Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 7 Visiting the Stolen Goods Exhibition Room

Leaving the Thames River, Hayato walked on the increasingly lively streets, wandering around with nothing to do. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

In Hayato's class at Doshino City High School, there are not many people who plan to go to college after graduating from high school. In other words, most of them don't actually have the ability to get into a good university, and most of them choose to find a job.

In the end, it seems that only Miho Nosaka, the study committee member, Yugi, whose grades are incompatible with Jonouchi and Honda, and Hanasaki, who has a good relationship with Yugi, continue to go to university.

The dream of the game is to become a game designer and complete an interesting game, but as a high school student, he does not have enough ability to complete a game independently, not only writing, art, etc., but also Naturally, games in the 21st century want to keep pace with the times and produce electronic versions of games, and programming skills are also essential.

Therefore, in the next four years, he plans to hone his abilities in this area in college, and use his spare time to make the game he wants to make. After four years, he will graduate with the work and go to Germany to participate in the game competition. exhibition.

As for the biggest problem for most independent gamers - funding, the game has nothing to worry about. Not to mention that he plans to do all the work by himself without hiring additional people or outsourcing. The game production process He can fully afford the consumption.

After all, the International Illusion Society is booming. The game has not been able to spend all the dividends from the shares of the International Illusion Society the year before last. And last year’s dividends have also arrived. This is still the game looking for Grandpa Double Six to spend. When you have done some repairs and renovated your house and shop.

You can't spend it all, you really can't spend it all. No wonder Becas always says, I have no interest in money. What I regret most in my life is founding the International Illusion Society. What I miss most are the days when I traveled around the world. Such Versailles spoke.

Kyoko said that when Kyoko went to the United States to pursue her dream, the game actually had the ability to support her, but he respected Kyoko's efforts in pursuing her dream over the years and did not let money tarnish their friendship. Kyoko thought the same.

As for the two people, they already knew each other's thoughts about themselves. No one said it clearly. They just kept this feeling in their hearts and waited for it to bloom when they meet again in the future.

Now, both of them have their own dreams to pursue. Kyoko wants to be a dancer, and Yugi also wants to be a game designer. They are still working hard to realize their dreams.

...Although it somewhat ruined the atmosphere, Hayato suddenly remembered that Yugi seemed to have said that he planned to work in the card design department of the International Illusion Society in the future. Thinking about it this way, did he really need to work hard during the interview? Not to mention his status as a legendary duelist, just because he is one of the three largest shareholders of the International Illusion Society, he will definitely be able to successfully join, and there is no way he will encounter workplace bullying or anything like that.

However, that is also a matter of the future and has nothing to do with the current Hayato. Since he doesn't plan to go to college and doesn't need to work hard for money, he has plenty of time to squander. He is not in a hurry to return to Tongshiye City. Now that he has come to the UK, he plans to travel for a while, but he remembers that he My parents have already traveled to the UK before, otherwise I might accidentally run into parents who travel all over the world.

He just regretted that when he came to England, he was worried about the trouble and danger because of the Oliha Stone, so he didn't ask Yin Xisi to come with him, otherwise he would have a travel companion to go with him.

However, Yin Xisi has also been very busy recently, because of the salvage operations in the Pacific. Although in the end, all countries failed to recover Doma's legacy that had enough research value-or perhaps no one confessed that they had salvaged anything valuable- —However, it cannot be said that all countries have gained nothing.

Just like Bekas was able to accidentally obtain sunken ships containing strange gems, this joint salvage unexpectedly allowed various countries to find many sunken ships containing valuable cultural relics, whether they were in the Americas, Asia or Africa. The same is true in Egypt, where many cultural relics have been found.

Because of this, Yinsis, as the director of the Egyptian Antiquities Bureau, was so busy with her affairs that she even had to return to Egypt to better manage those cultural relics.

However, traveling alone does not have much impact on Hayato. After all, although the influence of the Empire on which the sun never sets is almost all over the world, the actual area of ​​the UK is only as large as 240,000 square kilometers, which is the same as a Shaanxi is almost the same.

The United Kingdom can be divided into three parts: England, Scotland, and Wales. People in the three places dislike each other. Shaanxi can also be divided into three parts: northern Shaanxi, Guanzhong, and southern Shaanxi. People in the three places also dislike each other;

The northern part of England is the Scottish Highlands, and the northern part of Shaanxi is the Loess Plateau;

Northern England speaks a Scottish dialect with a nasal accent, and Scots wear floral kilts. People in northern Shaanxi speak the northern Shaanxi dialect, which also has a nasal sound, and northern Shaanxi people wear large floral cotton-padded jackets;

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is close to the Thames River, and Xi'an, the provincial capital of SX, is also close to the Wei River;

The British invented the hamburger, and the Shaanxi people invented the roujiamo; the British had a famous actor Jason Statham, and Shaanxi had a famous actor Guo Da; the British had a famous landmark building, the Clock Tower, and Shaanxi had a famous landmark building. Bell Tower; there is a country east of Britain called Netherlands, and there is a province east of Shaanxi called Henan...

Britain is Shaanxi, the argument is successful!

Walking on the street, Hayato couldn't help laughing as he completed the argument in his mind, so much so that several office workers on the road rushing to work thought they had seen someone abnormal.

However, when Hayato walked across New Oxford Street to Russell Square and looked at the large and spectacular Greek Revival building in front of him in the center of London, he also suppressed the smile on his face. Is the UK comparable to Shaanxi? Shaanxi's crime does not end there.

Although the building in front of him is not the product of high-tech industrial technology, nor is it an architectural miracle with a long history, its name is known to everyone from the Cape of Good Hope to the Bering Strait, and it is not because of anything else. It's because there are so many cultural relics here.

This is the British Museum, the place that best proves the notoriety of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

Japan has a folk legend of the so-called eight million gods. In order to make up the number, everything from big gods like Amaterasu to small monsters such as the sworn gods born from old things such as Tatara Kosame have been included. , but this eight million is still just a virtual finger indicating that the number is large. However, there are indeed more than eight million antiquities in the British Museum.

The UK is such a big country, how could there be so many cultural relics? It’s simple. Can’t you just “borrow” it from other countries? Someone once joked that if the UK were to return cultural relics borrowed from other countries, Londoners would only be able to visit an empty house.

The time now is eight o'clock in the morning and almost nine o'clock in the morning. The British Museum has not yet opened to visitors, but security personnel have already been patrolling. Hayato saw a team of security personnel changing guard at the entrance not far away. It seemed that they were on night duty. The security personnel are off duty and replaced by another team of more energetic people.

It seems that the British Museum still guards this place very carefully. Actually, if you think about it, it is true. There are so many cultural relics here. If you pick just one, they are probably priceless treasures. After all, the archaeologists who borrowed the cultural relics from overseas were With limited carrying capacity, it is natural to give priority to bringing back more valuable treasures, while destroying relatively worthless cultural relics on the spot.

Those thieves with connections in the black market, how could they let such a large treasure house go if they really had the chance? Naturally, it must be strictly guarded, not to mention that in addition to criminals, there are cultural relics that have been borrowed by the British. There is no shortage of countries that want to take action here.

After all, although the sun never sets has faded, it is difficult to change the reality that it is still one of the most developed, influential and powerful countries in Europe. Several permanent members of the United Nations still want it to initiate the return of cultural relics. However, how can those small countries dare to ask for cultural relics in front of Britain? Even if those cultural relics once belonged to them.

He looked very professional, seemed to be paid well, and was a security guard who dared to go to any trouble he encountered. Hayato did not want to wait until the museum opened before entering the British Museum through formal channels, so he still chose to go to the Clock Tower. The same fare evasion as before, even though the tickets here are actually free.

The power of the [Quantum Cube] was activated again and entered a state that could not be observed by ordinary people. When the patrolling security personnel opened the door, Hayato followed the team swaggering in front of them and walked into the British Museum with them.

Although when it was first established, the British Museum was mainly used to collect precious books. This was also the last wish of the collector who donated his entire collection, plant specimens, books and manuscripts to the king at that time. Later, the king established this museum. The collection of books from the royal Old Royal Library was also donated to fill the inventory.

However, after more than two hundred years of restocking, the number of cultural relics here has long surpassed books, and the largest proportion of them are cultural relics and even buildings from Egypt. The British Museum even prepared a specially prepared Egyptian cultural relics hall, and Hayato The following team of security personnel entered this venue.

As soon as he walked in, Hayato saw a broken stone slab that was specially placed in the most conspicuous position in the middle of the road and displayed separately. The name of the stone slab was written in English on the side, Rosetta Stone. There are lost ancient Egyptian priestly writings, ancient Egyptian cursive writing that was simplified but also lost, and ancient Greek tablets.

There is a board written in English on the side of the stone tablet. On it is an introduction to the history of the stone tablet and a translation and explanation of its content. Although Hayato's English is not bad, he does not need to read the lengthy English annotations. , but after taking a few glances at the incomplete ancient Egyptian priestly writing and the cursive script below, I realized that the content of the tablet was basically nothing more than praises to Pharaoh Ptolemy V and his father, which was quite boring.

Hayato didn't feel much about this stone slab, not because of anything else, but because Yin Xisi had told him that the Rosetta Stone, regarded as the treasure of the British Museum, was actually not at all It's not the first stone slab discovered in the town of Rosetta.

The French army discovered this stone slab when they demolished the house in Rosetta and planned to build a fortress. After identification by historians accompanying the army, they determined that it was an antiquity from more than 2,000 years ago, and that Emperor Napoleon at the time made two copies of it. More than a thousand rubbings were sent across the country for people to decipher, but before they could be successfully deciphered, the British army came over, defeated Napoleon's army, and seized the stone tablet.

Just, the loss fits Hayato's stereotype of the French army, so it's not surprising at all.

However, during the gap between the retreat of the French army and the advance of the British army, the tomb-keepers at that time had been waiting for the opportunity for a long time, prepared an ancient stone slab with the words of the Rosetta Stone, and took the opportunity to replace the original one.

Moreover, when carving the text, the head of the tomb-guarding clan at that time also deliberately changed the order of most of the text to prevent the ancient Egyptian priest's text from being deciphered. The result was that although the ancient Greek text was followed, the French finally succeeded in deciphering the content of the stone slab with rubbings. But the inferred cursive script and ancient Egyptian priests are completely wrong.

If the ancient Egyptian priests were not a type of writing that has the same meaning and pronunciation as Chinese characters, and the order of the characters does not affect the reading, even Hayato would not be able to understand what is written on the stone tablet.

The stone tablet itself is not authentic, and the information recorded on it is also wrong. It is no wonder that Yin Xisi does not care much about the Rosetta Stone, the most important stone in the Egyptian pavilion. Not just this stone slab, in fact a considerable part of the cultural relics in the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities have been replaced, either before or after being brought here.

After all, there are indeed supernatural powers in this world. Hayato feels that if he were the holder of the [Millennium Scepter] of the Tomb Guard Clan in that era without surveillance, he should be able to control it easily. Others took the cultural relics away.

But even so, the number of the tomb-guarding clan was small after all, and the speed of plundering could not be compared with that of the Sun Never Sets empire at that time. There were still many authentic cultural relics left in this museum that had not been taken away. After all, even if When retrieving cultural relics, we also prioritize the important ones.

But Hayato doesn't care too much about this. The purpose of his trip is to go to the depths of the British Museum. He remembered that there was something called the Molde Gold Shawl here, which seemed to be a Welsh cultural relic from two thousand years ago. It was a rare British cultural relic in the British Museum - if Wales was really Britain, It is also an existence that ranks at the forefront of all museums in terms of rarity.

If you like to collect other people's cultural relics, then today I, Hayato Kobayashi, will collect your cultural relics!

With this thought in mind, Hayato continued to leave after the security personnel who had completed the inspection. When he saw something, he suddenly stopped.

On a stand in the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, there is a bust of stone statue, engraved with the face of a person. It looks quite handsome and lifelike, and it looks like it is nothing ordinary at first glance. The description below the stone statue says that this stone statue is that of the famous Pharaoh Ramses II.

But what made Hayato clenched his fists involuntarily and gritted his teeth in anger was that this stone statue had an extremely ugly strip from its left shoulder to its right waist, which was artificially cut open with a chainsaw or other tools just to facilitate the dismantling of the stone statue. Shipping cracks!

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