Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 8 The Light of Materialism

The principal is me, Hayato Kobayashi! This has never changed from the beginning to the end!

Hayato looked at the arrogant expression on Wan Zhangmu's face on the screen and said, That's probably what he thinks, right? I can almost guess what he's thinking just by looking at his expression.

Manjomu, the youngest of the three brothers of the Manjomu Consortium. Next to Hayato, Kaiba sat upright and watched the video of the duel combat assessment scene played from Hayato's mobile phone. I remember the newly appointed Doushi Noichi. long

That's right, it's Manzhangme Shoji who was in the same class as us. He got an offer from the International Illusion Club right after Yugi graduated. He's not bad either. He came back to Doshino City to work here directly because of his connections. All I can say is that Manzhangme The consortium still has something to offer.”

Taking a bamboo skewer, he picked up a small octopus ball and put it into his mouth. Hayato joked, This is also thanks to the Kaiba Group. Because of the long-term cooperation with the Kaiba Group and even the relationship with the International Illusion Society, Wan Zhang The project consortium has always been prospering.

Are you praising the Manzhangmu Foundation or cursing them? I always feel that the word 'prosperous' is not a good word. Compared with Hayato ordering a lot of small but varied meals in front of him, Kaiba's There was only a simple glass of water in front of him, but even this glass of water Haima didn't drink it. You, on the other hand, specifically called me out of the laboratory just to let me watch such boring things?

And actually sitting on the bar and eating in a tavern like this.

Hayato spread his hands: Oh, let's just forget it. It's a small place like this that is quiet. We would have been recognized when we went to public places. Can we still have a good chat? Besides, I'm not showing you the entrance test. What a great performance by the freshmen over there.”

Hmph, I'm not interested in those immature duelists at all.

You'd better be. Picking up a piece of kabayaki eel, Hayato glanced at Kaiba, I know it will be a long time before Judai reaches the stage where I can defeat you, and I don't know who can't wait to be the first to defeat you. After I bullied my opponent, I suddenly wanted to build a hot spring for the school.

The island attached to the Duel Academy has a large area that is empty. It is too wasteful to use it as a warehouse, dock and airport. Building a leisure place with many functions will also help guests who travel long distances to the island to be more comfortable. Have a good rest. Kaiba explained seriously.

That hot spring

Kaiba's reply to Hayato was: Hmph!

Duel Academy Island was once the base of the alchemist Diavolo. On this island, he conducted various experiments for his chosen research topic Human Refining, including but not limited to biological transformation, vitality transformation, etc. Research, and even once single-handedly created artificial elves like the monster movie Unknown Realm, as well as a large alchemy array Seven Spirits Unlocked Gate. The former had long been destroyed by Hayato to bind the soul card, making them was freed, and the latter was suppressed and buried underground on Duel Academy Island.

But the disappearance of the experimental products does not mean that the impact of the Diavolo experiment has been completely erased. Due to the influence of his artificial spirit experiments and life force gathering experiments, Duel Academy Island has become very easy to attract tiny alien spaces, that is, small alien worlds similar to the Avalon that Hayato encountered in Victoria. This may be what is called gravity.

The gravity of Duel Academy Island is attracting those special small worlds to come closer, and eventually the entrances and exits of those different spaces appear on Duel Academy Island.

As far as Hayato knows, there are three known entrances to different spaces on the current Duel Academy Island, including a new entrance under the pool of the hot spring pavilion that the Kaiba Group hastily built before the start of the school year. of different spaces. No matter how you think about it, the emergence of this new alien space is inseparable from Kaiba.

I have no interest in supernatural things like 'elves', and I can't understand all the nonsense you're talking about. Kaiba retorted with a serious expression, And what Kaiba people do, I don't understand. What does it matter to people?”

I also said that I saw a man wearing a [Blue Eyes White Dragon] helmet in that different space, and his voice sounded like some kind of demon that lives in a belt and can take away other people's lifespan and turn people into 80-year-old people. He was wearing a white windbreaker. The guy who calls himself 'Kaiba Man'. Hayato teased Kaiba who suddenly self-destructed, but received another cold snort from him.


But it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are not the only one on the island who has a different space. It would be better to say that even if you don't create one on the island, that location might attract some other worlds in the future. That island is too big. It's suitable for opening the door to another world. Thinking about what would happen in the future in the original timeline, Hayato picked up the wine glass and took a sip, But I'm a little curious, how did you do it?

Remember that 'Dragon Wheel' that I didn't finish completely before? Hearing Hayato talk about this, Kaiba became interested and proudly showed off to Hayato.

Isn't it 'D round'?

Hmph, I don't remember that ugly name. Can inventions and creations be called learning? After hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba pretended to have lost his memory and changed the subject, I have confirmed the basic functions of the 'Dragon Wheel'. They can all be used normally, and as long as there is sufficient and stable energy supply, they can even accelerate beyond the speed of light to break through the limitations of time and space and ascend to dimensions.

However, the lack of a stable and sufficient energy supply prevented the completion of the 'Dragon Wheel'. The stable enough energy supply was not enough to fully drive the device, but the high-energy energy produced by the Haima Group's technology could not be completed. It was not stable enough, so in the end I had to put the device on hold.”

This is normal. The earliest human technology was born from the ignited flames. Energetics is the main driving force for the development of science and technology. Hayato nodded. He was able to understand Kaiba's words to a certain extent, unlike Malik or Jonouchi who only listened to them. Can you answer Mother gave birth to it, And the 'D wheel', well, the energy supply of the original 'Dragon wheel' relies on active planetary particles that can carry people's emotional energy and the energy used to transform this energy. The interaction of the perpetual motion machine can really only be regarded as a decoration now that the wandering particles have not become active.

It's as if a time traveler brought a computer back to the steam era of the first industrial revolution. No matter how good the performance of that computer was, Tesla hadn't even invented alternating current at that time - or should I say discovered it? ——In this era, it’s meaningless if you can’t even turn it on.

But nothing is absolute. If what Hayato heard from Datsu was not bragging, Datsu had made a large server before the steam engine appeared at the exhibition and even backed up one of his own. But this is an exception. , not counting, just like when Fudo Yusei returned to the past from the future with the help of the power of the red dragon, he also brought a considerable number of active Yusei particles with him.

Suddenly speaking of this, have you found the active planetary particles that can drive the 'DDragon Wheel'? Hayato looked at Kaiba curiously. If the wandering star particles gradually become active, does this also mean that Synchro Summons will be born soon?

But unfortunately, Kaiba shook his head: There is no such thing, and even if there is, it should be called 'Haiba Particles'.

After grabbing the 'D round' and grabbing the 'Wandering Star Particle', are you Edison, Seth?

In terms of being a peerless genius and having numerous inventions, I think I am, but I am not a businessman who is only interested in profit and fame.

After a pause, Kaiba pointed to the on-site monitoring of the Duel Academy Entrance Test actual combat assessment played in the Kaiba Dome played on Hayato's mobile phone, and then said, The guy named Diva who had dueled with you there before. , that is, the 'Blue God', and his gang of companions who call themselves 'Prana'. In order to make up for the economic losses caused to the Kaiba Group and Doshinoichi, each of them has to work for me.

Relying on the research on their bodies, I finally found a special way, combined with the device on the 'Dragon Wheel', that can effectively reduce the energy required to open up different spaces, so on the island affiliated with Duel Academy During the construction of the hot spring pavilion, I chose that place as an experimental site. Although the success rate is not high and difficult to replicate, I did succeed, and that space is a success case.

As long as we continue to study, it will be soon.

Kaiba did not continue, but frowned and looked at Hayato: What is that look in your eyes? Why are you looking at me like that?

If you mess with the same kind, you will be sentenced to death in Jupiter~ Hayato sighed, It's my fault for not watching you properly, Seth, so that you ended up embarking on this illegal and criminal path. Elbow, follow I'm going to surrender and pray to the government to give you leniency for daring to conduct human experiments.

What nonsense are you talking about? You don't think I did some research on the dissections of those people, right? Huh, how much do you underestimate the technological level of the Kaiba Group? Those people don't even need to draw blood here No, from beginning to end I just conducted basic examinations on them, and even helped several of them cure their early-stage cancers. Haima said proudly, Haima Group's science and technology is number one in the world!

It's hard for you to come up with such results. As expected of you, Seth, you are the light of materialism who has gone all the way to the end in this world where gods and demons come to the world, artifacts show their power, and super powers dance wildly. I heard. After Kaiba didn't conduct any research and didn't even draw blood, Hayato twitched the corner of his mouth and complained.

Since the Dark Side of Dimension incident, all of Prana's special abilities have disappeared with the silence of the [Quantum Cube], leaving only their most basic emotional sensing, super-intuition and the like. Things, and can no longer move in space as before, that is, they have transformed from superpowers back to slightly more human beings, that is, new humans in the true sense.

Hayato's forehead will have a special mark of Prana due to the use of [Quantum Cube]. Just because he thinks the pattern is pretty good-looking, he uses the power of [Quantum Cube] to retain it without removing it.

Even for Hayato, it is a bit troublesome to use the [Quantum Cube] to open the door to another dimension. If it is the underworld, it is easier to say. You can reduce the difficulty through the Gate of the Underworld of Ramses II in Egypt. Mu occasionally returned to the present world for a reunion, but Kaiba managed to open up a different space with technology alone without even having a [Quantum Cube].

This is very Kaiba Group, and it reminds Hayato of the future in the original timeline. After Duel Academy is transferred to another world, it can even use technology to communicate with reality between the other world and even transfer specific items.

Technology in other worlds often fails due to mysterious reasons when faced with magic and other supernatural forces, but Kaiba is different. He can really use technology to do things that even magic can't do.

And Kaiba actually had something to hide and didn't tell Hayato. The different space under the hot spring pavilion was actually an experiment of his, but that experiment was not Kaiba's own purpose. It was just to verify one of his conjectures, and the results of the experiment The success also confirmed that his conjecture was correct.

With the help of Prana, no, with the further power of the [Quantum Cube], and then providing sufficient speed for the Dragon Wheel, when the two powers are combined, it may be possible to do something that the [Quantum Cube] cannot do today. When something happens, it opens the door to the underworld. That way, I can go and play cards with that guy Atum who is hiding anytime, anywhere!

Speaking of medical treatment, do you know about Kagemaru? Because hearing Kaiba mention that he could even cure cancer, Hayato couldn't help but think of an old man who had a hand in the establishment of Duel Academy. Kagemaru was the one who prescribed medicine. From the company, I remember that he was lying in their company's life-support capsule three or four years ago. Why hasn't he died yet?

Do you have any grudge against him? Glancing at Hayato, Kaiba picked up the water in the cup and took a sip. He didn't notice that Hayato's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said to himself, Although he's not dead, he's going to die soon. In the final analysis, although the medical technology of Kagemaru Pharmaceutical Group is good, it is limited to the low-end and mid-range parts. It can be cheap and good, but when it comes to high-end technology, it is no match for Haima Group.

There is no need for me to take action. Before I took over the Kaiba Group, Gosaburo Kaiba's investment in the medical field alone was stronger than the technology of the Kagemaru Pharmaceutical Group.

Hayato nodded: That's true. That guy Kaiba Noa caused us a lot of trouble back then, especially when he dared to interrupt my Tenhu Kiseki. It's simply unforgivable!

To this day, Hayato still remembers that when his Tengo was about to overthrow Yugi, Jonouchi, and Kaiba in one wave during Duel City, Naia actually invaded Kaiba's duel airship and forced a power outage, interrupting him. operation.

But that kind of Kaiba Naia was an existence that had died long before Kaiba Seto was adopted by Kaiba Gosaburo and was transferred to the virtual world by Kaiba Gosaburo. Even before the transfer, Kaiba Gosaburo used a life-saving capsule to forcibly maintain him. The life of Kaiba Naia who should have expired.

In comparison, Kagemaru's skills are really not good enough. Kaiba Noa, a person who declared that rescue efforts were ineffective, is completely dead. Kaiba Gosaburo can forcefully maintain his vital signs and not completely die. Kaiba Gosaburo is already dead. So many years later, the technology of the Kagemaru Group cannot even keep Kagemaru from dying.

But when he heard that Kagemaru was about to die, Hayato knew that he probably couldn't wait any longer and had to start taking action in order to survive, so he could start making preparations.

After draining the last sip of coke in the glass and putting the last octopus ball into his mouth, Hayato took out his wallet and said to Kaiba with a smile: So, are we AA?

After looking at the pile of empty plates in front of Hayato, and then at the plain water in front of him that he took a sip of, Kaiba had something to say. (End of chapter)

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