No. 119, Marufuji Sho No. 114, Tono Junior

No. 110, Yujo Judai? Isn't No. 110 here? Humph, have you given up on the exam? You are such a poor student without the perseverance to persist to the end.

Then No. 109, Miho Suganno

Because the duel academy entrance examination is held in the Kaiba Dome, the extremely spacious central area still has a lot of room left even if it is divided into several one-on-one duel venues. Therefore, in order to increase efficiency, the entrance test is conducted once The sex was carried out with six students, and there were exactly six monitoring teachers accompanying Professor Kuronos, so they were able to take care of it.

Moreover, compared to the time when Duel Academy was established, it is now the fourth year since Duel Academy was established. Various rules, regulations and scoring standards have become quite mature. For example, this admission ticket number is actually based on the students' written test scores. Ranking, students who have passed the basic written examination are taking practical tests in order of their scores from low to high.

Although the written test score does not completely represent a person's dueling level, it can also reflect a person's understanding of dueling monsters to a certain extent, which is often directly proportional to a person's dueling strength. Because of this, very few people paid attention to the practical tests of students after the 100th in the first few games. There were even people in the audience who were leaning on the backs of their chairs and fast asleep.

Ten hundred thousand

He lowered his head and talked in his sleep. Even though he was wearing the same brand-new blue uniform, the sleeping person still had a unique temperament among the freshmen nearby, especially the chair that was placed on the seat next to him. The black cuffs exposed on the back make people wonder if they are decorations specially designed for top students, like the armbands of a top chef.

Anyway, it's impossible to use the sleeves of a brand new uniform to wipe the soy sauce stains left on the table and get them dirty.

When Duel Academy was established, students would be divided into three dormitories: red, yellow, and blue based on the quality of the entrance test. However, one year after Duel Academy was established, branch campuses around the world were built and affiliated secondary colleges were opened. Later, the situation changed slightly.

That is, freshmen will be divided into Osiris-Red and Helios-Yellow dormitories based on their scores when they enter school. However, they will only go to the Helios-Yellow dormitory. This is true even if they get perfect scores in both the written test and the practical test. If you want to be a first-year student The only way to enter the Obelisk-Blue dormitory when you first enter the school is through the secondary school of Duel Academy, and it is only for those top students with excellent grades.

The sleeping boy was sitting in the middle of a group of freshmen wearing blue uniforms who were promoted to Duel Academy this year. It was obvious that he had such a careless attitude and didn't pay attention to this year's freshmen at all, but when other people around the boy saw his appearance, they had a matter-of-fact expression.

Sure enough, this kind of duel between poor students can't interest this adult at all.

After all, he is the legendary 'Sleeping Ten Thousand Eyes' in the middle class. Only fighting with strong men can awaken his passion.

Well, how did I hear that it was because that adult could hear mysterious sounds that other people couldn't hear that he couldn't sleep well at night and became sleepy every morning?

How is it possible!? You actually insulted that gentleman like this. I will fight with you, this blasphemous guy-

Hush! You two, keep your voices down. The adult told us not to wake him up, and not to wake him up before the duel for the first ten days begins. He seems to be looking forward to the new students who will enroll this year.

Oh, even if there are any powerful freshmen, they are only at the level of Sun God Huang at most. How can they compare with us top students who have been recommended to Obelisk Blue? Not to mention that they are also the 1st among us. That’s the grown-up.”

A row of seats away from the boys in the Obelisk-Blue dormitory, a girl sitting alone in the audience glanced at the noisy boys and sighed helplessly. Gathering her long golden hair and letting it fall behind the chair, the girl leaned on the seat and watched the duel between the students on the stage whose admission ticket number was behind them.

Of course, the viewing experience is quite bad. Compared with the wonderful interactions between the two sides in the duel based on the excellent deck composition at the World Professional Duelist event, the performance of candidates with admission ticket numbers other than 100 is basically limited to you and me. One shot, and being able to complete a bo is considered excellent.

Even now, the actual combat test of all the candidates except a hundred has been completed, and not even a single student can defeat the student who used the test card set and let go. The one who can persist the longest is a student wearing glasses. A short boy with turquoise hair, his name seems to be Sho Marufuji, he probably barely made it into Osiris - Kurenai also had the lowest score among all the freshmen.

The girl couldn't help but understand why the other girls in the middle school club, including Junko Makurada and Momoe Hamaguchi, who were very close to her, were unwilling to come with her to see who was worthy of attention among the freshmen who enrolled this year. , compared with the students from the main school who have gone through three years of training in the secondary department of Duel Academy, the abilities of the mixed-school students who can only enter Duel Academy through the entrance examination are basically mixed.

In contrast, Junko, Momoe and the others took advantage of the Duel Academy entrance test to go to the Kaiba Group headquarters today to try their luck to see if they could meet the famous idol Tapira. Although they are not very interested in idols or anything like that, But she felt that it was much better than watching these boring duels here. What if instead of meeting those idols, she met the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba?

“What a terrible performance”

“What a terrible performance”

The two sentences that sounded at the same time made the girl who spoke subconsciously look to the other side and found that sitting about ten empty seats away from her, there was a man wearing the uniform of the Obelisk-Blue dormitory with ink-black hair. The man with short blue hair looked at the duel field with a stern look on his face, as if he was not allowed to let strangers enter.

The girl recognized the other person and said with some surprise: Are you Kaiser Liang?

Tenjoin Asuka heard the sound and turned around, looked at the girl for a few times, and the boy named Caesar Ryo said, It's been almost a year since I last saw you, right?

Ten months. It was June last year when I received the notification of my brother's disappearance. It has been ten months since then. Tenjoin Asuka corrected, looking at the other party, In the end, there is still no news about my brother?

Feel sorry.

Hearing what the other party said, Tenjoin Asuka showed a disappointed expression on her face, but she had actually expected the answer. She shook her head and said, Even if you had to take over the responsibility and didn't pay attention to the actions of your classmates at all times, Regarding myself, I also know that this has nothing to do with you, and I don’t need your apology.”

Besides, apologizing can't bring my brother back. That's why I have to go to Duel Academy in person to find clues about my missing brother. Asuka said, looking at the field with disappointment, Originally I wanted to find a colleague I’m looking for freshmen in my class to see if there is anyone who can help me, but unfortunately, they don’t seem to have that ability.”

But I remember that observing the entrance test should be voluntary, and there is no compulsory requirement. The boys over there came because Wan Zhangmuzhun, who was their leader, wanted to come. What about you, Kaiser Liang? ?”

Wan Zhangmuzhun, are you the first among the freshmen in the secondary department this year? He glanced at Wanzhang Muzhun, who was still sleeping soundly in the center of the crowd not far away. In the duel field where a student was defeated and substituted, I also have what I want to see, but like you, I only got disappointment.

‘My brother, although he often teases me and even makes my hair look like that of a professional duelist named Jonouchi just because he won the championship, he is still an important relative of mine. ’ Tenjoin Asuka’s eyes were firm, ‘Become the strongest in Duel Academy, and use this to get in touch with as many things as possible. If you want to see people alive or see corpses, I will definitely find you, brother! ’

‘Is your ability limited to this, Xiang? Are you still unable to bring out the power of the deck? ’

Thinking back to what I just saw in the duel field, I attacked recklessly when I shouldn't have attacked, and retreated and defended when I shouldn't have hesitated. It was all relying on the various cards in the deck that were randomly matched to drag on the time. No. 119 - also the penultimate candidate Sho Marufuji, nicknamed Caesar and whose real name is Marufuji Ryo, was full of disappointment in his heart, but did not express any emotion on his face.

'Obviously you showed more talents four years ago, but since the card that controlled you was destroyed and you quit the 'electronic genre', you have never cheered up and showed confidence, not even in a game. I couldn't win the duel again, even in this extremely outrageous entrance test...'

One was thinking about her missing brother, and the other was thinking about her mediocre younger brother. Asuka Tenjoin and Ryo Marufuji both sighed.

The actual combat test conducted on the duel field in the center of the Kaiba Dome will not stop because there are not many spectators in the stands paying attention. As time goes by, more and more students have completed the actual combat test. , some people walked off the stage with a smile because they had good luck and performed well in this round. Similarly, there were naturally students who were not lucky, played cards like sleepwalking and performed poorly, and looked depressed.

And because the admission ticket number at this time is already within 100, although there are not many candidates, the number of candidates who can defeat the invigilator who is holding the test card set is also increasing. Regardless of the specific process, if you can achieve a winning result, you will definitely get a good score in the actual combat test. As long as the written test score is not too low, you can basically say that you will be able to enter the Sun God-Huang dormitory.

Wan Zhangmu, who had regained his energy after a good sleep, woke up without waiting for the students around him who took the initiative to come over to serve as his followers because they were very strong when student No. 10 started the test. He came over, looked at the students on the stage, and said to himself: What number are you on now?

You are already the tenth freshman, Master Wan Zhangmu! A boy wearing glasses immediately answered Wan Zhangmu and said flatteringly, You are actually able to control yourself when you wake up. You are worthy of Wan Zhangmu. Sir, you have easily accomplished what we cannot do, I really admire you!

Huh? Sir? It's so noisy, it's Mr. Wan Zhangmu! Wan Zhangmu, who had just woken up, picked his ears impatiently and corrected the other person's name for him.

After carefully looking at the candidates who had just appeared, Wan Zhangmu immediately lost interest after realizing that he did not recognize the other person. He asked others, Although I'm not sure if that guy has changed his look, did you just see the one with a jellyfish-like hairstyle? Guy come on stage?”

I think should not be?

Definitely not. That hairstyle sounds weird. We will definitely be impressed by it if we see it.

Definitely never seen that.

Really? That's good. Wan Zhangmu, who was looking around the venue, looking for a certain figure, was relieved when he heard that none of the people around him saw the person with the jellyfish hair style he mentioned. , That guy must be in the top ten, otherwise how can he be qualified to be my opponent?

As long as I didn't miss that guy's duel, I want to see how good that guy's duel is now after a few years. After a pause, Wan Zhang showed a proud smile as if no one was around, But, even if that's the case, No matter how good your grades are, the most you can do is enter the Sun God-Yellow Dormitory, and you are destined to be overpowered by the guy from the Obelisk-Blue Dormitory!

Ha ha ha ha!

Six minutes later...

Number one, four... uh, Misawa Daichi, prepare to go on stage for a practical test. Seeing that the last person on the list has finally arrived, and there are no other students behind him to take another test, Kuro said that he has finished one piece of work. Professor North felt relieved all of a sudden. Perhaps because of this, I almost pronounced the candidate's name wrong.

When Wan Zhangmuzhun in the audience heard that the name of the last candidate No. 1 was actually a person he didn't know, he couldn't remain calm anymore. He frowned and said to himself: Impossible, why doesn’t that guy’s name appear in the top ten? Is that guy in the top 20s?”

But other people said they have never seen that guy play. Wait a minute, doesn't he have no plans to come to Duel Academy Headquarters? He doesn't even have any plans to continue playing Duel Monsters?!

Wan Zhang Ming's expression turned gloomy for a moment, Absolutely not! That jellyfish head, I haven't even regained the missed glory from him, how can I do that!

Because Wan Zhangmian's voice was very low, others did not hear clearly what he was saying. They only noticed that after the No. 1 candidate came on stage, his face became serious.

Wow, that adult suddenly became serious!

Could it be that the candidate named 'Misawa Sky' on the field has the terrifying power to arouse the passion of that adult?

It's too scary. You have to be careful about that 'Misawa Ocean'.

At the same time, under the leadership of a Haima Group security officer wearing a suit and sunglasses who looked troubled and distressed, a young man who had taken a shortcut into the woods and had two pieces of film still on his head quietly pushed Opening the entrance door of the Kaiba Dome venue, I subconsciously sighed: Wow, there are so many people, almost as many as there were at the KC Cup.

I'm totally turned on, and so are you, Aibo?

Next to the boy who was talking to himself in the air, a furball monster with wings that was invisible to ordinary people narrowed his eyes: Kuri Kuri~

The names of several candidates were randomly chosen. Tono-junai, Kanno Miho, etc. have no special meaning. Those who know it should drink black tea, three times, three times, and those who don’t understand don’t need to search.

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