Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 257


Chapter 257 Blacksmith
"Can you smelt iron?" Winters asked Carlos seriously ·Sawyer - Younger brother of Great Blacksmith Belion.

Carlos was a little flustered by the questioning like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He hesitated and hesitated: "Yes... Sir, didn't you promise to save my brother and come back and start the furnace?"

"I asked Do you?" Winters frowned slightly: "Or not?"

Carlos was forced to the corner, and Brace oneself said: "Yes!"

Seeing Carlos With a dodging attitude, Winters guessed that the kid was probably not good at learning.

In fact, Carlos still has a layer of thoughts. He is not willing to show his ability before his brother comes back, and he is afraid that no one will save his brother without proving his worth.

"Relax your heart." Winters sighed: "I will save your brother whether you help or not. I have sent someone to look for Berian, and there will be news soon. You don't have to be afraid, you Brother is my old part, and his friendship with me is deeper than you think. That's why Pierre will take you and protect you, so I won't embarrass you."

Carlos The nose is sore and heavy nodded.

Sawyer's third brother, Carlos' father and second brother already not in, all he did was for his big brother to return home safely.

Winters sighed, no big blacksmith, small blacksmith should be able to make do with it... Maybe.

I don't have time to wait. Winters brought Carlos and immediately brought a gift to visit the blacksmith Shaosha's father-in-law.

Shaosha's father-in-law is named [Bortain], and he has many honors: the first settlers of Gervoudin, the first blacksmith of Gervodin, the first president of the Gervoudan Blacksmiths Guild ...

When Gervodin was just a few thatched huts on the banks of the Saint-Georges, the flames were already rising in the forge of Boltain.

The history of his forge is even older than the name "Gevodan".

Boltain did not change his self-made character, no matter how much he saved, he still worked by the anvil every day, so he got the reputation of "industrious, shrewd and tough".

Because of his loud voice, sense of responsibility, and swift and decisive work, the blacksmith Boltin has gradually become a leading figure in Gervoudan, speaking as much as another civic leader, the old tobacconist. Priskin.

But it all ended with that accident eight years ago.

Bortain, who was over 500 years old, was smashed by a crane full of ore and his back was broken, and he could no longer feel his body below the waist.

The shrewd and capable blacksmith has since turned into a scumbag who can't take care of himself by eating, drinking, shit and piss.

The people of Gevordan feel sorry for him, but even if everyone's sighs are combined and magnified a hundred times, it will not be able to equal the old man's mental and physical pain.

It was at that time that the young blacksmith Shaosha, who was working in the Boltain forge, was accepted by the old Boltain as his son-in-law.

The blacksmith Saosha becomes the new master of the forge, and old Boltain lives in a recluse, not even seeing him at church for the weekly service.

But today, there is an unexpected guest at the old Boltain's house - the military tribunal Winters Montagne.

Winters didn't have this time with Saoshayo, but he always did what he thought of, so he came early.

Both Saosha and Old Boltin were astonished.

"The tribune came to see me, a paralyzed man waiting to die." Old Boltin tried to hold up his upper body: "It's a real honor."

The old man was very thin, Like a layer of skin hanging from the bone. Years of bed rest caused his muscles to atrophy, and his cheeks were deeply sunken and sagging.

Seeing the current old Boltain, no one would believe that he was a blacksmith man with thick arms, a loud voice, and a big laugh.

Shaosha hurriedly reached out to help his father-in-law.

"Don't bother, let the elderly feel comfortable." Winters said frankly: "Actually, I also have something to ask for, so I will come to visit."

"Just ask." Old Portin looked calm: "I know everything."

"I want to know everything about the Iron Peak Mine, where is the mine? What are the reserves? What is the quality of the ore? Can it still be mined? You He is the person who knows the history of Iron Peak County and Geroudin the most, and I take the liberty to ask you, and I hope Old Mister will not mind."

Hearing "the most familiar with the history of Iron Peak County and Geroudin", Mr. Boltain's mood fluctuated slightly, but the ripples disappeared under the water in the blink of an eye.

"There are so many things, old man doesn't know where to start."

Winters simply pulled over a chair and sat down, and motioned for the others to sit down too: " Then I will ask, and I hope you will answer. Can the iron peak mine still be mined?"

"Yes." The old man nodded: "The iron peak mountain is the iron in the mountain, and the Hurd people only mine the shallow outcrop mine. They don't have the ability to mine further. When we came here, we built three inclined shafts from the north of the mountain, the so-called Iron Peak Mine."

Winters listened, digging again Out of a small notebook: "Then why didn't you mine it later."

Old Boltain sighed deeply: "The ore of the Iron Peak... is the poison ore that the blacksmiths say. You may not understand, but Shaosha and this little fellow should understand."

The old man pointed at Carlos with his chin.

Although Winters did not introduce Carlos, the little blacksmith was recognized by the old man at a glance.

"Poison ore is bad ore." Carlos said more and more softly: "It's not good to make iron, you need to... detoxify."

Hear "Go to Toxicity", a skeptical look flashed in old Boltain's eyes.

But the old man didn't get the point, and continued: "Many ores can smelt iron. Limonite has been used for many, many years; siderite, which can be directly smelted with shaft furnaces; Hematite, Hematite, Magnetite can also be used. But if you have too much pyrite and poisonous iron, the resulting iron will not be good. It is brittle and will break when you break it."

Winters listening Side note, there are too many blacksmith jargons in the old people's mouth, and he doesn't know much about it.

But the old man was having a good time talking, and Winters thought it better not to interrupt.

Old Boltin recalled the past: "The iron peak ore is also considered a rich ore, because the ore is too toxic, the smelting is very troublesome, and the quality of the lump iron is not good. Therefore, only in the first few years we used the iron peak. The ore smelted iron and supplied the farmers across the county. Then the iron bars from Steel Castle came in, and the Iron Peak mine declined little by little."

"Is it possible to resume mining?" Winters said solemnly. ask.

"Of course." The old man smiled lightly: "The ore is in the mountains, what can't be mined?"

"To tell you the truth, old man." Winters told frankly: "I want to restart Tiefeng Mine and start smelting iron."

"Why?" Old Boltain leaned on the head of the bed halfway: "Isn't it good to buy steel fort bars?"

Winters answered truthfully: "Steelcastle bars can't be bought anymore. Now all the blacksmiths in Tiefeng County are using stock. If I continue like this, I'm just waiting to die."

Voice one After falling, the small room suddenly became quiet.


Steel Fort Solingen is located in the Republic of Monta, in the shaded mountain range.

Therefore, the way of transporting the iron ware and bar iron of Steel Castle into Palatu is "waterway", all the way down the river to the Jhinliu River.

Arriving in Tiefeng County, it needs to start again from the Jhinliu River, first to Jinghu Lake, and then upstream along the Dajiao River until it is unloaded at the Shoanzi Port of Shoanzi Lake.

It's too normal, of course it's fine, but now Blue Rose and Red Rose are at war.

The Blue Rose force spans between the Red Rose control area and the Monta Republic.

Want to ship to Jinliujiang? wishful thinking.

At the level of Blue Rose, Steel Castle's goods will not be able to pass through - as long as Arpad has no problem with his mind, he will immediately cut off Steel Castle's iron delivery to Red Rose.

Even if you pass the Blue Rose level and the Red Rose level, the castles won't just watch the elusive new reclamation province get iron supplies.

Even if you can pass the red rose level again, there is still a new land, Legion!
Iron Peak County is currently under a 3rd-layer blockade, one layer after another.

Not to mention ready-made bar iron, even a single piece of iron slag cannot be transported.

And Winters has too many places to use iron right now.

Farming requires agricultural tools, and agricultural tools require iron;

Winters has to build houses for refugees and soldiers. Re-arm his army as much as possible - can't let the soldiers keep fighting with short spears?
He wants armor, he wants swords and spears, he wants muskets, all iron.

Winters, who won the battle, found sadly: this land can make tables and chairs, pottery, food, flour, paper, but a pound of iron, a foot of woolen cloth, Not a single piece of armor can be made.

Tiefeng County is a completely backward agricultural frontier county. Her business is not very developed, and there are only small-scale handicrafts.

The large estate economy resulted in poverty for all but the estate of the estate.

Iron Peak County in the past made a living by selling crops and buying things she couldn't produce.

Nowadays, the logistics channels between Tiefeng County and the outside world have been cut off.

There are only two paths in front of Winters: either sit back and wait for death; or fight hard and become self-sufficient.


"So it is." Old Boltain pondered for a moment: "Then I can understand your urgency to restart the Iron Peak Mine, but this matter does not It's easy."

"It's not just about my survival." Winters said earnestly: "A wise man told me, 'The more money flows, the more money'. I don't know. Have you heard of it?"

"No, shouldn't the money flow less and less?" Old Boltain's voice was low.

Winters spreads this [transfer theory] at every opportunity: "For an individual, the more money moves, the less money goes. The dockworker gets paid and goes to buy bread. The baker earns money and goes back again. The mill buys flour. Every time the money changes hands, it decreases a little bit. It ends up in the peasant's pocket with only a small portion."

He quoted a wise man in his original text: "But the baker earns money and can support himself His family. The miller earns money to support his family. Every transfer of money makes the city and even the country more prosperous. From this perspective, the overall wealth is 'increasing'.

It's better than being put into a jar by a miser or an old rich man and buried deep. It's better to circulate more money. The more times it is circulated, the better!"

Little Blacksmith Card Ross was stupefied, the middle-aged blacksmith Shaosha looked thoughtful, and the old blacksmith Boltain became more and more shocked.

He also had a vague idea of what the tribune said. But summed up in coherent, concise and clear text, he never did.

"I want more money to flow. First, to reduce the resistance of circulation channels is to promote commerce;" Winters said eloquently: "Second, it is to open source! Money is like water, there is no source , no amount of water will stop flowing!"

He looked directly into the eyes of old Boltain: "I want to smelt iron, and I want to open source. Not only do I want to smelt iron, I want to produce whatever I can , I will do it. Even if the cost of 'making' is higher than others, it is better than buying!

I disdain to cover up my thoughts. My primary purpose in doing this is to save myself and strengthen myself. In the process If I can benefit the thousands of people in Tiefeng County, I will do my best.

Tiefeng County is under my authority now, not to mention benefiting one party, but at least I will not be better than the new one.

Reclamation Legion is doing worse!"

The room became extremely quiet, and Saosha and Carlos didn't dare to come out.

"When Heroes come out from the Youth, my old fogey is really a little scared." Old Boltain smiled wryly and shook his head: "These 'money flows more and more' thoughts are your own. Have you figured it out? That wise man, do you think about yourself?"

"No, I dare not take credit, it was really told by a wise man."

"This Who is the wise man?" Old Boltain had some expectations in his eyes: "Can I meet him."

"I will personally bring the wise man to visit the door someday." Winters cheeks slightly red, proud He told the old man: "My wife told me these things."

"Ah? A female wolf?" Shaosha was shocked and thought to herself: "Could it be that Madame Montagne is not only capable of fighting?"

Old Boltain's smile became more and more bitter, and then it became free and easy: "hahahaha! Heroes are not only teenagers, but also girls!"

Winters also laughed.

"Actually, I have had similar thoughts about what you said." Old Boltain sat up straight: "I thought carefully back then that Iron Peak Mine couldn't compete with steel bought from outside. It's not all about poor quality."

"Because it's expensive and expensive, right?" Winters immediately understood.

"That's right." Old Boltain nodded: "If it's cheap enough, even if the quality is a little lower, Steel Castle Bar will definitely not be able to compete with the Iron Peak Mine - Steel Castle Bar can cross the entire par Latour has only been transported to Gervodin, and the shipping cost alone is not enough! How could he not be able to compete with them?”

The more the old man spoke, the faster he spoke, he is now not a cripple, but a loud voice. Blacksmith Poltin: "If ironsmithing in Ironpeak could be as big a business as Steelcastle. Gervoudan would be better, and Ironpeak would be better.

But It costs money to buy mines, charcoal, open hearth furnaces, hire people, everything costs money. All these add up, and in the end, it’s better to buy steel fort bars and iron!”

The great blacksmith Boltain scolded excitedly: "Especially the charcoal! Iron making requires good charcoal, and the forests are all from Legion. Want to cut down trees to make charcoal? Bring money! Money, money! Only care about money! Selling land for money, selling trees for money, selling mines for money, Legion has never thought about how important it is to support an industry for us ordinary people!"

Shaosha was frightened and face deathly Pale, even though Tiefeng County has changed the sun, it is still something that I dare not think about directly scolding the newly reclaimed Legion.

This kind of insult to the old authority is still the essence of contempt for authority. It is very easy to lead to the resentment and suppression of the new authority, even if it is to criticize the enemy of the new authority - the former duke is not something that a commoner can criticize openly.

"That's right!" Winters simply met his confidant, and he didn't spit out: "Legion doesn't care about the life and death of the people at all, they want money, food and soldiers. They can't represent The interests of the people of the new land, because they only have their own interests in their eyes! All their actions are from the starting point to extract more and more!"

Saosha and Carlos were left in the air On the one hand, Winters actually felt a sense of sympathy with the emaciated old man who was paralyzed in bed.

"I did a careful calculation back then. For example, if we use coal to smelt iron, the cost can be greatly reduced. Then the iron from the Iron Peak Mine can be compared with the iron of the steel castle." Old Boltain said in his heart Pain, sadness, and despair are all drawn out.

He burst into tears and muttered: "In those years, I didn't study how to use coal to smelt iron. I bought coal, built a stove, and screened mines without eating and sleeping... But what? A cripple. This is the gift of the gods to me, this is the reward of fate to me..."

Winters didn't know there were such twists and turns.

"Please don't worry." Winters had to try his best to comfort the old man: "Legion, the newly cultivated land, is gone! Tiefeng County is now under my jurisdiction, iron ore, charcoal, no money! I hope you will help , help me revive the Iron Peak Mine."

"Once you get old, it's easy to talk to yourself." Old Boltin wiped away his tears, tried to straighten his spine, and asked Winters sternly: "What do you want? Restart Iron Peak?"

"That's right."

"The trees and iron ore are yours?"


"There is still manpower, a lot of manpower, do you have it?"

Winters coughed softly: "Yes, I have more than a thousand prisoners."


Don Juan caught a thousand The prisoners of the county of Dovone, these prisoners can neither be released nor killed, nor can they be directly given fields to recruit soldiers - because they can't afford them.

Winters decided to give the captives something to eat, but they would have to work for three years without pay.

Nominally, prisoners served hard labor because they were hostile to Tiefeng County, but they were actually three-year slaves.

The prisoners have now been taken to Forge Township, under the supervision of the army, to rush to plant winter crops with Winters soldiers.

When winter wheat and barley are planted, Winters plans to organize the prisoners into logging teams and construction teams to build houses for refugees.

There is no legal or logical problem in choosing people to work in iron mines.


"Then we can do it!" Old Boltain resumed his swift and decisive posture: "There are mines, coals, people, what are you afraid of? When you open a road when you meet a mountain or build a bridge when you meet water, hit him with a hammer first! If there is a problem, just solve it!”

The more Winters got along with the old blacksmith, the more he felt about his temper: “Well said! Hit him with a hammer!"

"Chosa!" Old Portin reached for the pen and paper on the table.

As Shaosha hurriedly handed the pen and paper to his father-in-law, Winters saw that there was a thick stack of parchment on the table, and the paper was full of handwriting. There are also lots of sketches and messy manuscript paper.

"You go to Forge Township and call Goncharov to me." The old man wrote scribbled handwriting on the paper: "He led people to beat the inclined shaft, mine veins and deposits. He is the most familiar!"

Shaosha's body trembled, he swallowed and whispered, "Old Goncharov died, the year before last."

Old Poltain paused for a moment and asked dumbly: "How did he die?"

"He died of old age." Saosha added tentatively: "The year before last, Mary and I told you to come here. Now, just the day before the Heavenly Section. You were writing a book then, don't let us bother you..."

"Where's Paul? Paul Vinicius?" Old Portin's lips quivered, Ask: "Is he still alive?"

"Old Mr. Vinicius is also dead. He drank to death." Saosha said: "His forge is now in charge of his youngest son. ."

"They are all dead! We are all old!" The old man Boltain cried first, then laughed: "I am dying too! Then let's not waste time!"


Old Boltain struggled to rummage on the desk, and finally found a map and gave it to the new owner of Iron Peak County: "Your Excellency, this is a map of twenty-eight years. Can you be right? Go, I don't know either. Go to Forge Township, find any old blacksmith, follow this map, and let him take you to the mines."

"Don't worry." Winters replied with a smile Passing the map: "As long as there is a map, I can find it."

"Unfortunately, I have become disabled, trapped in this bed, unable to move even a little bit, otherwise I will definitely follow you to Iron Peak! On the day when the furnace of Tiefeng Mine started to smoke again, let me take a look at the window again, and I will have no regrets.”

“Speaking of the furnace.” Winters said seriously: “I brought Something new, something that might revolutionize Ironpeak."

Shaosha's eyes widened, and old Boltain was whetted.

"That's him." Winters patted Carlos' shoulder.

"He?" Shaosha wondered.

Winters said heavily: "This little fellow—knows how to smelt iron with a blast furnace!"

"He? He understands?" The child next to him is a follower: "Such a young master?"

"It is best to have a blast furnace." Old Boltain was a little disappointed, obviously he did not believe in a young man with hairs not even grown yet The child understands blast furnaces: "It doesn't matter if you don't."

The old man sighed, recalling the days: "In those days, we all used [block furnaces] to smelt iron, and iron from Tiefeng County could not beat steel bars. The reason for the iron - the iron in the steel castle is made by blast furnaces, which saves time and effort. I also tried to use blast furnaces, but it didn't work."

"It doesn't matter." Winters smiled: "Try it."

Carlos was about to cry.

As they parted, Winters asked old Boltin: "I heard you say just now, have you tried using coal to smelt iron?"

"Coal is also poisonous. , the good iron ore has been ruined." The old Boltain sighed again: "So I have been trying to remove the toxicity of coal, but I have not been successful."

"Where did the coal come from? ?" Winters raised his eyebrows slightly: "Does Lin County produce coal?"

"There is coal in Tiefeng County." Old Portin replied as it should be by rights: "It's in Little Rock Town. Little Rock The town is a small coal town, but it's just wet coal, and it's a little difficult to drain it."

Winters snorted and said goodbye to the old man.

Shaosha kept sending the tribune outside the door, and Winters asked Shaosha casually: "Old Mr. Boltin writes a book?"

"Well, I'm writing about the work of a blacksmith. book." Saosha nodded.

“When I go back, Mr. Boltain will be able to make a stand so he can write more easily.” Winters thought for a while, then smiled and said, “I have to make a recliner, so that The elderly can also lie down more comfortably."

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Shao Sha hurriedly declined.

"I'll send it to you when it's done." Winters then instructed: "Hire a servant to massage the limbs of the elderly more every day. I was also bedridden for a long time, relying on someone to massage my limbs. , the muscles will not atrophy."

"Will massage the limbs help?" Shao Sha is the first time he has heard of this kind of therapy.

"It's useful."

"I'll arrange it." Shaosha bowed his head gratefully: "Thank you."

Winters patted Shaosha's arm, Take Carlos away.

Riding on the road, Winters suddenly said: "Carlos!"

"Yes." Carlos shivered: "Yes!"

"Cow I blew it out for you." Winters kindly said with a smile: "You must not embarrass me."

Carlos also laughed, laughing more ugly than crying.

"Okay, you brat has how many catties and how many taels, I don't need to weigh them all." Winters tapped the little blacksmith on the shoulder with his whip: "Do your best."

Carlos was desperately nodded. He suddenly remembered something and said hurriedly: "If you want to make a blast furnace, an earthen kiln will not work, you must use refractory bricks. You have to find a brick-burner for me."

"I still need a bricklayer? There are only masons in Gervodin. Where can I find a bricklayer for you? If there is no bricklayer, you can burn bricks!"

"I won't... "

"That's it."

"Yes." Carlos just climbed out of the deep valley and fell back.

Memories seem to be strung together by threads, pulling Winters' mind back months.

Winters said to the little blacksmith, "I really have two brick-burners."

"Where?" Carlos was excited.

"You know."


"Sean the potter, and his younger brother Xiao Ping." Winters chuckled: "It's the two brothers who helped Old Misha and you when they were in Wolf Town."

"They are brick-burners?" Carlos was shocked: "Aren't they pulling bellows?"

"I'll send someone to pick them up!"

Seeing that the last obstacle to building the blast furnace was removed, Carlos burst into tears again.

"No." Winters laughed loudly: "I want to go back to Wolf Town myself!"

"You don't need to go to pick up the brick burner." Carlos simply said : "Or I'll pick it up."

"I'm not only picking up Sean brother." Winters' smile grew stronger: "I'm picking up a priest too!"

[The last chapter was not well written]
[This chapter is to add updates]
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(end of this chapter)

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