
Does Hayato not understand the current situation at all? Not really, after all, he has read many stories of various types, and the knight who calls himself Artolis has also mentioned Avalon before.

Although there is no definite evidence, he speculates that he may have encountered the so-called divine hidden, which is a sudden space transfer into another space different from the normal world.

There is a precedent for this. Hayato clearly remembers that in the future Duel Academy, during an outdoor activity, Yujo Judai and his pig teammates encountered the Kamigakure and accidentally entered a [Tomb Guard] clan. in the ruins. The [Tomb Guards] here are not the Tomb Guards like Yin Xisi and Xia Di, but the elves [Tomb Guards] who fight duel monsters.

And this is one of the evidences of a different space similar to that of the [Tomb Guard] tribe. In the different space that Yucheng Shidai and the others experienced, the card elves who have awakened will be in the different space even if they are not capable enough. Under the blessing of the power of another space, it becomes materialized. Even if the user himself has not yet had the ability to see the spirit, he can still see his own spirit. Hayato also saw the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] in a materialized state just now.

Referring to this precedent from the future, Hayato tentatively speculates that the Artolis in front of him may also be an elf living in a small alien world like the [Gravekeeper] family, but the card in Duel Monsters is based on King Arthur. But there was more than one picture, and Hayato didn't know which Artolis was in front of him.

If it was [Paladin Artoris], then Hayato felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. He also remembered where he had seen the face of Artoris. Among the piles of mortal bone cards he had first obtained There is one [Paladin-Artoris], and with a mortal bone with 1800 attack and defense, there is nothing to be afraid of.

And if it is the advanced form of [King of Paladins] or [King of Holy Knights], or [Comic Hero-King Arthur] and its advanced form [Chaos Super-Comic Hero-Legendary Arthur], and [Heroic Champion] -Broken Steel Sword King], although it felt like the other party went to the wrong set and showed up too early, but I was still able to get it done.

But if it is the [Heroic Champion-Broken Steel Sword King] that is upgraded to another level, the famous [86-Heroic Champion-Destroying Gun King], Hayato feels that it is better for him to run away in advance. When playing cards, you can use monsters are all resistant but not duelists are all resistant to get around it, but now that the opposing elf himself is fighting in person, how can he get around it?

However, according to Hayato's observation, the knight who calls himself Artolis is not holding a spear but a two-handed sword, and the opponent also looks like a human being without wearing exaggerated armor. The latter two The possibility of this is not high, but it does not rule out the possibility that after the opponent enters the battle, he will suddenly transform into a set of armor by making fancy moves like a fake O knight. The weapon in his hand may also be solved by shouting Swastika Transform into a spear.

While pretending not to understand the situation and confusing Artoris in front of him, Hayato quietly put the cards of his elves in the duel plate and drew them for use. As Artoris's attention was distracted by the conversation, , Hayato summons spirits to strike first!

It is still the precedent in the future. At that time, the attitude of the [Tomb Guards] clan towards outsiders who accidentally entered the city cannot be said to be one of hatred, it can only be said to kill them quickly. They will treat the ten generations of pigs who accidentally entered the city. The teammates were captured and used as living sacrifices with the intention of killing them. If this was not a world of card players, and Yujo Judai was also good at playing cards, a large number of students would have died in another dimension.

Even if Judai defeated the leading [Tomb Guard Elder], they were still almost killed, because not only the [Tomb Guard Elder], but almost all the [Tomb Guard Elders] in that different space at that time The 】 clan has an attitude towards outsiders that they are eager to eat their flesh and cut out their bones. They are quite unfriendly. Even if the [Tomb Guard Elders] say something to stop them, they cannot control the [Tomb Guards] clan.

Therefore, although the knight who calls himself Artolis has a friendly attitude, Hayato still does not let down his guard because he cannot guarantee whether there is anyone other than Artolis in this alien space that may be Avalon other existences, and whether Artolis's attitude can represent the attitudes of other existences.

After all, as we all know, Avalon is a famous scenic spot that has been used in many game and film works. In addition to Apple Island and God's Blessed Island, it also has the title of Fairy Land, although Hayato currently only I saw Artolis alone, but who knew if he would throw down his sword and summon 800 fairy swordsmen and axemen in the blink of an eye.

However, considering that Artoris is most likely King Arthur, Hayato feels that even if he does not have an absolute leadership position in Avalon, he should at least have a certain special status. As long as he is held hostage, he may There is also a way to hold 'Arthur' hostage to win over the goblins.

As long as you don't have the kind of 25-year-old kid who says, How can a demon live in heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time under human beings? You can sit back and relax.

And when Hayato shouted the name [Ryuuki Takumi-Tianryu Meteor=DRA], the Starry Sky Dragon with a mechanical body also emerged from Hayato's body——

When Artolis heard Hayato suddenly shouting [Long Yi Qiao], he also abruptly pulled out the sharp sword he was holding on from the ground, preparing for a possible surprise attack, but the breeze blew past Hayato and him. In this empty plain, there is no movement except the green grass swaying in the wind.

Huh? Before the expected attack, Artolis looked at Hayato with some confusion.

Hayato was also very surprised as to why [Long Yiqiao-Dianlong Meteor=DRA] did not appear. Could it be that he went to maintain his own parts? But when I touched the card, I could clearly feel that the spirit of [Long Yiqiao - Tianlong Meteor = DRA] was still living in the card.

Not only [Ryuuki Takumi-Denryu Ryusei=DRA], although Hayato only called his name, but in fact Hayato planned to summon [Ryuuki Takumi-Denryu Ryusei=QUA] at the same time, just shout The name of one of them is also convenient for the other to carry out sneak attacks. However, [Long Yi Qiao-Tianlong Meteor = QUA] is also in the same situation. Hayato clearly summoned them, but he failed to make them materialize, and he couldn't even escape from the card.

However, among the elves brought by Hayato, it seems that only a few such as [Ryuuki Qiao], [Hellfire Machine], [Silver City] and even [AtoZ] were affected and unable to escape from the card. After several attempts, [ Shenyingyi-Midrash] and [Half-Dragon Maid-Dragon Housekeeper] both appeared next to Hayato smoothly.

However, after being delayed for so long, the effect of the sneak attack has long been gone.

Avalon is not a place where all beings can enter. Here, only elves with permission can exist and appear. But I don't know what happened to you just now. Dragons should be able to appear. Knight Artolis was pointing his sword at Hayato and said, But, did you just want to attack me? It seems that our communication can no longer continue, king of a foreign land?

In the end, we still have to communicate with swords. Will you solve the problem or will you just rely on fighting?

The Dragon Clan can appear, and then there is the Magician Clan. Supposedly, the Warrior Clan can also appear, but not the Machine Clan, Demon Clan, etc. This Earth Magic Card seems to be a knight as well, but a racial knight. Hayato complained, but did not explain to Artolis that [Long Yiqiao-Dianlong Meteor=DRA] was not the dragon race he thought, but actually a machine race.

After all, the dragon family of duel monsters is very magical. If you put together several pictures of monsters that look like dragons and ask people who don't know them to identify which ones are dragons, ten out of nine will choose the wrong one. .

[Ryuuki Takumi] and [Hellfire Machine] cannot appear because they are probably restricted by the so-called Avalon. The only exception is probably that Hayato released the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] he brought with him in advance, and was prohibited from appearing. After Hayato tested the races one by one, it was found that they also included the beast race, the beast warrior race, the telekinesis race, etc.

However, because even Hayato does not have elves of all races, he cannot test whether some races can appear. He only knows that the only ones that can appear at the moment are the warrior race, the magician race, and the dragon race.

It seems that the only benefit of this racial blockade at the moment is that it makes Hayato's ears quieter than ever before, because the most annoying disruptors are all locked in the cards because they are beasts and cannot get out.

Oh, do you think you can convince others with words? In that case, King Arthur will be killed by Mordred? You can't even convince your own son, and you still want to convince others?

Hayato sarcastically wanted to anger Artoris in front of him, but found that the other person was not overly excited except for a helpless expression of wanting to use force again. It's not like you're not irritated when you hear something you don't care about, but it's closer to someone who's listening to an irrelevant story and doesn't care at all.

Avalon's biggest restriction on entrants is that in addition to special qualifications and the special ability to open the door, the most important thing is to have an independent, pure and kind heart, not a noble character. There is no way to enter Avalon. Therefore, I don’t think it is necessary to go to the point of communicating with force.”

Artolis glanced at Hayato, changed the position of the sword in his hand, held the hilt of the sword in both hands and stood upright in front of his body, with the blade facing the sky, However, if force must be used to allow the communication to continue, I will not I will cooperate with you because I think I will not lose to others in terms of force.

O Avalon, answer me!

Raising the sword above his head, Hayato saw that after Artolis shouted to the sky, a pure white light pillar suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped Artolis. In the light pillar, armor was generated and nested out of thin air. On Artolis's body.

The armor is integrated, right? You at least need a summoner and a satellite to transform, okay? You just raise your sword and transform? Hayato complained, Then can I also use my mind to summon light energy from the sun to transform?

Unfortunately, Hayato raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky. The sun was covered by white clouds and did not respond to him (sad).

After the light beam dissipated, Artolis certainly did not turn into an armored warrior. Originally dressed in cloth, he used his original clothes as a base and put on a set of silver armor that looked quite warm. The large metal joints were The mane accessories are connected as a buffer to protect the body, giving it a more knightly aura, and is closer to Hayato's impression of the card image of [Paladin Artoris].

However, what attracted Hayato's attention even more was that after the two-handed sword that guided the transformation beam was held with one hand in his right hand again and inserted into the ground, Artolis raised his left forearm hanging in front of his chest. , is equipped with a piece of equipment that looks like stacked shields. Although it is not exactly the same, looking at the general structure, it is clearly a duel disk!

Moreover, in the gap close to the back of the hand, a stack of cards appeared out of thin air!

Duel! Speaking in standard English, Artolis said the duel opening slogan that Hayato was familiar with. The device on his left arm unfolded, confirming Hayato's guess that it was indeed a duel disk.

Ah, it's not surprising at all. He pulled out the deck on his duel plate that contained most of the elves that couldn't escape, and then inserted it back. In just such a move, Hayato had already finished adjusting the deck in his hand. He changed to a reorganized deck and activated the duel disk to expand it. After all, this is Pai Lao's world. 'How about a duel monster? 'Of course, no one in the class can beat me.'

Hayato, who was muttering to himself, put his deck of cards into the duel plate, then put away his expression and became serious, and said calmly: Duel.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Artolis: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I have the first strike, draw the card! Hayato took the lead in drawing the card and taking the first strike.

Although Artoris equipped and deployed the Duel Disk first, his handsome Duel Disk did not have the advanced function of automatically ejecting cards as Hayato's Duel Disk, so Hayato successfully took the lead. However, from the look of Artolis, it seemed that he had no intention of taking the lead.

Hayato didn't pay attention, but looked at the cards he had drawn. The [Kamishado-Midrash] and [Half-Dragon Maid-Dragon Butler] beside him had already been adjusted when he adjusted the deck. It has already disappeared.

The opponent seems to be the legendary King Arthur, the Red Dragon of Britain. To deal with such an opponent, would it be better to use this card? Playing the card in his hand on the field, Hayato said, Normally summon [Half-Dragon Maid] ·Laundry Lady]!”

This time, I played the 'Pure [Half-Dragon Maid]' deck!


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