Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 283


Chapter 283 Confrontation
The eve of a rainstorm is not always peaceful.

The arrival of the azure ponytail is like the sound of the drums of war, and the dormant Teltown people take action.

The clatter of the West Bank, the thumping of hammers and the turning of wheels can be heard all night from the outposts on the embankment.

At the same time, Turdun lightly rode out, sweeping the river bank inch by inch.

Winters' lurking post on the other side was either forced to evacuate, or unfortunately sacrificed.

A flexible, invisible, yet airtight net stretches out on the west bank of the Bighorn River, cutting off all the outside sight.

Evidently, the Terdun people are rushing to build river crossings, maybe sheepskin rafts, maybe pontoon bridges, maybe even warships.

No one knows exactly what the Turtletown Ministry is building, but one thing is clear - the fire roaster is going to the other side, and he doesn't care that people on the other side know about it.

The soldiers and civilians of Tiefeng County are also preparing for the battle day and night.

The reeds, shrubs, and woods adjacent to the water were all cut down and burned, and watch towers and piers were erected. Every foot of the river was strictly controlled, and the enemy was not given any chance to cross the river without a trace. .

The situation is like a confrontation between two beasts. There is no growling or barking, because each other knows that the other side cannot be intimidated.

Therefore, the two beasts took on their true fighting stance: their bodies were low, their muscles were tense, and they stared at the enemy, silently accumulating strength.

In silence, the atmosphere became solemn. Not even the veterans started to get nervous, let alone the common people.

If there is anyone else who can eat well and sleep soundly, it seems that only Winters ·Montagne.

At least among the haggard-faced, tired-looking Oxhoof Valley representatives, Winters was the only one smiling.

"Gentlemen." Winters straight to the point: "You are all respectable gentlemen of this town, and the true head of the Oxhoof Valley. In the face of the enemy, we are here for one thing. Things."

Hearing this, some represent ashen-faced, some represent dull eyes, and some represent numbness.

What else can I do? It's nothing more than a tax increase.

The town hall was quiet enough to hear the pulse beat, and everyone was waiting for their boots to fall.

Winters paused, looked around, and uttered one word clearly: "Toilet."

Half of the people in the hall thought they had heard it wrong.

The other half moved their buttocks uneasily, believing that the Tribunal was going to add a new tax—the toilet tax.

“From the early morning of this morning, Niu Hoof Valley is officially under military control.” Winters and Yan Yuese explained to the delegates: “Military control requires military law. Military law, it is strictly forbidden to defecate and dump feces and urine anywhere.”

He admonished: "I saw someone standing on the window sill with two wooden boards, and squatting directly on it to do the slaughter. This kind of behavior will be banned from now on, and offenders will be fined, whipped, and hard labor. I hope you can lead by example and convey the message seriously. I understand. Is it?"

The impromptu meeting said this, and it ended quickly.

The public opinion representatives walked out of the town hall in a daze, standing on the street, you look at me, I look at you, no one is speechless.

Even if the tribune of Montagne ordered the tax to be extended thirty years later, they would not be so amazed.

However, the Jinshen could not have imagined that the tribunal solemnly summoned them for the sole purpose of "digging toilets".

"This, this..." A tall and thin public opinion representative blushed and complained in a low voice: "What is this? The barbarians are just across the river, don't want to fight, teach us to dig toilets? Where? It looks like a general! It can also fight? I see, the Oxhoof Valley will be finished sooner or later! Let's find a way to go to Gervodin."

Another chunky public opinion representative disagreed: "You What do you know? Fearless in the face of danger, and commanding a firm command, this is the style of a famous general. I think this blood wolf has real ability and deserves its reputation."

"I don't understand, you understand?" The tall and thin representative asked back in disapproval.

"I really understand." The chubby representative said proudly, "I think back then, I was also General Yanosh's personal servant. If it wasn't for an arrow in the arm, maybe I would also..."

"What a bastard to follow! If you get the chance, you will blow it." The tall and thin representative ruthless pierced the other side, he taunted: "It's just a servant! If you were a follower of General Yanosh, you would still be here. Here?"

"Then you don't care, you know better than you anyway." The short and fat representative blushed and turned white, and stood in front of the tall and thin person: "I tell you! General Yanosh During the war, I don’t care about anything else every day, except to check whether the people have enough to eat. According to what you said, General Yanosh also can’t fight?”

The tall and thin people have always been at odds with the short and fat people. Whenever there is a chance, they will quarrel, and occasionally they will be serious.

A veteran public opinion representative next to him pulled the two apart, and said warmly and muddy: "You are all right, you are all right. Your Excellency Baomin Guan is also right, the Niu Hoof Valley turns out to be less than three. Hundreds of people, now? Thousands of people! If there is a plague, none of us can escape. Your Excellency asks you to dig a toilet, so go ahead and dig it. The toilet can still be piled with nitrate, isn't it good?"

"You love to dig, you dig! He wants to separate men from women!" The tall and thin man shouted in anger, "My family lives well, why do we need to separate? Live for someone else? Why?"

"Keep your voice down! Are you dying?" The representative of Lao Cheng quickly stopped the other party: "If someone hears you say this to me, I will be implicated. You Don't die, we still want it!"

The chubby representative said bitterly: "Don't stop him, don't persuade him. Just let him fight against the blood wolf and see if the blood wolf can deal with him. !"

After speaking, the short and fat representative threw his hands and left.

"What are you doing?" The tall and thin representative was suddenly a little scared—afraid that the other party was going to sue.

"Dig the toilet!" The chunky representative left without looking back.

Other delegates felt bored and dispersed.

Samukin, who came to see Winters, happened to witness this little farce.

Samukin didn't say anything, just remembered the faces of a few people. He got off the saddle and rushed into the town hall.

Seeing Samujin's fiery appearance, Winters said said with a smile: "What? The monkey's butt face can't hold his breath, so he wants to fight?"

Samujin stood at attention Reply: "I have a boy under my command who crosses the river for reconnaissance. I just came back."

"Crossing the river for reconnaissance?" A Dao Pattern appeared between Winters' eyebrows: "When did the volunteer battallion have the task of crossing the river for reconnaissance?"

Scouting is not an easy job in itself. Going to reconnaissance in the enemy's control area is not the most reliable and capable person.

Therefore, as long as one step is wrong, grabbing the tongue will turn into sending the tongue, and reconnaissance of the enemy will also turn into sending intelligence to the enemy.

"He... he went by himself." Samukin's face was full of helplessness: "That kid, sigh, he is very clever and has strong water. He first got a Hurd robe and put it on. The basket floated to the opposite bank, and then the river where people snorkeled."

Winters sighed heavily: "Just come back, bring him to see me."

"That kid." Sa Mujin lowered his head, held his hat and said, "he was seriously injured, and he was dying. He couldn't even speak. He kept repeating 'wood' and 'wood'."

"Also Alive?" Winters propped up on the table and stood up suddenly.

"One breath left."

"Take me to see him." Winters ignored the stiffness in his left leg and strode out the door: "Charle!"

"I'm here!" Ciel, who was brushing horses, hurried over.

"Go find Kaman!"


It is a boy who crosses the river to scout without permission.

The boy has big eyes, big ears, big head, and a small scar on the tip of his nose.

Looks like...not yet fifteen.

But Samukin said that the "boy" was actually 17 years old, but he was thin and thin because he couldn't eat enough in the past.

Looking at the calluses on his hands, he is already a qualified man.

Now, his life may stop at seventeen forever.

Because he was hit by three arrows, one to his left arm and one to his left leg, all of them were penetrating injuries.

The two arrows of the left arm and left leg are not the most deadly, but the third arrow that enters from the back and exits from the front belly is the most deadly.

The dying young man's lips are still opening and closing slightly.

Only as close as possible can you barely hear the word "wood".

Winters, Kaman, the wounded, there is no fourth person in the room.

An unprecedented quarrel has just broken out between Winters and Kaman - because the latter disagrees with the dive technique.

"Listen to me, it's not that I don't want to help." After the quarrel, Kaman, although his face was ugly, patiently explained to Winters: "divine technique...divine technique can't do everything... "

Winters suppressed his anger: "Isn't God omnipotent?"

"Of course the Lord is omnipotent and omnipotent!" Kaman was also angry: "But I have limitations!"

"I'm not asking you to bring the dead back to life! He's still alive! He's not dead! He's still alive!" Winters gritted his teeth and even begged in a low voice: "I beg you, I beg you! I just beg you to mend his wounds, just like you did to Andre! I beg you! Please!"

Kaman hesitated, struggled, staring into Winters' eyes, thinking Find out what Winters intended to steal the secrets of the dive technique.

But he didn't find anything, and instead became more convinced that Winters wanted to save the little child from the bottom of his heart.

Kaman struggled, struggled, struggled repeatedly, uttering the words with extreme difficulty: "Cellini didn't hurt the internal organs!"

"How can the internal organs not work?!" Winters shouted .

Kaman's emotions were also on the verge of losing control, and he shouted back as if to vent: "No, no! The internal organs are no good! Cellini stopped the bleeding in time, this child has lost too much blood! Forcibly use the dive technique, he may He will die immediately! Do you understand?! Do you understand!!!"

Winters is still conscious, and he also realizes that his actions at the moment are equivalent to taking the opportunity to spy on the mystery of the dive technique.

"I don't ask! I don't ask anything! I don't look, I don't listen!" Winters clutched Kaman's arm tightly: "You just save him, you just save him! Also Can't you?"

Kaman said nothing.

"I know, I know it's not fair to you! Very unfair, most unfair unfair! But now only you can save him! He's a believer too! He's your lamb too!"

Kaman calmed down and said coldly: "Just think that I don't want to save you!"

"You may die with the divide technique, but you will definitely die without the divide technique!" Winters He tried his best to suppress his emotions and maintain his rationality: "You have to try!"

"Even if he doesn't die on the spot, he will die in the next few days." Kaman pulled out his arm and his eyes were cold: "You If I really think about him, I should prepare him for his dying confession. Instead of letting me continue his life, let him struggle in pain for a few days and then be blessed by the Lord!”

“What do you mean? ?" Winters felt betrayed.

"You know what I mean."

"You think I asked you to save him because of the information in his head?" Winters' shoulders and fingertips were shaking. : "Do you think so?"

"How do you think, only you know." Kaman hardened his heart, holding the holy emblem, avoiding Winters' sight.

"The arrow in his thigh is enough to incapacitate him! That arrow in the stomach can kill him directly!"> "Even so, he struggled to swim across the Big Horn River! The Big Horn River that can freeze people to death! Why don't you understand? He wants to live! Even if it's painful, he wants to live! It's not that I want him to suffer. , but he wants to live! Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he wants to live! How can you not understand!"

Kaman turned his back to Winters, unable to see his expression.

The gold chain with the holy symbol created a deep ravine in the back of Kaman's neck. In the end the gold chain couldn't bear it and was forcibly torn off.

Kaman turned sharply, rounded his arms, and fiercely gave Winters a right uppercut.

At the moment when the fist came over, Winters subconsciously entered the casting state, but he suppressed his counterattack and defensive instincts, clenched his teeth, forcibly fell this fist.

Winters was staggered. He slowly regained his balance, moved his jaw, and asked, "Do you want to hit again? I can give you another punch."

Kaman braced his knees, gasping for breath, but did not throw a second punch in the end. He walked to the bed, put down the holy emblem, and solemnly cleaned his hands.

Winters consciously avoided.

The commander and warrior outside heard the two people in the room arguing fiercely, and they had already consciously avoided to a farther place.

So Winters was the only one left at the door.

Winters sat silently outside the door, holding his chin. The pain gradually subsided, and there was a slight swelling.

Sumkin heard the quarrel subside, saw Winters go out again, and walked over cautiously.

Seeing Winters' swollen left cheek, Samukin turned pale in fright: "Why...he...Kaman...Father Kaman beat you?"

"Come here." Winters greeted Samukin.

Sumkin didn't suspect him, walked over to Winters obediently, and ate a boot.

"Beat me?" Winters was so angry that he started laughing instead: "Come on, explain to me what it means to beat me!"

"Then what are you... What did you do?" Samukin was completely confused.

Winters thought for a moment and replied, "Father Kaman's quid pro quo for saving me was that I would fight back and punch him."

Is there such an exchange? Samukin didn't believe it, but he nodded hard: "So it is, my subordinates understand."

Winters supported his cheeks and slowly moved his jaw: "I hope this kid can hold on, don't let me I got this fist in vain."

Samukin stood up straight, withdrew his expression, and saluted solemnly: "Hundred-Men Commander, I thank you for that kid."

Winters returned the salute, and said nonchalantly, "It's a good deal for a chance to live with a punch."

"If I can punch you, so does Father Kaman..." Samukin thought for a long time. , and finally came up with a word: "It's worth remembering for a lifetime."

"If he can save a life, it's worth remembering for a lifetime."

"Relax, Hundred-Men Commander Samukin solemnly vowed said: "This kid has a great life and can escape death every time. He is very tenacious, just like the Willow Tree, the dead branches can germinate when inserted into the soil. Weaving baskets He's also a good player."

"What's his name."

"It's Claude."

While speaking, Kaman pushed the door and walked out of the room, He looked at Winters coldly: "I repaired his internal organs, and treated the wounds on his left arm and left leg. There is a small opening in the abdominal cavity, which can drain the pus and blood."

"Repair Organs?" Samukin exclaimed with his eyes wide open. But immediately he was silenced by Winters' eyes.

“Thank you,” Winters said to Carman.

"Don't thank me. He was lucky and didn't die on the spot. Even so, I just barely continued his life. Death is only a little later, and he will suffer unimaginable until he is blessed by the Lord. Torture." Kaman stared at Winters: "I hope you don't regret it."

"I don't regret it." Winters looked at each other with poise: "You don't have to regret it."

Card Man walked away with a blank expression. He underestimated the life force and desire for survival of this young man named "Claude".

That night, just four hours later, Claude regained consciousness from a coma.

"Wood." Claude was so angry: "The barbarian is collecting the wood that has been burned, and he is still dragging the wood back from a farther place."

[Thanks to the book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets,月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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