realized that even koalas were herbivores and had nothing to be afraid of, so he quickly left. He got up from the ground, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, Huh, I'm sorry, I didn't wear my glasses properly and couldn't see clearly. I'm very sorry.

Koala, who was originally going to be angry because of Marufuji Sho's words, heard Judai's words and saw Marufuji Sho's apology in time. His brows relaxed a little, and he said to Judai and Xiang at the door: I'm not Koala, I am Maeda Hayato who lives here, you two should be my roommates, right?

Really, I even cleaned the bed for you. Don't call me koala next time. (End of Chapter)

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