Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 274


Chapter 274 Contact
It seemed to Winters that he closed his eyes for less than a second She was woken up by Charles.

"Brother!" Ciel shook Winters anxiously: "Wake up!"

Winters has a headache and can't breathe well: "What? How long have I slept?"

"Shovel Harbor lit a beacon!" Ciel helped Winters up: "You slept for less than two hours."

"Shovel Harbor?"

" That's right!"


"Yes! It's definitely Beacon! I'm sure!"

"Don't worry." Winters fell back on the bed : "Sleep."

Ciel froze for a moment, Winters was already asleep.

"Brother!" The worried Ciel tried to shake Winters up for the second time, he was anxious and angry: "The mayor may not be a good thing, but Shovel Harbor is our friendly army anyway! If Shovel Harbor is lost, wouldn't it mean letting the Hurds in? Wake up..."

Forcibly awakened twice in a row, Winters sat up slowly from the bed like a puppet.

Charle dared not speak.

Winters leaned on his knees and propped his forehead, and a painful groan came from his chest: "Water."

Ciel hurriedly brought the water, and Winters drank it.

The cold water also upset Winters' stomach, but he was much more conscious.

"Don't worry about the beacon in Shovel Harbor." Winters lit the oil lamp, his voice a little hoarse: "It will go out on its own."

Charle was about to ask, but he heard the building There were heavy footsteps.

The visitor strode upstairs to Winters' quarters, knocking on the door, then entering the room - it was Heinrich.

"Sir." Heinrich reported calmly: "The beacon in the direction of Shovel Harbor has just disappeared! I'm afraid the beacon tower there has been pulled out."

"Why? Possibly unplugged?" Winters laughed helplessly: "That was killed by the people at Shovel Harbor."

Not only Charles was puzzled, but Heinrich was also puzzled.

“Are the beacon towers still along the way?” Winters asked.

"It's still there."

"It will be extinguished in turn." Winters leaned on the head of the bed, although he was very uncomfortable, his expression was determined: "Then the shovel A messenger from the port will come and inform Gervodan [the barbarians have been annihilated and the port of Shovel is safe], don't worry."

Seeing Charles and Heinrich standing silently, Winters sighed, referring to Implantation and chair: "Sit."

The two sat down obediently.

"Have you ever seen a pack of wolves hunt around?"

Charle nodded, Heinrich shook his head.

"Prey is scarce in winter, so wolves must hunt big animals in groups to survive." Winters patiently explained to his most trusted 'squires': "But the wolves don't rush up recklessly. Get as close as you can to the prey first, then observe, pick the target—usually the weak, old and infirm, and finally do it."

Charle responded quickly: "You mean... the monkey The butt face is testing?"

"Whether it is a test or not, the force will not be many." Winters yawned: "Otherwise, there will be no news from Andre and Mr. A."

Charle asked eagerly: "But what if something goes wrong with Lieutenant Cellini? Or in a more serious situation, they were wiped out..."

"It's possible, think of it. That's good." Winters leaned his pillow behind his back, and reminded reassuringly, "But don't worry, don't think about how the Teltown barbarians fight, think about how they maintain their army. Do you know how the Hurds assembled? "

This time, Ciel and Heinrich shook their heads together.

"It's no different from the imperial nobles. Little Kota takes his guards, subjects and slave servants to the middle Kota, and then the middle Kota takes his people to find the big Kota - that is, the monkey butt. face. How long will this process take?"

Charle and Heinrich shook their heads again.

"I don't know either." Winters chuckled.

Charle's breathing stagnated, and Heinrich's face flushed slightly.

"But it won't be easy, because the Hurds have to prepare their own rations." Winters' expression turned sharply: "Now the weather has turned cold, the grass has turned yellow, and the horses will lose fat every day from morning to night, marching Not to mention. And the drier the grass, the more grassland each horse needs on a daily basis. If you were monkey-butt-faced, would you put a lot of war horses in one place?"

"No." Charles shook his head.

“How about you?” Winters asked Heinrich.

Heinrich said laboriously: "Neither."

Winters guided the two: "Then if you are fire-boilers, what is your most appropriate strategy? "

"Spread the horses out to graze." Ciel hurriedly replied: "The more horses in one area, the less full you will be. And walk slowly so that the horses are not too tired. It's good to be able to walk and eat all the way - like grazing!"

Heinrich silently nodded.

"Then you say, the barbarians encountered in Shovel Harbor will be the main force of the Teltown Department?"

Ciel replied hesitantly: "Should... not?"

Winters indifferent expression, continue to ask the two attendants: "If you were me, how would you play your 1st Step chess?"

"When they are not assembled, cross the river and take the initiative to fight them. ?" Charles asked tentatively.

Winters let out a long sigh and tapped Shire hard on the head: "What should I ask you to think about first? What the people of Teltown lack the most, they must lack even more!"

Ciel hugs his head, crying in pain.

"Destroy the pasture," Heinrich replied in a low voice.

Winters sat up again, nodded approvingly: "Yes, how to destroy?"


"Yes." Winters patted the sea Inrich's shoulder: "This is the 1st Step to deal with the Teldun people. The enemy has more soldiers, but we have fewer soldiers; the enemy is strong, we are weak; We can only have the strength to fight by weakening the enemy. Isn't the monkey butt face called the fire roaster? Just to roast him - the two lieutenants are doing this in the no-man's land."

Xia With a sullen face, Er asked, "Where is Shovel Harbor? Don't care?"

"Don't worry about it." Winters waved his hand: "The mayor of Shovel Harbor is a veteran of Dussack, and he has thousands more in his hands. The refugees are strong and strong. Isn't he busy training refugees recently? Two battallion militiamen are in hand, if they can't even block the estuary, then die as soon as possible."

"He will die if he dies, shovel What about the people in Hong Kong?" Shire couldn't bear it: "Would you like to assemble the troops first?"

"Even if you want to send troops to support, you have to wait until dawn. Forcibly marching at night is not going to the wolf's mouth. Send meat?" Winters tapped Ciel on the head again: "I'll talk about tomorrow's business tomorrow. Even if there is a war tomorrow, I have to rest well tonight."

Ciel holding head "Oh" one sound.

"I tell you, the most feared thing in Shovel Harbor now is the 'reinforcement'." Winters said with a sneer: "They are afraid that I will take the opportunity to send troops to occupy Shovel Harbor. There are barbarians in the front, and rebels in the back. , the battle will be difficult to fight. So let's just stay still and let them concentrate on dealing with the Hurds. How the battle is going, we will know in the morning."

Ciel and Heinrich raised their hands to salute.

Winters, unbuttoning his clothes—he was too tired to undress when he slept before—said: "I guess... the messenger from Shovel Harbor is heading for Gervodin. It must be a great victory, Don't worry about the garrison, don't come to help, hum."

Charle and Heinrich saw that Winters was going to sleep, and they were about to leave.

Winters stopped the two: "When this battle is over, I'm going to open a military school. The cadets... Tentatively, they're Hundred-Men Commander Level 1 officers. Do you want to go?"

Charle and Heinrich were stunned.

"You two can't always be my guards." Winters said with a smile, "Do you want to lead troops?"

Ciel's eyes suddenly turned red: "I will I'll be your guard for a lifetime."

"Don't rush to answer, think slowly. Anyway, the monkey butt face must be solved first." Winters pushed the two attendants out of the door: "Unless The barbarians are in Gervodan, otherwise don't disturb my sleep again!"

Charle and Heinrich failed to recover from the shock, and the two looked at each other in blank dismay and stood at the door. After a while, I just walked downstairs gently on tiptoe.


Early morning, Shovel Harbor.

Mr. Alpha dismounted and walked into the sect protecting hall with his sword in hand. His face was hidden under his helmet, and his breastplate was covered in blood.

The church is the tallest and strongest stone building in Shovel Harbor. The big beacon tower is located on the church bell tower, which naturally became the command post during the war.

Mr. Alpha crosses the altar and enters the spiral staircase, heading for the roof.

The Mayor of Portal is on the roof.

As soon as we met, Mr. Alpha blunted Portar: "Did I say, 'Don't light the beacon without my consent'?"

He The sound came from the helmet, and it sounded a little dull.

"Seeing the beacon fire on the other side of the river, the boys guarding the big beacon tower panicked and lit the big beacon tower." Potar pointed to a few covered in dirt in front of him. Young man: "I'm also teaching them a lesson."

Beacon is a system, and beacon towers are big and small, and there are points and totals.

A small beacon tower is arranged on the bank of the river, and a large beacon tower is installed on the Shovel Harbor Church.

If the beacon tower does not move, the information will be controlled within the shovel port; if the beacon tower is ignited, Revodan will receive a warning.

After sending away the guards of the beacon tower, Portal asked eagerly, "How is the battle?"

"Everything that can be solved has been solved." Mr. Alpha took off his helmet, Shaking off the sweat from his hair: "Some rudimentary enemies ran into the mountains and forests, and others took advantage of the chaos to break out of the encirclement and run eastward. There are about a dozen or so in total."

"The barbarians actually came. That's it!" Portal slapped his thigh with gnashing teeth, and he sincerely thanked Mr. Alpha: "Thanks to you."

Mr. Alpha looked the head blankly.

Portar doesn't care much about guarding against barbarians. According to his logic, the Hurds were slaughtered in September, how could they dare to come again?

On the contrary, Mr. Alpha is very serious. The defenses and beacon towers of Shovel Harbor along the Guanghui River are all arranged by him.

After receiving the beacon alert tonight, Alpha was the first to go to support.

Time, the key is time.

Time is not on the side of Teltown people:
The water surface of the Glory River is wide, and every time the sheepskin raft crosses the river, it will be washed far downstream, and it needs to be carried back upstream by horses. So much time wasted;

Time was not on the side of the people of Shovel Harbor:
The place chosen by the people of Teltown to cross the river was forty kilometers away from the harbor of Shovel. Even if an adult walks non-stop, it takes a day to walk 40 kilometers.

So it's a race where time only favors the faster side.

So Alpha chose to run ahead - time also favors those who prepare in advance.

The Shovel Harbor Militia was divided into six groups by Alpha and distributed along the river. Through careful planning, Alpha kept the Shovel Harbor Militia within two hours of any point on the riverbank.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this.

The advantage is needless to say, the disadvantage is that the defense of Shovel Harbor has become extremely weak.

Now Shovel Harbor's attention is on the riverbank, which is like exposing his back to the point of Gervodin's knife.

You must know that the port of shovel is less than 40 kilometers away from Gervoudan, and Gervoudan has cavalry...

"Is the messenger sent?" Alpha clipped his helmet.

"Sent. I already told Gervodin that we are safe here and don't need any support." Portal wiped the sweat from his forehead: "How about taking the troops back? We lost the battle tonight, it shouldn't be coming back. And the more we don't let the rebels come, the more the rebels will come. It's more important to deal with the rebels now."

"It took a lot of effort to send the militia everywhere, and it's more difficult to get it back." Alpha shook the head: "What if the Hurds observed our movements and crossed the river again? We failed to destroy their ship."

Portar asked impatiently: "What if the rebels come to attack us?"

"The leader of the rebels is very serious." Alpha laughed: "He is not mean people.”


In the early morning, outside the north gate of Gervoudan.

"Open the door! Open the door!" A rider who has endured the hardships of a long journey slammed the door frantically: "I have an emergency military situation to report to the garrison officer!"

Hot Wodan's city wall is very short, but also not easy to climb over.

"What's the noise?" The ten commander at the head of the city scolded the visitor: "Look for Your Excellency the Military Tribunal, and wait until tomorrow morning!"

"I have emergency military information!" The rider Shouting: "I'm the messenger of Shovel Harbor!"

"That's not possible!" The ten commander replied: "Who knows if you are a spy of the barbarian?"

"Then You put the basket down, and I'll climb up!"

"No basket."

"Put a rope down, and I'll send the letter up."

"There is no rope."

The shovel port messenger stood stupidly for a long time, suddenly pointed at the city head and cursed: "You are sincere not to let me in, the military situation is urgent, can you afford the delay?"

The ten commanders at the head of the city didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of their hands, seven black muzzles pointed at the comers.

"The tribune of Montagne said." The ten commander looked at the messenger under the city: "Whoever disturbs his sleep, execute without any mercy."


Winters slept soundly in the second half of the night because no one bothered him again.

But he still didn't get a lot of sleep, and his habit made him wake up naturally at dawn.

After freshening up, he braced himself for breakfast at Anna's apartment.

The "Montagne couple" are currently publicly separated, and breakfast is a rare time he gets to spend with Anna.

However, the dining table was entirely different, and the women's family members had plenty of food, while Winters only had two pieces of brown bread on their plate—the standard ration for the Iron Peak Army.

Catherine looked at Winters with her chin up, and said in a tone of admiration, half-joking, "You're really good at leading by example."

Winters was especially bad at dealing with little Nava Ms. Ray, so he smiled nodded and didn't speak.

Anna gently stepped on the younger sister's foot and poured some warm water for Winters.

"Are you going to stay on the South Bank all day today?" Anna asked softly.

Winters guiltily replies, "It should be all the time."

Charr knocks on the door and reports to Winters: "The messenger from Shovel Harbor is here."

"When did you come?"

"Last night, until now. Do you want to see me?"


"He I brought a letter."


"Send him away?"

"Let him have a word for Portal." Winters nibbling on hard brown bread: "'Send twenty heads over here'."

[Sorry again for being late]
[Recommend a book by a book friend, "Saving From the Sword" Nuwa 》]
[The breaking of the previous chapter is not good, so I revised the end of the previous chapter and moved it to this chapter as the beginning]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, Thank you for your rewards and comments.]
About the characteristics of grassland fires [First, the fire is fierce. The grassland area is large, the terrain is flat, and the combustibles are flammable. Once a fire occurs, under the action of strong winds, the fire will expand rapidly and it is difficult to control. The second is fast. Due to the changeable wind direction in the grassland area, there are often multiple fire heads, which spread rapidly and form a fire encirclement. It is difficult to transfer people and animals, and it is easy to cause casualties. The third is obvious seasonality. The climatic characteristics and vegetation characteristics of grassland areas determine that spring and autumn are the high incidence seasons of grassland fires. From March to June, the high temperature and strong winds increase, the grassland snow melts, and the dry grass and other combustibles are exposed, and Tiangan Wuzao is easy to catch fire; from September to November, the weather becomes colder, the rainfall decreases, and the grassland vegetation turns yellow, and Tiangan Wuzao is easy to catch fire. ]

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