Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 278


Chapter 278 Commendation
The sentry on the watchtower saw a group of cavalry moved towards the gate in the distance Come galloping.

As the alarm bell rang, the armed defenders headed straight for the camp wall, while civilians digging trenches outside the camp flocked to the gate.

This is a small fort standing outside the town of Niutigu, with a length and width of no more than 50 meters.

There are two layers of soil walls inside and outside the camp. The main wall is two meters high, and the sub-wall is just one meter. There are only two doors in the front and rear.

For a while, the defenders were about to go out and the civilians were about to come in, so the gates of the camp were blocked.

"Where did the Hurds cross the river?" The first company commander, Tamas, was so anxious that he climbed up the camp wall and shouted: "Don't block the door! Let our people go out first!"


The civilians outside were bent on entering the camp, and no one paid him any attention.

Tamas fiercely stomped his foot: "Back off! Let them come in first!"

The soldiers retreated to the sides, the crowd poured into the camp like a tide, and the small camp was surrounded by It was packed full.

Tamas was furious, but he heard the sentry on the watchtower shout: "Company commander! It's the flag of the military tribunal of Montagne!"

Tamas looked at the approacher, It was a relief to see a scarlet's flag fluttering on the tip of the spear.

The Legion's company flag is the blue quadrant, and the Hurds use the azure ponytail.

There is only one person in Iron Peak County who can use the scarlet flag, which is the flag brought back from Great Wasteland, a unique and unmatched personal flag.

Tamas jumped off the camp wall and set about reassuring the civilians. Before the sweat was wiped off his forehead, he heard a thunderous roar from outside the camp wall: "What are you doing? Tamas! Bart Shalling! Get out of here!"

It was noon the next day of the ambush when Winters arrived at Cowhoof Valley.

He was not satisfied with the condition of the Cowhoof Valley camp. From hearing the alarm bell, to when he ran outside the camp wall, a large number of civilians were still crowded at the camp gate and were not accommodated in the camp.

The front and rear camp gates were full of people, and Tamas had nothing to do.

"Where's Bart Shalling?" Winters asked the Captain with a stern face.

Tamas replied quickly: "On the river bank, Erlian is monitoring the movements of the barbarians."

Winters pointed to the cluttered fortress, and asked with anger: "If I Hurd, are you still alive?"

Tamas having unspeakable bitter suffering.

Winters walked around the camp wall without saying a word.

Tamas stood where he was, not knowing what to do, Charles rolled over and dismounted, patting the company commander on the back sympathetically.

Charle whispered to Tamas: "The captain is here to reward you. He was happier than he was when he heard you two won the battle."

"Hundred- Why did Men Commander come in person?" Tamas asked in a low voice, "Where's Gevudin?"

"Don't worry, Captain Mason is here."

During the conversation, Winters had circled the fort, back to the main gate.

“One hundred steps?” Winters asked.

"Yes!" Tamas saluted and replied, "A hundred paces long and wide."

"Too small!" Winters jumped off the saddle and pointed out the problem sharply: "Stuff two Even if it's okay, how can it be able to hold the surrounding civilians? Don't you think about the future when you build the camp?"

Tamas stood dejectedly.

Winters wanted to teach another lesson, but remembered that none of his company commanders had received full military training.

Being able to build such a standard military camp with two walls and one trench is actually a super-level performance after their observation, self-study, and Full Mastery.

A few more words, I'm afraid it will destroy the confidence and dignity of these "unorthodox" commanders.

"It was a good battle." Winters sighed in his heart, and took out a certificate of commendation: "Has the fallen warrior restrained? Where are the wounded? I brought Father Kaman here."


Tamas held the commendation certificate, and the tears flowed out without holding back.


The sudden arrival of the Winters caused a small disturbance, but the disturbance died down quickly.

Tamas and Bart Shalling give a detailed account of the ambush.

"Originally, I wanted to wait for the war horses to arrive." Bart Xialing regretted: "The barbarians on the other side are very cunning, and only ten horses are sent over at a time. Our people are all hiding in the river bank. Next, I can't stand a careful search."

Winters stared at the map, measured with a compass, and asked, "How many horses are there on the other side of the Hurd?"

"Speak less. Five-six hundred horses."

"Five-six hundred horses? How lavish!" Winters threw away the compasses, a little regretful: "Ai, I can't even make a hundred horses now."

"How could that be?" Tamas asked, puzzled. "Didn't he just get over two hundred horses from Lieutenant Bard?"

Winters remembered this. Headache: "They were all taken away by Lieutenant Cellini and Lieutenant A...don't even talk to me."

The military tribunes complained about each other, and the little company commander didn't dare to talk much .

Andre and Don Juan, with over a hundred cavalry and over five hundred horses, moved towards the west without looking back.

Winters silently accepted the decision of Andre and Hu Senior Brother An. This is not his war alone, everyone has their own responsibilities.

Winters cheered up and asked the two company commanders: "How do you know that the Hurd people are going to cross the river in Pantuolin?"

"It was the second company commander who proposed to set up a lurker on the other side. Whistle." Mas hurriedly replied: "Otherwise there will be no victory this time."

Winters nods to the tower.

Tamas and Bart Haring are two of Winters' most valued captains. The latter is flexible in thinking and always has strange ideas; the former is generous and gentle, and can convince the public.

The company commanders under Winters are all forged through blood and fire, and they only lack a little systematic learning.

Winters drew the next stroke on the map with a graphite strip: "The Eleventh Company and the Twelfth Company are coming to the Oxhoof Valley to strengthen you.

"The Oxhoof Valley will be arranged with four even? asked Bart Schilling in surprise.

"That's right." " Winters drew a circle on the Oxhoof Valley: "Your camp is too small now. I suggest that you build a fort directly around Niusho Valley, completely encasing the town of Niushoe Valley. "

"You can just order." " Tamas Han smiled and said: "What else do you suggest? "

"No, you are the frontline commanders." You need to make an impromptu decision according to the specific situation, and I can only give you advice. " Winters took out two letters of appointment from his arms: "Four companies are one battalion. From now on - Tamas, you are the acting battalion commander of the 1st Battalion. "

Tamas left the chair like a spring, lips trembling not knowing what to say.

"Bart Shalling." " Winters handed the letter of appointment to the second company commander: "From now on, you are the acting deputy battalion commander of the first battalion. "

"Hundred-Men Commander!" "Tamas said suddenly: "I..."

"en?" Winters raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Let Bart be the battalion commander..." Tamas lowered his head Head: "...I don't have the ability to bring a battalion. "

Winters threw the letter of appointment on the table, crossed his arms and asked, "Are you a military tribune, or am I a military tribune?" "

"You are..."

"Then what nonsense are you talking about?" "Winters threw the letter of appointment on the company commander: "Whoever I let be, is whoever is." Bart Shalling, are you not convinced? "

Bart Xialing hurriedly shouted his grievances: "Hundred-Men Commander, can I be dissatisfied with this?" I didn't say anything! "

"Is that your dissatisfaction?" Winters looked towards the company commander: "Mr. Tamas?" "

Tamas silently picked up the letter of appointment and raised his hand to salute.

"We'll give you two additional missions." While marking on the map, Winters said: "First, evacuate the villages near Niuho Valley, bury the grain and property on the spot, and concentrate all the people, livestock and carriage in Niuhogu Town. "

"Carriage too? ”

“Not a single carriage is allowed to fall!” "

Tamas and Bart Xia Ling were nodded again and again.

"Second, beacon towers were arranged along the Pangtuo River to control the north bank of the Pangtuo River. ”

“Then… I don’t care about Tiefeng County?” Bart Xialing asked with a solemn expression.

"As long as the Hurd people in Tiefeng County are no more than the Pangtuo River." " Winters resolutely and decisively replied: "Just ignore them." "

Tamas pointed to the map and asked, "There is a bridge over there in Little Rock, what should I do?" "

"I've sent the 3rd Company to evacuate Little Rock, so don't worry." "

"Yes. "

Winters looked at his subordinates with an unspeakable feeling in his heart. He told the two of them: "Revodan is nearly 100 kilometers away from Niu Hoof Valley, and the success or failure here will be borne by you two." The Hurds have poor engineering and poor armor, and their only advantage is mobility. Be determined and remember not to be led away by them. "

"Yes! "Tamas and Bart Shilling saluted solemnly.

"Okay, don't be so serious." A smile appeared in the corner of Winters' eyes: "I'm here to reward you." ”

So a simple ceremony was held in the square of the town of Oxhoof Valley.

Under the gazes of warriors and commoners, a man named Peter Boone Er's diminutive warrior was the first to receive the award.

The new government was in financial difficulties, so the reward was simply to give more fields.

Peter Bunir for fighting Brave, took the lead in entering the enemy line, and captured a red feather from the enemy, so his land grant was increased from 300 mu to 600 mu (Note: 40 hectares), which is simple and rude and directly doubled.

Hearing the word "three hundred acres", the surrounding farmers and townspeople were already whispering - three hundred acres is enough to make ordinary farmers jealous.

When "six hundred acres" was on the square When the reverberation reverberated, the crowd exclaimed in amazement, even suppressing the sound of magic amplification.

Even the first company commander, Tamas, was taken aback when he first learned about the strength of the reward. Although Peter the dwarf was a soldier under Tamas, but Tamas still persuaded Winters to think twice and restrain himself.

For this reason, Winters told Tamas a classic joke from the Luyuan Academy: "It is said that the madman Richard had threatened Marshal Ned that he would send a '100,000 army' to the Crusade Alliance. The old marshal retorted without being arrogant, saying that the alliance could also summon an army of 100,000. "

"So mad Richard said, 'Then I'll send two hundred thousand troops'. Winters asked Tamas with a smile: "Guess how the old marshal answered?" "

"Can the Alliance also assemble a 200,000-strong army?" "Tamas asked tentatively.

"That's impossible, the Alliance can't mobilize 200,000 troops. The old marshal said..." Winters patted the company's long shoulders: "'Then we'll fire two shots each.' "

Tamas thought for a long time, then asked timidly, "This subordinate doesn't understand, can you explain more." "

Winters sighed, next to the second company commander Bart Xia Ling interjected: "Hundred-Men Commander means that if everyone can kill a red feather, we would have fought this battle long ago. Won! "

So 600 acres? Of course not much. But for Peter Bunnier, who is lonely, it can be said to be too much.

The onlookers turned pale In fright, the other winning warriors were elated, but petite Peter Bunnier did not see a trace of joy on his face.

He took the award numbly, acting like a marionette.

The first company commander, Tamas, was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, gritted his teeth and scolded his subordinates: "Short Peter, who are you showing your face to? Thank you! "

Peter Bunier stiffly saluted the military tribunal upon hearing the company commander's words.

"Why, aren't you happy about taking the land?" "Winters isn't angry, just a little weird.

"No. "Short Peter shook the head.

Winters raised his eyebrows. "Nothing?" Happy? Still unhappy? "

Short Peter was silent for a long time, and suddenly pleaded with a crying voice: "Lord Blood Wolf, you promised to help me rebuild the house, but you must not break your promise!" "

If it wasn't for the public, Tamas would have kicked it fiercely.

The word 'blood wolf' is a big taboo, Montagne Hundred-Men Commander's The old part knows that Tamas desperately prayed in his heart that the Hundred-Men Commander would not be in a bad mood today.

Perhaps the prayer was fulfilled, Tamas heard the blood wolf laugh loudly: "Build you a room. better one! "

The big rock in Tamas's heart just fell to the ground, and suddenly he lifted it up again - because the little Peter Bunir said stubbornly, wiping his tears, "no! I want the original room!" "

Maybe the Hundred-Men Commander was in a really good mood today, Tamas thought, seeing Winters Montagne take out his notebook and write a promissory note, which he solemnly gave to soldier Peter Bunir. : "I'll build a room for you according to the original, and I will give you a high five to swear. "


Over there, the ceremony is in full swing. In the dungeon of the camp here, the prisoners of the Teltown Division are being interrogated one by one.

If it is just to send a commendation order, it is enough to send a messenger. And Winters came to the Oxhoof Valley with not only Father Kaman, but also the little lion.

The little hunter Bell is not here, The little lion is the only bilingual person around Winters.

As the experience grows and the horizon grows, Winters takes intelligence more and more seriously.

The battlefield seems to be shrouded in fog, and it is no longer satisfying for Winters to passively obtain information.

In the ambush battle at dawn yesterday, Iron Peak County finally controlled the battlefield. Nearly half of the people were killed or wounded, and some of them were taken prisoner.

Terdun people of the civilian and slave classes have no loyalties. There is no need to torture them. The beans are usually spit out when the bamboo tube is poured.

Wait for the end of the little lion's interrogation, just in time for Winters to bring someone over.

The little lion told Winters straight to the point: "You are captives. They are all 'Ulus', that is, ordinary people, and they don't know anything useful. "

"How many of them are there in total?" Winters couldn't help frowning.

"Three tuurus, more than three hundred riders, and some servants who served people. "

"Isn't that useful?" " Winters' eyebrows slowly stretched: "Who is their commander? "

"Begging Tartai." "Little lion shrugged: "I know this person. The relatives of the fire roaster who are marrying, the fire roaster's 'Nakir', that is, the fire roaster's relatives. ”

“Subordinate?” ”

The little lion sighed and explained it with gestures.

It is impossible to sort out the social affiliation of Hurd in an orderly manner, because even the people of Hurd themselves do it Not clear.

Take the relationship between the fire roaster and Tartai as an example: Tartai is the foreign relative of the fire roaster, and the blood relationship is not as good as that of the fire roaster's Uncle Taichi;

But Thai Chi is a semi-independent leader and can selectively obey the orders of the fire roaster. However, Tartai has almost no independence, and the fire roaster can even decide the marriage of the Tartai family.

"Independence" is also A flexible indicator, not a hard number. It changes with the power balance, intimacy and trust levels of the two parties.

Simply put, Teltown is a Great Sect, and the Burner is the most powerful faction in the Great Sect.

[Tai Chi Faction] and [Fire Boiler Faction] are almost in juxtaposition, and [Taltai Faction] is a subordinate branch of [Fire Boiler Faction].

The Tartai faction itself is a small tribe, and Tartai also has its own guards, partners, subjects and slaves.

Winters didn't bother to organize the family tree for the fire roaster, he bluntly asked: "The Tartai on the other side loses the battle, and the fire roaster's control in the Teltown department will be weakened, am I right?"

The little lion tilted his head and thought for a while: "Almost."

"Okay!" Winters stroked his palm: "That's enough."

[I didn't catch up again...let's just redefine the update time...]
[The battlefield is too big, Winters has to entrust the responsibility to others]
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