Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 256


Chapter 256 Iron Peak
The next day of the banquet, in the early morning, the newly formed three infantry battalions were in the heat Lined up on the grounds of Wardan Barracks.

"Someone told me that day that after winning the battle, he wanted to eat meat and sleep. I promised him, 'Return to Revodan, slaughter pigs and sheep!'" Winters stood in front of the stage and questioned the entire army : "Yesterday, did you kill the pig?"

"Kill it!" The warriors replied.

"Have you slaughtered the sheep?"

"Have you slaughtered!"

"Has the big guy had enough to eat? Did he drink enough? Did he sleep enough?"

"I'm full!" shouted a warrior.

There were also warriors who jeered: "Want another meal!"

"Want another meal?" Winters laughed: "I do too! White soup with haggis, Good Hah! Roast pork, delicious!"

The warriors laughed.

"But not!" Winters changed the conversation: "We can't afford to eat or drink! If we hold yesterday's banquet again, the Tiefeng County Government will go bankrupt!"

Winters took out his wallet and emptied it, showing it to the warriors: "Look! There's no more silver coins left."

It was a serious matter, but Winters' lighthearted tone relieved a lot of anxiety.

"So." Winters said heavily: "We have to farm! If we don't farm, there will be no bread to eat!"

The warriors then understood that it was for them Everyone was excited and nervous.

“In the first year of granting the land, everything is going to be abandoned! The number of farm implements and farm animals is limited.” Concentrated use! When fighting, you are a collective; when dividing and cultivating land, you are still a collective! A company is a village, do you understand?"

"Yes!" The warriors shouted in unison .

"That's good!" Winters laughed proudly and waved his right hand: "Grow it all! Plant as much as you can!"

When Winters disbanded When he was in the army, 100 kilometers southwest of Gervoudan, Bard was also giving a speech.

"It doesn't matter whether there are three or two gardens!" He stood on the carriage, spreading hope to the hundreds of people who were suffering from hunger and cold: "There is no need to fallow this year! Any land that can be turned up! Plant it all! Come on!"

"Wheat! Barley! Buckwheat! What kind of crops are there!"

"No ridges!

"Ploughs and farm animals are distributed uniformly! Men pull the plows! Women and children sow and harrow the fields! If you want to eat, you must work!"

"Get through the winter! Persevere until Harvest next summer!" Bud's voice was firm and powerful: "You'll have enough to eat!"

Overwintering crops are usually planted in late September to early October.

It is now October 20th, and time must be raced to plant winter crops before the temperature cools.

"Let the refugees re-farm", the saying speaks of which is simple, and how hard it is to do only Bud knows—and Winters knows part of it.

Because everything is missing.

Lack of shovels, harrows, plows, farm animals...everything imaginable is extremely scarce.

Not only is it difficult to restore agricultural production, but how to ensure the survival of the refugees is also a big problem.

Refugees are people who need to eat, drink, and live.

As winter approaches, and the refugees lack warm clothes, they need a lot of fuel for heating.

In such a tricky situation, no matter who is in charge, it will be devastated.

But there was a long smile on Bud's mouth, because in his opinion, the key issue of life and death had been solved by Winters.

The regime has earned the right to live, and the remaining difficulties are small problems.

And there are ways—always more difficult than difficult.

Forty veterans, three hundred militiamen selected from the refugees, this is all the men in Bud's hands, standing in front of him at the moment.

"The Montagne Tribunal won the bloody battle! It was a beautiful win!" Bud said coldly: "The bloodless battle is up to us to fight. If we can't win it, Then the blood of other people is in vain!"

The atmosphere was solemn and solemn, and everyone's body was tense.

"Ish from Ganshui Town!"

Ish is no longer the timid farmer he once was, and he answered loudly with energy.

Bud ordered: "Bring your people, get the property details of the Blue Mountain Manor, and go to me one after another to count. Farm tools, pull back. Houses, temporarily sealed! To be distributed in the future!"

"Yes! Sir!"

"What are you waiting for? Go now!"

Ish took the lead, brought a team and set off immediately .

Because of Bard's successful "peaceful handover", the estates of the various estates were well preserved.

Under the leadership of the owner of the Blue Mountain Manor [Richard Marta], the owners of the manor cooperated to provide a list of fixed assets such as farm tools and houses.

If the payment is violently cleared, it will definitely lead to attrition, and the impossible is as smooth as it is now - this is the reason why Bud would rather give money than rob it.

Houses and farm tools are all things Bud desperately needs.

The house is the residence provided by each manor to the employees and tenants, and most of them are empty.

Though these houses are dilapidated, they are just right for refugees.

The farm implements are also valuable resources.

In other words, Bud wants to "borrow the chicken to lay the egg".

It's still the land, the tools, the houses, and the crops are still cultivated.

But the laborers must be replaced, and the tax collectors must be replaced.

Squad after troop were dispatched to check supplies, but Anglo, the pony keeper, did not receive orders.

Anglo waited silently.

"Angelo." Bud softly called Anglo to his side: "You go to Gervodin."

"Send a letter and let someone else go!" Anglo was a little anxious: "I'll stay here to help you!"

Bard sighed: "You have to go to this matter. If not allowed, I want to go in person!"

"Okay! I'll go!" Anglo nodded heavily.

"You're going to deliver a message."


"Go to your Hundred-Men Commander." Bud said solemnly : "Whatever he wants!"

Anglo was stunned, his Hundred-Men Commander was Winters ·Montagne.

"What do you want?" Anglo whispered.

Bud motioned Anglo to sit down and said with a bitter smile: "What do you want! Old farm tools are not enough, you have to build new ones. Tell that guy, don't patronize Even if you have a feast to celebrate, come to help me too!"

Anglo dared not speak, and desperately nodded.

The more he talked, the more helpless he became. He instructed the pony herd: "Remember to tell your Hundred-Men Commander - don't make plow trucks anymore! Plows are enough, they are all cultivated land, take wood. A plow will do!

Does he only know plow trucks? Make some more implements! Bring me an axe! Bring a bunch of plow trucks, I don't have any farming here Beast, is it possible that take people to pull the plow cart? Can the heavy plow cart be pulled by a human?"

Anglo had never seen Lieutenant Bud complaining and complaining, and he still complained about it. Hearing it for the first time.

He had a vague feeling that Lieutenant Budd seemed to have seen him as a Montagne Hundred-Men Commander, which was why he poured out his belly.

"Let the Forge Township make more small farm tools." Bud's words are not finished: "Don't make pure iron! Waste! Make iron clad! First, consider whether it is durable or not. ”

Only Forge Township in Tiefeng County can make heavy plow wagons, and blacksmiths in other villages and towns buy from Forge Township.

For example, Misha, an old blacksmith in Wolf Town, was unable to do heavy work because of his physical condition, so he just repaired, not built, and occasionally made small pieces of iron.

When Winters took over Forge Town, he ordered the blacksmiths in Forge Town to build plow wagons with all their might.

In his opinion, what do you want without a plow?
But the reality is that there are more ploughs than livestock on the refugee side.

Heavy duty plow trucks are for horses and can be towed by two or even three horses.

If the plow is purely human, the lighter the plow, the better, and there is no need for such a heavy plow at all.

In the absence of Bud, no one dared to correct him, even if anyone knew there was something wrong with Winters' orders.

The error continues.

While Winters was happy, he thought he had done the right thing.

"Also, when the war is over, the horses should not be used in a concentrated manner." Bud rambled: "Don't worry about war horses or galloping horses, now farming is the first priority! Distribute the horses and save money. Forage. Andre definitely doesn't agree, leave him a few more horses, and he can figure it out in a few days..."

Bud told a lot, and it was during this time that he wanted to tell Winters But the words could not reach the latter's ears.

"Remember?" Bud asked Anglo

Anglo nodded suddenly and shook his head again.

"What did I say?"

"Plough cart!" Anglo swallowed: "And horses!"

"No Plough cart! I want a horse!" Bud sighed: "Okay, you can go."


The life of the refugees has opened a new chapter.

The officer who raised the emblem of St. Aldous and ordered them to swear allegiance really gave them land, tools and houses.

They are no longer "refugees" and have regained their "peasant" status.

This alone is something they never dared to think about in the past.

But their production methods are different from ordinary homesteaders and tenant farmers.

Compared to the common [landlord and tenant] or [government and homesteaders] model, what they call the "new government" adopted a new and backward system.

The new government did not allocate land to them by head, but concentrated on using farm tools, farming animals and seeds to collectively cultivate a large area of land in "battalions" - known as "farms".

The reason why this system is said to be backward is that it is completely copying the feudal manor model.

Aristocratic manor is like today's farm. There is no need for ditches and ridges to demarcate the land, and the land of the lord and the land of tenants and serfs are arranged in a staggered manner.

When tenant farmers and serfs cultivated their own land, they also cultivated the lord's land at the same time.

From this point of view, the relationship between the new peasants and the new government was similar to that of lords and serfs.

The rights of the new peasants were limited and they had to work whether they wanted to or not.

The land is not demarcated, it is all cultivated uniformly.

Many old people still remember the days of working in the noble manor, so they easily accept the status quo - they are all farming for the master anyway.

But this system is also an unprecedented new system:

It means that a regime bypasses the layers of middlemen and directly reaches an "agreement" with the peasants at the bottom.

There are no lords, no tax collectors, no masters and masters of masters.

Like there is only one sun in the sky, even if the farmers are still farming for the "Master", they are also farming for the biggest and only master - the new government of Tiefeng County.

Bard is not ignorant of the fact that "farmers are motivated by dividing fields into households".

He is also very clear that "the refugees will work hard this year, not because they are hardworking, but because they are hungry. When they can eat enough, the collective labor model will make them lazy."

But his decision to do so was deliberate.

No way, there is no condition for displaced persons to "divide fields to households".

Resources are too scarce and must be used centrally.

If you want to divide the land to the household, you must first "divide the land".

It is necessary to demarcate the boundary when dividing the land, and the demarcation must be done by furrows and ridges. It is too late to rush to plant wheat.

And Bud doesn't have any talents who can measure the land and calculate the area.

Calculating the area is not a simple task, the land is rugged and the shape is not square. If you want to find the area of a polygon, you must at least learn Geometry first.

Not to mention that the ridges and furrows will take up valuable cultivated land.

Growing up in a province where arable land is tight, Bud has seen farmers whose land is cut into discrete pieces. .

He still lacks livestock and farm implements.

In order to get the most out of the only cattle, horses and farm implements available, they must be used intensively.

Bard has no shortage of manpower, so "people rest, ploughing" is the ideal state of the moment.

So in the end, farms must be distributed to households, and collective farms are only a transitional measure.

After settling some refugees in Black Liquid Town, Bud led the remaining refugees to continue to migrate to Wolf Town and Wuqi Town.

Only a black liquid town cannot accommodate all the refugees.

But Black Liquid Town is off to a great start for Wolf Town and Five Mastiff Town.

Why are refugees moved to such remote places?
This is also the consensus of Winters and Bard after a long discussion.

“Although the eight northern towns are richer, they are not popular with us, and there is no danger to defend. The eight towns south of the St. George River are our core territory.” Winters summed it up this way: "The farther the refugees move to the southwest, the farther they are from the tentacles of Legion, the new land, the better. Even if they are closer to the sphere of influence of the Hurds, it is worthwhile."

So Bard prioritizes wolf town, black liquid town and five mastiff town resettled refugees.

If they cannot be resettled, they will be distributed to other towns and cities according to the principle of proximity.

In this way, after a big victory in the town of black liquid, Bud is on the long journey again.

There are many dangers ahead for him, he knows it and he is ready.

So what is Winters · Montagne doing at this moment?
If Bud knew the answer, he'd probably be pissed - Winters was breastfeeding.

To be precise, Winters is feeding Xiao Changsheng.

"little bastard! No one is robbing you!" Winters was about to go crazy, he pulled Changsheng's neck hard, trying his best to prevent Changsheng from dipping his entire head into the milk: "You are not afraid of choking Die!"

Scarlett, who was beside her, was laughing so hard that she leaned forward and backward.

Anna was also there, smiling reservedly. This was the first time she had come to the stable on her own initiative.

Because it was the first birth, and it was difficult to give birth, the long-lived mother did not let it drink milk, and later did not produce milk at all.

Winters had to find two ewes as wet nurses for Changsheng—and then a cow.

Changsheng was born on September 21, exactly one month now.

A foal is born with sixteen teeth, four of which are incisors, similar to human incisors.

And the all around big Changsheng has grown another four incisors, and the sucking power is getting bigger and bigger.

It was too painful for Changsheng to suck on the three "wet nurses", so that neither ewes nor cows were allowed to drink their milk directly.

In desperation, Scarlett had to express milk first, and then feed it to Changsheng in a bucket.

A new problem arises - Changsheng doesn't drink milk from a bucket.

When Scarlett came to Revodan, she also brought two puppies from the litter of hounds at home.

In preparation for the battle a while ago, Gervodin's horses were all requisitioned. Changsheng has only puppies for company and plays with puppies every day, causing him to behave more and more like a puppy rather than a foal.

It is the time when it needs a lot of milk, and it is hungry all the time.

So every time Scarlett puts the milk bucket in front of Changsheng, Changsheng can't wait to stick her whole head into the bucket.

Even the nostrils are submerged below the liquid level, and you will choke when you drink it.

Since Winters, the "godfather" of immortality, had returned to Gervodin, Scarlett entrusted Winters with the arduous task of solving this problem.

Winters was not surprised.

As a child in Winters, Elizabeth secretly picked up a kitten that was just a few days old from her garden.

Ira, afraid to let mother know, begs Winters to help her.

Winters has always been the younger sister's "marionette", and he couldn't bear to watch the kitten die, so he tried his best to feed the kitten.

That's when he discovered that a newborn kitten didn't know how to drink milk from a plate.

The kitten smelled the milk and nibbled on the edge of the plate, but didn't know how to drink it.

Later, he secretly cut a piece from his aunt's silk clothes, cut the silk into wool, and used the silk to drain the cat to drink, so that the kitten could survive.

后来不知什么时候,小猫自然而然学会了舔着喝奶;因为Winters 剪破绸衣,艾拉被珂莎暴揍了一顿;那只小猫也从此留在Winters 家中, was named "Little General".

So Winters confidently took over the task of [The Immortal Drinking Milk]. Anna learned about it and wanted to follow it.

"The stables are dirty and smelly." Winters discouraged Anna: "It's just feeding the foal, nothing to see."

"I want to know more about you." Anna whispered answer.

Therefore, the embarrassing scene in front of me appeared. Winters failed as expected, Changsheng continued to snorkel and drink milk, and the two ladies were smiling.

It wasn't until the milk was drank to the bottom that Changsheng's nostrils were completely exposed.

"Get the bad boy a plate later Hah!" Winters said bitterly.

"What if I can't drink milk for longevity?" Scarlett asked.

"Hungry! If you are too hungry, you will naturally learn to drink milk."

Scarlett blinked: "Okay."

"Sorry." Winters sighed, looking towards the blacksmith Shao Sha with a wry smile: "I'll let you laugh."

"Don't dare, Lord Tribunal." Shao Sha accompanied him with a smile: "It's very interesting! I I've worked as a farrier before and loves horses!"

Shosha the blacksmith was called to meet by Winters.

Winters needed iron tools most urgently to restore agricultural production.

As a result, as the highest-ranking blacksmith in Gervodin, and not involved in previous rebel plots, Chaucha is highly relied upon by Winters.

Winters had previously ordered that the blacksmith Shaosha should not be stopped when he asked for an appointment. So Ciel didn't think much about it and took Shaosha directly to the stable.

In the stable, which houses Winters, Anna, Scarlett and Changsheng, the atmosphere is private and intimate.

It's actually embarrassing for Shaosha to break in by mistake.

Seeing that Winters and Shaosha were going to talk about business, Anna said to Scarlett, "Ms. Mitchell, I have a gift for you, come with me."

After that, Anna saluted gently and pulled Scarlett to leave.

"Let me introduce you." Winters stopped Anna and said to Shaosha with a smile: "This is my wife."

He introduced Scarlett: "This is my wife. My younger sister."

Ana's cheeks suddenly flushed red; Scarlett's eyes dimmed a little, but quickly returned to their usual wild and vibrant look.

"My wife's opinion is very important to me." Winters explained to Shaosha seriously: "So if you have anything, you can say it in front of them. It also saves me from repeating it again. "

Shaosha absolutely didn't expect The famous "Blood Wolf" actually has a more powerful "She-Wolf" at home.

And there is no way to tell from the outside that this Madame Montagne, who is known to be a famous lady at first glance, has the ability to calm her husband.

But Shaosha really heard the Montagne tribune's own words: "My wife's opinion is very important to me".

A qualified Palatine man will never listen to his wife's advice, unless he can't beat his wife - thinking of this, Shaosha actually has three points of pity for the blood wolf, and gentleness towards appearance. Thoughtful, but martial power amazing, Madame Montagne gave three points of respect.

Looking at the blacksmith Shao Shao, Winters woke him up: "Didn't you say that there is iron ore in Tiefeng County? I asked you to write a report, how is it?"

Shao Sand hurriedly took out a folded parchment from his arms: "Lord Tribunal, this is the first time I've written a report, so it's not good, please..."

Winters took it neatly. parchment: "I see, you say."

Shaosha cleared his throat and began to narrate: "The reason why Tiefeng County is called Tiefeng County is because of the Tiefeng Mountain in the northwest. It is called Tiefeng Mountain because of the iron ore.

Before Kaibian, this was the place where the Hed people smelted iron. Thirty years ago, when my father-in-law's family moved here, the iron ore was also there. Mining. But now we are all using bar iron from Steel Castle, and that iron ore is abandoned."

Anna listened attentively, and Scarlett was also fascinated.

"Any more reserves?" Winters asked only what he cared about most.

"Yes." Shaosha repeatedly nodded: "My father-in-law said yes, the mines are not broken, and they are still very rich."

"Then why not mine?"

Shaosha scratched his head and said sincerely: "Actually, I don't know either. I moved to Gervodan only 14 years ago. At that time, Tiefeng Mine had ceased production. So my father-in-law told me that if I apologize for any mistakes."

"Just say what you know." Winters subconsciously frowned.

Shaosha was frightened, and quickly nodded: "Yes! Yes."

Anna noticed the change in Shaosha's mood. Talk, just listen quietly.

Shaosha continued to speak: "My father-in-law said that the ore of Tiefeng Mine is not good, and the iron produced is brittle and rusted. Moreover, the blacksmiths in Forge Township use small furnaces to smelt iron and buy Mine costs money, and coal costs money, which is time-consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive.

It is better to buy steel bars directly. The quality is first-class. Things made of steel bar iron are a little more expensive, and everyone is willing to buy them. There is no forge owner to smelt iron."

Winters said thoughtfully: "It's like Just like swords, don't you just buy Steel Castle swords?"

"It's really like Steel Castle swords. You buy them all ready-made, cheap and easy to use, so no one needs to spend time and effort to forge them. Sword." Shaosha said with a bitter smile: "To tell you the truth, my sword-forging skills have been abandoned. I used to be the best swordsman, but now I can only make beautiful hilts and scabbards. ”

Winters laughed heartily, laughter soothing and happy.

"Mr. Shaosha, can you invite your father-in-law to come over to me?" Winters restrained his smile and asked the blacksmith Shaosha seriously.

Shaosha's expression is a bit complicated: "Sir, my father-in-law was smashed to the back eight years ago, and now he is paralyzed in bed. That's why I hired me as a son-in-law and inherited his forge..."

"I'm sorry that this happened." Winters patted Shao Sha's shoulder: "Then I'll come to visit in person."

"I don't dare to be... I don't dare to be..." Shao Sha hurriedly politely refuse.

But Winters couldn't let him refuse, and after agreeing a time, he sent Shaosha away.

Anna also took Scarlett out of the stable, and before leaving she signaled Winters to come to her later.

"Ciel!" Winters exclaimed.

Ciel, who had just sent off Shaosha, rushed over: "What's the matter? Brother?"

"When the Nava Young Lady Lei is with me in the future." Seeing what Ciel looked like, Winters became annoyed: "Don't bring guests directly to me!"

"Oh... ok." Ciel stood at attention with a smile and bowed. Crooked salute: "Yes!"

"Let's go." Winters waved and laughed: "Call me Carlos Soya!"

[kind of The land makes people happy]
[Because the author is named a waste man, Tiefeng County is called Tiefeng County, just because it has an iron peak; and the reason why Tiefeng is called Tiefeng is because it really produces iron ]
[Yes, Forge Township is called Forge Township, also because it is the ironware production center in Tiefeng County, there are many forge furnaces - Sincere thanks to the enthusiastic book friend Qian Jin Tailin for providing the place name]
[Newborn kittens don't drink milk from a plate, cover their faces, and rescue the cats.]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward and comment]

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