
Although he did not confirm Kuronos' ability in person, Kaiba seemed to trust Hayato's vision and agreed to let Kuronos join the Duel Academy as a teacher, and if he was capable enough, he could serve as an obeisance Lisk Lan's dormitory teacher.

The night passed quickly. When Hayato woke up the next morning, he found that the rain outside had stopped after a night, but there was still hazy water vapor that turned into mist and enveloped the land.

It seems that even if you leave London, the Fog City, you can't completely separate yourself from the fog as long as you are still in the UK. Hayato thought this while sitting in the hotel restaurant and looking out the window. Because it is a deluxe room, the hotel provides a full English breakfast, which is nominally free, but the price is already included in the cost of the room.

Although British food is famous around the world for being unpalatable and dark, English breakfast is an exception. Many family hotels in the UK have Bed\u0026Breakfast as their signboard, which means they provide bed and breakfast. Some hotels even have the slogan Completely British. English breakfast is the signature feature, and you can have English breakfast even in the afternoon.

Different from the simple combination of continental breakfast bread and coffee, the English breakfast famous for its rich dishes has long transcended the original meaning of breakfast, but represents part of the unique British lifestyle on a broader level.

Of course, Hayato himself doesn't know much about Britain. The above useful but only a little bit of random information is mainly from the introduction of the hotel staff. If he were an upstart who likes British culture, he might be happy to listen to it. Introduction, but unfortunately neither Hayato nor Chronos are interested in these.

Although the English Breakfast provides more than eight kinds of staple food, more than four kinds of bread, cereals and other non-staple foods, as well as drinks such as juice, milk coffee and English Breakfast Tea, all of them can add up to a large plate, but As an Italian, Cronos was used to simple breakfasts and couldn't eat so much. He only had two pieces of croissants and a cup of espresso.

Hayato is the other extreme. He is the type who presses Skip to skip the plot when playing games. Although he doesn't know who he is and what he is going to do, he just kills enemies with health bars showing. He doesn't care about British culture. He just wants to be full. There is so much nonsense.

Seeing that Hayato could actually eat so much, Chronos was a little surprised, because in his first impression, people in the Far East region should have small appetites and eat less, but considering Hayato With that kind of muscle, it seems normal to be able to eat so much, even considered a small amount.

After Hayato finished his breakfast, the weather in Kuronos, which he thought might be cloudy today, suddenly cleared up. Some of the mist had been dispersed by the warm sunshine, and the rain that fell last night also evaporated under the sunlight. It doesn't make people feel stuffy, but just the right amount of warmth and refreshing.

You feel as comfortable as if you were wearing a brand new suit to welcome the first morning of the new year. This is the metaphor used by Hayato. Although it sounds a bit strange, Chronos thinks it is still very appropriate.

Glastonbury Abbey is actually very close to the Magdalen Street station where Hayato and Kuronos arrived by car yesterday. It only took less than six or seven minutes for the two of them to walk from the hotel to get there, which was different from what Hayato remembered. Different from the conspicuous entrance to the scenic spot, the entrance gate of Glastonbury Abbey looks unremarkable, almost blending in with the residences and shops on both sides, and there is not even a coffee called Excalibur not far across the way. The signboard of the hall is very conspicuous.

When you walk into the entrance of the monastery, you will find the ticket office, next to a shop selling souvenirs from the scenic spot. Hayato is considering taking some souvenirs back to give to Yin Xisi, Yu Yu and the others, but he will have to buy them after coming out of the scenic spot, so for now, he will do it first. Buy a ticket to enter the scenic spot.

As Kuronos introduced before, this is not a large scenic spot that limits the number of tourists. You only need to buy a ticket to enter. The adult ticket costs seven pounds. If you add an additional seven pounds, you can also buy a book. The thicker monastery is described in detail. Although it sounds like a good deal, neither Chronos nor Hayato has any need for this.

Good morning, ma'am, please give me two adult tickets, thank you.

At the ticket window, Kuronos said to the conductor, but before he could give the money to the conductor, Hayato interrupted him, No, one adult ticket is enough, and then a student ticket. This is me certificate.

In the surprised and even shocked eyes of Kuronos, Hayato took out a certificate, which clearly stated that he was 18 years old this year and had already passed his birthday. Although he was not studying in the UK, Hayato had long been there before coming to the UK. After a little operation, you can prepare a student certificate that is qualified to purchase student tickets, and you can enjoy the discounted price - although it is only one pound cheaper than the adult ticket, but one pound is still money.

Mamma Mia, are you only 18 years old!?

Seeing Chronos looking frightened, Hayato was a little surprised: Huh? Otherwise? Mr. Chronos, how old do you think I am?

With your height, most people will believe you if you say you are thirty years old on the street. Kronos rubbed his brows, I must have lost my head after drinking that cup of coffee that was not authentic at all in the morning. Are you eighteen years old?

I could walk when I was born. I was as tall as a ten-year-old when I was four, and I was like this when I was eighteen. Hayato spread his hands helplessly, as he couldn't control his height. I think the morning coffee is still acceptable. Is it at least better than American style?

It's true that American coffee is basically water soaked in socks, and that's what those old Americans like to drink. Kuronos nodded, confirming Hayato's statement, and skipping the topic of Hayato's age for the time being.

Originally, looking at Hayato's height and maturity, Chronos thought that Hayato was in his twenties, if not thirty. Who knew he was only eighteen years old? In Italy, eighteen is just the beginning of adulthood.

After passing through the ticket gate, the first thing that caught Hayato and Kuronos' eyes was the Holy Mother Church of the monastery. According to Kuronos, the monastery was destroyed by a fire more than 800 years ago. During the restoration and reconstruction project after the fire, the monks discovered a huge section of oak five meters underground. There were two skeletons in the hollowed-out oak. There was also a lead cross on the oak, which was engraved with King Arthur sleeps in Arthur. The Island of Wallonia”.

There were two skeletons, one male and one female. The man had several wounds on his head, while the woman had beautiful blond hair. The shimmering light made the monk couldn't help but reach out to touch it, but it turned into ashes the moment it was touched. According to various evidences, the two skeletons are most likely that of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere.

The remains were later moved to the south wing of the monastery nave. The last transfer was in 1278. The then King Edward I and his queen witnessed the bones being wrapped in expensive cloth and sealed into a black marble coffin. Then in 1539, Henry During the monastery dissolution movement initiated by Emperor VIII, the monastery was destroyed and the whereabouts of the sarcophagus are unknown. The Lady Church is the best-preserved part of Glastonbury Abbey, and even Hayato can still clearly see the intricate and exquisite carvings on the arches of the Lady Church.

It sounds like a story made up by the local scenic spot in order to market and sell more tickets. It even came up with a pretty clever reason at the end of the story to destroy the evidence? After all, in this monastery that was burned by flames and only ruins were left, there is no evidence left at all, so you can make up any story you want.

Hayato did think so when he heard Chronos, who had learned about Glastonbury Abbey in advance, explain the legend here, but he soon realized that this might not be a story. As Hayato and Kuronos walked past the Holy Mother Church and approached the remains of the main building of the former monastery, a strange smell came from the backpack on Hayato's back. However, except for Hayato, even those who were not far in front of Hayato None of Chronos noticed anything was wrong.

The thing in Hayato's backpack was none other than the Molde gold shawl he brought out from the British Museum. After all, Hayato couldn't leave this thing in the tavern, so he naturally continued to carry it with him, and She also left the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] elf in her backpack to take care of because she can glow.

Kurikuri~ The voice of the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] in the backpack came to my ears. The Kuribori Ball language is a level nine higher than the tenth level of the game. Of course Hayato understands the meaning of [Rainbow Chestnut Ball]. , she was saying that the golden shawl was glowing now, but it could not be seen outside because it was placed in the bag. This also confirmed Hayato's conjecture.

Ah, we're finally here. What I said earlier is the place where the monks excavated King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. The destination of my trip to England is Na Noi. And it seems to be because it is close to the key point of this scenic spot. At the scenic spot, Chronos also looked very expectant and excited, and did not notice that Hayato behind him had opened a slight distance from himself.

Hayato saw Chronos' pace speeding up and was about to keep up, but the moment he took a step forward, the scene in front of him changed as if the world was spinning.

Glastonbury Abbey, which was still a ruin just now, completely disappeared, and the surrounding area turned into an empty wilderness. There was no trace of any man-made objects at all, not even the path made of stone slabs that Hayato was walking on just now. It disappeared, leaving only the lush grass.

Looking further forward, Hayato saw a figure standing with his back to him where the ruins of the monastery's main hall used to be.

Are you the one who broke into Avalon, the unknown king from a foreign land? As if sensing Hayato's gaze, the figure turned his head to look at Hayato, revealed his profile, and said to Hayato.

Avalon? I don't know where this is, and I don't know the king of the foreign land. I'm just a duelist passing by. Hayato took out the duel plate from his backpack and put it on, looking at the man in front of him warily and said , Rather than breaking in, I was brought here inexplicably.

Inexplicable? But, I felt a familiar aura from your package. As the man spoke, he turned around completely and pointed at Hayato's backpack on the ground. Hayato could also completely see the man's heroic face. , but it was obviously the first time he saw this person, but Hayato felt that he had seen that face before somewhere, but it was probably an illusion.

Glancing at the backpack at his feet, Hayato watched the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] emerge from the backpack. After looking at the man in the distance, she shook her head, indicating that she did not know the man Curry~, and there was nothing in Hayato's backpack. There weren't many things, except for the duel disk that he had already taken out, and the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] that he didn't recognize from the man, but the only thing left was the golden shawl. He couldn't say that the familiar smell came from the wallet and umbrella in Hayato's backpack, right?

Really? It seems that you are not willing to cooperate with me? The man frowned, but relaxed and resumed his calm expression before continuing, I understand, we did not inform each other of our names before the negotiation. It is indeed disrespectful. My name is Artolis and I am a knight. You don’t have to worry that I will take away the familiar thing from your package. That is not in line with the character of a knight.

I just want to confirm what exactly opened the door to Avalon and brought you here from a foreign land, that's all.

After hearing the name of Artoris, who claimed to be a knight, Hayato became more vigilant and said: A knight who calls himself Artolis? Do you want to tell me that you are actually the Knight King Arthur, who did not die back then, and now you need to Raise funds to reorganize the army, expel the descendants of the Angsa people from this land, and restore the glory of the Celts, so do you need me to V you 50 now?

No, I didn't say that. Artolis thought that he would be able to negotiate with the person in front of him after he spoke clearly, but how did this guy jump to such a strange place? , and I couldn’t understand what he meant at all, “My purpose is just to confirm with you what is in your package.”

Huh? Who would show something on their body to a guy who appears out of nowhere, just like a woman would show her underwear to a person she meets by chance on the street?

Hayato's completely uncooperative attitude made Artolis feel a little irritated. He tried to communicate in Hayato's way: In that case, just open the package to me a little, just like a lady lifting up her skirt. Same, no need to open it completely or hand it over to me.

I refuse, because I, Dan Rito, like to say no to self-righteous people the most! Even though he didn't know what the current situation was, Hayato still remembered to use a pseudonym, And if I want to cooperate, why can't you cooperate with me? I hate others the most. I was ordered.”

And there's—

Come on, [Long Yiqiao-Tianlong Meteor=DRA]!


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