Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 7 Specialized in Killing 3000 Heroes

Looking at Judai who was scratching the back of his head as he recalled the past, Chronos shook his head.

Impossible, absolutely impossible. If he were a genius, he wouldn't be able to get number 110 in the written examination.

It would be better to say that even though he is a genius, getting such poor results will only make Chronos dislike Judai. After all, he hates people who waste their talent more than incompetence.

The effect of using [Feathered Chestnut Ball] makes the combat damage received become 0, but this effect can only last for one round, right?

Chronos lowered his arms and snorted coldly: You saved a life, Judai, my turn is over.

[Kronos: 2700LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Ancient Mechanical Giant】【ATK3000】

The [ancient mechanical giant] with an attack power of up to 3000 points is present. How can I say invincible? With Judai's empty frontcourt and two cover cards, one of which has been revealed to be a [Magic Canister], can he still make a comeback by drawing a card this round?

In order to achieve this, the first thing that cannot be bypassed is the [Ancient Mechanical Giant]. Whether it is combat or destruction, it must be defeated to defeat Chronos, but after that, Chronos The base point is the same as the tenth generation, 2700 points, which means that even if Seto Kaiba comes, at least two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] must be sent out to deal enough damage to clear Chronos' base points.

But Judai, just a poor student, still uses the entire deck - including the main deck and the fusion deck - to find a [E·hero] deck that even has a monster with 3000 attack points. ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Chronos once again rejected the possibility of Judai defeating him.

Judai looked at the [ancient mechanical giant] on the field of Chronos and tapped his palm: Okay, I completely understand, the law of victory has been determined!

My turn, draw a card!

Pulling out the card at the top of the deck and seeing that it was a magic card, Judai smiled slightly: Is that so? Don't worry, everyone, I will make good use of the power you left me. I activate the magic card in my main phase, [ Hero's Legacy], I return the two fusion monsters using [E·hero] monsters as fusion materials from my graveyard to the fusion deck to activate, and I draw three cards from the deck.

After drawing three cards, Judai played another card: Then there is the magic card [O-Transcendent Soul], which is activated by targeting a normal monster [E·hero] in my graveyard, and special summoning that monster. Come back. Let’s go, [E·hero Explosive Girl]!”

The female warrior who controlled the flames appeared on the Judai field. Although she was a righteous hero who was against evil, it did not prevent her from using her own aesthetics to dress herself up sexy and beautiful, especially the pair of tight-fitting clothes that made people's hearts sing. It looks particularly large against the flame pattern on the gelcoat.

【E·hero Explosive Girl】【3☆/Fire】



It's a pity that your 'Greedy Man' didn't jump out again to help you replenish the conditions of your hand. It's not just because you didn't draw [Resurrection of the Dead] that can resurrect monsters in the graveyard. The card is more because of the two cover cards you set in the backcourt.

Chronos took a second look at the [E·hero Explosive Girl] that just appeared on Judai's field. With the elegance of a noble, he moved his eyes away and looked at Judai and said: A mere 800 points of defense, in The invincible [ancient mechanical giant] is vulnerable to a single blow. Do you want to use that monster to defeat me?

Hey, it's not like that. If I want my ace monster to appear, [E·hero Explosive Girl] is indispensable.

Judai said as he activated another card in his hand, The third and last [Fusion] magic card in my deck is activated, and the hero with the power of the wind element in my hand [E ·hero Winged Man], and my boss, the hero with the power of the fire element [E·hero Explosive Girl], as fusion materials!”

The passionate heart cannot be annihilated. Take that fiery heart and ride on the wind, my beloved hero!

Putting the card on the duel plate, Judai clenched his fist and waved forward: Fusion Summon!

[E·hero Flame Winged Man]!

The main body is green, which symbolizes wind. Only the right half of the body is partially integrated with the aggressiveness of the fire element. The right arm is transformed into a dragon head, with a single wing behind it and a strong dragon tail used to balance the body. The fusion hero of wind and fire - [E·hero Flame Winged Man] makes a handsome appearance!

Even, he still maintains the same punching action as Judai, which makes people feel up!

【E·hero Flame Winged Man】【6☆/Wind】



The attack power of [E·hero Flame Winged Man] is only 2100 points. Although Judai said that this was his ace monster, Chronos just took one look at him and stopped paying attention to it, completely ignoring it. Take it seriously. What he was more concerned about was something that Judai showed in this duel.

In the first round, he fused and summoned [E·hero Clay Ball Man], which is good at defense. In the second round, he fused and summoned [E·hero Steam Healer], which can restore his lower base points. In the third round, he fused again. This monster in front of me. Regardless of whether its effect is applicable at this moment, the frequency of drawing a [Fusion] magic card this round is quite high.

In addition, the [Magic Canister] and [Kuriball's Calling Flute], which were clearly shuffled back into the deck by [Myriad Mallet], but ended up back in his hand, how on earth is this guy drawing cards? Why does it seem to be open?

Although it is said that luck is also a part of strength, this sentence is especially applicable to Duel Monsters, but this guy's luck is too good, right?

Professor Chronos was thinking this and had no idea that Judai was gradually completing the jigsaw puzzle of victory. He even mocked: In the end, it's just an ordinary monster. You can't do anything at all. On The attack power of the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] on my field is higher.

That's true now, teacher, but heroes also have a stage suitable for heroes to fight. Although there are no cards in his hand, Judai can still activate the cards that have been set in the back field in the previous round. As he presses Pressing the button to cover the card reveals the true face of his yet-to-be-revealed card.

Although the trap card [Virtual World] needs to be set up compared to the magic card [Planet Transformation], which is a huge flaw, but I have heard people say that dumping sewage and transforming the planet will make Binzhou shine. It is better not to transform the planet at will. Better.

Judai caught a card from the deck, lifted the duel disk, and revealed the open field area. The effect of [Virtual World] is to add a field magic card from my deck to my hand. Or activate it directly on the field, I activate the field magic card [Skyscraper], and then it’s the stage for my heroes!”

As the field magic card was activated, a large number of tall buildings rose around Chronos and Judai, forming a prosperous city. Even the [ancient mechanical giant] could only compete with the shortest people in this steel jungle. of high-rise buildings.

And Chronos saw that on the top of the tallest skyscraper in the city, the [E·hero Flame Winged Man] summoned by Judai this round was standing on the lightning rod on the top of the building. It just so happens that the field magic card [Skyscraper] also comes with a full moon appearing behind [E·hero Flame Winged Man]. The scene at this moment is completely a hero under the moon scene.

Even though he was not on the duel field but watching the duel in the audience, Misawa Daichi, who was tested dueling before Judai, was also shocked by this scene: Is this 1? It's so strong!

The short man with turquoise hair, who was shocked by the momentum of [E·hero Flame Winged Man] but whose brain was not polluted by wisdom, did not know the effects of the cards on the field, said in confusion: What happened? ?”

Misawa glanced at the other party and remembered that he seemed to be standing with him before Judai came on the stage. Maybe he knew Judai? But even so, he had no habit of explaining. He just shook his head and said, Although Professor Cronos obviously hasn't used his full strength yet, that '1' has already won.

The stage has been set and it's time to go on, teacher! Judai said excitedly, Entering the battle stage, I will use [E·hero Flame Winged Man] to attack your [Ancient Mechanical Giant], teacher. Because [Skyscraper] ]'s effect, when [E·hero] fights a monster with higher attack power than itself, the damage will only increase by 1000 points during calculation!

Isn't that—— Looking at the [E·hero Flame Winged Man] standing on the top of the tall building under the moon, Chronos widened his eyes, The attack power is 3100 points, Nuo Nie!?

Mamma Mia!

It's just 100 points higher than your [Ancient Mechanical Giant], teacher. Judai waved his hand, Showti, [E·hero Flame Winged Man]!

Skyscraper Strike!

Using his powerful legs, [E·hero Flame Winged Man] jumped from the top of the skyscraper. The single wing behind him rode the wind to a higher position. With the help of the dragon's tail, he adjusted his posture and dived straight down from high altitude. The ancient mechanical giant] attacks.

Flames and winds entangled themselves and turned into a shield around [E·hero Flame Winged Man], colliding with the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] wielding an iron fist on the field of Chronos!


[Kronos: 2700→2600LP]

Seeing that his base score had dropped again, Chronos scratched his hair in a frenzy: My [Ancient Mechanical Giant]! It's so bad that he was suppressed to this point by a poor student. What a gaffe!

The [Ancient Mechanical Titan] was undoubtedly destroyed by [E·hero Flame Winged Man], but when the smoke and dust when the [Ancient Mechanical Titan] was destroyed slightly dissipated, Chronos discovered that the attack should have ended at the end of the attack. [E·hero Flame Winged Man], who later returned to Judai Field, was standing in front of him with his arms folded in front of his chest.

Kuronos, who was still thinking about regaining the field in the next round, suddenly felt a thump in his heart, because he vaguely seemed to remember that the principal Hayato seemed to have mentioned such a special attack card before. The name of the 3000-point monster card seems to be [E·hero Flame Winged Man].

I remember its effect seems to be——

The effect of [E·hero Flame Winged Man] is to inflict damage to the opponent's duelist equal to the original attack power of the destroyed monster after destroying the monster in battle. Judai told Chronos the answer, smiled and waved his hand, The victory of this duel belongs to me, GetDa☆ze, sensei!

Sparks shatter!

[E·hero Flame Winged Man] stretched out his right arm and aimed at Chronos. The dragon's head opened, and the flames and storms mixed together passed through Chronos's body, blowing him into the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] ] Go to the remaining ruins after falling, and the remaining basic points are completely cleared.

Well...what a gaffe, Na Nuo Ni...

[Kronos: 2600LP→0]

Although he already knew that it was Judai's victory, the moment Kuronos' basic points were completely cleared, Misawa Daichi was still excited: I actually won, defeated that Professor Kuronos!

That kid is unexpectedly interesting. Tenjoin Asuka was also surprised that Judai could actually defeat Chronos. She looked at him with interest as if she had won the World Championship. Yujo Judai was waving around.

In contrast, Ryo Marufuji only took a second look at Judai's performance. After confirming that he had seen the performance of all the freshmen this year from beginning to end, he stood up and left without looking back.

On the other hand, Manzhangmu, who had no doubt that Judai could defeat Chronos from beginning to end, actually frowned since the start of Judai's second round, even after seeing Judai win. Yusheng did not relax, causing the younger brothers around him to wonder whether Judai was so strong that even that adult felt a sense of crisis.

But in fact, what Wan Zhangmu thinks is completely different from what others think.

'That jellyfish head was just using those low-level miscellaneous fish from the beginning to the end. Even the only effect monster was the [E·hero Foam Man], and even the remaining mortal bone monster [E·hero Lightning Man] ] was not used, let alone the other [E·hero] effect monsters. ’

'Furthermore, the configuration of trap cards is only 10% of the previous level. There were only a few trap cards used in the entire duel. This is not at all like the [E·hero] deck in my impression. Is that guy hiding his clumsiness? ’

‘Or is it that after so many years away from Doushino City and without the strong atmosphere of dueling, all the dueling bacteria on the jellyfish head have died, and the level of dueling has deteriorated? ’

I won! It was such an interesting duel! Thinking of this, Banzhangmu couldn't help but smile when he saw Judai on the field mocking the winner at the defeated Chronos, In that case, I can take revenge. What an opportunity. Youcheng Judai, I, Wan Zhangmu, am coming to defeat you! ’

‘The emperor of Duel Academy is my unerring eye, and this has not changed at all! ’

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