Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 3 The first place is me

My turn is over.

The assessment teacher wearing sunglasses declared this, looking at the examinee opposite and saying: I have a [Giant Shield Guardian] with a defense power of 2600 points on my field, and it is also equipped with equipment to protect it from being returned in battle. The equipment magic card [Heart of Mirror Shisui] is destroyed by the effect that targets it.”

Even if you use a monster that can hit two combos and change it to attack position, it will be useless. The continuous trap card [Soul Barrier] on my back field can protect me from any monsters on my field. Combat damage, so even monsters with direct attack capabilities are ineffective against me.”

Unfortunately, you have lost the possibility of defeating me in this duel, Candidate No. 1.

[Assessment teacher: 1900LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Giant Shield Guardian] (Mirror Shisui’s Heart) [DEF2600]

【Soul Barrier】

[Candidate No. 1·Misawa Dadi: 1500LP, 1 card in hand]


My turn is to draw cards. Unaffected by the words specially spoken by the assessment teacher to influence the candidates' mentality and test their psychological quality, candidate No. 1 Misawa Daichi drew a card from the deck. , showing a confident smile, No, on the contrary, I have completed the equation of victory, teacher.

Normally summon [Bloody Warcraft]!

Putting the remaining card in the hand on the duel plate, a man with a sharp ax in his hand and a body full of muscles appeared in front of Misawa Land, showing his horns towards the [Giant Shield Guardian] on the assessment teacher's field. tooth.

【Bloody Warcraft】【ATK1900】

Among the level 4☆ monsters, is there a [Bloody Monster] with the highest attack power? It's a good card, but it's completely meaningless in the current situation. Even if it attacks me directly, it will be damaged by [Soul Barrier]. It cannot cause damage due to its effect, not to mention that it is just a normal monster.

Hearing the assessment teacher's comments, Misawa Daichi shook his head, pressed the button on the duel plate to start the cover card and said: I said, the equation of victory has been completed. This card that covered the two rounds on my field The card has waited for the best time to activate it, which is the moment when the [Bloody Warcraft] with an attack power of exactly 1900 points appears.

The trap card [Destruction Wheel] is activated. I want to destroy the [Bloody Warcraft] on my field and give both duelists damage equal to their attack power. This damage will not be blocked by [Soul Barrier]. !”

Nani!? The assessment teacher's eyes widened under his sunglasses, and then he said, However, [Destruction Wheel] can certainly clear my basic score, but your basic score is 1,500 points lower than mine. You are Do you want to die together, Candidate No. 1?

No, this is the time to activate the card I just drew. The last card in my hand was turned over and shown to the assessment teacher, Chain [Destruction Wheel] activates the quick attack magic card [Defense Wheel] in my hand. Make the effect damage caused by the trap card to me become 0, so that the only person who will be affected by the effect damage caused by [Destruction Wheel] is you, teacher.

Destruct yourself, [Bloody Warcraft], this is a necessary sacrifice!

As Misawa Daichi imitated the Duel King's famous line that frequently appeared in various duel videos, the [Bloody Warcraft] with a ring of grenades around its neck exploded, and a circle of spinning weapons appeared in front of it. Under the protection of the shield, Sanze Dadi's basic points did not move at all, but the assessment teacher's basic points were all cleared accurately.

[Assessment teacher: 1900LP→0]

In the audience, the invigilators next to Professor Kuronos exchanged their comments on the last duel: Candidate No. 1's duel calculation was very accurate. In terms of scoring, I think there should be no other opinions. I can give it 90 points. The viewing quality is also very good, and the overall score can be ranked first in the Sun God-Huang.

Professor Kuronos had no objection to the ratings given by other teachers. After sorting out the information and lists in front of him, he got up and put them into the portfolio so that he could take them back to Duel Academy. Give it to the principal.

But at this moment, the staff of the Kaiba Group who had led the young man into the Kaiba Dome came to Professor Kuronos and explained the situation to him.

He arrived at the last minute after signing in? Professor Kuronos frowned, It seems that he has no sense of time. Doesn't he know the importance of this exam? He doesn't take the entrance exam seriously at all. Na Nuo Nie.

Well, that candidate said the tram was delayed.

Professor Kuronos waved his hand and interrupted the security personnel of the Kaiba Group: Things like 'I forgot my homework at home' are just excuses. Who hasn't used such an excuse when they were studying? What’s the admission ticket number of that candidate?”

Uh, it seems to be No. 110.

Hearing such a three-digit number, the displeasure on Professor Kronos's face became more and more obvious: No. 110? Isn't this because you have not seriously understood the relevant knowledge of Duel Monsters? As long as you do your homework seriously, how many It can also be ranked within No. 100, that is, the two principals have relaxed the admission line for written test scores, which is why the actual performance was so poor before.

Recalling the horrific duel fought by students other than No. 100 at the beginning, Chronos was completely uninterested in the students whose admission ticket numbers were so low, and said decisively: The exams for students other than No. 100 were already at the very beginning. That’s it. The entrance test process was informed when you registered. If you follow the standard process, the candidate will indeed have missed the test, so let’s leave it at that.”

He decided not to waste time on the poor student who was late, so as not to ruin his happy mood after finally seeing some outstanding students duel. But as soon as Professor Kuronos finished speaking, his phone on the table suddenly vibrated. It made a distinct sound when it collided with the table.

Picking it up and taking a look, Professor Kuronos unexpectedly found that Call from the Principal was displayed on the screen. He answered the call in confusion: Hello, who is it? Oh, Principal Hayato! What can I do?

In the Turtle Card Room, Hayato, who was sitting around with his friends to help the game test the newly developed coloring game Stars, temporarily walked away after the call was connected and said: Ms. Kuronos, student How did our actual combat testing go?

Well, overall, it's actually pretty good. Although the actual results of the students with the lowest written test scores are as bad as ever, and even worse than in previous years, there are more students with excellent performance than last year. .For example, a candidate named Kagurazaka actually achieved OTK using a dragon deck that imitated Mr. Seto Kaiba, and there was also a 50% discount for candidate No. 1 that just ended, and the performance was very good.

Chronos paused, However, there are no outstanding students like Yuuo Motegi last year, let alone the students from Ryo Marufuji's class the year before last.

Geniuses are geniuses because they are rare, but the majority are those who are slightly less talented than geniuses. Our duel academy certainly aims to cultivate top duelists who can climb to higher peaks, but at the same time, it is also the pillar talents that maintain the duel monster environment. It's also indispensable. Hayato looked away from putting down the Angel of Peace game with a smile, and continued to ask, Other than that, are there any special circumstances?

How do you know, Principal Hayato? Kuronos was a little surprised. I just found out that one of the candidates was late. He was not late for one or two exams, but was late almost from the beginning to the end of the exam. The reason is The train was delayed. How could this happen in Doshino City, where the Kaiba Group exists? And his admission ticket number is still No. 110.

Actually, he really didn't lie. Today's tram was indeed delayed. A friend of mine here was almost late for my party. It seems that someone fell on the track again. This is what the neon sign looks like, Mr. Kuronos.

It brought a little shock to Kuronos that it is the country with the highest suicide rate in the world. Hayato said lightly, But even students with lower grades have passed the written examination after all, and not everyone can If you are good at written examinations, that student may have special talents in actual practice.

Principal, are you talking about intuitive duelists? Who don't know any common sense about dueling monsters but just rely on intuition to duel? I remember that just a few years ago, there were one or two so-called intuitive duelists who dueled professionally. It has appeared in the Players League, but no one has entered the World Championship. Kuronos said, In the end, using your intuition to guess the opponent's card is just a matter of luck. Even if you win the World Championship Mr. Katsuya Jonouchi, who won three consecutive championships, I remember that he was an intuitive person at the beginning, and later he also had special training in dueling monsters.

Jonouchi, who was about to control the fleet, suddenly sneezed and felt that someone was talking about him, and inexplicably recalled the hell training Master Muto Shugoroku had performed on him during the period before the Duel Kingdom.

Nothing is absolute, Mr. Chronos. Besides, the purpose of our school is to recruit all-round duelists. Even the Intuitive School may be able to reconcile with the Academic School. Don't let Chronos refute himself. opportunity, Hayato continued, That's it anyway, please arrange a practical test for that candidate, Mr. Kuronos, Ciao~

Hearing Hayato saying goodbye in Italian and immediately hanging up the call, Kuronos sighed: As always, I'll be honest, Principal Hayato. Huh, but you said you wanted me to arrange the practical test for the student who was late. Bar?

In that case, I will have to play in person. This will be considered responsible, and you, the principal, asked me to play.

Chronos, who consciously caught the loophole in Hayato's words, stood up and said to the people next to him: According to the principal's wishes, the supplementary assessment of the late student will be carried out next, and I will duel with that student.

As he spoke, he turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by other teachers beside him: Please, please wait a moment, Professor Kuronos, you forgot to bring the card set for the assessment.

A total of six decks were prepared for the actual combat assessment. Although the strength of each deck is generally not high, it is unified at the same level and has different styles. This will interfere with the candidates' collection of deck information from the assessment teachers—— In the professional league, gathering intelligence about the opponent's deck is also an important factor that affects the outcome.

However, there will be so many duels after all. Calculated by one hundred and twenty candidates, each deck will have twenty duels, which is enough for students who are good at intelligence gathering to know the composition of the assessment teacher's deck. This is why the exam The order of time is reversed. After all, the students at the bottom of the rankings were very reluctant in the written examination, and it was completely impossible for people to believe that they had the ability to collect intelligence. After all, in order to collect intelligence, you first need to know what the intelligence represents. But some poor students can't even name all the types of cards.

Chronos just glanced at the box containing the assessment deck held by the teacher who stopped him, and continued to leave without looking back, saying: There is no need, I will use my own deck Na Nuo Nie .”

On the other side, Misawa Daichi, who had just finished the test, returned to the audience and found a seat to sit down. He was quite satisfied with his performance in the duel just now. Just after he took off the duel disk on his wrist and relaxed for a while, he heard someone behind him say to him: That's really awesome, Cobo just now.

Looking back, I found that it was a young man with a jellyfish-like hairstyle, brown and light chestnut hair, and a silly smile. Misawa Daichi, who did not know the other person, did not reply, but nodded slightly as a response, and had no interest in talking to the other person. .

Then he heard the other person continue to talk to himself: Maybe he is the third most powerful among the students, right?

Third? Sanze, who had just turned around, couldn't help but turn his head again when he heard this, looking at the boy who was still smiling in confusion.

Admission ticket number 110, Yujo Judai, please come on stage and prepare for the actual test. At this moment, an invigilator who replaced Professor Kuronos who had already entered the backstage announced the boy's name. Hearing his own After naming his name, Judai wiped the tip of his nose with his finger, Hey, is it my turn? Yossi, it's about time!

Saying that, he was about to leave.

The words were half-appetizing, so Sanze quickly stopped the other party and asked: Well, why did you say I was third?

Well, I remember that Inazuma was in the middle school of Duel Academy. He should have enrolled like me this year. If he wasn't here, you would be second. After a pause, he pointed at himself with his thumb. Judai said confidently, And the first place is me.

In the auditorium on the other side, looking at the dueling field that became extremely spacious after the partitions were cleared, Professor Chronos, who had already put on a special dueling disk and was ready, and the memory who was standing on the elevator platform and came to the field. With the familiar jellyfish head in the middle, Wan Zhangmu stood up excitedly, holding on to the back of the seat in front of him, and said excitedly and expectantly: Sure enough, you guy really showed up, Yujo Judai!

Let me see your performance that I haven't seen for several years!

Special note: Because of Hayato, the Judai in this book came into contact with elemental heroes before Yubel ascended to heaven. After Yubel ascended to heaven, he received the Winged Chestnut Ball.

(Cheating before the divorce, and the mistress moved in as soon as the wife moved out (not

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