Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 284


Chapter 284
The dim moon hung obliquely in the sky, and the sky was full of stars.

Telltown people carry sheepskin rafts into the water, rustling to the east bank.

The real late night is not a good time for sneak attacks. All sounds are silent, and insignificant voices during the day will be easily detected.

So the Terdun chose to strike before dawn.

The water is gurgling, the birds are circling and chirping, and the wolves are whimpering in the wilderness. The noisy slashing, pounding, and neighing of the people and horses continued at Camp Teltown.

In this way, the sound of the paddles blends into the background sound of nature, almost indistinguishable.

Unconsciously, the sheepskin raft has drifted across the middle of the river, and the east bank of the Big Horn is quiet.

Except for a few crows, the Teltown people found no creatures disturbed by them.

But on the top of the embankment, there are two pairs of eyes watching all this.

"How many rafts?" Tamas lay on the top of the river bank, squinting to identify the number: "Do you see clearly?"

"Company commander." Peter [Short] ] Beside the company commander, Bunier answered timidly: "I'm blindfolded by a bird."

"Blindfolded by a bird? Eat more water." Tamas said not even think: " I couldn't see clearly at night before, or I followed the blood wolf for a period of time, and it was cured."

While the Terdun people were still on the shore, the sentinels of the watchtower on the river bank had already noticed the barbarians on the other side. 's anomaly.

The 1st Company stationed on this bank of the river was mobilized quickly and was now hiding behind the bank.

In a few words, the raft got closer and closer to the river bank, and the sweat on the forehead of the little Peter became more and more.

"Company commander, the barbarians are coming up." Peter's mouth was dry and his palms were cold, and he couldn't help urging: "You should hurry up and let the big guys come up too!"

Tamas no longer stared at the river in front of him, but turned to look upstream and downstream: "Don't worry, wait until they come ashore."

"It will be too late when the barbarians come ashore." Peter was brow beaded anxiously with sweat.

"What?" Tamas squinted his subordinates: "You want to command the First Company?"

"We only have two hook guns on hand, and we still use them to signal. The barbarian won't come ashore, so you can reach him?"

Peter replied woefully: " Oh."

Having taught his subordinates a lesson, Tamas's attention returned to the enemy, and his brows tightened: "Something's wrong, something's wrong, ten rafts?"

"Ten...more or less?"

"Few, too few." Tamas scratched his temples beard, puzzled: "Ten rafts also want to occupy The river bank? What is the barbarian doing?"

"You ask me." Little Peter said in a voice like a mosquito: "I don't know..."

What happened next What happened was completely beyond Tamas and Peter's expectations—the barbarian's sheepskin raft never landed.

At a place more than ten meters away from the river bank, the barbarians on the sheepskin raft worked together to lift an object and throw it into the river.

"What is this doing?" Peter couldn't see clearly and was worried.

Tamas can see clearly, but also doesn't know why.

Tamas thought hard, and suddenly found that the sheepskin raft was no longer drifting along the water, and a flash of light suddenly appeared: "It's the anchor! The barbarians are anchoring!"

"Anchor?" Peter suddenly realized , and asked suspiciously: "Does the sheepskin raft also have an anchor?"

"There is now." Tamas's eyes became serious a little bit.

"Then what shall we do? The company commander."

"Wait and see what the barbarians want to do."

The nine sheepskin rafts were anchored in In the river, a sheepskin raft was moved towards the river bank.

Tamas figured out a little bit: the sheepskin raft moved towards the shore should be a sentinel, and the focus was obviously on the nine sheepskin rafts in the river.

I couldn't wait any longer. Seeing that the other party had no intention of going ashore, Tamas decided to take the initiative.

"Bring all the horses." Tamas whispered to Peter: "I will lead the cavalry to charge first, and after the barbarians find me, the others will move."

" No!" Little Peter suddenly became anxious: "There are only six people in the cavalry team, it's too dangerous! You can't die! You still go with everyone, it's safe."

"No need." Tower Mas coldly snorted: "The barbarians won't meet force with force. I'll see if I can grab a prisoner and talk to them before they escape."


After a short arrangement, when the night sky revealed a little deep blue, Tamas led five riders to jump out of the embankment and charge towards the landing point.

As soon as the drum-like sound of horse hooves sounded, the barbarians on the shore immediately opened the sheepskin raft and fled.

Tamas rode his horse into the river in pursuit, but as soon as the water reached his knees, his mount would not go any further.

Watching the barbarian's sheepskin raft paddle into the deep water, Tamas fiercely punched in the thigh.

Telltown, on another nine sheepskin rafts, shoots bows and arrows at riders ashore.

For a while, the arrows flew towards Tamas and the others with a screeching sound.

The sheepskin raft was unstable, and the people of Teltown were all sitting on their knees and shooting arrows. Coupled with the ups and downs of the water surface, no matter how fine the ejaculation is, it will not work.

But Tamas didn't intend to test his luck, he whistled and quickly left the riverbank with his men.

When the large force of the 1st Company reached the riverbank, the situation became a little strange.

The barbarians in the river can't get on the shore, and even the warriors on the shore can't get down the river.

The two sides were "fighting" across a ten-meter-wide water surface, but the Tiefeng County side, which had the advantage in numbers, suffered a vague loss.

Because the Iron Peak County Infantry Regiment is a "pure team", according to the organization [the first company] is a long spear company, so the warriors only have lances and short spears at the moment.

On the other hand, on the Teltown side, although the stability of the shooting platform is very bad, everyone has bows and arrows in hand.

Peter Bunier rushed to the river bank with a flat-end hog spear, shouting wildly.

During the charge, Peter's hands and feet were cold and his mind was blank. He just mechanically moved his legs, settled down, moved his legs, and settled down again...

When he came back to his senses , He found himself standing in the icy river, with no comrades beside him, and the barbarians more than ten meters away were shooting arrows at him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Peter turned and ran.

Fleeing is almost an instinct for him, being bullied, submitting to humiliation, escaping... He has come here for 23 years of his life.

However, this time he couldn't escape, because his comrades who were chasing him blocked him.

"Sgt. Bunnier, I beg you. Next time you show mercy and charge slowly." Someone gasped and complained: "Knowing that you are six hundred acres, you are brave , You are not afraid of death, but you have to wait for us to catch up with you, right?"

After the ceremony a few days ago, the warriors gave Sergeant Peter Bunnier a show of awe, envy and jealousy. A new nickname - [six hundred acres].

The new nicknames spread like wildfire, spreading not only to other companies but also to civilians. In the past few days, "Six Hundred Mu" is already known to everyone and known to everyone in Niu Hoof Valley.

Everyone said: "Don't look at Bunnier Sergeant Head is short, he is usually slack, but he will become as fierce as a wild beast in a fight".

"Shut up!" One of the ten commanders scolded the warrior who was talking in front of him: "Show some respect!"

Another warrior asked Peter in a panic: "We can't get through it! What to do? Sergeant?"

This is probably the first time Peter Bunnier has been asked "what are we going to do" since I can remember.

Peter tried to swallow, but no saliva. He opened and closed his lips several times, but in the end he couldn't make a sound.

The frightened warrior asked again: "What to do? To be unpossessed.

The Hurds are used to the sound of arrows. The sound of arrows pierces the air and makes a scream, which is extremely terrifying when they pass by. Because this sound reminds the listener: Death God's Scythe is just one point off, next time you won't be so lucky.

Peter ran first, again wearing his helmet. The people of Teltown saw that he was the leader, and the arrows shot at him.

As the arrows whistled like hail, Peter wanted to run. He wanted to run back to the embankment, back to the Cow's Hoof, back to his den.

"You have an idea?" the warrior asked the third time.

He was already in tears, and the others were looking at Peter.

Peter's lips trembled and he struggled to pronounce the syllable: "Run."

The ten commander and the surrounding warriors immediately raised their arms to greet the others: "Retreat! Retreat!"

There are no long-range weapons such as crossbows and muskets. Standing on the shore is staring and being beaten. It is reasonable to retreat.

However, the company commander Tamas was missing, no one was in command, and no one dared to retreat without military orders.

When faced with a dilemma, a cry of "retreat" is no less than the rain falling from the sky. The warriors supported the wounded and followed Sergeant Peter Bunir quickly back to the embankment.

Seeing the people on the shore retreat, the Terdun people on the sheepskin raft seem to have won a big battle. They slapped their chests, roared, and made all kinds of unbearable to look at movements.

Seeing the barbarian take off his pants to urinate on himself, a grumpy ten commander was furious and cursed.

"What should I do? Sergeant Bunnier?" the Ten Commander asked Peter with red eyes, "Let's just watch?"

Peter didn't speak, his attention was all on an arrow.

It was a trembling arrow, its sharp arrow piercing deep into a person's flesh. The man trembled with pain, so the arrow trembled with it.

Peter's "soul" trembled like the arrow.

He realizes that there are many moments when he takes one more step, one less step, and an arrow pierces his flesh...perhaps many.

"What to do? Sergeant?" the enraged Ten Commander roared.

"Arrow." Peter's consciousness was at a loss: "Take... take it down."

"You mean to give priority to the wounded?" Another slightly older asked the ten commander.

"Yes." Peter repeated numbly: "Prioritize treatment of the wounded."

The older ten commander raised his hand in salute and organized a stretcher team to go.

"Then what should I do?" The ten commander asked angrily just now: "The barbarians don't care?"

No one ever asked Peter "what to do" today. This problem comes up time and time again.

'What should I do? what to do? what to do? Why are you asking me what to do? How do I know what to do? ' Peter Bunir was dizzy, and he suddenly thought: "Who do I usually ask 'what to do'?"

" commander!" Peter seemed to have caught a life-saving straw , hurriedly asked everyone: "Where is the company commander?"

"The company commander seems to have been hit by an arrow!" Someone replied: "I saw the cavalry running north."

"You're the biggest now," the other replied.

"You're the biggest now", Peter Bunnier felt as if he was struck by Five Thunderbolts.

Small Peter is timid and cowardly, because he admits that he is a coward, so he is timid and cowardly with peace of mind.

Peter lifts the head, and nearly a hundred lines of sight approach him—everyone is watching him.

A pair of eyes stared straight at him, no way to hide, no way to hide.

For just a moment, Peter shuddered from his knees to his chest, real tremors and not Spiritual Plane tremors.

He bowed his head deeply, not daring to look up at everyone.

"Wait... wait for the company commander." Peter stared at the toe of his shoes, pulling at the corner of his clothes, something invisible was about to crush him: "Wait for the company commander to come back..."

"What did you say? Can you speak louder?" someone asked tentatively. Sergeant Bunnier's voice was so low that no one could hear what the sergeant was saying.

Peter was accustomed to obedience, and "Can you speak louder?" as an order, he subconsciously raised the volume and repeated: "Wait for the company commander to come back!"

"Yes." For ten consecutive The captain and warriors answered in unison.

Peter was taken aback.

For everyone, waiting for Captain Tamas to return is the safest way.

"Then let's just watch?" The irritable Ten Commander pointed to the river and asked Heaven and Earth angrily, "You are six hundred acres! Just let the barbarians humiliate us for nothing? Humiliate you? "

The 1st Company has retreated to a place where the bow and arrow are difficult to kill, and the Terdun people seem to have no intention of wasting arrows.

Some Teltown people put away their bows and arrows, as if they were busy with something; other Teltown people were on guard with bows and provoked the people of Iron Peak County on the river bank from time to time, and their actions were very vulgar.

"If you're angry, we won't be angry? Isn't the problem not without a guy?" Another round-faced ten-man couldn't hold back, and said a lesson to the former: "Otherwise, we will run to the shore like an ass. By the way, make people a target? If you want me to tell you, you should send someone back to Niu Hoof Valley and ask for help from the tribune."

"There are only a few dozen barbarians, so I asked the tribune for support. You're not ashamed, I'm fucking ashamed!"

"At least ask for a few guns!" The round-faced ten commander asked Peter, "What do you think? Sergeant."


"en." Peter Bunier subconsciously nodded.

"Okay. Then I'll let someone go... Hey, let's go." The round-faced ten commander always felt uneasy, and simply waved his hand: "Sergeant, if you agree, I will go in person."

"en." Peter nodded.

The round-faced Ten Commander raised his hand to salute, moved towards the direction of the watchtower, and hurried away—it should be to borrow a horse.

"Even if we can get a musket, we won't use it." Another gray-eyed ten commander laughed and said, "Do you know how to use a musket?"

Everyone All shook their heads.

The people in the regiment who could use musketeers were all put into the musketeer company. Even so, the Montagne tribune didn't have enough musketeers in the company. sufficient in quantity.

"Actually, you don't need a musket." The gray-eyed Ten Commander weighed the lance and said jokingly: "Just throw this thing at it, it can kill the barbarians, and we can save some money when we return to the camp. Strength."

"en." Peter nodded.

The gray-eyed Ten Commander was startled, and waved his hand quickly: "If you lose your weapon, you will eat a whip, just joking."

"en." Peter mechanically Nominate.

The gray-eyed Ten Master rolled his eyes, and a bit of slyness appeared in his smile: "Let's keep Lance."


On the raft The Teltown man found the two-legged man on the embankment approaching the river bank again.

Headed by Hong Lingyu, he hurriedly called his disciples to be alert.

Except for a few people who were busy with more important things, the rest of the Teltown people were all holding bows and arrows, waiting for orders.

The sky was already dimly lit up, Hong Lingyu took out a red feather arrow and shot it out according to the angle.

The arrow crossed an arc and stuck on the beach, red's feathers sticking out.

The two-legged people did not run or charge this time, but pulled into a loose horizontal team, slowly moving towards the river bank.

The weirdest thing is...they're not armed.

'is it possible that to negotiate? 'Hong Lingyu is puzzled: 'Is it still here to surrender? '

No matter what the other party is here for, when the two-legged person steps over the red arrow feather, the red feather feather shouts out loudly, draws the bow and releases the arrow.

Other Terdun people started with the red feather feathers, and the bowstrings of "zheng, zheng" vibrated together, and the sparse arrow feathers flew towards the loose line of two-legged people.

The bow and arrow are like starting guns, and the two-legged people also throw off their legs and run wildly.

A diminutive two-legged man in a mane helmet dashed ahead.

Hong Lingyu recognized this person and hurriedly called his subordinates to save him. This person took the lead in the last charge, obviously the leader of the two-legged man.

However, the little two-legged man ran like a mad horse, and before he could fire his third round of arrows, he had already rushed to the water's edge.

The sheepskin raft of the Teltown Department was only a dozen meters away from the river bank, and the short two-legged man struggled to throw his arms away, moving towards the sheepskin raft and throwing something fiercely.

Those things like a gray meteor swept across the water, and the red plume feathers in the kneeling posture could not dodge, and were hit in the middle of the forehead.

First it was excruciating pain, then blood smeared her eyes, and Hong Feather lost her balance and fell into the river.

The other two-legged people also rushed to the river bank and moved towards the sheepskin raft with round arms and throwing. There are also two-legged people tossing strips of cloth that seem to have been torn from their clothes, hu hu making wind and hunting.

"Stone, it's a stone."

Hong Lingyu suddenly realized that this was his last consciousness before sinking to the bottom of the river.


(End of this chapter)

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