Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 282


Chapter 282 Information
Daqing patrols the river, and wherever they go, the people of Teltown are hoarse cheer.

Just hearing the battle cry on the other side was like a dull thunder, one after another, first from far to near, then from near to far.

Oxhoof Valley residents ran out of their homes trying to figure out what was going on, but when they found out what the "thunder" was, they were terrified.

Some people even exclaimed, "It's the horn! The horn of the end of the world!"

"So this is Armageddon?" On the church bell tower, Winters smiled and asked Carman next to him: "Is the scene too small?"

To be honest, even Winters felt a bit insulted to see the chaos in Oxhoof Valley.

Kaman sighed softly, raised his hand to salute, and asked indifferently: "The world is where the eyes of mortals can see, isn't this war a doomsday war for them?"

"It doesn't matter if you can survive. But if everyone just wants to survive, no one can survive. Bard's division of men and women and children has a remarkable effect. It can not only properly protect women, children and the elderly, but also allow men Courage to fight."


"This is your help."

Kaman coldly snorted softly, conveying a certain 'As expected' contempt.

He stared at the people fleeing in the town square, and replied without looking up: "It's not for you."

"Okay." Winters leaned on his cane and went downstairs. Go: "By the way, Bud caught a prisoner, calling himself 'Father Saul', you can help identify it when you have time."

Kaman ignored Winters, but the The holy emblem slipped down inadvertently and fell straight to the ground.


At the door of the church, Charles and Heinrich have their horses ready and are on standby.

Samukin was dressed neatly and held his sword in salute: "The battalion of bravery can ring the bell at any time to prepare for battle."

"Don't worry." Fighting in the afternoon, let everyone rest, conserve strength and store up energy in the morning. Even more how will there be no war today."

"Then...what are you going to do?" Samukin was a little flustered. .

Winters pulled the reins and clamped the horse's rib lightly: "The monkey's butt face is there to show off one's military strength, I'll go and see the fun."

The horse trotted, Samukin After chasing behind, he shouted anxiously: "Just bring Charles and Heinrich? Then you bring a few more guards! You wait and I will follow!"

Winters laughed loudly, The horse leaves the Valley of the Hoofs.


azure Mawei Daquan marched on the west bank, declaring to both the enemy and us that "Khan" was on the battlefield.

Winters adorned side by side on the east bank, following until the ponytail on the opposite bank turned around and the battle cry died down.

"Look." Winters swung his whip to the other side: "The monkey's butt face turned back."

"Let's go back too?" Ciel asked.


Heinrich took the large map cautiously from his saddlebag and handed it to the military tribunal.

Looking around, Winters found some landmarks that could identify the location. He said with a smile: "Hey, it's almost time to reach Forge Township."

Ciel exclaimed: "Forge Township? Shouldn't it be twenty kilometers?"

"It's twenty-three kilometers." Winters marked the map: "A round of battle cry is a camp, and if you two count it, it is This is the reason."

"The camp? The camp with the monkey's butt face actually stretches for twenty kilometers?!" Charles was even more astonished.

"There are many livestock in the Hurd tribes, the distance is not widened, and there is no place for the horses to graze." Winters rolled up the map and tapped his left shin a few times through his boots:

"Although the West Bank is already scorched, but the fire-boilers will not come, the middle-level leaders of the Teltown Department still dare not easily change the marching route. But now that the monkey butt face is coming, the hungry wolves of the Teltown Department also want to begin to Stir."

Probably because the river was too cold, Winters' old injury on his left leg had relapsed since the day of the swimming raid on Tartai, and he had to walk with a cane again.

"Go back now?"

"Don't worry, go ahead. After this hill is Forge Township. Go and have a look."

Winters jumps on his horse and gallops away. Shire and Heinrich followed. The three climbed over the hillside and moved towards Forge Township.


Telltown Department's big account, all the big and small leaders were called to discuss.

The skylight was covered with cowhide, and the light in the tent was dim, only the light of fire.

Nayan and Kota sat in a circle around the campfire to show that everyone could speak freely in military discussions, regardless of whether they were superior or inferior.

"Can't drag it any longer!" Uncle Taichi, the fire roaster, almost broke through the tent: "Attack, detour, make up your mind!"

Approval one after another:
"Tai Chi is right!"

"The hay that I brought has long been eaten up. The animal spirits are now shaving the grass roots to eat, how can they be full?"

"Grassroots? The two-legged man caught fire, and the grassroots were scorched!"

A Qing Lingyu with white temples stood up and spoke: "The children sent a letter saying that the two-legged man was there. The defense of the upstream is very lax. Ganquan, Chuomahan and other sons have already crossed the river. Since the two-legged people are blocking here, then you and I should avoid them and go upstream or downstream."

There was another round of approval in the big tent.

For "going without a fight", the Hurds have no psychological burden. In the Hurd culture, there is no moral constraint on "escape".

What's so strange?

But reality is always more comical than plausible.

The Teltown nobles who appeared in the tent at the moment were all leaders who could not cross the river. They couldn't cross the river because there were defenders on the other side.

It stands to're blocking me downstream, so why don't I go upstream and loot?

But the nobles of Teltown can't detour. They can detour in a small area, but they can't maneuver in a large area of hundreds of kilometers.

They're not deadheads, stubborn, unwilling to take a detour -- in fact, they're crazy about it.

For example, Tai Chi.

Tai Chi's heart hurts like being pressed on a red-hot iron plate when he hears that others have made a fortune by breaking into the new farmland, and then looks at his own emaciated cattle and horses.

But Tai Chi couldn't go. He had to stay here because of the fire roaster's military order.

Telltown's marching line is not just "how to walk", but also a way of distributing benefits.

If Tai Chi went to loot elsewhere, it would be like milking someone else's goat's milk.

The fire roaster agrees on the marching route, and only the fire roaster can modify it.

Anything that the kotas can decide, they one word worth nine sacred tripods; anything that the kotas can't decide, any attempt to cross the border will incur the most severe punishment - the alpha wolf will not allow any Members of the pack challenge his authority, not even the alpha wolf's pro-Uncle.

The Terdun nobles in the big tent looked forward to the stars and the moon, and waited for three days, and finally waited for the fire-boiler.

Everyone is waiting for the fire roaster to speak, and then quickly leave the hard bone in front of him and go to a place where it is easier to gorge oneself.

The fire roaster finally spoke, but the first sentence was a question: "Taltai is life or death, can you wait to know?"

No one knew.

Some Kota told the fire-boilers: "There are none of the living, the dead...the two-legged people have dragged the bodies away."

"You are waiting to contain Tal. All the people from Taiwan, leave it to me." The fire roaster said gruffly: "I want to question them."

No one objected, after all, there are not many living people in the Tartai Department. .

"What about the horses and goods in Tartai?" asked Kota.

"You can keep it."

It turned out to be just a few people out, so no one objected.

The big tent was quiet again, and everyone was waiting for the fire roaster to speak and say something more critical.

The fire roaster pondered then said: "You and I..."

"Khan!" The urgent shouts of the quivers outside the tent interrupted the fire roaster's words. A military meeting was being held, but the quiverer dared not come in: "A messenger has been sent from the other side!"

"What?" Curtain: "Where is it?"

The tent was also like a frying pan, and all the Kota got up one after another, and whispered to each other to ask and inquire.

"Shut up!" Fire roaster shouted.

The tent suddenly fell silent.

Then the mask was removed, the skylight was opened, and the tent suddenly became brighter. The fire roaster returned to the upper seat, the kotas sat on both sides, and everything returned to its original appearance.

The messenger is brought forward.

As soon as he entered the tent, the messenger fell to his knees, wishing to bury his face in the carpet.

The fire roaster did not speak. The old interpreter understood and asked in common language: "Who are you?"

The messenger spoke, but he spoke in He German. But his voice was as thin as a mosquito and could not be heard at all.

A group of Terdun nobles exchanged glances, but in the end, Tai Chi couldn't hold back his anger: "Eggless gelding! Speak to me loudly!"

"The head of the tower People! I am the one who is called by the head of the Tartai family!"

The one who is called is the slave. The servant at home is the more favored slave.

The fire roaster's face darkened.

"Taltai?" The old interpreter squinted his eyes and asked for the fire roaster: "Is Taltai dead or alive?"

"no no no...I don't know. ."

"How did he cross the river?" the old interpreter asked the quiver escorting the messenger.

"On the raft."

"Just him."


Tai Chi impatiently He slapped the table and asked the messenger, "What does the two-legged man want you to do?"

The messenger, trembling with fear, fell on the ground and answered with a trembling voice: "Send a message."

"What message? ? Say!"

The messenger turned his Adam's apple and didn't dare to speak.


The messenger stammered and shouted: "The headman on the other side... The headman Ronald wants to ask the Khan to cross the river with him. Fighting a battle...he promises not to stop the Great Khan from crossing the river..."


There is a military meeting on the Terdon side, and Winters is also being held here in the Oxhoof Valley Military meeting.

Compared to Turtletown, the Winters meeting was small, with five company commanders plus himself, making a total of six people.

"I found a prisoner and sent a message to Monkey Butt Face on the other side." Winters announced with a smile: "In the name of Major Ronald, I invite Monkey Butt Face to cross the river to fight me."

Company level officers such as Tamas, Bart Shaling, Samukin were first turned pale in fright, then unfathomable mystery.

Bart Xialing swallowed: "Then...will the barbarian chief agree?"

"I don't know either." Winters unfolded the map on the table: " Anyway, I promise Monkey Butt Face. When he crosses the river, I will never intercept him."

"Huh?" Tamas startled: "What if the barbarian really crosses the river?"

"Of course it's going to kill the enemy halfway!" Winters answered rightly.

There was a moment of silence in the small room, then there was an explosion of have a big laughter.

"You are the chief who wants to provoke the barbarians?" Samukin asked, blinking.

"If this can irritate the monkey's butt face, it means that he has not made much progress." A faintly discernable smile appeared at the corner of Winters' mouth: "I want to see how he reacts."

"What if the savage chief doesn't respond?"

"No response is also a response."

Tamas asked curiously: "Why use Major Ronald's Name?"

Winters looked out the window, with several points of helplessness in his tone: "We have a great feud with the monkey butt face. If he finds out that the opponent is me or you, then he will It's hard to use common sense."

The room burst into violent laughter again.

"If you want me to say, get a pot and pour some gold on it. Take it to the river and say hello to the barbarians on the other side." Bart Xialing said slyly with a smile : "I can't say that the barbarians will kill them if their brains are hot. Let's take the opportunity to hit them in the head and knock them all to death on the river bank."

Winters indifferent expression, glanced at the others: "You guys Do you think so too?"

Someone nodded.

Tamas shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't think this is good. The barbarian chief on the other side suffered a big loss from you last time. If you let him know that we have you here, he will I will definitely be more vigilant."

"How can a barbarian be so smart?" Bart Xialing retorted.

Tamas was silent.

"If you were monkey butt-faced and knew that I was on the other side of the river, how would you make a decision?" Winters wanted to test some of the school's subordinates: "Think about it, everyone has to answer."

Bart Xialing's mind was quick, and he was the first to speak: "If it was a barbarian chief, I think he would kill him regardless. If it were me... I would avoid you and go to fight elsewhere."

After Bart Xialing finished speaking, there was no second person to speak for a long time.

Seeing that his subordinates didn't respond enthusiastically, Winters began to call his name: "Tamas, you are the first company commander, you speak first."

"I..." Tamas muttered: "My words... withdraw to wasteland."

"Why?" Winters wondered.

The more Tamas said, the quieter: "...I dare not fight with you."

Winters didn't know whether to cry or laugh, without a cane, he He picked up his cane and gave Tamas a stick: "Did I ask you to shoot flattery?!"

Tamas didn't dare to hide, so he took a stick and stumbled and said: " I want to say that I... I can't beat you again, so... so I can't fight or not..."

Before he finished speaking, Tamas took another blow.

Winters said slowly: "Withdrawing wasteland, accumulating strength, and fighting another day is also a reasonable decision."

"Yes, that's what I meant." Tamas was happy Pick up the conversation.

Winters sighed heavily: "Samukin, you said."

While watching the lively Samukin as if was struck by lightning, he thought hard for a long time before he said: " I think you can leave a few people to keep you in check, and then go to sneak attack where our defense is weak. You can also cross the river in Vigne, and then go overland into Iron Peak."

Five company commanders After each of them finished speaking, the content was similar, except for the three ways of attacking, withdrawing troops, and detouring.

"Do you see what I mean now?" Winters held on to his cane: "As soon as the person being roasted knows I'm here, his decision-making process will change, and he has nothing to do with him anyway. The time is different. What is the advantage of the Terdun people?"

"The strength." Bart Shalling replied: "They have a lot more people than us. They all ride horses and have better mobility than us. "

"Strength, mobility. That's all." Winters nodded approvingly, and continued to ask: "Then what is the advantage of our army?"

"Terrain, we rely on the river to defend." .As long as the river doesn't freeze, they won't be able to get over." Bart Xialing answered again.

"What else?"

"Food." Samukin said softly, "We still have something to eat. The West Bank is burned, the longer the Terdun barbarians drag on. , the less food to eat. The weather is getting colder and colder."

"Yes, time is also on our side. The longer it dragged on, the more miserable the Teltown people were. "Winters. Nodding: "There is one more thing, our army has an absolute advantage. "

Bart Shalling thought hard and said a lot about "weapons", "tactics", etc. Winters shook his head.

Tamas cautiously said: "And You, you command, we will have an absolute advantage. "

Then the company commander took another blow, Winters hitting so hard that the cane broke.

"You wait." Winters slapped the broken cane on the table and said bitterly, "I'll bring a lead-filled cane next time. "

Seeing that a few people couldn't answer, Winters took out a box of chess pieces: "The Teltown people don't know our reality, we know the details of the Teltown people - except for time and terrain, intelligence It is our most important advantage! "

He placed one after another chess piece on the map, representing the Teltown people with the horse head chess, and the Iron Peak army with the castle, the situation of both sides obvious at a glance.

On the southern line, the Teldun people have already invaded Lower Tiefeng County and are wreaking havoc in the three towns of Langtun, Black Liquid and Wumastiff.

On the northern line, the Teldun people failed to attack Shovel Harbor and began to turn to Woo Nie County.

In the middle line, the main force of the Tordun army led by the Burner was blocked on the west bank of the Bighorn River.

The main force of Tiefeng County was stationed in the town of Sanke, and at the same time, the main force was stationed in the town of Sanke. Cowhoof Valley, Little Rock and Forge.

There is not a single chess piece on the circle representing Gervodin on the map.

Winters puts away his smile and turns serious Everyone knew he was about to give an order, and they sat upright.

"Remove my personal flag. "

"Yes! "

"Operation plans are strictly prohibited from being communicated below the company commander without my permission." "

"Yes! "

"There are people around the fire roaster who can use Common Language, and the combat plan and troop numbers will all be changed to code names. "

"Yes! "

"From now on. "Winters slams the map hard: "Battle plan 'rainstorm', officially launched!" ”

[There is a map, if you don’t see it, the author is still drawing]
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