Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 276


Chapter 276 Fire

A fire burning to the horizon.

As the monsoon cheered, the fire burned into a line, moved towards the east swept away, and spread out of sight in the blink of an eye.

The wild beast trapped in the fire ran wild like crazy, and the marmot mouse was driven by instinct to dig deeper.

The smoke billowed into the sky. The smog was carried by the westerly wind and flew to Tiefeng County, which is dozens of kilometers away.

Lieutenant Andrea Cellini spat the black ashes in his mouth, and drove his horse on the scorched earth with no expression on his face.

The air was hot and the smoke was choking.

It doesn't take too many people to set fire. Andrei divided his subordinates into five teams and went to different places in the no-man's land.

"The fire head is smaller over there." Andre pointed to a hillside in the northeast: "Go make it up."

The two cavalrymen saluted and pounced away.

Fires are not uncommon on grasslands. A lightning strike or a negligence can cause the Vulcan to descend.

However, for the Heards, deliberate arson to provoke the wrath of Heavenly God is unprecedented and unheard-of.

Unlike the forest fire that burns to the sky, the fire head of the grassland fire is very low, and it looks like a low wall from a distance.

The tall vegetation of the forest hinders the flow of wind, while the grasslands are open and wide, and the wind can sweep the land with raging fire.

Especially in windy weather, the flames spread terribly fast.

Animals running in panic are either overtaken by flaming flames, or run and run down.

Andre's warhorse stepped on a stone, and the charred surface of the stone was rubbed off by the horse's hoof, revealing the dark red tender meat inside.

Andre stared at the "stone" and carefully identified it - it should be a duiker. The poor little thing is born in spring, grows in midsummer, and dies in the fire sea before it has experienced its first winter.

Gently pulling the reins around the dead antelope, Andre looked around, and the once-thriving grasslands were now burned to a purgatory-like death.

The earth was scorched black, except for a few dark red embers that had not yet been burnt out, flickering like the breath of a dying man.

The sound of hooves came from a distance, and a line of cavalry was moving towards Andrei galloping.

"It's Officer A." The guard hurriedly reported to Andre.

Don Juan led the cavalry all the way to Andre.

"Let's go!" Lieutenant Juan carefree said to Junior Brother, "The barbarians have come this way."

Andrei was holding the reins, his face was invisible Any emotion, after being silent for a long time, he slowly said: "Not enough."

"Not enough?" Don Juan didn't know why: "What is not enough?"

"Not enough to burn. "

Don Juan was surprised at first, then laughed wildly, and finally laughed up to the sky: "At least hundreds of thousands of hectares of grassland have been burned, but that's not enough? The grassland is so big, how can it be completely burned? Enough. "

After finishing speaking, Don Juan greeted the cavalry of Iron Peak County: "The front is the fire field, and the enemy is behind. Let's go north, bypass the fire field, and return to Iron Peak County via Vigne County. "

"As you bid!" the cavalry answered in unison.

Iron Peak County is upstream and Vigne County is downstream. The further downstream you go, the more water the [Big Horn River-Glorious River] has, the harder it is to cross.

So Winters arranged for the cavalry team to focus on burning the upper reaches—that is, the grasslands on the border between Lower Tiefeng County and Middle Tiefeng County.

The platoons of the cavalry in Iron Peak County are limited, so Upper Iron Peak County and further north have no time to take care of it.

"Let's go." Don Juan pulled Andre's sleeve: "You're still addicted to burning."

"Not enough." Andre His eyes were cold: "The fire is fine, but the wind is not right."

"What do you mean?" Don Juan let go.
Andre pointed at the smoke on the fire with a horsewhip: "The summer wind To the west, the winter wind is to the east. And we are in the east, and the Hurds are in the west. If you burn like this, you can only burn the pastures and burn to Iron Peak, but not the Hurds.”

“ What should I do then?" Don Juan laughed: "I can't ask the Lord to bless and show spirits and turn the wind, right?"


"What's the matter?"


"What's the matter?"

"If you want to burn the Hurds, you have to go further west." Andre's expression was calm: "Give me all the horses of your cavalry."

"What do you want to do?" Don Juan said with a sullen face: "Are you fucking crazy?"

Andre didn't answer.

"The west side?" Don Juan stretched out his hand and asked, "The barbarians are swept over like a net, and there are Hurd cavalry everywhere, how do you get there?"

Andrei didn't answer.

"Even if you can break through that net, it will still be the barbarian territory if you go west." Don Juan grabbed Andre's collar and asked aggressively: "There is no guide, the language is not good, all directions They are all enemies, how do you survive?

Andre still didn't answer.

"No rear, no support, not even a plan! Don Juan scolded sharply: "What kind of bullshit battle is this! One wrong step and the whole army is wiped out! Reckless, stupid, clueless! "

Andre asked casually: "Then are you going with me?" "

"Go. "Don Juan replied with a grin.


The smoke from burning pastures drifted dozens of kilometers away, and Shovel Harbor was also shrouded in smog.


The mayor of Shovel Harbor, Portar, coughed into the church and complained loudly, "Damn it! What the hell is the weather? Where did the fire start? "

Mr. Alpha was sitting on the seat in front of the altar, looking at a notice with keen interest pleasure.

Hearing Portal's vulgar words, Mr. Alpha Without raising his head, he pointed to the holy emblem: "Pay attention to your words, Mr. Portal. "

The mayor of Portar is busy salute.

"What are you looking at?" "The Mayor of Portar asked with a flattering smile.

"This? "Mr. Alpha raised the notice in his hand: "The Guide to Preparing Prisoners, which Gervoudan sent over this morning." ”

The heads of the Terdun people were sent to various villages and towns for publicity, along with the "Communication Bulletin" and "Guidelines for Preparing Prisoners".

Due to the large number of heads in Shovel Harbor, there are no "firsts", only announcements and guides.

In the "Communication Announcement" in the temporary supplement, the rebels took the victory of Shovel Harbor to the villages and towns of Tiefeng County. Even Lin County enthusiastically promoted it.

However, in the announcement, the writer deliberately blurred the boundaries between "Shovel Harbor Government" and "Tiefeng County Government"... This is probably the benefit of having the right to speak.


"We fought desperately, but the rebels took credit for it. "Botar cursed in a gruff voice: "What a goddamn suffocation!" "

"It doesn't count as a credit either. Didn't you also praise the people of Shovel Hong Kong? "Mr. Alpha tapped the paper lightly: "It's the prisoner's guide Interesting. "

"Interesting? The Mayor of Portar is a little confused.

Mr. Alpha took out several previous announcements and said with a smile: "Although I am not sure who is in charge, but the other party's ability to make up jingle is getting better and better. Awesome. ”

Potar mayor is more unfathomable mystery.

“[Hide food, prepare good spear; barbarians come, don’t panic]; [Hide with him, hide with him, Just don't fight with him]; [There are few barbarians, besiege him, there are many barbarians, avoid him]..." Mr. Alpha's smile could hardly be hidden: "In fact, it was a tactic of 'forest beggar' during the Sovereign War. Make it up. "

"Oh. "Portar replied with a vague understanding.

Portar knows "forest beggar" and "tactics", but he doesn't know the two words together.

However, the contents of the guide, which Portal understands as soon as he hears it, are nothing more than admonishing farmers to hide their food and finances, and the barbarians of Heder will flee into the forest when they come.

"Go on. "Mr. Alpha handed the guide to Portal: "Post it in the villages. "

"Post it? Not intercepted? "Botar startled.

The announcement sent by Gervoudin before, unless the cavalry is ordered to send it to the villages and towns by itself, otherwise the port of shovel will not be intercepted.

"This guide Don't cut. Alpha smiled lightly: "I can't write that." "


The raging fire caused panic in the Tertown department.

When the fire was just starting, it was 50 kilometers away. The people of Erdun found out the clue—the terrain of the Great Wasteland is flat, and the thick smoke rising from the sky could not be hidden.

The fire roasters hurriedly called the Kotas to discuss the affairs in the big tent.

The marching method of the Telltown Division is like migration, and depending on the size of the herd, each Kota occupies a width of several kilometers or even tens of kilometers.

At this moment, the entire Telltown Division is like A long snake is lying on the grass field more than 200 kilometers long.

There are only a few leaders who can come to the big tent at a time, most of them are blood relatives and direct descendants of the fire roaster.


"Vicious! What a poisonous heart! The fire roaster's Uncle shouted as soon as he entered the tent: "Aren't two-legged people afraid of burning themselves? ”

For the Hurds, arson means cutting off all living beings from living, and it is a serious crime of dismembering four horses.

The soil layer of the grassland is already thin, and once the fire burns, When the wind blows, the soil layer will be thinner. The grass will be burnt out, unable to hold the soil, and then there will be a yellow disaster - a sandstorm.

The fire roaster sits on the ground with a sullen face and does not say a word.


"Tai Chi, what's the use of talking about this now? "The old interpreter reprimanded Uncle, the fire roaster: "You sit down first, and we will discuss a reason." ”

Tai Chi - Uncle of the fire roaster has a three-point respect for the old interpreter. Hearing this, he didn’t say anything more, just found a spot and sat down panting with rage.


Seeing that almost everyone came, the fire roaster complexion ashen said: "It's not my blood relatives in the tent, it's my companion. You are all my whips, shadows and arrows. If you want to say anything, just say it directly, don't hide it. "

"What else is there to say?" "Tai Chi roared furiously: "The pasture is burnt to the ground, so what's the use of you and me walking slowly?" Either withdraw, go around, or just rush over! "

The other leaders in the tent also murmured their approval.

The Hurds don't carry flour or gunpowder, and the physical strength of horses is their most precious war resource.


Compared with cattle and sheep, horses are extraordinarily expensive. If you don't eat or drink well, a horse can lose nearly 100 pounds of fat in seven days, which is terrifying fast.

In order to save money The fat of the war horse, the fire roaster carefully controls the march speed to ensure that the horses can walk and eat all the way.

The fire roaster even orders not to milk the horses - because milking can also cause the horses to lose fat.

Without mare's milk as a food source, the Teltown people had to drive thousands of ewes from their wintering pastures to follow the raiding chapters. Marching with flocks was also slow. And the ewes are also valuable livestock, and it is inevitable to travel all the way and die all the way. The fire roaster brought the sheep out and did not plan to bring them back.

Thousands of ewes are missing, and the Turtletown Department will lose tens of thousands of lambs over the next few years.

In other words, the cost of looting at the end of November is far more than nine The cost of looting in the middle of the month is high.

The fire roasters and even the Tertown unit are taking a big gamble.

“Evacuate, circumnavigate, charge. "The old interpreter said loudly: "Tai Chi is right, there are only three ways to go!" "

The old interpreter changed the subject: "Let's talk about the detour first, where do you and I detour? "

"Wrap upstream or wrap downstream. "Tai Chi replied without hesitation: "Where else can I go around?" "

"I went to investigate earlier." "The old interpreter said in a deep voice: "The fire is burning so much that it is about to enter the mountain when you go upstream!" "

"Then go downstream." "

"Downstream is the route for other chiefs. "

Tai Chi groaned: "Just say it directly, you can't get around it, can't you get it?" "

The "marching route" agreed by the fire roasters in advance is not only the route, but also the "looting range".

It is self-evident that it is easier to cross the river upstream than downstream. , so the fire roasters were somewhat selfish when assigning the marching route.

The fire roasters set the marching route of [Baowuer]—that is, blood relatives and direct descendants—upstream;

The [Aheita]—that is, the small chiefs who were originally formed by themselves and who were forced or voluntarily attached to the Terdun division—was set downstream.

Plateau People set fire to the pastures upstream, just in the way of the fire roaster and his cronies.

“There is no way to take a detour. The old interpreter blunt objected: "I don't know how long this fire will burn, and once it is detoured, it is impossible to detour for hundreds of kilometers." If you don't talk about the delay, what will the Ahitas think? "

"Hey! "Tai Chi Fiercely slammed his fist on the thigh, the saliva sprayed all the way to the other side of the tent, he yelled: "How did the two-legged people know about you and me?" What kind of rotten meat that crows don't eat leaked? Find out this rotten betrayal! Thousands of arrows shoot him to death! "

The fire roaster clenched his fists, and everyone in the tent shuddered.

"These things will be discussed later." When the old interpreter saw this, he immediately said something to ease the atmosphere: "In short, the rebels in the new land have already learned that you and I are going to loot." No matter how they got it, they just got it.

You and I are now like wolves lying in ambush in the grass, before being found by the antelope. The antelope is about to run away, and the wolf has only two choices, either save his strength and watch the antelope flee, or catch up and give it a try. How to choose, let's discuss. ”

The fire roaster’s face was ashen, and the others—whether it was his paternal male cousin or his cronies—couldn’t speak at all.

In the end, it was the fire roaster’s uncle, who was first-hand. Tai Chi, who supported the fire roaster to sit on the "sweat seat", spoke first.

Tai Chi looked at his nephew and said mercilessly: "Enough, fire roaster. The two-legged people to the east of you and me know that you and I are going, and the two-legged people elsewhere must know too. A wolf discovered by an antelope from a distance should not be chased in vain.

The loss to you and me is not too big, just a few dead horses and a few sheep, and it is still too late to return to the winter pasture. If the Aheitas want to go, let them go, you and I will go back here! "

The other kotas in the tent murmured in agreement.

The Fireboilers may need a big raid to regain their prestige, but the other kotas don't.

Compared to illusory's spills of war, Kotas are more concerned about their exhausted horses and eaten sheep - even if they are blood relatives of the fire roaster.

The fire roaster stared down at his fist and said nothing.

"Fire roaster, what do you mean by not speaking? Tai Chi couldn't hold back his violent temper, shouted: "If you don't speak, then throw the beans and decide!" "

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly cooled down.

The fire roaster lifts the head and said coldly: "Whoever wants to throw a bean agreement, stand up." "

Since no one dared to stand up, even Tai Chi continued to sit.

"There has already been a bean toss decision, and there is no need for a second time." I made up my mind, crossed the scorched earth, and headed straight for the two-legged man's territory. The fire roaster pulled out an arrow, held it on top of his head, and broke it with a violent force: "Who dares to destroy the heart of the army again, there is such an arrow!" "

Tai Chi groaned angrily, turned his head away from the fire roaster, but didn't say much.

The others in the tent also bowed their heads in obedience.


"Don't worry, kotas. "The old interpreter said with a smile: "Betraying the party is nothing more than burning a grassland dozens of kilometers wide. You and I can walk across it in a few steps." After crossing the river and arriving at the rebel's territory, there will naturally be food and drink. Can a traitorous party burn uninhabited grasslands or their own land? "

This remark made the other people in the tent a little relieved, and all the Baowu'er cheered up and pressed their left chest together to say yes.

At the same time, First Army Tun Village, Forge Township, Tiefeng County.

Peter Bunnier, nicknamed "Short", was held down by four or five soldiers and cried hysterically: "That's my house, don't burn Ah! Ah! Don't burn! Please! Be merciful! Ah..."

The first company commander, Tamas, looked at the straw hut in front of him and ordered, "burn! There will be an order for the resolution, burn them all!"

Short Peter's cry was so piercing that no one could bear to do it.

Tamas grabbed a torch and set fire to Peter the Shorty's dilapidated prefab house with his own hands.

The flames swirled from the walls to the roof, and eventually devoured the entire prefab house. Shorty Peter's wailing no longer sounded like a human voice.

"Go." Tamas held the torch: "Go and burn my house!"

[Catch up...]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection and reading 、订阅、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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