Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 280


Chapter 280 Part-time job
Ganquan - Cousin of the Fire-boiler, Turuko of Teltown Tower - It is not known yet that the Tower Ministry has been wiped out.

Gan Quan didn't even know that most of the nearly 1,000 horses in the Tartai Department were abducted by Cunning's two-legged people with estrus horses, Qingshui and wheat seedlings.

Compared to Tartai, which was hit head-on, Ganquan's intrusion into Lower Tiefeng County was as easy as blowing off dust, because the upper reaches of the Dajiao River were completely undefended.

But Ganquan also has Ganquan's troubles - he can't find anyone.

Following the stream that joins the Big Horn River upstream, Ganquan soon finds its first village. Continuing down the road, they found the first town.

But everywhere is dead, the houses are all abandoned, all the belongings are taken away, no dogs can be heard, no people can be seen, and the empty villages and towns are terrifyingly quiet.

The red feathers of the Ganquan Department are all New Generation in their early twenties. They have never seen such a battle before, so they didn't know what to do.

"Bald tail, you serve my grandfather." Gan Quan called the old slave: "What do you do?"

[Note: Gan Quan's grandfather is the one who roasted the fire father ]
"The Paratus cannot migrate like the tribes." The old slave [bald tail] held the rosary and drooped his eyelids: "They just hid."

"Hide Where?!" The triangular eyes of the young Hong Ling Yu [Qing Ma] flashed fiercely.

The old slave Bald Tail did not answer directly, but looked towards the leader Gan Quan's boots: "You can find moist, loose, darker soil inside and outside the village."

"Why? "

"The peasants are impossible to take away all the food and property and bury them nearby." Some clues were found under the shed and between the fields.

Without shovels, the people of Teltown dug out these poorly hidden cellars with hand planers and planks.

The dark cellar is mostly food, but also farm implements, iron utensils, bottles and cans, cloth... Any items that farmers can't take away in time are buried in it.

The members of the Ganquan Ministry were beaming and ecstatic.

A group of Teltown people first baked naan with noodles and had a delicious meal. Then gear up, ready to work hard, with a posture of digging three feet into the ground.

Everyone is beaming, but Gan Quan is increasingly dissatisfied.

Seeing the members quarreling and even fighting over a roll of cloth, a china plate, and a kitchen knife, Gan Quan's anger grew stronger and stronger.

To the poor Teltons, a white nail, a straw mat, and even something the Platoons don't bother to bury are good.

But Gan Quan wanted more than that.

"Yahah...look what this is?" Shi Jian shouted and ran to Ganquan, holding something cautiously in both hands: "I've never seen this baby! It's a stone, but it's the same as water! It's transparent!"

What Shijian is holding is a foot square, crystal clear and near-transparent, with a smooth and delicate surface like porcelain. It looks like a crystal, but it doesn't look like it.

"What is this thing?" Qing Ma approached in surprise and reached out to touch it cautiously: "Where did it come from."

"There is a big tent in the south. I took it down from the wall of the house."

"It's liuli." The old slave bald tail lowered his eyelids, his eyes as dull as dry wells: "Two-legged people call it [common language] ]Glass."

The old slave's bald-tailed common language is a bit awkward, probably because it hasn't been spoken for many years.

"Liu Li?" Shi Jian exclaimed: "Shouldn't the color be colored?"

"I've never seen such a transparent and flat color." The old slave said baldly and hoarsely: "It should be a very precious thing, and it can be dedicated to the great sweat of the fire roaster."

"Very precious?!" Shi Jianmei smiled: "There is a man in that big tent. The whole wall! I'll take it down right now."

"Okay!" Tsing Ma said happily, "I'll go too."

Gan Quan's face was ashen, The stone archer grabbed the glass plate, fiercely smashed it to the ground.

The glass plate hit the stone and shattered.

Shi Jian's expression changed from shock to sadness. He knelt on the ground, picked up a piece of glass, and asked Gan Quan, "What are you doing?"

"This is a two-legged man. The thing that builds the wall!" Gan Quan pushed the stone arrow away, and the scarred face was particularly ferocious, he shouted: "You are still holding it as a baby!" Shocked, they all froze in place.

Tsing Ma's triangular eyes drooped, comforting with good words: "It's easier for you and me to plunder so much food and property than a horse, isn't it nice?"

"Where is it?" Gan Quan glared at Qing Ma fiercely: "What the two-legged people left behind were things they didn't take away! They took away the fattest meat and left a pile of rancid bones, you Waiting for it to be sucked like a treasure!"

"Why do you say that?" Shi Jian asked back: "Aren't grain and black money very good?"

[Note: Iron is on wasteland It can be used as currency, so the Hurd people call it black money]
"Then don't you want slaves? Do you want women? Do you want gold and silver?" Ganquan flies into a rage: "Now this Do you have to wait until you are satisfied? After the stolen goods are given to Nayan and the fire roaster, how much do you and I have left?"

Qing Ma and Shi Jian gradually understood After realizing what Gan Quan meant, the two stopped talking.

The old slave's bald-tailed expression was unhappy, he pressed his chest and saluted, and asked Gan Quan: "Kota, is the current harvest not enough?"

"Not enough!" Gan Quan Shouting: "Not enough!"

"What does Kota want?"

"Slave! Gold and silver! More treasures!"

"After getting these?" The old slave bald tail lifts the head, looking into Gan Quan's eyes.

Gan Quan was staring at him, scolding: "You old slave! What's your intention?"

"Then burn down the village." The old slave bowed his head baldly: "I will Some of the crowd is divided into two groups, a small part hides, and most of them set fire and pretend to retreat. First wait for the two-legged people to come back to put out the fire, and then follow them. Just like hunting, you can find the hiding place of the prey by following the trail of the animal. "

Tsing Ma and Shijian were hearing this, their eyes shining.

After thinking for a while, Gan Quan decided to follow the old slave's bald-tail approach.

More than 100 members are divided into two wings.

The 70-odd cavalry on the left wing, led by Qing Ma and Shi Jian, took most of the horses and spills of war, set fire to it and left with great force.

The 30-odd cavalry on the right wing, led by Gan Quan personally, hid in the hillside near the village, leaving only a few secret whistles on the hillside, blowing horns as horns.

Palatu villages are mainly made of grass and trees, and the fire burns quickly together. Before long, the entire village was swallowed by the fire sea.

Black smog shoots into the sky and can be seen from a dozen kilometers away.

Ganquan waited patiently like a trapped hunter.



Wait until the farmhouse was burnt to the ground, the fire turned small and finally extinguished itself, and no whistle was heard horn sound.

Gan Quan could barely hold back, but Qing Ma and Shi Jian couldn't take it any longer. They sent riders to ask about the situation, but Gan Quan scolded him severely.

After venting his anger at the messenger, Gan Quan found the old slave Bald Tail: "What do you think, what do you think of it?"

The old slave Bald Tail looked the head: " The will of the two-legged leader of this village is very tenacious."

"The will is tenacious?" "

The old slave bald tail moved the rosary: "It is also a way to set fire to the forest." Force it out?"

"Not sure, this is Kota's way."

"Then what do you say?"

The old slave is bald and struggling. Opening his dim eyes, he asked: "Does Kota want a living slave or a dead slave?"

Gan Quan's eyes widened: "What do you mean?"

"Fire is Heavenly The power of God is beyond the control of mortals. If you set fire to the forest, you may be burned to death before the two-legged people run out."

"What should we do then?"

Old man The slave Bald Tail said calmly: "There are other villages here. This village can endure, but the next village may not be able to. Kota can burn one by one village."

Ganquan thought about it, Still undecided.

"If you set fire to the forest, it will burn." The old slave Bald Tail looked at Gan Quan's boot toe: "But has Cota ever thought that the cubs and chicks of birds and beasts will also be killed. Burned to death? No matter what the reason is, if the fire is raging, Soul Spirit will wander around wasteland for a hundred years before being accepted by all spirits again."

Gan Quan was very unwilling: "Then I will come to this village once, Didn't capture anything?"

"Didn't Kota get a lot of things?"

"What kind of capture is junk?" Gan Quan was furious.

The old slave bald tail bowed his head: "Then please keep waiting here for Kota. If it's freezing cold today, the two-legged people are not as tenacious as the children of the various tribes. Sooner or later, they need to make a fire to keep warm and cook food. Set up a sentry on a high place, and look for it when you see the smoke rising."

"What if it still doesn't work?"

"Then go to burn the next village. The old slave's bald-tailed tone was flat: "Kota is a hunter. As long as hunters are patient, there will always be opportunities."

So Ganquan continued to wait, from noon to dusk.

The members of the Ganquan tribe, who were in high spirits at first because of the looting, gradually became yawning. Gan Quan himself was equally tired.

Just as Gan Quan arranged for the rest of his subordinates to take turns to rest, the dark sentry on the hill rolled over and ran over: "Kota! Smoke! There is smoke!"

Gan Quan shook violently Spirit, striding up the hillside.

In the twilight of the setting sun—though not very visible, plumes of purple smoke can be seen rising from the treetops in the distance.

Gan Quan observed it for a while and determined that it was the smoke from the fire and not the mist of the night.

Leaving a few people to record and indicate the direction, the right wing of the Ganquan Department galloped out of the mountain col, moved towards the direction of the smoke and galloped away.

I just stepped on the scorched earth of the village, and there was a sound of horns in the vicinity.

A dark whistle galloped: "Kota, someone is sneaking around the village!"


"There! "The whistle points to the border between farmland and forest.

Gan Quan laughed viciously at the old slave bald tail: "Two-legged people are tenacious? They can't help coming out!"

The old slave bald tail saluted deeply, deeply Head down.

Gamquan looked down, the smoke was in the Northwest direction, and the silhouette was in the southwest; the smoke was far, and the silhouette was near.

"Go to the nearest one first." The old slave suggested bald tail: "There is no hurry for the far one."

"Okay, go to the near one. Kill the man! The woman stays. Get down!" Gan Quan turned his horse around with a grinning smile: "I will reward each of you with a female slave!" Horses' hooves trampled the wheat fields, and some newly sprouted wheat seedlings were uprooted.

At the junction of the forest and farmland, a woman is walking along the ridge to the village with a bucket in each hand.

The sound of horses' hooves sounded, and Heard rode roaringly. The woman was so frightened that she threw away the wooden barrel, turned and moved towards the forest and fled.

The Hurds chased after them in a hurry, and the woman couldn't care less. She held on to her hijab and ran as fast as she could. The long skirt was rolled up by the wind, revealing two bare white legs.

Swallowed saliva on horseback.

"Don't kill her! Don't let arrows!" Gan Quan shouted with a grinning smile: "Play with her! Let her take you and me to the old camp!"

It's like playing with a wild cat Rats, the members of the Ganquan Ministry made strange noises to intimidate the woman, while slowing down their horses.

The vegetation on the edge of the forest was sparse, and the woman couldn't hide her figure at all. She moved towards the deeper part of the forest to escape, her clothes were shattered, and more skin was exposed.

The people of Teltown became more excited and shouted louder.

The woman's physical strength is gradually exhausted and she runs slower and slower.

Gan Quan laughed wildly, pulled out a sing-dysprosium, stood up on the stirrup, opened the bow and released the arrow.

The roaring arrow flew to the woman's back with a screeching sound, and the arrow was limited, but this arrow just landed behind the woman, but it scared the poor woman to fall.

The woman got up and continued to run for her life, running even faster than before.

All Teltown people laughed unbridled, but the old slave Bald Tail not say a word, slowed down.

Most of these Teltown people are also slaves, and they are normally bullied and oppressed. But all their resentment seemed to be unleashed in the process of inflicting violence on more vulnerable beings.

"Spread!" Gan Quan shouted loudly: "Don't let her run away, wrap her from the wings!" More than 30 Teltown people slowly spread out into a fan shape.

Ahead, the woman whose clothes had rotted into strips was unstable on her feet and fell again, falling into a dead leaf.

Gan Quan couldn't bear it anymore, so he urged his horse to chase after him.

"Anyway, the old bald tail will speak the words of two-legged people." Gan Quan thought to himself: "First arrest her, then try..."

When Gan Quan's spirit was extremely excited , he suddenly felt the world spinning, soar into the clouds and mount the mists like flying.

The rest of Terdun saw the leader's horse's knees bent at an unnatural angle, the horse neighed and fell, while their leader was forcibly thrown off the saddle and tumbled forward in midair .

Then they saw a silhouette jumping out of the dead leaves, the man carrying a large stick and brutally smashing their leader in the head.

The skull is broken first, and the stick is broken later.

The direct descendant of the Teltown tribe, the cousin of the fire roaster, and the Helle Ash "Gamquan" of wild ambition just breathe one's last.

As if at the command, dozens of silhouettes appeared ghost-like, as if they had popped out of the ground—in fact, they had actually popped out of the ground.

The ghost shadow has a pointed stick in his hand, and when he sees a rider, he stabs and smashes it. In an instant, several people have fallen off the horse.

"There is an ambush!" Tertun people shouted in horror: "Run!"

Tertun people stabbed their horses, whipped whips, and drove their horses to speed up breakout.

Without waiting ten meters, the two Tyrtowns in front made the same mistake - there were other stumbling blocks in the woods, and God knows where the woman led them!
"Can't get away! Kill!" A Teltown man pulled out his machete and slashed frantically.

Another Teltown man took off his horn and asked for help.

"xiu ."

With the sharp sound of breaking through the air, the Teltown man who wanted to blow the horn screamed, his left hand and left face were nailed with a javelin.

Under the severe pain, the horn horn also let go.

It was a majestic middle age person who threw the javelin, and he calmly drew another javelin: "[Common language] Beware of the barbarians either the fish dies or the net splits! Set their horses !"

The sound of heavy footsteps was getting closer and closer, and a young man with a pale complexion walked out of the bushes with a group of men holding various farm implements.

Young people salute in front of middle age person: "Major! we are coming. "

"You are not here." "The middle age person pointed in the direction where the Teltown people came from: "Around the battlefield from the east, if there are brute chasing after them, stop them. "

"Yes! "The young man raised his hand in salute.

"Mr. Eper." "The middle age person returned the salute solemnly, but after all, he was still uneasy: "Be careful. ”

Epel nodded, raising the thorny mallet as a flag, and disappearing into the woods with the militia.


Meanwhile, in the To the northwest of the village, deeper in the forest, Lieutenant Asko is galloping on horseback.

He dashes down the river valley, fast as lightning, into a hidden camp.

"Who made the fire! "Ask Lema roared: "Who made the fire?" ”

Seeing that the visitors were not barbarians, the people in the camp gradually gathered.

This hidden camp is almost the size of a small town, but there are only women, old people and children in it , not a young man.

“My lord. "An Old Lady came tremblingly: "It's me. "

Faced with an Old Lady, Asko got angry and shouted: "Major Ronald strictly ordered that no one is allowed to start a fire without permission!" You listen to your left ear, but your right ear leaks out? Extinguishing! immediately! "

The crowd absolute silence.

A peasant woman in her 40s complained bitterly: "I also made a fire. It's so cold! The little ones are cold and sick. If you don't light a fire, you can't even eat hot food. If you can stand it, my lord, we can't stand it! ”

One person took the lead, and others followed suit.

Women and children were placed here alone. A dozen of them were crowded in a tent, not allowed to make fire, not to leave, Don't even speak loudly. Everyone has long been complaining.

"Idiot! "Asko scolded angrily: "You are making a fire here, and the smoke is coming out!" You can see it from five kilometers away! The camp is exposed! If we hadn't lured the barbarians away, the barbarians would have already been killed! Just because you made a fire, your husbands and sons are working hard! ”

Ask heard someone screaming, and then he was surrounded by wives.

Women and children everyone talking at once to find out the news:

"Is my son safe? "

"Where's my father? "

"How about the men over there?" "

"Why is the village smoking?" "

Ask was dazed by the noise, and he shouted: "Stop arguing!" "

No one paid any attention to him.

Ask was heartbroken, stabbed his ribs lightly, squeezed out the crowd, and threw out the words "pack up and change the camp as ordered", and then Leave in a hurry.


And on the other side of the forest, the battle didn't drag on for long.

The bows, arrows, and fast horses that Teltown people rely on to fight The formidable power of the machete and the machete in the forest cannot be exerted, and the melee depends on the number and tenacious spirit.

The more than thirty light cavalry who rushed forward were quickly eliminated, and more than seventy cavalry followed after. They were repelled by the militia.

“Let any horses that can walk be taken away! The surviving Hurds are also taken away! The corpse remains. "Major Ronald, leaning on a javelin, commanded the wolf town militia to clean the battlefield.

"What about the horse corpse?" "someone asked.

"Take all the meat you can, and throw the rest here." "Major Ronald urged: "Quick!" We have to go quickly! ”

Second Lieutenant Adam, whose clothes were torn into strips, untied his scarf and rolled his skirt up to his waist, exposing his thighs.

He was carrying an axe, foul -mouthed unmeat from a horse carcass: "bastard! The barbarians won't come, let's make baskets! The barbarian is coming, we have to fight him! Just count him to call people! "

Every time Adam said a word, he slashed an axe, venting his grievances on the horse's corpse.

The people of Teltown who were so excited just now shuddered if they saw the "bare-footed woman" It turns out to be such a foul-mouthed Platonic man, and it must be very complicated.

Luckily they don't need to watch because they are almost dead.

Epel Walked past Adam and whispered a lesson: "Stop talking nonsense. ”

Three former garrison officers led more than 200 wolf town militiamen to quickly clean up the battlefield.

Dozens of Terdun people were stripped naked and lying on the ground. On the ground, robes, boots, scimitars, bows and arrows were all reused.

"Are you going to cut off your ears? "Epel asked Ronald.

Ronald chuckled and called the head: "No one has credited us. "

"Cut it!" Why not cut? Adam said angrily: "Isn't it fair that one ear is worth a hundred hours of work?" "

Eper ignored Adam and continued to ask: "Where are the wounded sent?" "

"Sent to women and children camps. "

Hearing the word [women and children camp], some militiamen tentatively asked: "Sir, when will we be able to reunite with our wives and children?" "

The other militiamen also pricked up their ears.

"The Hart Barbarians haven't left Iron Peak for a day. Ronald and Yan Yuese explained to everyone: "We can't work together for one day." You can rest assured that as long as the men's camp is not destroyed, the women's and children's camps are safe, and your wives, children, and parents are also safe. "

The militiamen looked a little disappointed.

Adam, who was leaning on the axe, couldn't see it, and scolded sharply: "Reuniting you with your wife and children, you can still have a fucking mind." fight? Aren't they all coaxing their children and sleeping with their wives? Are you comfortable, when the barbarians come, wash their necks and wait to die?
This is war! Something to die for! The fuck thought it was an outing? If the barbarians don't leave, who would dare to enter the women's and children's camp privately and hang you in front of your wife and child! If you don't believe me, try it! "

The Wolf Town militiamen are silent.

"Sir!" "Someone shouted in the distance: "There is a living mouth here!" will speak our words! "

Major Ronald, refreshed, walked over quickly.

An old Hurd man was sitting under a tree with a rosary in his hand. Close your eyes and rest. The old Hurd's face is full of ravines, and he looks very old.

The battle just now did not affect him, because he did not enter the encirclement at all, and dismounted from a distance.

Major Ronald looked up and down the old Hurd: "You speak Common? "

"Is your name Tongue? The old Hurd slowly opened his eyes and said bluntly, "I was called Imperial when I was young. "

"Oh, I really can say it." "Second Lieutenant Adam clicking one's tongue in wonder: "Where did you learn it?" "

"No need to learn, I will say it naturally. "

"What's it called? "

"The Hurds call me 'horses without tails,' which means bald tails." The Palatine called me..." The old Hurd said with a faint smile: "Father Saul. ”


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