Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 277


Chapter 277 Confrontation
The sparse stars twinkle in the blue-gray of dawn in the sky, ash-gray The mist tumbled and swirled over the Bighorn River.

Without the presence of humans, this would be nothing but an ordinary morning in early winter.

But the quiet scene is surrounded by murderous intentions.



The sound of paddles echoing on the river like a fish tail.

Earlier, a sheepskin raft emerges from the fog, then a second, a third...

These sheepskin rafts are so small that each can only carry Five or six people.

Among the five or six people, two of them paddled brow beaded with sweat. The remaining few people knelt and sat with their horned bows in hand, looking around without daring to move their lower bodies.

Fear, excitement and greed were mixed in everyone's faces and eyes.

There were no beacon fires, no shouting, no arrows and lead bullets. The eight sheepskin rafts did not suffer any resistance. They crossed the Dajiao River smoothly and officially entered Tiefeng County and Langtun Town. territory.

"Ganquan! It's a success!" A young Hurd [Shi Jian] couldn't hide his joy, and said to another young Hurd in a low voice: "The two-legged man didn't find you. Me!"

The young Heard known as [Ganquan] has a scar on his face that runs through the bridge of his nose, and he scolded the speaker in his voice: "Shut up!"

The former stopped talking immediately.

Gan Quan walked up to another old Hurd man: "Bald tail! Count the number of people. Blow the trumpet and let the rest come over."

The old man with ravines on his face The Hurd [bald tail] took out a deer bone flute, put it on his lips and blew it lightly.


The sound of Bald Tail's playing is like a deer croaking, it's not very loud, but it has strong penetrating power.

Across the river, another young Hurd [Tsing Ma] is waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, Tsing Ma heard the sound of deer croaking from behind the thick fog, and learned that Ganquan and the others had successfully crossed the river.

"Drive the horse into the water!" The green horse ran immediately, shouting and ordering the slaves and the subjects: "Drive the horse into the water!"

The horse group moved, more than 200 horses The horse just walked slowly, and the rumbling sound could not be hidden.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Qing Ma used the scabbard to fiercely beat the slow slaves and their subjects, triangular eyes gleaming fiercely: "Don't ask the horses to drink water! Drive them away! Horses are not salt. I can't do it! Let's go! Sly slacker!"

The river water in early winter was cold to the bone marrow, and the horses were crowded together and reluctantly walked into the icy water.

The Hurds shouted and swung their whips to drive away the horses.

The leader of the herd, a large man with a shallow red and white nose, swam first.

It's not my first time swimming.

The water of the Bighorn River slammed into its strong body, and the son was breathing desperately, his chest was larger than usual, his body was floating in the water, his neck and back were exposed.

The rest of the horses followed behind the leader, separated the current, and slowly paced forward until their hooves could not step on the river bed, and they began to pedal and paddle.

A dozen Hurds took three rafts and followed behind the horses. Everyone had a lasso and lasso in hand, just in case.

But an accident happened. An old white-fronted horse was not strong enough and suddenly lost its balance while swimming.

The body of the white-fronted old horse was uncontrollably thrown sideways, it broke away from the horses, and was carried downstream by the river.

The Hurd on the raft hurriedly threw out the noose, but the accident happened too fast, and the white-fronted old horse disappeared in the thick fog in a blink of an eye.

Qing Ma was flustered and exasperated, with anger burning in his triangular eyes: "Blind idiot! Don't row forward! Let the horses run diagonally against the water! Don't let the water wash away the horses!"

Not far downstream, the eight sheepskin rafts that had just crossed the river came back. The eight rafts inevitably drifted several hundred meters downstream during the round trip.

The old white-fronted horse just drifted past them, but the horse was dead.

The paddling Heard silently watched the old white-fronted horse rise and fall in the gloomy water.

The first trip is for people, the second for horses, the third for saddles, weapons, and armor, and the fourth and fifth for people.

It took five full tosses to transport more than 100 riders and more than 200 horses from the west bank of the Big Horn River to the east bank.

The leader of this Telltown Centurion is "Hell's Ash," which means fountain.

The green horse with triangular eyes and another youngster [stone arrow] are Ganquan's "partners", that is, the full-time warriors of this miniature tribe.

Others are Ganquan's subjects and slaves, such as the old slave [bald tail], Ganquan's grandfather gave Ganquan to Ganquan when he could not walk.

On bloodline, Gan Quan's background is prominent, his grandfather is the father of the fire roaster.

However, in terms of strength, Gan Quan's hands are only about 100 rides, more than 200 horses, and his subordinates are old and young, so his battle strength is very shabby.

For the Hurd people, being a pioneer is a very high honor, and as usual, they can be divided into spills of war. So according to common sense, Gan Quan would not be able to take the lead no matter what.

But who made Gan Quan the blood relative of the fire roaster?
The fire roaster took care of this nephew who had no property, and made Ganquan one of the pioneers, and arranged Ganquan's marching route in the upper reaches of the Big Horn River.

On the second day after the night battle at Shovel Harbor, Gan Quan and his Centurion arrived at the border of Lower Tiefeng County without a sound.

The difficulty of crossing the upper Bighorn River is much easier than the lower reaches of Shovel Lake.

Gan Quan first found a location with gentle water flow, and then prepared a leather bag and a raft overnight, and successfully crossed the Jiehe River under the cover of dense fog the next morning.

Ganquan was the first "Tulukota" of the Telltown Department to lead the troops to cross the border river - he didn't know this for the time being.

[Note: Turukota is roughly equivalent to Hundred-Men Commander ]
Compared to the failed raid on the lower reaches of Shovel Lake, Ganquan's crossing was surprisingly smooth, and the Paratus even No alerts were issued.

After the ecstasy comes deep doubt.

Ganquan, Tsingma, Shijian and old slave Bald Tail had to decide what to do next.

"Do you still need to think about it?" Tsing Ma shouted impatiently: "The fire-boilers ordered you and me to sack the village and disperse the troops of the two-legged people. Horse saddle, bow, and see the two legs. Can't you just kill people?"

The old slave asked in a hoarse voice: "Where is the two-legged village? Where is the two-legged army?"

Qing Ma was speechless when asked.

The Palatu people have suppressed the Herd tribes for 30 years. For the internal situation of Palatu, the Herdes have a black eye.

In the past 30 years, the only way for the Hurds to know the inside story of Palatu is through the smuggling caravans.

However, most of the smuggling caravans have a noble background in Palato, and the information given is also half true half false.

Gan Quan only knew that where he was located was the most remote "grassland" on the two-legged man's territory.

"You don't need to worry so much! If you're afraid of wolves biting people, why don't you fight?" Gan Quan licked his teeth, his eyes flickering fiercely: "You and I are pioneers, and the fire roaster ordered you and me to reduce the momentum. It's a big deal. Send someone to deliver a letter to the fire-boiler and tell him that you and I have already crossed the river. You and I will cast the net and find the camp of the two-legged man first."

Seeing that Na Yan had already ordered , Bald tail will not say more.

Gan Quan ordered people to deliver letters to those who roasted the fire, while ordering people to hide the sheepskin raft, and led more than 100 riders to gallop towards the populated place.

Once the battlefield area expands to hundreds of kilometers in length and width, the ability of each force to make independent decisions becomes critical.

And this, happens to be the strength of the Hurd tribes.


Ganquan crossed the upper reaches of the Dajiao River unscathed and entered Xiatiefeng County at the same time.

Another Terdunnayan "fatty" was also crossing the lower reaches of the Big Horn into Zhongtiefeng County.

Taertai is a relative of the fire roaster who is marrying his wife. According to the route, he needs to cross the river downstream of the Big Horn and upstream of Shovel Harbor.

The so-called "route" in the common language is called "Zasahei" by the Hurds. In Hedd, Zasahi also has the meanings of "military order", "decree" and "order".

It can be seen from this that for the Hurds, [route] and [military order] are the same word, and route and punctuality are also the most important concepts in the Hurd's military operations.

After the big boss has set the route, all the little bosses must strictly follow the route.

Deviating from the route without permission will be severely punished, as well as being late.

The reason for this military custom is because of the hunting tradition of the Hed. During the hunt, any small force that strays from its course will cause the prey to rush out of the siege.

As a result, during the month or even three months of hunting, each unit must strictly follow the route.

That's how the Hurd hunted, and that's how they fought.

The Fireboiler designates a crossing area for his pioneer officers, and the Kotas have to cross the river in the designated area, because other areas are the "routes" of other Kotas.

Hard's tribes did not have the engineering ability of the Praetian standing army to cut wood into bridges, and not many people even knew how to build pontoon bridges.

So Fatty Tartai's way of crossing the river is similar to Ganquan: first, a squid archer arrived at the east bank through the thick fog, occupying a "landing field".

Then the raft returns to the west bank to pick up more people.

The only difference is that fatty Tartai is more cautious, more experienced, and has more troops on hand.

This time, Fatty Tartai brought out three Hundred Men Squads, all of which were carefully selected young men.

Crossing the river for the first time, fatty Tartai pulled up two leather ropes on both sides of the Big Horn.

The sheepskin raft can be pulled across the river without being swept downstream by the leather ropes that are firmly attached to the banks.

It took a little time to cross the river for the first time, but it was very fast for the second time.

When the sun rose and the fog gradually cleared, the sheepskin raft had already made two round trips.

The personal slave "Chahan [Bai]" respectfully reported to Tartai: "Nayan, there are already 100 sons on the other side."

Named after being fat, this is not a good name. Tartai usually hates others to call him "fatty", so his companions, subjects and slaves call him "Nayan [leader]" in person.

"Have the sentry been released yet?"

"It has been released."

"Yes!" Tartai ordered with a soft whip: "Send the horse Let's go over there."

"Hehe." Chahan bowed his chest and prepared to leave.

"No! Don't send it away yet!" Fatty Tartai narrowed his eyes, his eyes almost becoming a slit: "Send ten horses over first, let them ride out, and see what's going on further afield. "

"Hey ha."

So the ten horses were sent over, which took some time.

Telltown people on the east coast didn't have time to saddle their horses, so they rode directly on the bare backs and let the horses go.

I didn't wait for the hooves to go far. A chilling battle cry suddenly sounded behind the gradually thinning fog: "[Common] Draw your sword!"

It seemed as if hundreds of men were roaring at the same time: "Uukhai!"

"There's an ambush! Idiot! The sentinel should be damned!" Fatty Tartai scolded: "Remove Erlang."

It was too late, and two dull beeps rang out from the other side of the river. The sound of cannons and sharp bugles penetrated the mist and resounded on both sides of the Big Horn River.

The first company commander, Tamas, jumped out of the field and charged at the front with a pig hunting spear.

Tamas never imagined that someone was ahead of him: a short, flat-ended pig spear, howling and charging into the mist.

Shorty Peter hasn't said a word since the dilapidated prefab house burned down. He didn't cry or laugh, he ate and drank what he was given, just like a walking corpse.

Even the first company commander, Tamas, repeatedly assured Shorty that he would rebuild the house when Heard Barbarian was defeated, but it failed to bring any light to the shorty's eyes.

But at this moment, Peter the Short was howling like a madman to the river bank, causing his comrades to startled.

When the rotten prefab house with a big hole in the roof and the walls leaking air was burnt down, Peter Bunir's heart was also empty.

But now, that missing piece is filled with hatred and anger.

Peter Bunir didn't dare to hate the "Blood Wolf" who gave him his surname, and he didn't want to hate him like his brother's company commander, so he could only hate Hurd Barbarian.

God damned Heard barbarian!
Damn Heard Barbarian!
Why are you here?
Kill you all!
The more than 100 Teltown people who crossed the river gathered together with their backs against the river. The fog had not yet cleared, and they could only hear the screams of killing from all directions.

"Spread away! Don't crowd together!" A small leader of red feathers shouted hoarsely: "Spread away!"

Except for red feathers, the special features on the east bank None of the people of Erdun wear armor—they ride in a boat wearing armor and sink into the water when they fall into the water. The weapons in their hands are only horned bows and scimitars.

Everyone yearns for the shore, crowds into the safer crowd, and doesn't even have room to open a bow.

Red Feather became ruthless, dragging his subordinates out of the crowd one by one: "Spread out, build a bow!"

The screams of killing are getting closer and closer, and there is Telltown Unable to withstand the psychological pressure, the person loosened the bowstring, moved towards the miserable mist and shot arrows.

The arrow was engulfed by the white fog, and it was unknown whether it hit anyone.

Other Terdon people also fired their bows and arrows one after another, shooting wherever there was a sound.

On the other side of the river, the Teltown people were desperately paddling and dragging their rafts across the river.

Hong Lingyu sees it in her eyes, anxious in her heart.

The Hurds generally believe that the first twelve arrows are the best arrows for an archer, and then the archer's strength gradually depletes, whether it is accurate head, formidable power or the speed of opening the bow will be much worse .

However, because they couldn't stand the psychological pressure, the "good arrows" of the Teltown people had all been wasted on shooting fog.

"Stop!" Hong Lingyu, flustered and exasperated, whipped his subordinates: "Shoot again when you see a person with two legs! Shoot again when you see a person!"

A voice suddenly came from behind. With a huge force, along with the exclamations of his subordinates, Hong Feather, who was standing in front of the crowd, was fiercely knocked down by a short Platoon soldier who rushed out of the white fog.

The pig spear failed to pierce the armor plate, and the red feather was completely smashed by brute force to break the ribs, forcibly pushed down.

Hong Lingyu struggled to get up, and the little Platoon moved towards Hong Lingyu's back like a madman, as if he was killing an absolutely irreconcilable enemy.

The Terdun people have been stunned, and even the Hurd people have never seen such a ferocious evil star.

"Shoot him! Ah!" Hong Lingyu was smashed through the armor and vomited blood. He even heard the crisp sound of a broken spine: "Shoot him!"

Only then did the Turdun archer came back to his senses, and shivered with his bow and arrow.

"Dead!" Another tall Palatine jumped out from behind the white fog, and without the slightest hesitation, pounced on the Terdun.

The tall Platoon's pig-hunting spear went straight to the throat of the Teldun in front of him, only slightly delayed at the throat, and pierced all the way to the spine.

Telltown man wu wu screamed and grabbed the spear shaft.

The Tall Paratus tried to withdraw the hog spear, but the Terdun refused to let go.

If it was a recruit, it would probably be silly to tug-of-war with the Teltown people at this time.

But this tall Palatine soldier was a company commander, Tamas. Seeing that the spear shaft was being held, he immediately cut the spear and drew his sword, ignoring the barbarian who had a lance stuck in his throat, and slashed with a knife. to others.

In an instant, more and more soldiers from Tiefeng County rushed out of the white fog.

Seeing the hundreds of Teltown people on the river bank, most of the soldiers of the First Company were dazed, and then they shouted and rushed to the enemy.

The two sides started a melee in the mist. The people wearing fur robes were the Hurds, and the people wearing common clothes were the Paratus people. Everyone looked sinister and gritted their teeth.

And the dwarf Bunir, who was already insane, was still smashing the red feathers one after another.

Hong Lingyu screamed and kept digging at the soil to try to get up, but his lower body no longer obeyed.

The wind howled, and the mist cleared up in an instant.

The fog that blocked the view had disappeared, and Fatty Tartai on the other side of the river immediately ordered his troops to shoot arrows.

The arrows hit the east coast like hailstones, flying towards both sides who were fighting, regardless of who was fighting.

That is, at this time, Bart Shilling rushed to the battlefield with the second company.

Looking at the battle situation on the shore, Bart Shalling shouted badly.

The barbarian Hurd had no way to retreat, and his morale was strong, and the two sides on the shore were already red-eyed.

The barbarians on the other side obviously did not intend to rescue the troops, but wanted to kill the Paratus as much as possible.

"Company Commander, shall we go?" Sergeant [Nine Fingers] asked eagerly.

"Fuck!" Bart Shalling yelled, "Blow the retreat!"


"Blow it if you want. !"

The melody of retreat sounded.

Although the company commander Tamas did not know why, he still shouted and ordered the surrounding warriors: "Retreat!"

"Retreat!" The sergeants of the company also repeated the order, pulling With the red-eyed warrior beside him, he left the battlefield.

Tamas passed by Peter Bunir and found that the latter was still smashing a red feather on the back.

And the red plume feather was dying, and he wasn't dead yet.

Tamas kicked the dwarf Peter and lifted the armor curtain on the back of Hong Lingyu's neck, giving the dying Hong Lingyu a happy feeling.

"Enough." Tamas scolded with a sullen face, pulling the lost dwarf Peter to retreat to the attack position.

The Terdun people on the east coast fought with a will, losing their enemies suddenly, and even became not knowing what to do.

"[Hedde] raft!" A Teltown man threw his weapon and shouted in surprise: "[Hedde] raft!"

This cry was like The starting gun, the still alive Terdun people rushed to the sheepskin raft that had not yet docked.

“[Head] don’t leave me here!” cried the seriously injured Teltown man: “[Head] don’t leave me here!”

But no one paid any attention, a glimmer of survival suddenly appeared in the desperate situation, and all the people of Teltown who were still alive became disregarded.

"[Herde] is over!" The furious fatty Tartai moved towards the river fiercely and threw his whip.

"[Herde] Surrender to avoid death!" The soldiers of the 2nd Company, speaking in blunt Hedl, pulled into a loose line and rushed to the shore: "[Herde] Surrender to avoid death!"

Bart Shalling did not rush ahead, he stayed on the high ground by the river bank, frowned observing the battlefield situation.

The sergeant "Nine Fingers" immediately cut off the leather cord connecting the two sides of the strait according to the order of Bart Xialing.

Telltown's sheepskin raft was caught off guard and pushed downstream by the river.

The Terdun people who lost their will to resist put down their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

The Terdun people on the other side saw that the situation was over, and symbolically released a few rounds of arrows, and they stopped wasting arrows.

Several bodies floated on the water and were carried away silently by the river.

The first confrontation between the two armies in Zhongtiefeng County ended in a small victory for the defender.


(end of chapter)

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