Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 6 How difficult is it?

Chapter 1060 How difficult is it?

My turn, draw cards.

Seeing the card he had drawn, Judai thought about it, activated it and said, In my main phase, activate the magic card [Multiple Hammer], return this card and any other card in my hand to the deck and shuffle it , and then draw a hand that returns the number of cards.”

Due to the departure of [Nightmare Mirage] and the [Hero Medal] previously destroyed by [Great Storm], Judai, who had an empty hand at the end of the last turn, had a full five cards at the beginning of the main phase of his turn. cards, but because three of them were trap cards that needed to be set to be activated and were not suitable for deployment at this moment, Judai decisively activated the [Multiple Hammer] he had just drawn to return all the cards in his hand to the card Set washed and cut.

After the automatic shuffling was completed, he drew out five cards from his hand again. Judai nodded with satisfaction, activated a card in his hand and said: Activate the normal magic card, [Warrior Survival], and add a warrior-type monster from my graveyard to my hand. The card I chose was [E·hero Bubble Man], and I Normal Summoned it on the field.

Judai drew a card from the graveyard and placed it on the duel plate, shouting, Lend me your power once more, [E·hero Bubble Man]!

【Ancient Mechanical City】(Token 1→2)

When a monster is normally summoned, the counters on [Ancient Mechanical City] will increase. Chronos said, looking at [E·hero Bubble Man] who reappeared on the Judai field, What's Foam Man? '? You can draw two cards every time you appear, so just call it 'The Desire Man'.

As Kuronos said, after summoning [E·hero Bubble Man], Judai drew two more cards from the deck: When [E·hero Bubble Man] was summoned successfully, I only had one of him on the field. In the case of the card, the effect activates again and I draw two cards from the deck.”

The number of cards in his hand increased to six instead of decreasing. Judai looked at the cards he had drawn and made a fist: Okay! Then I activate the magic card [Fusion] to merge the [E·hero Bubble Man on my field. ] and [E·hero Explosive Girl] in my hand as fusion materials, when the elemental power of water and fire merge, a new hero will be brought about!

The blazing flames and the roaring waves, when these two forces are combined together, they will fuse into water vapor!

Hearing Judai speak so confidently, Chronos was almost frightened by Judai. He really thought water and fire would turn into something terrible, so he couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

After Judai sent the card to the graveyard, he took out a fusion monster card with a purple border and placed it on the duel plate, shouting: Fusion Summon! [E·hero Steam Healer]!

The weak but wealthy [Bubble Man] once again used his superpowers and built a new set of armor to wear around the power of the fire element borrowed from [Explosive Girl].

Compared with the last earth element armor, this time the purple metal armor mixed with red and blue is obviously much more refined, perfectly blending the power of the fire element with the power of the water element it carries, through the nozzle on the back. And a pair of thick mechanical arms were released, releasing a lot of steam.

【E·hero Steam Healer】【5☆/Water】



Looking at the [E·hero Steam Healer] on the Judai field, Chronos became more and more disdainful: I thought it would be some powerful monster, but this is not even the previous [E·hero Clay Ball Man] Is the attack power even worse? It also doesn’t have decent defensive power. It’s really a monster of unknown meaning.”

It's not a monster with unknown meaning. Every hero, no matter the level of ability, has his own right time to be useful, such as now. Judai argued to Chronos, [E·hero Steam Healer] When a monster is destroyed in battle and sent to the graveyard, my base points can be restored to the original attack power of the destroyed monster.

However, the attack power of the [Ancient Mechanical Beast] on my field is 2300 points! Chronos emphasized, wanting Judai to understand that the one with the higher attack power now is his monster.

But Judai smiled and said, That's true, but sensei, that's only when my [E·hero] is bare-handed.

Activate the equipment magic card [Power of Unity] to equip [E·hero Steam Healer], and increase his attack power to a value equal to the number of monsters on my field x 800 points. Inserting the card into the magic trap area, Judai waved his hand and pointed The [Ancient Mechanical Beast] on the field of Chronos, In this way, the level of attack power is reversed, and the offensive and defensive momentum is different!

[E·hero Steam Healer] (Power of Unity) [ATK1800→2600]

Then I will enter the battle stage and use [E·hero Steam Healer] to attack the [ancient mechanical beast] to steam up the power!

With the blessing of magic, his body lit up. Wearing purple steel armor, [E·hero Steam Healer] flew into the sky under the propulsion of surging steam. He made a flying kick in mid-air and kicked hard. Go out and destroy Chronos' [ancient mechanical beast] instantly. Not only was it kicking open the threads, but even the gear parts that made up the mechanical beast were jumping around.

However, there is clearly only one monster but it is called [Power of Unity], which makes people wonder what they are united with, which is a bit subtle.

【Kronos: 3000→2700】

While Professor Chronos received battle damage, because he successfully destroyed the monster through battle, the effect of [E·hero Steam Healer] was successfully activated, delivering healing steam worth a full 2,000 base points to Judai.

【Ten generations: 700→2700】

Put down three cards. My turn is over. The remaining three cards in his hand were all stamped down. Judai wiped his nose and said with a smile, How's it going, teacher, now our basic points have become the same. Well, my heroes are pretty awesome too!

[Ten generations: 2700LP, 0 cards in hand]

[E·hero Steam Healer] (Power of Unity) [ATK2600]

【Gate Card】X3

Judai's words were unintentional, but to Chronos it sounded like he was mocking himself. He was actually being dragged down to the same level by a poor student in his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry. He glanced at Judai and replied: It's really ridiculous that there is only one monster but it is called the 'power of unity'.

Judai didn't know why Chronos suddenly looked a little angry. He scratched his head and thought that what the teacher said was probably not about him. How could he be alone?

On my turn, draw a card, then activate the drawn magic card [Pot of Desire], and draw two cards from the deck!

Seeing Chronos activate the second [Pot of Desire], Judai gave up thinking and said enviously: Teacher, how come you can draw a [Pot of Desire] every round? So strong! Is it possible? Are you saying that this is why you had plastic surgery like this?

It's not plastic surgery, I was born like this! He said angrily. Chronos looked at the two cards he drew and couldn't help but smile smugly. He looked more like the [Pottle of Desire] Ho vinto! This card came at the perfect time!

The magic card [Black Hole] is activated, destroying all the monster cards on both sides of the field. However, since there are no monsters on my field, the only monsters on your field that will be destroyed are the monsters on your field, that is, the [E· hero steam healer]!

As Chronos inserted the card into the magic trap area, the power to destroy everything appeared from the sudden singularity on his field and swept the entire field. In just an instant, the [E·hero Steam Healer] on the field was wiped out. 】Swallow.

[Steam Healer]!

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, but the cards on the field after ten generations could not stop [Black Hole] from blocking the card. He could only watch helplessly as the only monster on his field was destroyed, along with the monster on it. The equipment magic card [Power of Unity] was also sent to the graveyard.

Seeing this, Judai hesitated for a moment, then decisively pressed the button to activate Gaika, and said: This is the end... This is a necessary sacrifice, Aibo!


Chronos frowned and saw that in addition to the [E·hero Steam Healer], there seemed to be something swallowed in the [Black Hole] that swept the whole place, but it was not noticeable, so he just thought it was [ Black hole] is just a special effect derived from it.

Because of the obstruction of [Black Hole], he could not see Judai's card-blocking action just now. He also did not notice at the first moment that there were only two block-cards left in Judai's back field at this moment. He held up the last card in his hand. Overhead: Although I wasted a lot of time, in the end I was the superior in skill, No. 110.

I want to summon this [ancient machine], the ultimate weapon, from my hand, and it is also the ace monster in my deck!

Chronos shouted, placing the card on the duel plate, Come out, [Ancient Mechanical Giant]!

The other card that Chronos drew with the effect of [Pot of Desire] turned out to be [Ancient Mechanical Giant]. The [Ancient Mechanical Giant] was previously sent back to the deck by Judai using the effect of [Chute]. Mechanical Giant] actually returned to his hand at this moment. It's no wonder that Professor Kronos was so excited when he saw the card he drew that he subconsciously used his native language.

With the sound of gears turning, the [Ancient Mechanical City] behind Chronos shattered into pieces. A mechanical giant whose calves alone were taller than his entire body slowly stood up from the ruins of the gears. Although it looks old, its exaggerated size means that this monster is not just a trash fish that can be seen everywhere.

[Ancient Mechanical Giant] [8☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


With a full 3000 points of attack power, it is on the same level as [Blue Eyes White Dragon], a standard second male ace. But instead of being amazed at the appearance of this rare card, others were more surprised by another point.

A level 8☆ superior monster is Professor Chronos' trump card? Asuka looked at the huge mechanical puppet and exclaimed, but at the same time she was a little confused, But, a level 8☆ monster cannot be sacrificed without a sacrifice? How did it appear? Does that monster have any ability that can be specially summoned?

After hearing Asuka's words, Marufuji Ryo said: Professor Chronos' trump card... you can say that, but the [ancient mechanical giant] has the restriction that it cannot be specially summoned. After all, it has the same relationship with the legendary [ Blue-Eyes White Dragon] has considerable attack power and excellent effects.

Look at his feet and you'll know how he gets on the field.

After hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, Asuka noticed that the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] had just appeared from the [Ancient Mechanical City], and that it had placed the [Ancient Mechanical Titan] that had been in Professor Kronos' backfield from the beginning. The ancient mechanical city was destroyed, and its feet were now covered with scrapped parts.

At the same time, Professor Chronos also began to explain: When the [Ancient Machinery] monster is face-up summoned as a superior, I can release the [Ancient Machinery City] with the counter on it as a substitute for the same number of sacrifices. , [Ancient Mechanical Giant] at level 8☆ requires two sacrifices, and [Ancient Mechanical City] with two tokens just meets this requirement.”

Although it has lost the 300 points of attack power blessed by [Ancient Mechanical City], it is just the icing on the cake for [Ancient Mechanical Giant]. It doesn't matter whether it is there or not. He pointed at the ten generations and ordered Chronos He said, So what if your basic points increase to 2700 points? In front of this monster's powerful attack power, it's like a candle in the wind!

Entering the battle stage, use the [ancient mechanical giant] to directly attack the duelist, the ultimate punch!

Judai heard the attack declaration and subconsciously pressed the button to activate the set card on the duel disk: In that case, I will chain the attack declaration of that monster and activate the set card in my back field, the trap card [Magic Cylinder]!

However, nothing happened.

Hmph, let me tell you the answer. When [Ancient Mechanical Giant] attacks, until the end of the damage step, the opponent's duelist cannot activate magic or trap cards. In other words, the two cover cards in your backfield are both blocked. It’s just a decoration, it can’t protect your basic points from being cleared!”

When Chronos finished speaking, the huge iron fist of [Ancient Mechanical Giant] was about to hit Judai. But at this moment, a winged creature suddenly jumped out in front of Judai. The fur ball monster blocked the full blow of the [ancient mechanical giant]!

Nani!? Who is that monster?

The power of the mechanical giant's fist was completely offset. Seeing the [ancient mechanical giant] retract his fist, Judai reached out and touched the fur ball in front of him: Haha, thank you, Aibo.

Kurili! Kurikuri!

I'm sorry, I was careless this time today, and it's also thanks to your help. I promise I won't use you as a shield next time. If it happens again, I will promise again.

Seeing Judai talking to himself in the air, Chronos raised his eyebrows and didn't pay attention to this, but asked doubtfully: What happened just now?

It's the [Black Hole] from before, teacher. Judai explained, When [Black Hole] was activated, I used the set-up quick-attack magic card [Kuriball's Calling Flute] to special summon it from my deck. Got Aibo—that is, [Feathered Chestnut Ball].”

And the effect when the [Winged Chestnut Ball] on the field is destroyed and sent to the graveyard will cause the combat damage I received this round to become 0. It can be triggered regardless of combat or effect destruction.

Originally, I wanted to prevent you from using monsters to reduce my basic points, teacher, but what turned out was such a powerful big guy. It even has the effect of blocking magic traps when attacking. It's so cool!

After a pause, Judai suddenly remembered something, Huh? I remembered that I seemed to have dueled with this monster once before. At that time, I was——

Without hearing Judai's words behind him, Chronos suddenly looked at Judai in surprise when he knew how the [Winged Chestnut Ball] in front of Judai was triggered.

Otherwise, the timing chosen by Judai is really good. If [Ancient Mechanical Giant] attacks, [Kuriball's Calling Flute] will be blocked and unable to be activated, even if it is earlier [ After [Black Hole] ends, [Ancient Mechanical Giant] with the defensive penetration ability can also ignore [Wing Kururi Ball] and clear the base points of the tenth generation.

——This is even an important test point in the Duel Academy entrance test. Although few people have seen the card [Wing Kururi Ball], because it is such a fixed test question set by the principal Hayato Kobayashi himself, almost everyone who has read it has Everyone in Duel Academy knows the effect of [Winged Chestnut Ball].

But knowing it doesn't mean he knows how to use it. He looked like a poor student and actually had the lowest written test score. Yujo Judai, the No. 110 candidate, actually accurately seized the opportunity of Chronos to use [Black Hole] and specially summoned [Wings]. Chestnut Ball], using the opponent's indiscriminate destruction effect to activate the ability of one's own monster.

Is he really a genius?

I chose to use this method to fix the famous slang in the first episode of GX. Rather than modifying the effect of the Winged Chestnut Ball, as long as Ku Juji is not allowed to break the Winged Chestnut Ball to use the effect, wouldn’t the bug be triggered?

However, since the final ending will still repeat the original work, so today’s double update is 8k, or a total of 9k?

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