Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 19: Liberate, liberate, and get used to it

Won! It was an interesting duel.

With a hearty self-destruction as the end of the duel, Hayato looked satisfied and said to Chronos contentedly.

Come on, it's super cool to blow up someone else's base score of 2000+ in one go. Anyway, Hayato is interesting. As for the self-destructed [Demon Mine Warrior of the Ruins] and Chronos, are they happy? who cares.

However, although he was finally defeated by Hayato using a non-face-to-face combat method such as [Destruction Wheel], Chronos did not feel dissatisfied. He just said with some disappointment: It seems that my level is still the same. It’s not enough for Na Nuo Nie, he was defeated in just three rounds.”

However, after being briefly defeated and feeling inferior in skills, Chronos quickly recovered, looked at Hayato and said, However, I have actually already had some awareness of this. No, my talent is limited. No matter how much I love Duel Monsters, my love cannot make up for the shortcomings in my talent.

Compared to the number of duel monsters, I am also very happy to see other people with excellent talents and climbing towards a higher position in duel monsters. Chronos showed a warm smile. Smiling, You are right, Mr. Tanlito, this is really an interesting duel.

Although he had a very good attitude, because Cronus's appearance was really not that good, Hayato still turned his head away from Cronus's wrinkled smile like a chrysanthemum: Ah haha, can you Isn’t it good to think like this?”

But I don't find it interesting at all! Hayato was putting away the cards, [The Demonic Mine Warrior of the Ruins] complained, The Brave Lord obviously has so many ways to launch more powerful attacks, why do you like liberation so much? ah!

[Disturbing Huang] looked at him strangely: First time?

[Disturbing·Green]: You look like a newcomer at first glance, not like the rest of us, but we were the first to follow Ani's advice.

[Disturbing·Black]: Liberating and liberating, I got used to pinching without realizing it~

Although Hayato was added to the deck but did not have time to appear, [Half-Dragon Maid and Laundromat Lady] also said with a smile: It's great, everyone is liberated.

Hayato put the card into the card box on his waist, and used this action as a cover to throw the noisy elves and their cards into the system's warehouse. At the same time, he thought of something, looked at Kronos and asked: Speaking of which, Mr. Kronos, you said before that you are actually unemployed now, right?

Because my family has money, I don't need to work to maintain my life, so for me, the important thing about work is not the salary but the meaning. Kuronos spread his hands, However, I haven't been able to find a job with enough income for the time being. Meaning makes me spend my energy on work, so I’m temporarily without a job. Rather than going to work to earn meaningless money, it’s better to travel to places that satisfy my hobbies.”

Listening to Chronos's speech that was similar to Versailles, Hayato smiled and said: In that case, I think I might be able to recommend you a job, because after this duel, I think you are very suitable for this job. , and you will definitely be satisfied with this job.”

Hayato's words made Chronos a little curious: Then what kind of job is it, Mr. Tanarito?

Well, I actually have to contact other people first before I can give you an accurate answer, so let me give it a try for the time being. Hayato thought for a while and said, Since we have made an appointment to go to that monastery together tomorrow. , I will reveal the answer tomorrow morning.

Although he didn't really need a job, after listening to Hayato's words, Chronos couldn't help but have some expectations for the specific content of the mysterious job Hayato said. As he said before, since he is not short of money, he values ​​the meaning of work more than starting a salary, a boring job with a high salary, and a job that does not pay much but can make Kuronos feel his efforts. It is a meaningful job. If the two jobs were given to Chronos to fight, he would choose the latter without hesitation.

But he could understand what Hayato said. Even if he wanted to recommend a job, he would first have to confirm whether the job was still there, and negotiate with the person who hired him to see if he could arrange someone to go there. Plus, he didn't know the specific job content. The former Kuronos couldn't be sure whether he would really be interested in that job, so he didn't feel anxious. He nodded and expressed his willingness to wait until tomorrow morning for Hayato to tell him the result.

Even though both of them had finished playing a hand of cards, the heavy rain outside still showed no intention of stopping and was still falling. The slightly gray sky was like a cloak, covering the place together with the rain curtain. A small town in a remote area of ​​England. In the distance, you can still vaguely see the church tower.

On the street, there were a few tourists who were still wandering outside, holding umbrellas and walking aimlessly, enjoying the scenery in the rain without too many people disturbing them. However, Hayato did not have that kind of literary hobby, and Kurono Si was even less talkative, but it was a little early to go to rest now, so the two of them simply sat in the bar and watched the resident singer perform to kill time.

With nothing to do, Hayato also asked Chronos for information about the Glastonbury Abbey he was going to tomorrow, but he learned that this seemingly unknown abbey was actually involved in something. A legendary figure who is a household name in Britain, famous throughout Europe and even around the world.

Kobayashi Hayato, are you awake? Kaiba's voice came from Hayato's cell phone, his tone full of impatience, Let's not care about whether King Arthur, who is just a legend, is a real person in history. How do you think King Arthur is also a real person in history? It can’t be a woman.”

Isono, reduce the power of power supply unit No. 3 by 50%!

While he was still on the phone with Hayato, Kaiba on the other end of the phone seemed to be busy with something, and from time to time he would call out to Isono, the royal toolman who appeared everywhere, to ask him to help.

How is it impossible? He is obviously a Celtic, but he does not have red hair, but the blond hair of the Saxons who invaded at that time. There may be problems with King Arthur's race, why can't there be problems with gender? Hearing Kaiba's words, Hayato said Li Li argued, Perhaps Merlin, the wizard in King Arthur's legend, cast some magic on King Arthur to disrupt other people's perception of King Arthur's gender.

The transmission shaft is not cold-resistant enough, so I asked someone to send us titanium alloy used in aviation! Although it sounds very busy, in fact, he is just telling Isono to do things, and he is sitting in front of the computer and controlling the robotic arm to make the newly invented seahorse. He said to Hayato impatiently, Stop telling me those inexplicable things. It's already the 21st century. Can't you guys just believe in science?

I don't have time to tell you such nonsense.

Next to Kaiba, who was responsible for the overall control, Keipei, who was also sitting in front of the computer, modifying and processing data in real time, easily typed on the keyboard with one hand, took a sip of the hot cocoa with the other hand, and listened. When it came to Kaiba, he said with a smile: Although you said you were impatient, brother, you never hung up Hayato-nii's phone on your own initiative, right? You're so cute~

Ah? There seems to be some problem with the data transfer in this place? Hmm, hmm, it should be changed to this structure. Seeing Kaiba looking at him, Keppei was not afraid of what his brother would do to him. , but still took care of his childish self-esteem and looked back at the computer screen.

So, why did you call me so early in the morning?

Because the UK is located in the 0 time zone and Japan is located in the 9 East time zone, the time difference between the two places is nine hours. After returning to his luxurious room from the bar inside the hotel, he glanced at the clock and saw that the time was seven o'clock in the evening, that is to say The time in Tongshiye City was almost four o'clock in the morning.

For a moment, Hayato didn't know which one to complain about first. Kaiba got up so early and was working on inventions. What was he doing? Isn't Keipei worried about not growing taller when he wakes up so early? And Isono is actually there too. Even with overtime pay, it’s a bit too hard.

I just wanted to ask, how are you preparing for the Duel Academy?

Although in Japan, the school semester for students is divided into two periods: the early period from April to September and the latter period from October to March, Kaiba has no intention of continuing to apply this time period to the newly built Duel Academy. After all, the island where the Duel Academy is located It is not in Japan at all but in the Indian Ocean. The final decision to open the Duel Academy is in May.

The first semester is the spring and summer semester from May to October, and the five-month period includes the summer vacation from early July to late August, while the second semester is the autumn and winter semester from November to April of the following year. , the period includes two long holidays: the New Year holiday from late December to early January and the winter holiday from late February to late March.

The time now is April, and it won't be long before it seems that it will be the day when Duel Academy starts its first class of students. Hayato, who no longer has to go to school, feels a little excited at the thought of watching people suffer.

As a result of the first class's enrollment, there will be 80 students enrolled, which is only one-third of the number of ordinary high schools, but it is enough. After all, this is only the first class. I can understand the unwillingness of the parents of those students. The feeling of a child going to a professional school with no immediate future.”

Although he is only 17 years old this year, Kaiba said in an old-fashioned way, but this guy's aura really failed to make people notice that he was actually underage, Besides, the Duel Academy located on an isolated island will not adopt those... Public higher schools adopt a 'dormitory' system instead of a class system.

The highest-level Obelisk Blue Dormitory will receive the best treatment in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, followed by the Sun God Yellow Dormitory, which will be slightly inferior to the Blue Dormitory, and finally the Osiris Red Dormitory. , whether it is the supply of dormitories, meals or even free utensils, they are of the worst quality.

Only this kind of class difference can inspire students to be competitive and motivated, and make them strive to become better.

Although Kaiba's words sounded a bit like the law of the jungle, Hayato still agreed with his idea. After all, instead of letting students realize the truth of society only after they graduate and enter society, it is better to let them try to adapt in advance in school. stand up. And although it looks like a class system, Kaiba's dormitory system is not a common pyramid class.

In that kind of class system, the position of the upper-ranking person is limited. If you want to climb up, you need to pull people down to a lower position. But Duel Academy is different. Kaiba has never limited the number of people in each dormitory. If they are all If they are poor students, they will all go to Osiris Red, but if they are all excellent students, it doesn't matter if they all go to Obelsik Blue.

In the past few months, with the assistance of Kagemaru and Anasis, the Kaiba Group has already completed the infrastructure construction project of the college on that island. The already built school can be completed by Obelisk Blue alone. It can accommodate more than a thousand people, not to mention the slightly worse treatment of Sun God Huang and Osiris Red, who are not single-person dormitories but need to live in mixed rooms.

However, Hayato still complained: Why is [Obelisk] the highest level? Obviously [Ra] is the strongest among the three phantom gods. Kaiba, you are using your power for personal gain.

Hmph, if it weren't for the strong objections of you and Keipei, I would have named the Duel Academy 'Kaiba Academy'. And it's just a name. Who would care about such boring things like you? Kaiba refused to admit it. I really wanted to step on Hayato and Yugi's head in terms of the name of the dormitory.

If I can’t win at cards, why don’t I fund the construction of a school myself and give myself some pleasure in naming it?

If you don't care, just change 'Sun God Huang' to the one with the best salary? Hayato smiled and asked, Student matters are casual. What I care about more is the strength of the teachers. After all, Duel Academy will always be the best. It’s a school, it’s still about education.”

Compared to students' problems, teachers' problems are trivial, because as long as they can be solved with insignificant money, they are not a problem to me. Kaiba said, and Hayato vaguely heard Kaiba's voice coming from beside him. Keppei's voice of Because it's not you who makes money but me! must be an illusion, huh.

Due to the previous GeneX competition, the Duel Academy has recruited many teachers with sufficient qualifications. Although some of them are just good at dueling and not good at teaching, after a month of intensive training, they are completely enough to teach some teenage students. Yes. Kaiba said, then paused, There is also the position of principal of Duel Academy. I invited the electronic stream teacher you recommended, Kaoshima Iemitsu, and he agreed to come to Duel Academy.

Hayato didn't notice that although Kaiba said that Kaoshima Normal University agreed to come to Duel Academy, he didn't explain clearly what position Kaiba invited Kaoshima Normal University for, and continued to listen to Kaiba's words. On the other end of the phone, Kaiba also had a calculating expression on his face.

However, due to the dormitory system of Duel Academy, in my plan, I plan to assign a dormitory teacher to each dormitory based on the class teacher system.

Osiris Red and Sun God Huang have already chosen their dormitory leaders. They are the third runner-up and champion of the adult category of the previous GeneX competition. They were obviously the champions but chose to be the relatively unspectacular Sun God Huang's dormitory leader. , that person named Aoki has a really weird character. However, the guy named Jean-Louis Bonaparte who won the runner-up at the time refused to be a teacher at the Duel Academy, so the current position of Obelisk Blue's dormitory leader is still There’s a vacancy.”

I'm wondering if we should try to select one of the teachers who have already been hired.

This is the purpose of my call, Seth~ Hayato said with a smile, I met a person here who is very suitable for that position, and he is definitely qualified for the position of Obelisk Blue's dormitory leader.

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