Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 275


Chapter 275 Relief
After a few days, the city councilors of Gervoudan gathered again .

Most of the committee members are old faces, and there are some new faces.

City Elder Priskin sat in the front row with his eyes closed. His second son, who was elected as a city councillor a few days ago, was also sitting next to his father.

The council members knew exactly what the tribunal was calling the city council for—nothing more than to solve the flour problem.

Heard Barbarians didn't see it, and the flour price increase was unequivocal. The poor can't even afford batter, but the price of flour continues to soar.

The poor class is full of grievances, and the wealthy citizens are a little bit overwhelmed, and the matter has become so serious that it has to be resolved.

The tribune was not present, and the mayor didn't speak. The committee members whispered and whispered:
"Your mill has been making a lot of money lately?"

"Hi Flour is so expensive that it can’t even be sold, so what do you earn?”

“Alright, alright, stop pretending. If you can’t sell it at a high price, are you willing to sell it cheap?”


"There are so many mills and grain shops in the city, why don't you get along with me?"

"Look, the blood wolf will come in a while, and they must attack us."


"It's nothing more than a price limit. If he asks for a price limit, then I'll sell it at a price limit."

The door slammed open, and the city councilors immediately fell silent.

Under everyone's attention, Winters in uniform and saber walked into the chamber with two round, hairy things.

Father Kaman followed Winters reluctantly.

"The heads of the Teltown people." Winters threw the two heads on the ground. The head rolled on the ground several times, and finally stopped at the feet of Shaosha.

Shaosha bowed his head and met the empty eyes of the dead man. Obviously there is no smell, but Shaosha smells a sticky stench. He fought back the urge to vomit and tried his best to look away.

Charr and Heinrich walked into the venue with a box of bloody Heard helmets, armor, and machetes—all requested from Shovel Harbor.

After briefly explaining last night's fighting in Shovel Harbor, Winters politely told the city councilors: "Eighteen more heads have been sent to the towns for publicity. Who among you doesn't believe the barbarians want to If you kill him, you can stand close."

"I have seen it, Your Excellency." Shaosha tried not to look at his feet, and asked eagerly: "This corpse...let's take it."

"That's good." Winters ordered Shire and Heinrich: "Show the commissars the helmets and armor, the heads are nothing."

Give the armor and weapons to the commissars We passed it around for a while, and it didn't take too long.

"These things will be displayed to the public in the Gervodin square. If you are interested, you can go to the square to see." Winters motioned his subordinates to put away the spills of war: "To call you today, not to Showing you heads, but to solve the problem of rising flour prices."

With that, Winters patted Father Kaman's shoulder.

Carman sighed, went to the stage to salute the city councilors: "It is thanks to the generous donations of gentlemen, that the Gervoudan monastery until now can distribute porridge to the poor believers. Please accept me The service.”

No one dared to sit again, and the city councilors hurriedly returned their salutes.

The church is in charge of everyone's affairs after death, and people naturally have a three-point reverence and respect for the clergy.

Father Kaman looked solemn as he preached: "But recently the price of flour and wheat has skyrocketed, and the monastery can no longer provide relief to the believers. In the slum area, picking leaves and digging grass roots to feed their hunger has become commonplace, and some believers are even selling their children. .Gevodan is now like sitting on a volcano, as long as there is a little fire star, the situation of refugee riots will repeat.

[You want people to treat you, you should treat people]. I also hope you all Gentlemen are willing to lend a helping hand during this difficult time."

Winters continued Kaman's words: "I have drawn up a decree for everyone to take a look at and discuss. If there is anything wrong, Please bring it up."

The draft ordinance, written on white paper, was circulated among the city councillors. The content of the draft is very simple, which is to limit the selling price of flour, wheat, barley and rye.

There are many mill owners, grain merchants or those who have equity stakes in grain businesses among the city councillors, and all of them are psychologically prepared for the price limit policy. The boots actually fell to the floor and they sighed in relief instead.

"My lord, I'm dim-sighted from old age and can't read the text clearly." Old Priskin stood up tremblingly and asked respectfully, "Allow me to ask, you want to limit the price. ?"

"Please sit down, Mr. Priskin." Winters nodded."

"I want to limit the price." Old Priskin suddenly Opening his eyes, resolutely and decisively shouted: "The price limit is absolutely not allowed!"

The city councilors in the council hall were terrified.

"Tell me about it." Winters folded his arms: "Why not?"

Old Priskin leaning on crutches, his back straight: "The more people in the city are There are more and more food in the city, and the food in the city is getting less and less, so the price increase is justified!"

Winters did not speak, but Father Kaman couldn't help but say: "Then don't care? "

"You can limit the price, but the merchant can also not sell it! The more the price is set, the less the merchant will sell. If you can't buy it on the market, the flour will flow into the black market. At that time, the actual grain price will increase Pushed higher."

Father Kaman was speechless.

"If you want to solve the food price problem, you can only use my method."


Old Priskin spit out a word: " Raid the house!"

There was an uproar in the council room, and the city councilors were either shocked, suspicious, or angry.

Old Priskin's words were loud: "The horse's hoof is on the top of the head, and the machete is on the neck. Whoever dares to hoard and speculate is a criminal! He should be fined and confiscated, and his house should be confiscated and extinguish sect!"

Some city councillors were angry, some city councilors lost one's head out of fear, and some city councillors had left their seats and almost ran away on the spot.

Winters looked around the lobby, taking everyone's expressions in the entire scene, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Carman, Shire, the city councilors didn't understand, not even old Priskin.

"Old Mr. Pusriskin, don't mention this method again. If I wanted to kill someone, I would have already done it, so I need to call you to discuss it?" Winters leaned forward and back, loudly. Laughing, he pointed at everyone in the hall: "Look, everyone thought it was me and you who colluded in advance and were acting."

Old Priskin turned around and looked back. Head down.

"The old man swears to St. Peter that today's affairs have never been brought up to the Lord Tribunal." Old Priskin stared at the other city councillors: "You short-sighted idiots. Gervodin It is a lack of food, but it is by no means that a malt rye should be bought with a kilogram of silver!"

Trembling: "This year's wheat production is low, and the price of grain is so high that the poor can't afford bread for a long time!
You are so good! You dare to raise the price unscrupulously before the barbarians come! People are driving to a dead end, you, me, do we still have lives? There is no need for the barbarians, Gervodin will soon be in civil strife..."

There was absolute silence in the council hall, only the thunder of the old man could be heard. Roar.

"Okay." Winters motioned to old Priskin to stop: "I have other things today, and I don't want to waste time. You can just mention it if you have any way."

Old Priskin bowed deeply to the tribunal: "Please confiscate all the property of the speculators, and the food price problem will be solved naturally!"

"Not good." Winters waved his hand: "Another way."

"Then there is only one way."


Old Priskin gritted his teeth and said, "Please allocate rations to help the poor. ."

Charle glared at the old Priskin, and the city councilors who had just breathed a sigh of relief tightened their spirits, even Father Kaman was a little surprised.

Winters was not angry. He asked calmly, "How many days will I have enough rations for me? When the rations run out, what will my soldiers eat?"

"Please set up to help the poor. Warehouse!" Old Priskin pressed his right hand to his chest: "Your army and the city government of Revodine will jointly provide the food and share the responsibility of helping the poor."

"You can represent Gervoudan. Dan?"

"I'm the mayor of Gervoudan, and of course I can represent it." Old Priskin glanced at the city councilors with a falcon-like gaze: "If anyone thinks old man is not qualified, please do so now. Stand up."

Winters sneered: "I am willing to pay, will you guys in Gervodin pay?"

"Of course not!" Old Priskin just And honorable replied: "So you can't take it for nothing, but buy it in the form of loans, and the price is based on previous years. If the army pays one mart, the city government of Gervodin will pay two martes. The food that is paid to the poor warehouse is regarded as Gervo. The debt of the Dan city government will be slowly repaid in the future.”

“If you buy, you can sell.” Winters rubbed his chin: “In the current situation, how do you plan to sell? You can buy as much food as you put out. How much to go. When the time comes, the price of flour still can’t come down. Is it going out in vain? How much grain is enough?”

“Raising grain is only the 1st Step! The key lies in the Second Step!” Old Priskin said again He bowed deeply and made a loud petition: "I, Priskin, I would like to ask the adults to provide relief for work!"



The letter sent by Colonel Bode from White Mountain County crossed the Chapel Bridge and arrived at the South Bank in the cold winter wind.

The South Shore, originally just woods, heath and farmland, is now a construction site in a frenzy.

There are more than 3,000 men and women working, in addition to the more than 1,300 prisoners of Vigne County, most of them are unemployed and farmers hired from Gervoudan and nearby villages.

Every 200 people on the construction site are divided into a team, and two Captains are designated to be responsible for different sections.

Men dig trenches and build walls, women spread the soil, and elderly people who can't work are concentrated in charge of cooking.

There are also several teams responsible for leveling the land and felling trees.

The five teams at the bottom of the progress can only receive half of the food, the other teams can receive full food, and the top three teams even have meat supplies.

"Team performance" is a lazy approach, but it works in the short term. Like being slapped by an invisible whip, every team is working hard.

In addition to "food", there is another reason for people to work hard - "the barbarians are going to be killed".

Winters, no matter how good it is, is not as useful as twenty bloody heads of Teltonians.

Faced with the rotting, stinking, and distorted face of the barbarian head, even the most numb, daring, and most disapproving of the new government's orders from Tiefeng County truly realized: "The barbarian is really coming. ”.

The Winters "Fifteen Towns" had a mixed impact.

The good side: No need for his urging or admonition any more, the farmers in Iron Peak County, like squirrels in winter, spontaneously began to desperately dig the ground to store food and property.

The bad side: all the people in the villages and towns who have some money, all drag their families and bring their mouths to Gervodin to seek refuge. As a result, food and living space in Revodan has become even more scarce.

So the construction of Nancheng should not only be bigger, but also faster.

When Shire found Winters, Winters was talking to Captain Mason, Mayor Priskin Sr., and Shaosha the blacksmith.

"The Lover's Forest must be cleaned up as soon as possible." Winters instructed Mason Senior: "Cut it down and burn it up."

"I'll arrange for someone."

"Is Lover Lin going to be cut too?" Shao Sha was a little puzzled.

The Lover's Grove is a sparse grove in the southern suburbs of Gervoudan. It is called the Lover's Grove because there are always couples meeting in it.

"The wood is used to build the city, and the branches are used to burn the fire." Winters tapped the map lightly: "In short, it can't be left to the Teltown people. Mr. Shaosha, Forge Township must be evacuated immediately."

"Okay, okay." Shaosha was nodded first, and You quickly asked, "Where to withdraw?"

Winters smiled and nodded: "Just withdraw to Here, move everything that can be moved to the 'South City'."

"Sir." Old Priskin asked respectfully: "I see that the completed city wall seems to be only two meters high. ?"

"Yeah, two meters," Winters replied.

"Isn't it too short?" The old Puss gifted a look of embarrassment: "If it is only two meters high, it seems that it can be turned over."

"Short and short The advantage. The city wall is short, so it can be built quickly. The city we are going to build is too big. If we build a high wall, the Teltown people will already be killed before we finish it." Winters comforted Old Mister: "Don't worry, I'm measured. ."

Once the Montagne tribune said so, old Priskin didn't say much.

Winters picked up the graphite stick and drew three little stars on the map, pointed at the little stars, and said with a smile: "According to my original idea, not only have a city wall, but also outside the city. Build three star-shaped fortresses, each covering three city walls. That's what makes it impregnable."

Mason Senior nodded in agreement, and old Priskin and Saosha were confused.

Winters threw away the graphite bar and sighed: "But we don't have time, so we've saved all of this. I hope the level of the enemy chief is similar to last time. In that case... I'm a little more confident. "

"Have you played against the barbarian chief this time?" Shaosha came to the spirit.

"We fought."

"Then..." Shaosha asked hesitantly.

"I was just a Hundred-Men Commander, so I wasn't commanding that battle." Winters patted Saosha's shoulder with a laugh: "But that battle -- our army won!"


Shaosha also laughed. Seeing that the war was really about to take place, Shaosha really had no idea in his heart, so he was eager for any piece of good news, even the most insignificant one.

"Mr. Priskin." Winters asked casually, "How are the city councillors and grain merchants feeling? Are you satisfied?"

"Not satisfied." Old Prince Kim Gongsun replied, "But they can still accept the current conditions."

The most brilliant thing about Old Priskin's [cash-for-work] strategy is to sort out the property rights.

The South City that is under construction is obviously also a part of Gervoudin, so it is only natural that the city of Gervoudan should pay for this project.

The process of relief became [Revodan borrowed money to buy grain from the army and grain merchants, and then distributed it to the unemployed who came to work as a reward].

The army and grain merchants paid for grain in exchange for creditor's rights. As long as the municipal government of Revodan does not go bankrupt, the debt can be repaid slowly.

The municipality of Gervodin owes a huge debt, but gets a new town. Doesn't seem to be a loss?

The unemployed poor people get food through their work, avoiding the run-on phenomenon that may be caused by free distribution or low-price sales.

The three parties suffered a little loss, but they also gained something, which seems to be a happy ending in a sense.

Winters couldn't help but ask Priskin Sr., "How did you come up with this idea of cash-for-work?"

"I didn't come up with it." Priskin Sr. Jin lowered his head slightly and asked with a smile: "Sir, do you know how Gervoudin prospered?"

"This is the county capital, of course it is prosperous."

"No." Old Priskin shook his head gently: "It was Gervoudan that prospered first, and then became the county capital. And the reason for Gervoudan's prosperity is the Gervoudan cathedral."

" en? Winters' curiosity was piqued.

Sr. Priskin recalled: "When there were only a few dozen settlers here at first, the Catholic Church decided to build a cathedral here as a bishop in Iron Peak. Cathedral.

The cathedral has been renovated for twelve years, during which artisans and merchants gathered here from all directions. By the time the cathedral was completed, Gervoudan had transformed from an unremarkable small town to the most prosperous town in Iron Peaks. "

Winters listened carefully, pondered then said: "You mean . "

"That's how I feel." "Old Priskin stroked his beard: "To tell you the truth, I'm going all the way. In many towns I've seen, they have castles or churches at the center.

The construction of churches and castles will last for years or even decades, and craftsmen will settle down nearby and merchants will follow. A village can thus become a small town, and a small town can thus become a large and prosperous town. In my opinion, probably so. "

"It's interesting. Winters' eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Your idea is really interesting. Let's have a good chat when the Teltown people are driven away." "

Old Priskin readily agreed.

Seeing that the conversation was over, Charles hurriedly handed the letter to Winters.

"Colonel Bode letter. Ciel whispered.

Winters quietly opened the letter and read ten lines at a time.

"How? Mason Senior asked.

Sr. Priskin and Shaosha didn't know who Colonel Bode was, and they resigned wisely.

Winters stopped Priskin Sr. and Shaosha Sha: "There is no need to evade the two of you, this letter has something to do with the two of you. "

Shaosa looked puzzled, while old Priskin listened quietly.

"The bald colonel of White Mountain County agreed." Winters laughed: "Count the goods that haven't been shipped out in time, and Baishan County will exchange grain and salt with us." ”

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all]
[It’s been a bit late recently... redefine noon? After all, this time At this moment, there is always a place on Earth that is noon]
[After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, Europe began to experience "counter-urbanization". That is, cities could no longer be maintained, and urban residents gradually dispersed. "The urban population began to flow back into the rural population. ”]
[In the Middle Ages, the construction of a church or a castle was sometimes enough for a group of craftsmen to eat for a lifetime, because it took more than ten years or even dozens or hundreds of years]
[During the project, the craftsmen They also want to live a normal life, so there will be some merchants to provide services for the craftsmen. As a result, they will gradually gain 'popularity']
[In addition, the location of castles and churches are also good places, often Therefore, new towns are formed. This is a kind of "urbanization" process in the Middle Ages.]
[There is a documentary called "How to Build a Castle", which is quite interesting. "Mason" is the chief Chief of the project. -In-Charge ,他需要管理下面的铁匠、木匠、泥瓦匠、烧砖匠、各种大小工人等等等等。]

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