Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 28 When did you come? It's sunny today

Get out of here!


In the end, what Hayato heard was such a roar. The next moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed and turned into a piece of building debris standing on the grass. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

Tsk, I was kicked out by the Lake Fairy. I thought I could escape. Hayato complained, You are so useless, Merlin.

I told you it was just a try. Who told you to tell me so late that Morgan knew about our break-in? Merlin's voice sounded in Hayato's ears. Although Hayato couldn't see what he looked like at the moment, he could guess it. What kind of helpless expression would he show to shirk responsibility, Although I am called the Archmage, my abilities are also limited. There are some things that I say I can't do, but I really can't do them.

I can't see it. I'm afraid you're just neglecting your duty, you evil incubus kid!

Huh? How do you get the right to call me a brat? You are such a vulgar creature!

Look, just now, in Avalon, far away from the human world, a beautiful thing happened. The vicious duelist known as the King of Duelists, Dan Lidu, appears. Just when he aimed at the sleeping King Arthur and prepared to invade Avalon, Morgan, who was patrolling the territory in Avalon, discovered him and immediately stopped his plot.

The invincible Tanli Dou fell, and no one knew about this disaster in Avalon. This is also thanks to Morgan. Thank you, Morgan——

What speed player? Is this what happened just now? Hayato complained, Obviously Morgan is mainly targeting you, okay? He took a broom-like wand and kicked me out too. Why did you make up a story? To throw away all the blame on yourself?

The actual situation just now is that after Hayato belatedly remembered Morgan and told Merlin, Morgan happened to find Merlin who broke into Avalon with the help of Artolis's dream and Merlin opened the door and put it in Avalon. Hayato and the others, because of their disgust with Merlin, simply became furious and released all kinds of powerful magic to chase Merlin and Hayato.

However, because Merlin's form disappeared with the interruption of Artolis's dream, the only one being chased was Hayato who was carrying [Artolis]. The scene at that time was simply like Kesi vs. Pene. Rope Gundam, Hayato had to run all the way to avoid being hit by Morgan.

Even so, Morgan is the manager of Avalon after all, and he is not like the [Grave Guard Elder] in another world who has no real management ability, but can really control Avalon freely. Long's Lake Fairy. The magic couldn't hit Hayabusa and Merlin, so Morgan simply kicked them out as outsiders, which is what happened at the beginning.

That's my level. If you're good at it, you can make up a story yourself. Anyway, that guy Artolis is just an idiot, and he can get by easily. Hearing Hayato questioning his creative skills, Merlin said unhappily. Said, In short, as long as it is a story that can explain how he was brought out of Avalon by you, you can modify it as you like.

After hearing Merlin's words, Hayato said, Well, you should be imprisoned back, right?

Tsk, there are some things that are good to know and don't need to be said. I just escaped with the help of Artolis's dream. As Artolis's dream disappears, of course I can't continue to exist. Merlin said nonchalantly, But I am the half-human, half-dream master Merlin. It is impossible to die. I just return to the seal.

After all, Morgan has discovered me. I'm afraid this dreamland road will no longer be possible in the future.

So, I'm begging you, that idiot Artoris, to take him to see the scenery of the human world.

Merlin's voice became quieter little by little, as if the dream itself was being blown away by the morning breeze. Although it felt like Merlin could no longer hear what he was saying, Hayato still spoke, But mostly he just said to himself: Nothing is impossible for me on this land, everything is in my hands. Of course I will do what I have agreed to do.

Also, I'm quite looking forward to what 'King Arthur' will think when he sees Britain today.

Huh? Mr. Tan Li Dou, you are here.

Just as Hayato was talking to himself, Chronos suddenly appeared and looked at Hayato in confusion, But, when 'King Arthur' saw the UK today, why did he suddenly talk about this?

Mr. Chronos, when did you come? It's sunny today. Hayato glanced at Chronos in surprise, but he didn't expect that he was still here.

Although there are no time references such as clocks in Avalon, and Hayato has never looked at his mobile phone because of his previous dream in Artoris, but in terms of physical perception, at least half of the time has passed. An hour, even an hour is not too much. He originally thought that Chronos would have already left when he disappeared for such a long time.

The sun is indeed beautiful today, but when did it come? We didn't come to the scenic spot together? Chronos scratched his golden hair in confusion and said apologetically, Say It's my fault for getting up. I clearly agreed with Tan Li Dou that you would be my guide, but I couldn't help but walk a little faster when I was about to reach the scenic spot.

Fortunately, I remembered to go back before arriving at that place, and then I saw you, Mr. Tanli Dou, standing here talking to yourself.

After hearing what Cronos said, Hayato subconsciously took out his phone and looked at the time. He found that it was only a little after eight in the morning. It was already early seven when he woke up this morning. He was at Glastonbury. It was only about eight o'clock when I bought the ticket at the entrance of the monastery. Although Hayato didn't have time to see the exact time when the divine hidden occurred and entered Avalon, it was the time displayed on his mobile phone. .

Did you travel through time again? Hey, why do I have to call you you?

But Hayato also thought that the place where he spent the most time after entering Avalon was precisely in Artolis's dream. It is estimated that Merlin also did some tricks and adjusted the time in Artolis' dream. The flow rate, just like one hour in the dream is equal to one minute of the normal flow rate outside. This can also explain why time has hardly moved after Hayato returned to the outside.

Well, it was just a whim and an impression that I made, so there's no need to worry about it. I'd rather trouble you, Mr. Kuronos, to go back again. Hayato casually brushed off the topic and followed Kuronos along the street. The path opened on the grass continued all the way, but Chronos kept walking beside Hayato this time and continued to introduce him to various places in the monastery.

Because it was still early, even tourists like Kuronos who had never thought of traveling to Glastonbury had only a few people get up early and go to the scenic spot. The sparse flow of people coupled with the soft chirping of birds in the morning, although After leaving Avalon, Hayato still has a sense of isolation and independence while walking among the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey.

The main building of the monastery, which had attracted Chronos's main attention before, quickly arrived. Hayato also understood that Chronos was really rude just now and had really not walked a few steps. Although there are only ruins left, the remaining columns and walls can vaguely tell what a huge building Glastonbury Abbey was. The arch at the entrance alone is enough for more than ten people to walk through side by side. It is also easy to pass three or four carriages at one time.

However, all that is left are the walls and arches. Walking into the main body of the monastery, what Hayato can see when he raises his head is not the domes covered with various exquisite paintings that are common in classical churches, but just a blue sky with white clouds floating in it. .

Magnificent buildings are certainly intimidating, but the remnants of the once magnificent buildings are even more depressing.

However, what attracts tourists the most to Glastonbury Abbey and what makes Kuronos look forward to it is not the ruins of the destroyed building. After all, the abbey itself is not a building with too much significance like the Old Summer Palace in the East, even if it is The tragedy of destroying a good thing must be a good thing, and there is nothing special about Glastonbury Abbey itself.

What is really attractive is a specially designated rectangular area on the lush and flat grass in the center of the ruins of the monastery. There is also a sign on it: In 1191, the monks excavated here the discovery of Arthur. and Guinevere’s Tomb.” Although the tombs of Arthur and Guinevere have disappeared without a trace in the legend, this grassland has been regarded as King Arthur's Tomb.

Glastonbury Abbey is now in ruins. The tall and broken stone walls and arched walls can still vaguely see the beauty of the past. However, where the heroes were buried, only the wash of green grass and green grass remain. How touching is such a simple sign - Hayato would really think so if he hadn't learned from Merlin that the tombs of Arthur and Guinevere that he dug out were just fakes made by him.

but now? Please, King Arthur himself is in my card. What's so good about this bastard? King Arthur's Tomb?

However, Hayato is Hayato, and Chronos had an expression of enjoyment as if a devout believer had come to visit the holy land he cherished so much. Just standing in front of the empty grass below, he was very happy, with a picture [forced] The face that looked like a pot of desire was about to smile like a pot full of gold or even a pot of great desire.

I have always been proud of my surname, Mr. Tanlito. Looking at King Arthur's tomb, Chronos suddenly told Hayato what he had said before, Although the Medici family It has long been lost in history, but out of longing, I have always longed to become a person who can be called a noble 'Noble'.

Although my favorite deck is 'Dark Medieval', the 'nobles' I yearn for are not those guys in the Middle Ages who did whatever they wanted to discredit the nobility based on their origins, but the aristocratic spirit. Cultural upbringing, social responsibility and A free soul, this is what I think is necessary for the aristocratic spirit.”

Although I can't see with my own eyes the King of Knights from centuries ago, just by standing here, I can feel the resonance of the spirit of chivalry. Vaguely, I feel that I may have some understanding of the spirit of nobility. A deeper understanding.”

Are those of noble birth a noble? No, the spirit of nobility is not that narrow-minded thing. People with generosity and love are nobility, people with compassion are nobility, and people with great courage are also nobility.

Kronos turned around, letting Hayato see the calm and gentle expression on his face. Even though his appearance was inferior to others, Hayato could feel it from Kronos, who seemed to be enlightened by Ryuba at this moment. A special temperament: I remember, Mr. Tan Li Dou, you told me yesterday that there is a job that you think is suitable for me, right?

In terms of cultural upbringing, I am convinced that I can resist the temptation of materialism and do not take pleasure as the purpose of life; in terms of my free soul, I am convinced that I have an independent will and dare to say no to power and money. After a pause, Ku Ronos continued, I think I need to work harder on my social responsibilities.

After coming here, I may not be able to continue to enjoy the assets at home and travel around. I want to pass on my knowledge and talents and help those who are talented enough to take them further. I think this is what I have always been The meaning of the job I have been looking for since then.

You said before that that job might be able to satisfy the meaning I am looking for, and if I guessed correctly, you wanted to introduce me to becoming a teacher, right?

Hearing Chronos speak so seriously, Hayato nodded and said: Awesome, Mr. Chronos, how could you guess it without any clues? I really want to introduce you to a job as a teacher. You are here, and you are not just an ordinary teacher, but a teacher who can fully utilize your talents in dueling monsters.

Duel monsters? Teacher? Chronos was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He couldn't connect the two at first, but he immediately reacted the next moment, Could it be that I was on TV before? Have you ever seen the academy with the best duelists in the world?

And there was an expression of ecstasy on his face. He likes the game Duel Monsters, and at the same time, he suddenly realized here that the meaning of the job he was looking for was to teach others to become better for his own noble spirit, but at first he only thought of ordinary people. As a teacher, I never expected that Duel Monsters and education could be merged together. This double joy

You are right to say it is the first in the world, because it is indeed the first in the world, and it should be the first for a long time in the future. I don't know what is going on in Kronos' mind at this moment What kind of Bai Xue? Hayato nodded and said, And I just want to invite you to join the academy.

Academy? Is that the organization you belong to! Damn thieves!

The person who answered Hayato was not Chronos, but a purple-haired man who suddenly walked out of the ruins of the monastery behind them, It's really easy to find me, you two despicable foreigners!

Hayato remembers this guy as the guy who chased him all the way to the British Museum and had a mounted duel!

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