Although most dreams are chaotic and illogical random fragments composed of disorderly recall of memories in the subconscious activities of the human brain, occasionally there are foreseeing dreams that are encountered in dreams before things happen in reality. A magical situation like that happened.

Dreams are magical, right?

Even different ethnic groups and countries have various legends about dreams, such as Wei Zheng of Yan Kingdom slaying the Dragon King in his dream, Balder in Nordic mythology foreseeing Ragnarok in his dream, etc., and the ancient Celts in their Naturally, there is no missing content related to dreams in the myth.

King Arthur, who concealed his royal background, was adopted by Sir Ector. He had no aristocratic status and was not a knight but just a servant. He received various guidance from the court mage Merlin through dreams and learned martial arts and the skills to be a king.

I see, I completely understand. Hayato hit his palm with his fist, So I have traveled through time, right? I have traveled back to ancient Britain.

Hearing Hayato's words, Merlin rolled his eyes: You understand Gawain, if I could travel through time in and out of Avalon, I would have gone back to the time before the animation company called 'Deoni' was founded to control their studio. It’s pornographic, just pretend that Oberon, the Goblin King, is Morgan’s child, but you also pretend that I am his son?”

In that case, Merlin is Morgan's grandson, and then Morgan's grandson becomes Morgan's brother's teacher, and there is also the entanglement between the Lake Fairy and Merlin... Gee, it's quite confusing just thinking about it. Hayato teased, But it’s good if it’s just about arranging interpersonal relationships, at least I didn’t change your skin color.”

The documentary Polar Bear will star a black bear, right? Merlin complained, and then said, No, you took the topic astray again. Where did you just say it? By the way, Artolis's growth is thanks to me. Teach him all kinds of knowledge in his dreams.

That is, 24 hours a day and night.

I didn't want to, but that was the task entrusted to me by Artolis's father, King Uther, and I only trained him like that after obtaining Artolis's consent. I even planned to teach him how to touch for a day. It was a fishy day, but in the end Artolis took the initiative and asked for more training.

This is Artoris's 'dream' when he was growing up, and the last dream he had was the day he drew the sword. Merlin recalled the past, The day I drew the sword, I guided He went to the place of destiny, to the [Holy Sword-Sword in the Stone], but I, who was not a human being, relented and let him have one last dream, dreaming about what he had to resist after drawing the sword. In the future, this idiot who has been on the path arranged by fate since childhood will have a chance to choose.

So I say he is a fool. Even though he saw the tragic fate after drawing the sword, he still drew the sword. From then on, a young man named 'Artolis' who wanted to become a knight, [ Paladin Artolis] disappeared, leaving only the [Paladin King Artolis] known as 'King Arthur'.

As the King of Knights, 'Arthur' cannot dream, because dreams can be said to be human ideals, and 'Arthur' exists instead of the ideals of his [paladins]. He is the ideal king. How can an ideal itself have an ideal?”

At this point, Merlin sighed and added: He can only dream once, and that is after he has worked hard to do everything he can.

Hayato was a little surprised when he heard what Merlin said: Wait a minute, could it be said that Artoris just now is——

At the end of the legend of King Arthur, King Arthur, who suffered fatal injuries in the battle with Mordred, asked the last knight Bedivere to return the Sword in the Lake, and he was taken to Avalon to sleep. Merlin nodded. , spreading his hand to signal Hayato to look around, So you understand, this is indeed Avalon, but a more accurate statement should be the dream of King Arthur who sleeps in Avalon.

No wonder, I thought that even Avalon had no reason why I, who had entered this world, could not release the elves. If it was a dream, it would make sense. Hayato nodded, It's not a machine race or a demon. The elves of the tribe cannot appear, only the elves of the dragon tribe, warrior tribe, magician tribe and other races can appear, but it is probably because these things beyond his memory cannot appear in King Arthur's dream.

And thinking about it carefully, apart from the [Paladin] cards, it seems that I have all the cards that Artolis used in the duel with me just now, whether they are [Bitter Choice], [Inheritance] [Strength] or something else. Although I have never used [Bubble Collapse], I still have it. Could it be that that guy built such a deck based on my memory and added his own?

It's not much different, that's basically it. Merlin nodded and confirmed Hayato's guess, looked at Hayato and said, However, Artolis is not Arthur. After all, you also know that at the end of the legend of King Arthur, King Arthur There is no doubt that he has fallen into eternal sleep. The Artolis you saw is, to be precise, my ability as a dream demon to awaken part of the memory of Artolis before I became 'King Arthur'.

So he has an attitude towards the [Paladins] that although he has some feelings, but doesn't have much emotion. There are no elves in the cards of the [Paladins], because they are cards constructed by Artoris using his memory. Rather than the true body of their elves. Hayato also suddenly realized, But I remember that there was an oak coffin in Glastonbury containing the remains of King Arthur and Guinevere——

It was a fake made by me, but it wasn't very well made, so I just found a place and buried it. Who knew it was dug out, and the person who dug it out was so mean that he insisted on touching it. As a result, the hair of Guinevere, one of the fakes, got damaged and disappeared. Merlin spread his hands and said helplessly, Then I simply found an opportunity and stole the two fakes.

You made that thing disappear because of the co-authorship. I thought it was just a made-up legend without evidence. Hayato complained, Then what's going on with this Molde golden shawl? I Remember, it was an artifact unearthed in Wales, and it was identified as being more than 4,500 years ago. How did it become yours?

Merlin said casually: This is also a fake, but it's not me but the fake ones in the human world. Besides, it's in Wales because I was imprisoned there. You should have heard of the legend of King Arthur. The Fairy of the Lake imprisoned Merlin is my story. All my things were thrown away at that time. Who knows who picked up my shawl as a burial gift. As for me in front of you, the dream demon can come and go freely. It makes sense to think of other people’s dreams, right?”

After a pause, Merlin looked at Hayato with a smile and said: But I also took advantage of this and made the things I left behind in the human world into keys that can enter Avalon, waiting for those who have the qualifications and abilities. The people entered Avalon and transferred to the dream of Artoris covering Avalon. After all, I am called [Legendary Prophet Merlin], so it is reasonable to know a little prophecy, right?

In this Ganges River, and your prophecy does have something, at least a person I know who can also predict my future cannot accurately predict my future. Hayato thought of Yin Xisi's [Millennium Jewelry] and couldn't help but look at it. He glanced at Merlin and said, You really can't be judged by appearance. I thought you were the kind of orthodox mage who bites his tongue even when chanting spells and prefers to draw a sword from his staff and cut people directly instead of using magic.

What kind of orthodox mage is that? Merlin complained. Looking at Hayato who looked casual, he still couldn't calm down and took the initiative to speak, Obviously I have already said before that after I tell you everything you want to know, I have a favor. I want you to help, do you have to pretend to be Hu Tu?

Because it was you who begged me and not me who begged you. If I took the initiative to speak, it would actually mean that I had reached a deal with you and exchanged your answer for my help, right? Hayato saw Merlin say something. He didn't ask any more roundabout questions and looked at Merlin and said, But even the legendary Archmage Merlin can't do it. I have agreed in advance that I will refuse if it is too troublesome.

Don't worry, it's not a big deal, just a small favor. Merlin shrugged, I have always had a hard time letting go of what happened on the day when I drew the sword. If Artolis hadn't drawn the sword at that time, everything would have happened again. How about it?

I know a man named Li Abao once said that the people always need a hero, but the stage has come in front of people, and the script does not need to be rewritten. King Arthur's drawing of the sword is the established past and a choice of fate, but at the same time it is Artoris's own choice. Hayato spread his hands, Even if he doesn't draw his sword and become the King of Britain, he will work hard for this land in other ways.

That's right, because Artolis is such a fool. Merlin smiled, looked at Hayato, and asked seriously, King Arthur has been laid to rest in Avalon, but Artolis has never He has never existed as a human being, as himself, this is my request, please take him away from Avalon.

Merlin, are you awake? Hayato refused. Although he may already be a wanted criminal for taking away the golden shawl from the British Museum, he is not so arrogant as to show up in a tourist attraction like Glastonbury carrying a corpse. You said you would take him away. This kind of thing is not something you can do just by saying it. Do you want me to go out carrying a corpse that has not rotted for a thousand years? Hahahaha, I won't go.

I didn't ask you to take King Arthur out. I said it was Artolis, Artolis. Merlin said, You only need to take Artolis, the part of King Arthur that is still active. It’s enough to take the memory out.”

It's so easy to say that, you bastard, what are you talking about bringing back memories? How can I do that——

Hayato paused mid-sentence, and habitually pulled out a card from the system warehouse from the card box on his waist and said, ——I seem to be really here?

The card in Hayato's hand is none other than the [Paladin-Artolis] card. This is not something Hayato got from Artolis. When Hayato took away Artolis's deck His card disappeared before Hayato could make a move.

This card was one of the few cards that came out of the initial deck of the system when Hayato first came to this card-laden world very early on. Although the strength is good, Hayato had more cards when there were no sacrifice rules. I still used [Dark Knight-Gaia] with higher attack power. Later, when I arrived in Duel Kingdom, I switched to a mixed deck using [Disruption], [VWXYZ] and [Armed Dragon], and I didn’t even use [ Paladin-Artolis] This mortal bone card.

That is to say, he used the [Paladin-Artoris] card twice during the finals of the Duel Kingdom and the game, and during the Duel City where the rules were changed, but only twice. After that, this card Card has been working as a warehouse manager at the bottom of Hayato's warehouse for a long time. And now, this card is perfect for being used as a shelter for Artoris.

Merlin wanted Hayato to take Artolis out of Avalon, and Hayato happened to have such a card in his hand that could take Artolis away. How could such a coincidence happen?

Suddenly, Hayato felt like he was a puppet controlled by the threads of fate. He looked at Merlin with a rather unkind look and said, How do you know that I have the ability to carry Artolis? Card?

Don't be so guarded, Mr. Tanli Dou. I should have said that I'm called [Legendary Prophet Merlin], so it's reasonable to know a little bit about prophecy, right? Faced with Hayato's inquiry, Merlin said with a smile The expression was perfunctory and there was no direct answer at all.

Forget it, no matter what you are planning, I will not refuse the benefits that come to you. It would be a big loss if the elf who came to you for nothing just refuses. Hayato thought for a while and handed the card in his hand to Merlin, Anyway, even if you really have any plans, I will destroy them one by one.

You're so confident. Merlin didn't take the card, but just tapped it lightly with the staff in his hand. Hayato saw that the card in his hand seemed to turn into a black hole, sucking everything around him into it. The light also twisted and gathered, wrapping around the card in Hayato's hand and turning into a ball of light.

After a dazzling moment, everything returned to normal. Hayato saw that everything on the [Paladin-Artoris] card in his hand that was supposed to be static became alive and active. The leaves in the forest are swaying in the wind, the sunlight is shining in a different direction, and the thunder and lightning are beating at the connection between the pulled out [Holy Sword-Sword in the Stone] and the ground. But the only thing that didn't make Hayato feel alive was the main body of the card [Paladin Artoris].

That's good. I've transferred Artoris' part of his memory to this card, but it's just out of the dream and he fell into a deep sleep again. Merlin's voice rang in Hayato's ears. , As long as this is enough, take this card and let Artolis experience the outside world. This is my request.

It seems that because the [Paladin-Artolis] card took away Artolis's consciousness and dreams, Merlin could only speak in Hayato's ears in this way, but could not show his body. However, he still seemed to be able to see Hayato. Noticing the expression on Hayato's face, he asked doubtfully: What's wrong? Your expression is so serious? If there are other conditions, we can continue to negotiate.

No, it's just a card. It's no trouble. I don't play Xianyu so I won't get the skill of hand swords. Hayato rubbed his chin, I just feel like I forgot something that needs attention. ,what is it?

By the way, I remembered. Merlin, didn't you just say that the [Paladin] elves in Artolis's card don't exist? What about Morgan? Where's [Morgan, the Witch of Avalon]. Hayato remembered. He mentioned something that he almost missed, I remember when I was dueling with Artolis just now, Morgan's card seemed to contain elves.

Because Morgan is not only Arthur's sister, but also the Fairy of the Lake. She has the management rights of Avalon, and I was also imprisoned by her. Wait a minute, you said Artolis just used [Morgan] Card? I Chao, I didn’t notice it at all. In that case, wouldn’t we—”

As soon as Merlin finished speaking, a violent female voice suddenly sounded: I have guarded Avalon for a thousand years, and was deprived of the right to inherit Britain. Now you dare to lead humans into my territory. You are asking for death!


Is this the world of Pai Lao? Ada thief!

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