Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 26 The Legendary Prophet Merlin

As Xiaolan hit Artolis with a flying kick from Xiaolan, Hayato watched with great disappointment as the guy who seemed to be King Arthur was easily knocked away and passed out.

It's rare that he can draw cards so well in a duel, but there aren't many places where he can use them. Not to mention [Dragon Mirror] and [Super Fusion], which can make a big brother with one card. The mere mention of [Lancelot] has no value in letting [Ra's Winged Dragon] appear, and Hayato didn't even have time to throw out the [Turtle Bad Beast] in his hand.

After all, if someone else's strongest monster becomes a turtle, that's a weakening, but if Artolis's [Demon Paladin-Lancelot] is eaten by a turtle, it's actually an enhancement.

But what disappoints Hayato the most is that Xiaolan's direct attack actually wiped out Artoris's last 500 points, leaving him no chance to use [Psychic Ectoplasm] to kill him!

Poor, weak, poor, weak, poor!

Hayato, who had not played enough cards, had an unhappy expression on his face. He picked up the backpack at his feet and approached the fallen Artoris. In the deck that Hayato had not put away, he failed to get a chance to play [Relics] The Demonic Mine Warrior] flattered him and said: Congratulations, the brave man has achieved another complete victory! He is one step closer to his future of ruling and saving the world!

Someone took the lead, [Summoner-Aleister] stuck his head out and said: Master humiliated Artoris, Master is invincible in the world!

Master, we love you!

Xiao Lan, who had taken the last blow, also joined in the fun and cheered, while [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler] stopped because she was preventing [Kami Yingyi-Seven Sages Giant Kun Demon] from sticking to Hayato's side. Empty tube little blue.

However, while she didn't see it, [Kamishai-Midrash] ran out of the card. Although his little face was expressionless, he stretched out his arms straight and gave Hayato a thumbs up, looking forward to Hayato's greeting. After complimenting her, Hayato rubbed her long green hair helplessly.

——Although [Shadowyi-Midrash] did not directly appear in this duel, the katuri of [Assimilation of False Soul] also has [Midrash], so she can barely be considered to have appeared.

However, Hayato did not forget about business because of the activity of the elves around him. The first thing he did when he came to the fallen Artoris was to unplug the card deck from the duel disk on his left wrist. .

Let me state in advance that Hayato did this purely to disarm Artoris to prevent him from resisting when he wakes up, and to reduce the threat he poses to himself. He did not want to lose his deck. As for how to return Artoris's deck to him after he wakes up?

What nonsense is that? Doesn't the deck in Hayato's hands belong to Hayato? There is no Artoris deck.

The idea is good, but the problem is that when Hayato holds Artoris's wrist and is about to pull out the deck, Artolis's deck touched by his fingertips seems to have opened Sword Twenty. The three of them shattered at a touch, and suddenly turned into light points and dissipated, leaving nothing at all.

This is quite a pity for Hayato. After all, even though Artolis is a good card player who looks like he has only practiced for two and a half years, he still has a lot of powerful cards in his deck, such as [Bitter Choice], even if Hayato only had the one that Yin Xisi gave him.

Because it was a hastily made deck, it was already pineapple after the duel. Unable to take away Artolis's deck, Hayato was not discouraged and focused on the thing on Artolis' wrist again. A duel disk with a special style. He likes to collect duel disks and his main goal is to be a thief...

Well, if you don’t pick it up when you go out, it will be thrown away. It’s already here, so you can’t leave empty-handed. You have to take something with you.

Although the duel disk nested on Artoris's left arm like a gauntlet is not the style sold by Kaiba Group, contrary to Hayato's expectation, its fixed structure is not as old as the armor Artoris wears. It was old, but had a similar structure to Hayato's duel disk. It was easily dismantled by Hayato and put into his backpack.

When Hayato took off the duel disk and put it into his bag and put down Artoris's arm, he saw Artoris waking up at some point. He was lying on the ground with his head tilted to the side, talking to Hayato. Their eyes met.

What are you looking at? It's normal to be rewarded if you win in card games and punished if you lose. What's wrong with me taking the trophies? It was obviously Maoren's stuff that was discovered by the owner, but Hayato looked like a P club player. When he was accused of being a war criminal, he confidently said that he had not lost, so he was not a war criminal. He glared at Artoris and asked, Where did you hide my deck?

Artolis really didn't expect that Hayato would ask him for his deck so confidently. Is this person shameless at all? After all, why can such a person enter Avalon?

Artoris questioned Avalon's screening mechanism in his heart, how did he know that the person in front of him was a good-minded and pure person, but he did not remain wary of Hayato in front of him. Since he lost, he was willing to admit defeat, and said to Hayato: Since you are the winner, then okay, as the loser, I will kill or behead you as you wish.

Artolis didn't make any resistance and was already prepared to be killed by Hayato. After hearing Artolis's words, Hayato also raised his eyebrows and said with a evil smile: Okay, then give me back my deck. Give me.

The lack of refutation does not mean that I agree with what you said. Then it seems to have become your deck! Artolis said with a little irritation, his expressionless face instantly broken.

Hayato put his hands on his hips and said confidently: Because I knew the winner was me before the duel, so from the beginning, the deck belonged to me as the winner's trophy.

Artolis gritted his teeth and said after a long while: I can't do it. I can't do that kind of thing.

Hey, no, you just said you were at my disposal. Not caring that he was still fighting Artolis in a duel just now, Hayato put his hand on Artolis's shoulder, kindly Said, Just hand over the deck. Anyway, you said that ordinary people can't enter this Avalon, right? It means that your deck is basically useless. You might as well sell it to me. Take it and put it to good use.”

You just said you planned to sell it, right! Artolis did not shake off Hayato's hand and glared at Hayato who had spilled the beans. But if you can't do it, you can't do it. Although I really don't want to do it, but more The thing is I can’t do it.”

Can't do it? If you can't do it, you'll suffer -

Halfway through Hayato's words, a voice came from behind: Artolis really can't do it yet, so please don't embarrass him, sir.

Turning his head strangely, Hayato saw someone running from a distance on the grassland where he and Artolis were originally alone. The voice just now seemed to be him talking across a long distance.

As I ran over, the man was still singing happily: Wave after wave, wave after wave~ On a sunny day, the scenery is beautiful, and the red grass is colorful. I ran forward happily, walking all over the green mountains. No one is old~

While singing and running, this old man with a white beard suddenly appeared in front of Hayato and Artolis. Although he looked a bit serious, his frivolous character and casual nature were undoubtedly revealed when he spoke: Ah, because I feel that... Tolis, you are fighting, so I just came over.

In the end, you lost before I even arrived. It was really fast.

Merlin! Looking at the white-bearded old man in front of him, Artolis said angrily, Not only did you feel that I was fighting, you obviously asked me to come here, and then I met this man, I’m afraid you already knew that he would come, and you even put him in Avalon!”

Ah la la, I seem to be a little deaf as I get older, so I can't hear anything.

Merlin, you incubus...! Artolis said to the old man. Halfway through his words, Hayato covered his mouth and pushed him to the side. Instead, Hayato stood directly opposite the white-bearded old man and looked at The old man didn't stop Hayato's actions, and seemed happy to see Artolis being treated like this.

The purple mage robe has golden lines on the edge, which looks quite extraordinary. The slender wand in his hand does not look like Mahad's one, which can be used to praise various martial arts, but the huge green transparent gem inlaid on the top exudes powerful magic all the time, as if to prove that Amplification spells are the correct use of the wand.

Looking the old man with the white beard in front of him up and down, Hayato frowned and asked, Are you Merlin?

Why, it doesn't look like it? I'm very confident in my appearance. Pulling the sleeves of the mage's robe, Merlin looked at Hayato with a smile, and his narrowed eyes made it impossible to guess what he was doing through his eyes. Think about something.

It's not a matter of appearance, it's just that I'm very disappointed. It doesn't matter that King Arthur isn't a girl, and even Merlin doesn't have the voice of Kawasumi Ayako. It's so disappointing. Shaking his head, Hayato looked disgusted. Looking at Merlin, It's not even a VTuber who breathes through gills. I thought I could share NTR's hobbies.

Subconsciously, Merlin complained: You guy, don't always harmonize the characters... No, I'm talking about some nonsense, just pretend I didn't say it.

I'm really sorry for not being the woman you expected or being a scammer, but why does the human world have such a strange impression of 'Merlin'? Merlin sighed helplessly as he stroked his long beard that reached down to his knees. After taking a breath, he glanced at Artolis on the side, then spread his hands and said, But speaking of it, I am also a little disappointed. This guy Artolis is actually a man. I thought he would be the kind of person who looks like Lily. A girl as cute as a flower.

Is there anything wrong with the name Artolis being a man's? I am also a man and a knight! Artolis said angrily when he heard that Merlin was teasing him, You can play with others at will just because you are a dream demon. Dreamland, don’t let me see you when I wake up!”

Hayato felt a little weird when he heard Artolis's words. What does wait until I wake up mean?

Tsk tsk, what a great ideal. Then in order to become a great knight in the future and make Britain great again, continue to train hard, Artolis. Merlin glanced at Hayato and did not explain anything to him. He smiled at Artolis.

Then, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Hayato immediately saw a translucent barrier appearing in front of Artolis, separating him from Merlin and Artolis, and Artolis seemed Unable to see Hayato and Merlin from the other side of the barrier, he frowned and stopped paying attention. He returned to the sword he had inserted on the ground, pulled it out, and began to practice slashing into the air.

Are you curious about what Artolis said, this one?

After hearing Merlin's words, Hayato introduced himself: Emborio, my name is Emporio.

Okay, Mr. Tan Li Dou.

Hayato made up another temporary pseudonym, but Merlin pretended not to hear it and called out the pseudonym Hayato had said when he first entered Avalon and introduced himself to Artolis, which also attracted Hayato's disgust. look.

Sure enough, you guy has been here since the beginning, but you have to pretend that you have just arrived. Even listening to Artolis's words, you already knew that I would show up. You are quite disdainful, and it is in line with what I think of you. Stereotyping, the court wizard Merlin in The Legend of King Arthur.

Seeing Hayato looking at him with disgust and wariness, Merlin waved his hand nonchalantly: Oh, actually I prefer the title [Legendary Prophet Merlin], but I can accept just calling me Merlin.

[Legendary Prophet Merlin], Hayato looked at Merlin in front of him again. Although he had not played much of the [Paladin] deck, he had never played it and had encountered people who used the [Paladin] deck. People also know that there is indeed such a card in the [Paladin] deck used by Artolis just now. Its image can be said to be very different from the Merlin in front of him. However, Hayato always felt that something was missing.

After thinking about it, Hayato suddenly opened his backpack and found that Molde's golden shawl was still shining, and the aura it had been calling seemed to come from Merlin in front of him?

Wow, your reaction is quite sharp, Mr. Tanlito. Seeing Hayato take out the golden shawl, Merlin smiled and waved to him. The broken golden shawl flew up from Hayato's hand and came to Merlin's side. On the shoulders, it was decomposed and reorganized, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a complete shawl, with the light of magic flashing on it.

This thing actually belongs to you? Hayato scratched his head, feeling itchy and looking for brains. After putting it on, it seems to be similar to what I remembered, but things are really a bit messy.

Don't be anxious, Mr. Tan Li Dou. We have plenty of time to talk slowly. I will answer your questions one by one. After that, I want to ask you to do me a favor. Merlin said with a smile.

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