Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 281


Chapter 281 Counting the Stove
In the days following the fall of the Tartai family, Turtletown A large group of cavalrymen one after another killed to the west bank of the Big Horn.

For a time, the people and horses on the west bank neighed, and the sand and dust were everywhere, and the civilians of the Niuho Valley said "thunder in winter" - in fact, it was the sound of thousands of hooves trampling the earth.

And because of the winter winds, the Teltown people are upwind, and Oxhoof Valley is downwind.

The smoke from the barbarians burning animal dung for warmth and the rolled up sand and dust were mixed up and blown by the west wind to the east bank, causing people in Tiefeng County to cough from morning to night.

The smoke from the fire of the barbarians is so terrifying, so what if the barbarians cross the river?
The people in Niuho Valley were alarmed, many civilians even wanted to abandon their homes and flee, and even the warriors' will was shaken.

But seeing the blood-red flag flying on the church bell tower, everyone calmed down again - the blood wolf is still here, what are we afraid of?
Oxhoof Valley is now the front line between the two armies, so Winters has not gone.

Telltown's army arrived, and Winters' troops also arrived in Oxhoof Valley.

The 11th and Twelfth companies were the first to come to support.

The second group of reinforcements was the "Volunteer Battalion" led by Samukin - although warriors from other companies generally called them "Basket Weaving Battallion".

Because the brave battallion was recruited from among the captives, all of whom were carefully selected by Samukin and who were best at basket weaving—and the most obedient captives.

The name of the captive battallion is not pleasant, so Winters personally awarded the title "Volunteer Battalion".

He has signed a new contract with the captives of Vigne:

[One Teldon head captured, free after the war; two captured The heads of Teltown people are allowed to be transferred to the field-granting order; heads with two or more heads will accumulate merit according to the standard of active soldiers. ]
The ox hoof valley was originally garrisoned by the 1st and 2nd companies. With the addition of the 11th and 12th companies and the "basket-weaving battallion", the total strength was close to 1,000.

If the civilians in Niusho Valley are also counted as auxiliary soldiers, the size of the army can swell to 5,000 in an instant.

According to the rules, and then false report. Then [Winters · Montagne personally led a 20,000-strong army to confront the 100,000-strong iron cavalry of Teltown's army across the river] is obviously very reasonable.

In order to monitor the enemy, Winters mobilized manpower to build a series of watchtowers on the east bank of the Big Horn.

At this moment, he was on one of the towers, leaning on the railing and looking at the Terdun barbarians on the other side.

"You talk." Winters leaned on a cane, and suddenly asked the people behind him with a smile: "Are the Hurd tribes poor and only horses left?"

Hearing this , and everyone in the audience laughed.

Winters wore a ragged hat and a triangular scarf on his face, like a shearing thief, and he didn't look like "Your Excellency the Tribunal".

The others were similar, all wrapped tightly, with only one pair of eyes exposed.

It is Winters reap what you have sown. He burned the meadows on the west bank of the Big Horn River to the ground. Even if there is no human activity, the wind will blow up the dust. Now with the help of the Teltown Department, Sandstorm is like a tiger that has grown wings.

"In addition to horses, there are also cattle and sheep!" Bart Xialing's eyes narrowed with a smile: "Of course the most valuable thing is horses! Hundred-Men Commander, barbarians gave us a great gift , we have to thank them!"

According to the initial visual estimates of Tamas and Bart Shaling, the number of horses in the Tartai Department should be around 500 to 600.

However, when the battle was over, nearly a thousand horses were counted, which was a windfall. Poor Tartai worked so hard to save a little family property, all of which fell into Winters' pockets.

The lucrative robbery business indirectly contributed to a somewhat "nomadic" trend among Winters' officers.

Saving and saving, saving and saving is still tight, and Winters can't even make up a hundred warhorses.

You can grab nearly a thousand horses in one go in a single victory—though there are good ones and bad ones. What's the point of breeding? Can't you grab it? How happy?

Winters had to correct the second company commander: "The Teltown people did give a great gift, but the most expensive gift was not a horse."

Bart Shalling nodded respectfully. : "This subordinate is stupid, please make it clear."

Winters raised his jaw slightly: "It's that Big Fatty Tartai, who is worth a thousand horses alone. Tamas, you did good."

Tamas scratched his head with a smile.

In the first battle of the surprise attack on Tartai, Tamas captured the enemy chief alive and did better than Winters - after all, if Winters did it, the probability of Tartai surviving would be reduced.

“The Teltown people don’t know the truth of our side, but we have already figured out the details of the Teltown people.” Winters pointed to the powerful Teltown company on the other side: “No matter how many people there are, No matter how many horses there are, they are just here to give us gifts!"

The officers laughed heartily.

In addition to the officers, there was also the mayor of Niu Hoof Valley.

The mayor smiled awkwardly. The barbarians on the other side could raze the ox hoof valley to the ground just by stepping on a horse. He really couldn't laugh.

"Mr. Mayor, don't be so embarrassed." Winters said to the Mayor of Niuho Valley with a smile.

The mayor of Niuti Valley trembled in his heart and laughed even more ugly.

Winters leaned against the fence and asked with a grin, "You think I'm bragging, don't you?"

"Don't, sir, don't." The mayor shook his head desperately.

"Don't you dare, that's what you have in mind?" Winters' eyes curled into a smile.

The other party asked with a smile, but the mayor of Niu Hoof Valley was about to cry, and he didn't know where to provoke this killing god.

"Come." Winters beckoned: "Stand by the railing."

The mayor of Oxhoof Valley, trembling with fear, walked to the fence, and he couldn't help but greet him. Taking a look down, I felt the world spinning.

The watchtower is more than five meters high, and there is a soft river beach below, but in the eyes of the mayor of Niuti Valley, it is as high as a 100-meter cliff.

The mayor of Oxhoof Valley felt a thrust behind him, screamed, and found himself alive.

"What's your name?" Winters took the mayor of Niusho Valley by the shoulders and asked with a smile, "Scare me."

The blood wolf was holding his arm, his face pale, and his speech became stuttering: "surging... subordinate... subordinate is overwhelmed by emotions... so much as to scream..."

"Oh? Surging? Habit That's good." Winters enthusiastically pointed to the horses on the other side: "I'm afraid you don't understand, so I'll explain it to you. Do you see there? It's the people of Teltown drinking horses."

"Look Take a look and see.”

“According to my observation, people in Teltown drink horses three times a day, which should be the reason why they don’t have fresh grass to eat.” Winters asked with a smile: “Tell me, you are How many horses are there in the group of horses drinking water?"

The mayor of Niuti Valley burst into tears: "This, this... this subordinate really doesn't know!"

"Then let me tell you, There were almost a hundred horses, and it was the same size every time they drank. According to my guess, it should be because there are too many horses to drink water, so the people of Teltown, in groups of about a hundred, took turns to rush into the river to drink water."

"Your Excellency is wise!"

"Stop flattery and listen carefully." Winters smiled: "These are all military secrets."

Cow's Hoof Mayor Gu was crying, nodded like garlic.

"The next point is the point." Winters put his left hand around the shoulder of the mayor of Niuho Valley, and took out a small notebook with his right hand: "According to the records of the observation towers along the coast, Teltown people drank horses 402 times yesterday— —There may be omissions and repetitions, but it is generally accurate. Tell me, how many barbarians are there on the other side?”

Mayor of Niuhogu Valley seemed to be struck by Five Thunderbolts: “I, I, my… subordinates. , how does your subordinate know?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Winters reassured the mayor, he remembered something, and seriously added: "Forgot to tell you, although there are rich and poor, but from statistics Looking up, Teltown's main force has almost three horses per person. Let's count?"

The mayor of Niuho Valley shook his head desperately.

"If my algorithm is correct." Winters put away his notebook and said firmly: "There are more than 13,000 horses on the other side, and the strength should be around 4,000. This is similar to the enemy chieftain captured by our army. The information provided by 'Taltai' can be mutually confirmed. It is interesting to find out whether the enemy is real by counting the number of times of drinking horses?"

"Interesting." ."

Winters' conversation turned abruptly: "Mr. Mayor, you know there are 4,000 enemies, so do you know how many troops there are in the Oxhoof Valley?"

Oxhoof Mayor Gu swallowed and shook his head.

"Four companies, plus a battallion, less than a thousand people. These are military secrets." Winters patted the shoulder of the mayor of Niu Hoof Valley: "I told you without reservation, you want to replace me Keep it a secret."

The mayor of Niu Hoof Valley couldn't hold back any longer. He knelt on the ground with his knees weak, hugged the legs of the blood wolf, snorted and cried bitterly, crying for mercy. .

Tamas and Bart Xia Ling stepped forward and pulled away the mayor of Oxhoof Valley, and the two worked together to hold the latter up.

"Everyone laughed just now, but you didn't laugh." Winters' eyes became cold: "Why don't you laugh?"

The mayor of Niuho Valley had already cried speechless.

The conversation cannot continue.

Without Winters' orders, Bart Shilling had already helped the mayor stop his tears, and the conversation could continue.

Winters leaned against the fence, his sword on his lap: "You don't laugh because you're afraid. Of course you should be afraid, the enemy four, I one, no matter how you count it, you will definitely lose."

I might as well tell you that the palace guards of the enemy chieftain haven't come yet, and when the fire-boilers arrive in person, it will be seven to one. Oh, it's dead. So you don't laugh, you even think we It's funny to laugh."

"" The Mayor of Niuhogu shook his head like a rattle and cried, "This subordinate has never thought of this..."


"No?" Winters raised his eyebrows and drew out his saber: "Come, kiss the blade, swear you didn't say 'you must lose, run for your life as soon as possible', swear you didn't make a big deal in church, swear you didn't Secretly form a party against me. I swear, you can go."

The mayor of Niu Hoof Valley trembled and did not dare to make a sound.

"Well, it's honest." Winters accepted the sword enters sheathe, his expression became relaxed, and his smile returned: "Of course you can think like this, you can also say this, even if you say it at the dinner table. I can forgive you. But you can't speak in public, because you're the mayor. Before the people, you represent my authority and position."

Winters pulled the mayor of Oxhoof Valley to sit on the fence On the side: "Mr. Mayor, think about it, the enemy is outnumbered, what would happen if I shouted 'this battle will be defeated' all day long? What if I cried and lost my face?"

"I know better than you the danger of this battle." Winters took the arm of the mayor of Oxhoof Valley and said with a smile: "But we have to laugh, not cry. I laugh, you cry. I Cry, you still have to be scared to death?"

The officers laughed loudly, and the mayor of Niu Hoof Valley also squeezed out a smile.

Winters looked at the mayor, and said earnestly and softly: "I laugh, I want to be an example to warriors. I hope you will also be an example to the commoners in Oxhoof Valley, don't make small circles, The little gang is fighting against me, okay?"

"Good! Good! My subordinates don't dare any more!"

"It's fine as long as you agree. Didn't you send your wife and children to Gervodin the day before yesterday?" Winters said kindly: "I'll take you back to the Valley of the Cow's Hoof. Don't you still hide it? Are you going to run away with three horses? I also confiscated it for you."

The mayor of Niuho Valley had black eyes, and it was all Winters' support to prevent him from falling under the watchtower.

Winters explained patiently: "Before the war, it's not good for you to send your wife and children away. You are the mayor, and it is your responsibility to keep the land. As soon as you run away, everyone else runs to Gervodin. , then the Niusho Valley can't be defended. As it is now, it's good to live together and die together if you can't keep it."

The tears that the mayor of Niushogu had just stopped pouring out again. come out.

"Don't cry." Winters comforted the mayor: "Don't worry, I've won the Turtletown team technically so far. Do you hear that clearly?"

" I heard it clearly." The mayor of Niushogu had his eyes swollen from crying: "Victory."

"Okay, I know, just tell everyone in Niushogu." Winters patted the other's arm : "You can go."

The mayor of Oxhoof Valley hadn't recovered from the shock, and he didn't wake up like a dream until Bart Xia Ling signaled to him.

The mayor of Niuho Valley, such as the amnesty, turned back and left in three steps. When he stepped on the ladder with one foot, he heard the gentle voice of the tribunal:

"Mr. He was so hot that his body suddenly tensed and his back was cold: "Yes! Your Excellency!"

"This battle is over." Winters smiled and waved goodbye: "You hand in a resignation letter."


"This bastard, you really don't need to talk nonsense with him." Looking at the back of the mayor of Niuho Valley, Bart Xialing said angrily: "Outwardly Devotion but inner opposition, price gouging, and agitating the townspeople to oppose us, he should be Dismemberment by Five Horses in public! To deter other young people."

"He wants to escape to Gervodin, and we can defend it. Well, he can't go any further." Winters leaned against the rail: "So he tried every means to sabotage our preparations, which was 'burning a barn to steal a handful of wheat'."

"Why? Can there be such a person?"

Winters sighed softly: "There are not a lot of such people, it should be said... there are such people everywhere. internal trouble and outside aggression, internal trouble and outside aggression Yeah."

Several company commanders were sullen for a while.

"But—after all, there are still many good people." Winters found that the atmosphere was not right, and smiled to explain a few people: "People are like the ocean, although there is some dirty water, the sea itself is still clean. "

Tamas, Bart Xia Ling, and Samukin exchanged glances with strange expressions.

"What's the matter?" Winters laughed: "Don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you." Tamas brace oneself stood up: "The few of us... haven't seen each other. Crossing the sea."

Winters took a deep breath and revised his speech: "People's kindness is like a prairie. Although it is sometimes scorched by a fire, it will be reborn sooner or later."

"We'll understand!" Bart Xia Ling smiled happily.

Winters gathers company commanders for more than just spectators.

“How was the carriage collection?” Winters restrained his smile.

"Everything that can be expropriated has been expropriated." Tamas replied immediately, and he added in a low voice: "It is the forced expropriation of carriage that made the peasants a little resentful."

"Do Good mark, register. Tell them that there is a loan and a repayment, and a loss and compensation."

"Yes." Tamas raised his hand in a salute.

Bart Shalling held the hilt of his sword and asked, "Will the village near Oxhoof Valley be burned down?"

"No, there is no need to burn it here for now." Winters He smiled and shook his head: "I can't burn them all, the common people still have to live. If you burn one now, you will lose one in the future. Burning on the house, pain in my heart. ”

The company commanders smiled kindly.

Soon, Winters reassigned the companies.

In the afternoon, four of the iron peak infantry regiment Each of them drove out of the Oxhoof Valley and built small barriers on the river bank.

Another logging team cut trees around the Oxhoof Valley to build rafts and boats.

Oxhoof The valley's fortifications have been basically formed, and the new fortifications have completely wrapped the town of Niuho Valley, and the next step is to continue to reinforce - this part of the work is handed over to the civilians.

Samukin's volunteer battallion is stationed In the town of Niusho Valley, their main work is still... basket weaving.

In the evening of the same day, an unseen azure ponytail appeared on the hills on the west bank of the Bighorn River.

The fire-boiler is here.

[Thanks to the book lovers for their aimless Alliance Leader, thank you]
[Thanks to the book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket,打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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