Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 5 The Yin Xiong first appears

My turn, draw a card. After Judai ended his turn, Chronos drew a card from the deck, but because of Judai's [Chute] in his last turn, the cards in his hand are now There are only five.

They are [Conduct], [Big Storm], [Pot of Desire], [Ancient Mechanical City] and [Ancient Mechanical Beast].

There are four magic cards in the five cards in the hand, and they are so green that it makes people wonder if there was an accident with the cards in their hand.

And just after Chronos drew the card, Judai said: Then in your preparation stage, teacher, because of the effect of the permanent magic card [Nightmare Mirage], until there are four cards in my hand, I will Draw cards from the deck.”

Because I have no cards in my hand, I can draw four cards. As he spoke, Judai drew cards from the deck until he had four cards. However, powerful cards are often accompanied by huge risks. In my case, When the preparation phase comes, I need to discard cards that have the same number of draws.”

Watching Judai draw cards, Chronos couldn't help but focus on the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] and the two cover cards next to it.

'You have obviously seen the existence of [Big Storm] in my hand, but you still put two cards in your backfield. I encountered something that cannot be used in the current situation [E· hero] cooperates with the card, so you cover it and want to use the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] to draw as many cards as possible? ’

Chronos guessed Judai's thoughts and raised the corners of his mouth, 'Should I say he is a poor student? It's so naive to think that in order to ensure that the attack is not hindered, most people will indeed choose to clear the cards as soon as possible, but the [ancient mechanical] monster I used is different! ’

First, activate the magic card, [Pot of Desire]. I drew two cards from the deck, Na Nuo. Professor of the Pot of Desire activated a [Crono cough, it was Professor Cronos who activated it. He picked up a [Pot of Desire], looked at the two cards drawn, and then played another card from his hand.

Then I paid 1,000 basic points and activated the magic card [Collect]. The effect of this card is to confirm the opponent's hand and choose one of them to discard. Following ten generations, Chronos also paid 1,000 Pointing to the basic score, he said to Judai, It's rude to come back without reciprocating. Now I'm going to use the same method on you Na Nuonie.

[Kronos: 4000→3000LP]

Compared with [Chute], [Charge] requires paying 1000 basic points, but there is no limit on the number of cards in the opponent's hand, and the discarded cards are not limited to monster cards, and you can even directly cast them without setting them. The usual magic cards used.

After paying the basic points, the projection of Judai's hand appeared in front of Chronos' eyes. However, Chronos, who was fully thinking about throwing the powerful monsters and even the trump cards in Judai's hand into the graveyard, discovered that, There seems to be something wrong with the cards in Judai's hand.

Trap card [Magic Cylinder], Trap Card [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -], Trap Card [Bottomless Cave], and a quick-attack magic card [Kuriball's Calling Flute], to eliminate the meaning of the last card Unknown magic card, what's going on with the other three cards, are there so many trap cards like a hero deck!

Mamma Mia, this is completely different from the [E·hero] deck in my impression. No, this is clearly a Yin-hero deck!

Kuronos, who originally didn't care about Judai's cards in the backfield, after looking at Judai's hand, no longer thinks that most of the cards Judai blocks are the cooperation of those who have not drawn the corresponding monsters. card, and immediately matched it with these vicious trap cards in the tenth generation's hand.

Most of the [Ancient Machinery] monsters do have the ability to block the activation of magic traps when attacking, but if Judai activated the trap when Chronos summoned the monster, the [Ancient Machinery] monster would have no means of defense at that time.

It seems that [Great Storm] will not work if it is not activated, but even if that is the case, it does not mean that Chronos is forced by the threat of Judai's hero deck with too high concentration of trap cards. Quite the opposite. Yes, this is the prelude to his attack and expansion!

I choose to discard the [Bottomless Cave] card in your hand to the graveyard. Compared with the traps activated when the attack is declared, Chronos is more wary of the traps triggered by summons, which is the [Bottomless Cave]. Cave] This type, after watching Judai send the cards in his hand to the graveyard, he put two more cards on his back field, Then, I put two cards on his back field. .”

And activate the magic card, [Great Storm], to destroy all magic and trap cards on both sides of the field!

As Chronos raised the card in his hand, a storm that swept across the entire place indiscriminately formed with him as the starting point. In an instant, whether it was the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] opened on Judai's field and the two cards that were placed there, or the two cards that were just placed in the back field of Chronos, all because of this violent force Trembling with the blast of wind, they were all shattered after just a few breaths!

Although due to the dust effect of the airflow, Chronos could not fully see what the two cards placed in the tenth generation cover were, but it didn't matter. No matter what cards they were, they were sent to the graveyard. What's the point? Care?

Is it actually a magic card that destroys all the cards in the field? Haha, but teacher, you are so stupid, even your own card was involved. After the storm paused for a while, he put down the arm that was blocking his eyes, and Judai smiled at Ku Ronos said.

This made Kuronos' forehead burst with veins. He was actually called a fool by a poor student?

NO, NO, NO, so a poor student is a poor student. Don't you even know that a card that can take effect after being destroyed exists? This is what I had in mind. Kronos shook his finger and said, I The destroyed cards are the trap card [Wild Tornado] and [Golden Evil God Statue]. The effect of the latter is that when the set card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon one on my field. [Evil God Derivatives].”

Just as he was talking, the field of Chronos was shrouded in darkness, and one of the cards that had been shattered in [Great Storm] reunited and turned into a golden, worm-like monster with a defense position in the library. Lonos' field.

[Evil God Derivatives] [4☆/Dark]



A monster with 1000 points of attack and defense? I seem to have encountered this card somewhere, but I can't remember it. Judai scratched his head, unable to remember the source of the sense of déjà vu in the scene in front of him. Where, But teacher, a monster with that level of attack power cannot defeat [E·hero Clay Ball Man], which has a defense power of 3,000 points on my field.

Hmph~, didn't you notice that I specially summoned the [Evil God Derivative] in defense position? I didn't intend to use it to deal with your wall monster. The real killing move lies in the monster I destroyed. Another trap card, Nano Nie.”

Chronos showed another card that was destroyed by himself - [Big Tornado of Wilderness] to Judai, [Big Tornado of Wilderness] can be used to destroy the face-up display of a magic trap area. card, but if this card in the set state is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, I can target a face-up card on the field and activate its second effect to destroy that face-up card!

I chose the monster standing in front of you - [E·hero Clay Ball Man] Na Nuonie, just be swept up to the sky by the big tornado!


The storm that had subsided returned again, accurately focusing on the [E·hero Clay Ball Man] on the Judai field. While tearing apart the Hulkbuster armor on his body, even the [E·hero Bubble Man] inside 】 was also turned around so dizzy that he had to go into the cemetery to rest.

Among the duel monster cards, powerful cards come with huge risks, but a real duelist can even take advantage of the negative effects of the cards. This is why the Duel Academy is necessary, to teach more Students learn skills in this area. However, for poor students, you may not have that ability.

Chronos watched the only monster on Judai's field being destroyed and said proudly, Although you drew four cards in one breath through [Nightmare Mirage Tower], unfortunately you can only use them effectively. Only the cards in your hand can be called resources. Even if you don't have to discard your cards because [Nightmare Mirage Tower] was destroyed by me, how can your only 2000 basic points stop me from following up?

At this point, Chronos was stunned and couldn't help but rub his eyes and looked at Judai.

[Ten generations of Youcheng: 3000LP, 4 cards in hand]

Wait a minute, Judai, why did your base points change back to 3000 points instead of the 2000 points just now? And I clearly remember that I used the effect of [Control] to discard a card in your hand. Now your hand The number of cards should be three, Na Nuo!

Hearing what Chronos said, Judai chuckled and said: After all, I just used the effect of [Chute] to know that Teacher, you have [Big Storm] in your hand. In that case, as long as I am in the backfield Put enough cards, teacher, you will definitely not be able to help but activate [Big Storm] to destroy the cards in my backfield, right? The cards in my backfield that were destroyed by [Big Storm], except [Nightmare Mirage Tower] ], the other two cards are the trap card [Hero Medal] and the quick-attack magic card [Very Food].

When [Big Storm] was activated, I had already chained it to activate the quick-attack magic card [Extraordinary Food] I set up, sending [Nightmare Mirage] on my back field to the graveyard, which restored me 1,000 points. base points, and then the effect of [Hero Medal]. When the effect of the card controlled by the opponent causes the set card to be destroyed and sent to the graveyard, this card will be returned to the deck, shuffled, and then removed from my card. Draw a card from the group.”

After the explanation, Judai wiped the tip of his nose with his finger, The cards that can activate effects after being destroyed are not just your cards, teacher.

Hey, don't be so proud, Candidate No. 110. Seeing Judai's basic score increase by 1,000 points, Kuronos felt somewhat regretful that he had to waste more time on this poor student. Looking at the remaining two cards in his hand, he inserted one of them into the magic trap area and said, The continuous magic card [Ancient Machinery City] is activated, which increases the attack power of the [Ancient Machinery] monster on the field. 300 points.”

Then, I release the [Evil God Derivative] and normal summon [Ancient Mechanical Beast] in attack position!

Following Chronos's words, the [Evil God Derivative] on his field turned into golden light and dissipated, and the sound of gears turning was heard. On the field of Kuronos, a mechanical beast driven by gears appeared. Judging from its shape, it can be seen that this is a killing weapon made by a top hunter like a bionic saber-toothed tiger.

【Ancient mechanical beast】【6☆/land】

【Mechanical family/effect】


As long as [Ancient Mechanical City] exists in the magic trap area, each time a monster is normally summoned, place a counter on this card.

【Ancient Mechanical City】(Indicator 0→1)

After seeing the number of counters on [Ancient Mechanical City] increase, Chronos immediately ordered: Enter the battle phase, use [Ancient Mechanical Beast] to directly attack the opponent's duelist, and hunt with Oga!

The steel beast moved like a living creature, opened its huge mouth and pounced on Judai on the opposite side and bit it down. The monster turned into a phantom and passed through Judai's body, but the virtual projection system mounted on the duel disk Under the simulation, it still had a minimal impact on the tenth generation, causing him to take a half step back, and at the same time, his base score dropped sharply.

[Tenth generation: 3000→700LP]

It's so pitiful. That kid is no match for Professor Kuronos. In the blink of an eye, his basic score is only 700 points like a candle in the wind. In the audience, Asuka sighed and looked at it with some disappointment. Ten generations.

I thought that the duelist that allowed Professor Chronos to appear in person would be some kind of super powerful being, and that it might be able to help me find clues related to my missing brother, but I ended up having too much hope. I seemed to hear the door of Duel Academy closing.

Hmph, if you think that way, you are totally wrong, Tenjoin. As soon as Asuka finished speaking, the person who spoke to her was not the silent Marufuji Ryo, but the man who came here at some time. Eyesight is accurate.

Wanzhangmu? What are you doing here, instead of staying with your subordinates? Asuka frowned slightly and teased. As the number one boy and number one girl in the same class in the Duel Academy Junior Club, Banzhoumu and Asuka naturally knew each other and had fought with each other many times. However, in most cases, Banzhoume was the winner, while Asuka only Can be the second among the freshmen in this class of direct higher education.

I have never taken the initiative to recruit subordinates. Wild beasts always walk alone, and cattle and sheep only travel in groups. I heard this was said by a guy named Lu Shuren who has said many famous quotes. Wan Zhangmu said arrogantly, Deng It only takes one person to sit on the most powerful throne.

As I said, only one person is enough for the strongest throne. 'Caesar' Liang, I heard that you are the 1st of the Higher Education Department? It's a pity that it will no longer be the case after the start of this semester, because I Come, I’ll see you, I’ll conquer you!”

Hearing that Banzhangmu deliberately provoked himself with the famous sayings of the Roman consul whose nickname Caesar refers to, Marufuji Ryo still maintained a calm attitude. Instead, he asked Banzhangmu: You just said that the Heavenly Court What do you mean it’s completely wrong?”

Huh, that's the literal meaning. I don't know how much real strength Professor Chronos used in this duel, but as of now, he hasn't used his full strength at all and has been looking down on the guy opposite him. What a coincidence. The thing is, the jellyfish head opposite him didn't use all his strength.

Wan Zhangmu crossed his arms across his chest and said, Almost here? That guy's partner? Tsk, if only the guy on my side could be so obedient.

Huh? You guy, you only go to bed during the day and come out to make trouble at night, and you actually have the nerve to talk about me? When will you control your uncontrollable effects and stop hurting your feelings with my words?

Talking to himself inexplicably to the air, the uninvited Wanzhangmu left again under the confused eyes of Asuka and Marufuji.

On the field, Judai was not worried at all that his basic score had been reduced to a dangerous number of only 700 points. Instead, he showed an excited smile: That's awesome, teacher, if it hadn't been for [Very Food] who had replied to me before. If I have 1,000 base points, I will almost be killed by you in one round.

The combination of [Extraordinary Food] and [Nightmare Mirage Tower], because duel kings particularly like to use this bo, their effects cannot be said to be a household name, but they can also be said to be known to everyone. Kurono Si said, looking at Judai with a happy smile on his face, he frowned and looked even older, Can you still laugh now? Your basic score is obviously only 700 points.

But isn't the basic score infinite as long as it doesn't return to zero?

'Hmph, you really are a big talker~' Hearing Judai's words, Chronos snorted disdainfully and said: My round is over. I want to see how you can continue the duel. .”

[Kronos: 3000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Ancient Mechanical Beast】【ATK2300】

[Ancient Mechanical City] (End of this chapter)

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