Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 258


Chapter 258 School
Winters always said he would do it, and he immediately wanted to leave for Wolftown Pick up Karman and the potter brother.

But after a little thought, he decided to leave the next day.

Revodan is close to three hundred miles in a straight line from Wolf Town, which is a real trip. Winters has a lot of matters related to Wolftown at hand, and it saves you a lot of trouble if you can do it all at once.

"Charle." Back at the garrison, Winters set about arranging the trip: "Go to Andre and ask him to prepare the horses he will send to Bud, and bring them with him tomorrow. In the past."

Charle nodded answered yes and left quickly.

Andre grabbed more than 1,000 mares and foals from Baishan County, plus the original more than 300 horses in Tiefeng County, and the total number of the garrison was nearly 1,500. Huge herd of horses.

Andre and Mason are building stables and mowing hay in preparation for the winter.

Mason doesn't know yet that he's been "raised" to be head of the stables -- Winters is still looking for a chance to talk to Senior about it.

According to Bard's opinion, the horses in Iron Peak County will no longer be kept intensively for the time being.

Only the best war horses are left, and other inferior war horses and riding horses are distributed to various military villages and farms. Even mares without foals were selected to be carried along.

The conditions were harsh, and any horse had to work in the fields.

Andre was very unhappy, but since Winters resigned, he had no problem.

Mason breathed a sigh of relief. If all 1,500 horses stayed in Gervoudan for the winter, they would starve to death and freeze to death a large number of them—it was really unaffordable.

Spreading out, while risky, can also greatly reduce the need for forage and stables.

"The iron items to be delivered to Lieutenant Bud are also delivered this time." Winters called his taciturn standard-bearer: "Go to the warehouse to order and load the truck, Heinrich. "

Heinrich nodded, silently awaiting the next order.

"Go to jail." Winters seemed to smile: "Take that Big Bentine guy with you tomorrow."

Heinrich nodded again.

"That's all, let's go."

Heinrich raised his hand in salute and left silently.

Charle is lively and agile, and Heinrich is calm. These two "child" Winters like and trust in their hearts. From the very beginning, the two of them were his military police, and later served as his guards, orderlies, messengers...

Winters wanted to let these two children out to take on greater responsibilities. But he was reluctant to let Charles and Heinrich take care of the major event in his life, which effectively improved his work efficiency and quality of life.

How can a dignified man be a bodyguard for a lifetime? - This is Winters' pure cognition.

He decided to respect the ideas of the two children, asking their opinions before deciding where to go.

Thinking of this, Winters couldn't help sighing. He played with the knife unconsciously, regretting that there were too few people around him who could be alone.

What is a "person in charge"?
It is the person who [the military resolution will issue an order to "build a stable", leave with the order, and come back when the stable is completed, and the whole process does not need to be asked any more].

In addition to Winters himself, only a few people such as Bud and Mason have the ability to independently plan, execute and make independent decisions.

Even Andrei, who was bad at math, was pulled out to be the comptroller--it's really a lack of people.

Even Winters' personal bills and the garrison's account books are currently managed by Anna.

The human resources of the new station are not comparable to those of the old station. Major Ronald had more than 20 officers under his command, and Winters counted only six of them. Among them, a mysterious handsome man always took care of things, and another mysterious handsome man was too lazy to take care of them.

Gevodan is not without financial expertise, and Priskin the old can obviously manage the accounts in good order, but Winters does not trust the old tobacconist.

A person with ability cannot be trusted; a person trusted by Winters has no such ability.

In the end, it's up to "Mrs. Montagne".

“The accounting school must also be done quickly.” Winters subconsciously used a knife to draw one after another white mark on the table: “It is necessary to train and train people who can be trusted to become capable people. ”

The establishment of an [accelerated accounting school] was Anna’s suggestion, something Winters took note of, but now it’s more urgent than thought.

"Who's going to start the accounting school?" Winters' head started to hurt again.

Thinking about it, he can only do it himself.

"Site, funding, students, teachers..." Winters wrote on a piece of paper what he needed to run a school.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath and slammed the table: "It's all these things anyway, why don't I expand the military training class by the way?"

Previously, Winters' [military class] is primarily an evening class.

It was getting dark, and the other warriors had dinner and were going to bed. The sergeants and ten commanders selected by Winters gathered to listen to Winters' lectures.

It was a bittersweet past, Winters everyday all can be half-dead with anger. All the people who came to the class were blind, and the most basic words were taught on the spot.

The bigger problem is that the attitude is not serious, and it is completely taken seriously. There are also a lot of chess pieces that Winters used to demonstrate tactics.

After only one evening class, Winters completely abandoned the gentle teaching method and raised the banner of stick education without hesitation.

Can't memorize the alphabet?
Can't tell the difference between East, West, North, and South?
Don't recognize map markers?
Not knowing how many vines were interrupted, the warriors who came to class secretly called Ciel "one more".

Because every time Winters broke a cane whip, Ciel would immediately hand over a new one.

Tamas, Bart Shaling, Samukin... They were all "Hundred-Men Commander" by Winters forcibly beaten with a cane whip.

Since it is possible to run an accelerated accounting school, it does not seem difficult to run another accelerated military school.

The more Winters thought, the happier.

"The infantry department should have it! I'll be the director of the department." Winters wrote on the paper and said to himself: "The cavalry department should also have it! Andrei - let's Bud come. Artillery Division, Mason Senior! Although there is not a single gun now..."

Step, Ride and Gun, the classic three disciplines of Ned Smith's military system.

Winters stared blankly at the three words on the paper, and a bold thought popped into his mind: "Maybe... I can surpass the old marshal's shackles."

The thought made him blame himself - how dare you mention on equal terms with the old marshal?
But the idea also made him shudder with excitement.

Winters realizes he's starting over, he's facing a blank slate. So he can do whatever he wants!
He vigorously crossed out the words infantry, artillery and cavalry. Take a new piece of white paper and write in the most solemn font first:

Infantry, cavalry, artillery.

Three categories are the foundation.

He bit the pen, recalling the siege one after another in the Battle of the Archipelago and the attack on Bian Li in the Battle of the Great Wasteland, and heavily wrote the fourth word on the paper - sappers.

In the Ned · Smith military system, the sappers and artillery are not separated, and the artillery section is responsible for all things other than infantry and cavalry.

This was no problem, as artillery was small in those days; for many princes, it was too expensive to keep one. Therefore, they do not have artillery under their command, and they hire artillery from outside when fighting.

To turn artillery into a permanent branch of the army, alongside the cavalry, is already a leap for Ned Smith.

And Winters · Montagne intends to go even further - he wants to separate the sappers from the artillery and make it a separate discipline.

Every siege he has experienced reminds him that the role of sappers in warfare has become increasingly important.

As in ancient times, the opportunity for the two armies to fight in the field is now pitifully rare. Siege warfare is the main theme! The sappers are eligible to take one course exclusively.

After writing about the sappers, Winters mused and wrote down a fifth word - baggage.

The current military system of the Republics is that whoever is assigned by the "Corps Head" to manage the baggage will be in charge of the baggage. Mainly from the artillery department, because there are few artillery pieces and many artillery troops, you don't care who cares?

Some unfortunate cavalry and infantry officers were also sent to transport baggage, such as the former Jessica battallion.

Since the sappers are taken out, the logistics should also be taken out and trained separately.

In this case, artillery is simply artillery. Artillery officers no longer have to worry about all kinds of chores, they just need to play with the artillery at ease.

Winters thought for another moment, cautiously folding the white paper and tucking it into his small notebook. It's a major event, and he's going to discuss it with fellow Bud, Andre, and Mason.

Accelerated accounting schools, by contrast, are a complete bummer.

"Ask Anna to be responsible for planning the accounting school." Winters thought, "I'll just do it."


The next morning, an The convoy left Gervodin.

Winters set off for Wolftown with more than 400 horses, seven carts, axe, shovels, and plows, as well as a death row prisoner.

There is no ceremony to speak of, just a few people like Mason, Ana, Saosha and Carlos to see off.

"Peace." Anna carefully smoothed Winters' neckline and placket: "Good wind."

"What's this?" Winters laughed cheerfully: "Once upon a time , I ride a horse alone, and I can go back and forth in two days. Now it's troublesome and not comfortable at all."

Winters was elated to be able to get out of the city to breathe. The little lion will follow whatever he says... He is too bored.

Anna coldly snorted softly and calmly pinched Winters' soft waist with her fingernails, causing the latter to suck in a breath of cold air in pain.

"Come back early." Anna's smile was as innocent as Saintess's.

Winters desperately nodded.

The movements of the two are very subtle, and others don't know what happened. But the short-lived scene was discovered by the blacksmith Shaosha, who had been secretly paying attention.

In his opinion, it was the female wolf that moved her finger lightly, and the blood wolf trembled and begged for mercy on the spot.

This made Shaosha the blacksmith even more sympathize with Lord Tribune and admire Madame Montagne even more.

Winters comes to Saosha and Carlos, feeling the pity of the unfathomable mystery in the middle-aged blacksmith's eyes.

“You two work harder.” Winters said with a smile, “I hope to see enough ore and charcoal for at least one trial when I get back.”

“Please Don't worry!" Saosha and Carlos nodded heavily.


Yesterday afternoon, Winters, who couldn't hold back, took the map and headed straight to Iron Peak. Along the road paved with slag, he found the abandoned mine with ease.

As the old blacksmith Bortain said, the whole Iron Peak is an "iron mountain". Standing on the mountain, I took a shovel and inserted it into the ground. Before the head of the shovel was submerged in the soil, the tip of the shovel had already touched the hard stone bed.

So Tiefeng Mountain is bare and not a single tree grows. The bottom of the mountain is better, because the weathered rock debris is blown to the bottom of the mountain, forming the soil. The higher you go, the more desolate Tiefeng becomes. Only a few weeds survive in this harsh environment.

Iron Peak Mountain has changed hands several times in history. Whether it is the Hurd or the Palatine, such a natural iron mine will not be missed.

So the surface outcrop on Iron Peak was drained long ago.

Seventy years ago, the [Suta] of the Hurds occupied this place again. The Suta Department dug shafts along the veins and gradually exploited the shallow deposits. There are still remnants of their old smelting furnace on Iron Peak.

Thirty years later, the land was retaken by the Paratus.

Suta, who was expelled from this land, sang sadly: "If I lose my Tiefeng Mountain, my sword will not be sharp; if I lose my Jiuqu River, my six animals will have no interest."


The Suta tribe lost Iron Peak and was forced to move westward, eventually crushed in the brutal tribal melee on wasteland, and eventually annexed by the Tertown tribe. The once prosperous Suta Department was swept into the garbage heap of history, which is embarrassing.

There is no need to mention the past of the Hurds, the pages of time have been turned.

Thirty years ago, the blacksmith Bortain moved here, and he has been relying on the mountains. He mined ores to smelt iron, forged farm tools, and sold them to newcomers.

Farmers who have newly migrated here are in high demand for agricultural tools, and iron tools are in short supply. Blacksmith Boltain seized the moment and earned his first pot of gold.

When you have money, you begin to have pursuits. In order to obtain higher-level ore, the blacksmith Boltan led people to dig an inclined shaft two hundred steps into the mountain, and then extended the working face to both sides.

The veins here are sandwiched between the quartz layers, making it more difficult to mine.

However, compared with the mining methods of the Hurd people's shafts, baskets, and slaves as the main labor force, the mining efficiency of the old blacksmith Boltan has been greatly improved.

Forge Township became prosperous, and Tiefeng County was even exporting iron to Lin County.

The wind has changed a bit since then—after years of negotiation and debate, the Senas Alliance was officially proclaimed.

The republics lowered their tariffs with each other and began to trade more widely. Prosperity in commerce is good for the republics, but bad for the forge and the blacksmith Bortain.

The cheap ironware and bar-shaped iron materials produced by Steel Castle were transported into Palatu by water, defeating the Palatu blacksmiths who were still in the handicraft workshop stage, and quickly occupied the ironware market in Palatu. .

Old blacksmith Boltin was one of the "ripped men".

And then this is what Winters sees - almost no one in the Platoon blacksmiths smelts iron, and buys ready-made steel fort bars; no one is forging swords anymore, and all buys ready-made sword bars .

This may be a good thing for the league as a whole, but it's a bad thing for Winters today, a big bad thing.

He wants to change that.


Winters has sent people to find out the conditions of the mine, and he ordered Saosha and Carlos to mine ore on a small scale and prepare to test the blast furnace.

It is impossible to restore the abandoned Iron Peak Mine at one time, but it is not difficult to dig out a few hundred kilograms of ore for trial production.

Because of the "mining" itself, there has been no leap forward for thousands of years.

Thousands of years ago slaves and today's miners all carried chisels and hammers down the well and chiseled with a pair of arms "ding ding dong dong". It is nothing more than a copper chisel becomes an iron chisel, and an iron chisel becomes a steel chisel.

According to the old blacksmith Boltin, there is also a "cracking method" that uses fire first and then water. But in poorly ventilated mines, this dry method often kills people, so few mine owners use it.

Winters finally came to Mason: "Senior, Gervordan will leave it to you."

Juan is addicted to hunting, Andre is addicted to horse riding, Moritz is addicted to hunting The school is addicted to alcohol, Bud is absent, and Winters is gone, the only reliable decision-maker in Gervoudan is "Richard Mason Military Tribunal".

"Don't worry." Mason smiled bitterly: "Nothing will happen."

In fact, Mason Senior has also been obsessed with his new cannon car and cannon casting project recently. However, Senior has a strong sense of responsibility and is very good at talking. He doesn't let go like the other three, just let it go.

Winters raised his hand to salute to Senior silently—there were six people in the military resolution meeting, three people didn't work, and only they knew the pain of the remaining three people.

Mason raised his hand solemnly in return—but he was still thinking about his new gun wagon.

"If the axles are strong enough." Mason's thoughts have drifted far away: "Maybe it can be done without shock absorption?"

After a simple goodbye, Winters Stepping on the stirrup, getting on the horse, and finally nodding to several people.

Anna walked up to the Winters horse with a glass of wine in her hand and served the stirrup wine before her departure.

Drinking it all down, Winters kicked off.

[It is difficult for the innovator himself to realize that he is "innovating" because to him he is merely improving what is already there. For example, Watt and the improved version of the steam engine, the prototype of the steam engine existed before Watt, and he did not have the idea of "I can change the Heaven and Switching the Earth when this thing is built." What drives Watt is a need for money and fame, and what drives the whole society is the need for prime movers at that time]
[There is a need for improvement, and many modern things seem to be "one-shot", it has a longer history than people think. The book "The Old Regime and the Revolution" is a good argument]
[Innovation is both an inspired eureka, and it is also a process of development in a vein, law, step by step]
[In the late Roman Republic , there is a Hundred-Men Commander in the records of the Gaul province who is called "one more", because every time he broke a vine cane, he would take a new one and hit it... But since From the context, the Legion soldiers respect this Hundred-Men Commander again]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward and comment]

(end of this chapter)

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