With one hand holding the duel disk specially made by the professor of the Duel Academy, and holding the duel disk like a long knife across the body through the disk holding the card deck on his chest, Chronos stood upright like a soldier. Looking at Yujo Judai who came to the field, he said, Who is coming?

Ah, hello, fellow invigilators, I am Yujo Judai, a personal duel student who has been dueling for two and a half years. My hobby is-

Seeing how formal Kuronos was, Judai also stood up straight, saluted Professor Kuronos, and introduced himself.

However, hearing that Judai wanted to continue the introduction, Professor Chronos immediately interrupted: That's it for self-introduction. It's enough to know your name, Noona.

Listen up, Judai, my name is Chronos de Medici, and I am the person in charge of the practical part of the duel academy entrance test. Next, I will conduct the actual duel test for you.

The top person in charge? Wow, what an honor. I'm actually dueling you, Mr. Chronos? It seems like everyone is looking forward to my performance, right? Hahahaha.

Touching the back of his head, Judai laughed sheepishly, not caring at all why his actual duel test did not go according to the normal procedure. It was not conducted by an ordinary assessment teacher, but by Kuro, who was the top person in charge. Professor North will do it.

No, no one is expecting you at all. Judai was complaining and was enjoying himself. Seeing that the other party was not listening to him at all, Chronos shook his head and brushed the device on his chest in his hand, Duel Disk, On~”

Chronos held one end of the duel plate in one hand, and when he passed by the deck with the other hand, he caught the five cards that just popped out of his hand, swaying his body slightly, and combined with the shape of the special duel plate, it looked like It's like a musician playing on a guitar - but since there's no sound, it should be corrected to a bass.

When sifting through cards, duelists need to manually pull out the deck for retrieval, then manually shuffle the deck and put it back. Although this was indeed the case in the past, that was already four or five years ago. Digital products such as mobile phones and computers can undergo earth-shaking changes in just one year, not to mention four years, and the same is true for duel disks.

The automatic retrieval and card pop-up functions, which were first modified by Keppei and installed on Hayato's duel disk, are now standard features of all new duel disks on the market, and the one used by Professor Kronos is only for professors. The same goes for duel disks.

Even a person like Kuronos, who has a face that can't stand up to the audience, gives people an unusually handsome look when using this special duel disk. It immediately attracted Judai's attention and looked at Kurono with envy. Si's Duel Pan said: Oh oh oh, Kakuichi (so handsome)!

Teacher, teacher, where can I buy such a handsome duel plate? Is it in the duel academy? Can I buy it too?

It can be heard that Judai really likes this duel plate from Chronos, and Chronos knew that Judai could not get this special duel plate limited to the associate professor level, but he casually said to him: As long as students with good grades can get it.”

‘But actually it has nothing to do with you, a poor student like you who doesn’t pay attention to this test and has no etiquette, Nao Nie~’ Chronos kept the following words in his heart and did not say them out.

From Kuronos's point of view, he had personally taken action. Even if he did not go all out, he would never be able to defeat such a freshman. The opponent's actual performance would only be an ugly defeat, coupled with his poor performance. With his written test scores, it is impossible to be admitted, so of course he would not know that what he said at this moment was a lie to perfunctory him.

Judai didn't think that as a teacher, Chronos had any reason to deceive him, so he believed it naturally and said enthusiastically: Okay, then I'm going to get in. I can't wait to go to the academy and buy a card like that. It’s Kuichi’s duel plate.”


[Professor Kuronos: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Ten generations of Youcheng: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Although he went down to the duel with Judai in person out of dissatisfaction, Chronos did not really go all out in this duel. Instead, he followed the general assessment process and let the candidates choose who should fight first. After all, it was different. People have different strengths. The best example is that duelists in Electronic Flow attack first and second. However, there are also decks that can be freely unfolded no matter whose turn it is, making people think they are in the Duel Monsters 0 world, but those cards are basically irrelevant to freshmen who have just entered school.

But Judai didn't think that much at all. He didn't even think about whether the deck he was using was good at spreading the field first and defending or breaking through and attacking later. He said with high morale: I will take the first attack, teacher, draw a card!

Oh, I drew a good card. Seeing the card he drew, Judai inserted it into the magic trap area and said, I activate the normal magic card [Hero Arrival], and there are no face-up monsters on my field. In this case, I pay half of my base points to activate and Special Summon an [E·hero] monster with level 4☆ or lower from my deck!”

[Tenth generation: 4000→2000LP]

You paid a full 2,000 base points right from the start? Chronos looked at Judai who had only half of his base points without doing anything, Mama Mia, what kind of self-mutilation type are you doing? deck?”

The so-called self-destructive decks refer to those types of decks that require paying basic points in order to activate powerful effects or maintain the existence of powerful cards. For example, Dinosaur Ryuzaki, who is currently active in the professional duelist circle, uses [ A tactic that uses cards such as Survival Instinct to eliminate a large number of dinosaur-type monsters to gain basic points, and then use cards such as Dimensional Fusion and Return from Another Dimension to summon a large number of monsters at once.

There are also [Demon] decks, etc. The monsters need to continuously pay basic points while they are on the field. These can be classified as self-inflicted decks.

That's not true. The [E·hero] I'm using is an elemental hero, not a self-destructive deck! Judai retorted, but combined with half of his base points evaporating in the blink of an eye, it's really not convincing. .

Anyway, I special summon this monster from the deck. Catching the automatically retrieved card, Judai placed it on the duel plate. When an evil thing appears, turn its hundred skills into intangible. If The shape of flowing water calms down the evil warrior!”

[E·hero Bubble Man]!

The hero representing the water element, [E·hero Bubble Man] revealed his figure in a dense bubble. The [Foam Man], who has a hood that exposes his chin similar to a certain Cup Noodle, a white cape that is a symbol of strength, and pipes connected to his arms, makes a handsome appearance!

【E·hero Bubble Man】【4☆/Water】



You paid 2,000 base points just to summon a monster whose combined attack and defense power only reached 2,000 points? Although Chronos had heard of the [E·hero] deck, But my impression of it is just a miscellaneous fish deck, and I don't remember much about the effects of [E·hero Bubble Man].

After all, in the entire deck of [E·hero], there are almost no powerful monsters in either the lower or upper levels. On the contrary, there are one or two ordinary monsters that are top-notch in other decks, but there are enough monsters in [E·hero]. Four, and even in the fused terminal, there are no cards with values ​​exceeding the 3,000-point mark.

Although the monsters in [E·hero] have many matching magic and trap cards, having those cards is one thing, and whether they can be drawn is another matter. Although Bekas had this in mind when he originally designed [E·hero]. It is a hero that can be flexibly paired up and effective in any battle situation, but to most people, [E·hero] is just a pile of cards that only appear in inappropriate situations with inappropriate cards. Group only.

Because of the overall strength problem, no one will use [E·hero] as their main deck. In the four years that Professor Kuronos has been teaching at Duel Academy, this is the first time even he has seen someone use [E·hero]. E·hero] deck to duel, or in the important entrance test.

Hey, compared to other heroes who have mastery of elemental power, [E·hero Bubble Man] is indeed relatively weak. He can only control the elemental power of water attributes by relying on the equipment he developed and designed. But Ku Teacher Ronos, even a mortal can rival the gods with his own strength.

Judai said, waving his hand, The effect of [E·hero Bubble Man], when he is summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned successfully, I can draw two cards from the deck, but this effect only applies to me It can only be activated when there are no other cards on the field.

[E·hero Bubble Man], known as the little [Pot of Desire], activated his banknote ability and created a large amount of bubbles with a wave of his hand, which gathered into Judai's hand and turned into two new cards. The cost was only for him. The expensive foam liquid in the storage tank behind him was consumed a little, and then he seemed to have a reloading cancer and couldn't see that the storage tank was not full. He immediately threw away most of the tank and replaced it with a new one.

Judai, who had drawn two cards, activated the card he had just drawn and said: Then there is this quick-attack magic card [Bubble Illusion]. [E·hero Bubble Man] can only be activated when it is visible on my field. This turn I can activate a trap card from my hand.

After activating [Bubble Illusion] with an effect similar to [Executioner-Masura], Judai did not directly activate the trap card. Instead, he played a magic card [Fusion] that Chronos rarely saw familiar: It's about to happen. Oh, teacher, heroes should not be alone. Working together in tacit understanding is the real way to unleash the power of heroes.

Activate the magic card [Fusion], and use the [E·hero Bubble Man] on my field and the [E·hero Clayman] in my hand as fusion materials——

The foam hero with extraordinary wisdom, merge with the hero born in the soil, and continue to guard peace and justice with a new attitude!

Fusion Summon! [E·hero Clay Ball Man]!

The power of the two elements of water and earth harmonized and resonated with the power of [Fusion]. Even though he was wearing a full set of equipment, [E·hero Foam Man] still looked weak. His body was covered with thick clay and was wet with water. The solidified soil turned into an extremely strong armor to protect the [E·hero Foam Man] inside. It looked like some kind of armor made to restrain giant creatures.

[E·hero Clay Ball Man] [6☆/land]



I don't know what deck you are using, teacher, but [E·hero Clay Ball Man] has a defense power of up to 3,000 points. It is a reliable barrier that can even defend against the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

Saying that, Judai played another card, After [Bubble Illusion] is successfully activated, even if [E·hero Bubble Man] leaves the field, the effect continues. I want to remove this trap card from my hand. Activate, the normal trap card [Chute]! It can only be activated when the opponent's hand has 4 or more cards. Check the opponent's hand and select a monster card, and return that card to the owner's deck.

With an inexplicable smile on his face, Judai said: Come on, teacher, let me check your cards!

Nani!? Hearing Judai's words, Chronos couldn't help but open his eyes wide. He watched a large amount of bubbles suddenly float out from Judai's hand and gathered in front of him. Through the reflection of the bubbles, Chronos North found that his hand was completely exposed to the poor student opposite, Damn it, my hand was exposed!

Oh oh oh, teacher, your hand is quite good. [Pot of Desire], [Big Storm] and [Charge] are all very powerful cards. Unfortunately, [Chute] can only remove monster cards. . Judai looked at Chronos' hand and said, In that case, I will return the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] in your hand, teacher, to the deck.

Judai randomly selected the highest-level monster in Chronos' hand and sent it to the graveyard. Chronos's card fell into the chute leading to the deck that appeared in front of him at some unknown time. Although Judai was very calm, everyone else in the Kaiba Dome who was watching the duel was surprised——

[Ancient Mechanical Titan]!? Isn't that the ace monster in the Chronos deck!

Although it cannot be specially summoned, in exchange, [Ancient Mechanical Titan] has attack power and defense power equivalent to the 3000 attack power of the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and even has a defense penetration effect and attack time The blockade of magic and trap cards is a super powerful rare card!”

It doesn't matter if he's not an ordinary assessment teacher. Professor Kuronos even used his own 'Dark Medieval' deck. Who is that guy with a jellyfish-like hairstyle!

Although he couldn't hear clearly what the chaotic voices in the stadium were saying, Judai could only hear the last sentence clearly. He rubbed his nose, smiled at Chronos and said, Hey, I'm just a hero who likes heroes. He's just a duelist, remember it for me.

After activating the continuous magic card [Mirage of Nightmare], I will add two more cards and my turn will end.

[Ten generations: 2000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【E·hero Clay Ball Man】【DEF3000】

[Nightmare Mirage Tower] [Gage Card] X2

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