Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 9 Card Exchange Meeting

A luxury cruise ship is sailing on the sea. The endless waves beat on the steel, but they are completely unable to shake the giant ship.

It is said that in the Duel Kingdom, the legendary duelists took such a cruise ship and arrived at the place where the father of Duel Monsters, founder of the International Illusion Society, genius game producer, and fellow legendary duelist Mr. Bekas of the inhabited island.”

On the deck, the green-haired dwarf - Sho Marufuji showed off his knowledge to Judai Yujo who was lying on the railing enjoying the sea breeze, For example, 'dinosaur' Ryuzaki, 'fisherman' Kajiki Yuta, and Jonouchi Katsuya Legendary duelists who are still active in the professional duelist circle, such as Peacock Dancer, etc., have all boarded that cruise ship, including Mr. Muto Yugi and Mr. Hayato Kobayashi, the duelist king.

Eh~ It's so powerful. There are so many famous duelists. I wonder if the cruise ship we are standing on is the same one as before, right?

Hearing Judai's words, Marufuji Sho shook his head: How is that possible? Duel Kingdom was already five or six years ago. The cruise ship we are standing on is the special ship of Mr. Seto Kaiba, the founder of Duel Academy. It was purchased from the famous international shipping group Anassis Company and is specially used to transport us students going to Duel Academy.

This may also be a rare opportunity for ordinary people like us to board such a luxurious cruise ship.

Judai nodded as if he understood, and did not explain to Xiang that he had actually taken a similar cruise ship. When he heard Xiang say that this cruise ship was not the one from the Duel Kingdom, he was a little uninterested. Rather than Marufuji Sho who cared about the luxury cruise ship, Judai was more interested in the fact that it was similar to the one used by the legendary duelists of the past.

Misawa Daichi, who was also standing on the deck, put down the freshman handbook in his hand, looked at Sho Marufuji curiously and said: These things are from the academy introduction published on the official website of Duel Academy, Marufuji, your memory is not bad. Ah, but why was he ranked 119th during the exam?

The first half of Misawa Daichi's words made Sho Marufuji feel that he had been praised, and he was about to feel proud, but when he heard Misawa's last words, he visibly shrank for a moment, and abruptly changed the subject: Anyway, in short, although this is not the cruise ship of the Duel Kingdom, but imitating the experiences of the legendary duelists, I remember that the academy arranged a special event on this cruise ship.

Oh, it sounds interesting. Let's go there quickly! After hearing Marufuji Sho's words, Judai didn't even want to blow the sea breeze, and immediately excitedly wanted to drag Marufuji Sho with him to the special event. The ground, and Misawa Daichi glanced at the noisy two people. Although he was somewhat interested in the 1 Judai, relatively speaking, he still preferred the deck with only the sound of waves and wind.

After setting off from Doshino City Pier, the teachers of the college allowed the freshmen to move around freely. It was because there was no one on the deck and it was quiet that Misawa Daichi chose to read the freshman handbook here, which contained many instructions for new students to enter. Matters, such as how many clubs are currently available in the school to join, what elective courses are available and which teachers teach them, what dangerous areas on the island are listed as prohibiting students from entering without permission, and even the supplies of Duel Academy How long the interval is, when it usually takes place, etc. are all introduced in detail.

Although there is a lot of useless information, such as being absent from school for more than a month without reason, you will be demoted, and entering prohibited areas without permission, you will be expelled from school, etc., but there are really a lot of useful parts, so Misawa wants to get this freshman handbook as early as possible before the cruise ship arrives at the school. After reading it, I did not follow Judai and Xiang back to the ship.

After leaving the deck, Judai and Sho came to the inside of the cruise ship. There were many students like Sho Marufuji who had never been on this kind of cruise ship, so most of the students were looking around the entire ship at the moment. However, it was not the first time for Judai to take a cruise, and unlike Misawa, there were students who wanted to be quiet and not be disturbed. In the cabin where some event seemed to be held, Judai and Xiang saw a lot of things. A few students have already put on Duel Academy uniforms.

It's strange, those of us don't look like senior students. Why are we freshmen, they have school uniforms but we don't have school uniforms?

The person who answered Judai's question this time was not Sho Marufuji who was leading the way, but a male voice coming from his side: Because Duel Academy, in addition to its branch campuses all over the world, does not only have upper divisions. , there is also an affiliated secondary school for students to attend. Compared with the entrance examination where students can only complete the 'branching' based on their grades after arriving at Duel Academy headquarters, students in the secondary school have already completed the 'branching' based on their grades as early as graduation. ', so we have school uniforms.

After hearing the sound, the speaker was a boy with black hair and black eyes, wearing an Obelisk-blue uniform. When he saw that the other person was wearing an Obelisk-blue uniform, which symbolizes top students, although Sho Marufuji, who still didn't know what his final score was but had absolutely no confidence in himself, took two timid steps back and hid behind Judai.

Judai, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to the uniform the other party was wearing at all, but said happily: Wow, you are actually in Duel Academy, Wan Zhangmu!

It's Mr. Banzhangmu! Crossing his arms across his chest, Banzhangmu corrected Judai's title to him. Seeing him again after so many years, Banzhangmu couldn't help but feel excited, We haven't seen each other for several years, you are so alive. After all, Yucheng Judai only got 110th place in the written examination?

Oh, it doesn't matter. In the final analysis, the most important thing about dueling monsters is the actual battle, right? It's like you, Banzhangmu, have good grades, but you have never beaten me in Doshino City before.

Judai spoke nonchalantly, but his casual words were heard by Chronos, who was also in the cabin preparing to host the activities that were to be held later. His impression of Judai was not very good, and he believed that he was a poor student with a very improper attitude. In addition, due to his carelessness, he was defeated by a new student who had not yet entered school. This matter had already spread to the headquarters. Let yourself lose face.

Originally, Professor Cronos, who had never fully decided whether the tenth generation would be able to enter the Sun God-Yellow Dormitory or only the Osiris-Red Dormitory because of his excessively high actual combat results and too low written test scores, now heard that the tenth generation In other words, a decision was made.

Duel Academy is for students to study, but this poor student is spreading such remarks that learning is useless, so what else is there to learn in Duel Academy? There's no need to go to class, just go straight to the duel.

Osiris-Red! It must be Osiris-Red. Even if Principal Hayato comes, or even the founder of the academy, Mr. Seto Kaiba, comes, this poor student can only be Osiris-Red!

Without paying attention to Chronos, Judai looked at Banjomu and asked curiously: I was almost late for the exam, and I didn't see your duel, Banjomu. What was your rank in the written examination?

It's Mr. Banzhangmu! And you didn't pay attention to what I was saying and didn't see the uniform on my body just now? Pulling the collar of the school uniform, Banzhangmu showed off to Judai, I am I will be promoted to the upper division with a score of 1 in the middle school, and even in the upper division I will continue to be a 1 and become the strongest in Duel Academy!

That's the kind of momentum, Wan Zhangmu, my fighting spirit has almost been ignited by you. Judai said with a smile, not calling him Mr. Wan Zhangmu at all as Wan Zhangmu said, But, at most, you can I can only do 2, because I am the first.”

As he spoke, Judai pointed at himself with his thumb.

This, this is a provocation. Even if we can defeat Professor Kuronos, those of us who have been accepted for the examination can only be classified as Sun God-Yellow at best. Why are we provoking the students of Obelisk-Blue? Behind Judai, Sho Marufuji shivered when he heard that Judai actually issued a challenge to Manjomu. His timid mind was working rapidly at the moment, thinking of ways to break off the relationship with Judai.

You are so shameless to say that, Yujo Judai, I saw that your dueling level dropped so much when you were dueling with Professor Chronos, and your deck has not improved at all compared to before, don't you think that I and I Are you still at the same level as before? Wan Zhangmu said arrogantly, I am the one who will become number one, and you are just the obsession of the past that I want to defeat, and will only become a stepping stone for my victory.

Although I haven't received the duel plate from the Duel Academy yet, let's use the next event as a warm-up. After all, if you really go to the duel field, I'm afraid you will be completely defeated by me in the blink of an eye. Yeah, hahahahaha!

As if in response to Wan Zhang's accurate words, when his words fell, Chronos, who adjusted his mood slightly so that he would not be affected by Judai, walked up to a podium and said into the microphone: Once upon a time, the Duel King The legend began on a cruise ship heading to an isolated island in the sea. As the world's strongest duelist and king of duels, he has always been the benchmark in the hearts of countless duelists.

In order to encourage the students of Duel Academy to aim for the Duel King and strive towards higher and stronger fields, a special event led by the principal of our school for this year's new students - the card exchange meeting will begin now.

This event was developed during the Duel Kingdom period. The duelists who were invited by the legendary duelist Mr. Bekas to board a cruise ship to the island exchanged cards with each other on the ship during the journey to enhance their own decks for mutual benefit. This time The purpose of the special event is also the same, students can receive a limited card pack specially prepared by the International Illusion Society from the front desk, and freely exchange the obtained cards here.

The event itself does not have a winner or loser. It is more about allowing students to enhance communication by exchanging cards before entering school. Cards are important in Duel Monsters, but they are never the most important. What is more important is the ability to communicate with each other. Spiritually connected partners or rivals, this is also the principal's blessing to the students. I hope you can make trustworthy friends during your time at school.

Continuing to read the manuscript, after seeing a special event that happened during the Kingdom period, it is strongly recommended not to exchange the card with the short man with glasses and green hair’? Strange, has there been such a sentence before? Na Nuo Nie? Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the card exchange meeting starts now!

After Kuronos announced the start of the event, Judai and Banzhangme were not in a hurry to go to the podium to receive the special card pack. Instead, they subconsciously looked at the green-haired man wearing glasses who was right next to them. The dwarf.

It's, it's not me. I have blue hair, and why do you have such strange suggestions? Sho Marufuji scratched his hair. He couldn't change the color of his hair, and he couldn't immediately increase his height. Using his amazing wisdom, he immediately took off the glasses on his nose and complained, Why is this happening to me? Is this targeting me?

Haha, you think too highly of yourself, don't you think you are the 119th-ranked crane? Wan Zhangmu glanced at Marufuji Xiang with disdain and said to Judai, I seem to know something related, like Duel Kingdom It was after the legendary duelist Yugi Muto defeated the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba using the invincible [Exodia].”

At that time, a man named Mushi Yumo who won the All-Japan Trials could not think of a way to defeat [Exodia]. He actually pretended to approach Mr. Muto Yugi and defrauded him of the only set of five cards in the world that had been collected. He looked at the cards, and then actually took the opportunity to tear one of them into pieces and eat it. The guy seemed to be a short man with green hair and glasses.

Oh, I see, I completely understand. Judai showed an expression that showed that he didn't understand anything just by looking at his face, So, Banzhangme, what do you want to compare with me? Just now Kuro Teacher North also said that there is no so-called victory or defeat in this event, right?

Humph, idiot, who told you that there is no competition without victory? Let's compare this event to the end, and whoever gets the card will improve the deck the most. There is no need for judges or anything, just let the The two of us rate each other.”

Banzhangmu was quite confident in his vision and luck, and Judai was also very interested in his experience. They immediately lined up to receive the card pack to get the specially customized limited card pack. The two of them started the match of.

Although Sho Marufuji did not join the competition, he did not let go of the card packs that could be obtained for free, and ranked closely behind the two.

After a while, all three of them received their own card packs. After finding an open space for a while, Judai and Banzhangmu looked at each other and nodded at the same time, and opened the pack of special cards together. (End of chapter)

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