Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 255


Chapter 255 Land
Historical experience tells us that the celebration must end with a shouted meal. Reversible and unstoppable.

Winters wanted to spend less and do more, but the atmosphere in the plaza was just pushed to a climax.

He really said sorry to the people who raised their arms and shouted, "I don't have any money, let's all go home, let's go."

Seeing that the purse bleeding was inevitable, the more Winters laughed, the more sad he became.

According to the original plan, the scale of the celebration banquet was limited to the military. How did it become like this?

Old Priskin tremblingly ran up the execution platform to confirm that Grandson was safe and sound. The first action was to slap grandson in the face fiercely with tears in his eyes.

Once the slap was over, old Priskin didn't say a word to grandson.

He wiped away his tears and smiled, taking the right advantage to help the financially-strapped newly-appointed civil servant: "My lord, the guilds of Gervoudan pray that a feast can be held in your name, I hope you can bestow this honor on us.”

Old Priskin could see clearly that there were many prisoners, military flags, and captured weapons in the parade, but the gold coin and the silver coin were linked together. No corners were seen.

Winters was very sad and happy, and held the old man's hands in a comfortable mood: "Mr. Priskin, Mayor of Gervodin, I think you should do it."

In the military-controlled province, Revodan has no mayor, only garrison officials. Old Priskin was worldly-wise and play safe a long time ago, and even the city councilor dismissed him as sick.

But at this moment, he nodded heavily without the slightest hesitation: "No problem, I'll do it!"

So a feast was held on the square.

The pigs and sheep were led directly to the clearing for slaughter, and the two butchers in Gervodin were very busy.

The cows and horses, precious farm animals ordered by Winters to protect, were lucky to escape.

In a small border town like Gervoudan, there aren't many rare delicacies, but everyone brought out the best.

The grill was set up in the square, and the few big iron pots in the city were also removed.

Cheese and bacon keep moving out, and bread is open.

More rare is the beer!
I don't know what means old Priskin resorted to, but the always stingy brewer [widow Mrs. Allen] also gave generously.

Like a rolling hoop, the barrels are rolled into the square one by one. Before Mrs. Allen could lift the lid, several alcoholics were waiting respectfully with bottles and cans.

The people of Revodan donated their tables at home one after another and placed long dragons on the square.

Soldiers plus citizens, the square can no longer fit, so the table has been extended along the street.

Children are running around among the adults, and the women are exchanging love at the major event in the city.

A drunken man dragged his reluctant wife into a dance, prompting a burst of shouting and laughter.

And all of this is nominally provided by the newly promoted civil servants, but in fact, the various guilds in Revodan will pay.

Winters is satisfied that he has successfully accomplished the impossible goal of "doing more with less" with a significant savings.

Old Priskin and the gentry were at ease, as were the citizens of Gervoudan.

In a happy mood, Winters crossed the lively square, through the crowds and long tables, to meet Anna.

The two stood face to face, as if there was another layer of estrangement.

Winters wants to hug Anna, but he doesn't dare to touch his lover when he extends the hand.

Anna threw herself into Winters' arms, holding Winters tightly, as if she was afraid that her lover would fly away.

"Maybe the more you know me." Winters tried to hold back his emotions: "The more disappointed you will be."

"I want to know more about you." Anna posted on Tears flowed silently on the lover's chest.

Winters hugged Anna so hard, as if she was going to hug Anna inside.

The roof of City Hall is the best place to watch the feast.

So Winters brought Anna here.

The two picked the lock on the door and slipped up the roof hand in hand, just as Winters took Anna, who skipped class, to the mercenary loggia.

Ana was restless in her heart, she didn't know where she was going, she followed stupidly all the way, and ended up on the roof.

The roof is not blocked by the surrounding buildings, and the wind is strong, so it is a bit cold.

"You sit down for a while, I'll be right back." Winters took off his coat and put it on Anna, and ran away.

"Don't go! What are you going to do?" Anna stopped in panic, but Winters was nowhere to be seen.

Ms. Navarre was left alone on the empty roof, in a lieutenant's coat, standing alone in the cold autumn wind.

While she was thinking about it, Winters returned excitedly with two beers.

Ms. Navarre was really pissed off.

Unbeknownst to him, Winters handed Anna the beer with a very innocent giggle.

As a result, Anna grabbed her arm and fiercely bit it down.

"What's the matter?" Winters tried not to spill the beer.

"Who asked you to bring me to drink?" Anna was very aggrieved.

"Aren't you eighteen?" Winters took a sip of his beer: "Wow, this wine is so bitter."

According to church rules, girls can marry at the age of twelve. People, Hailan women usually get married at the age of fifteen, and there is obviously no problem with drinking a little wine at the age of eighteen.

Before he finished speaking, another row of teeth marks appeared on Winters' arm.

The next time, the two sat on the roof, sipping bitter beer.

“I still like sweets,” commented Winters.

Anna gave a soft "um".

Winters explained: "Gervodan's beer is stored for a long time and has hops added to make it bitter."

"en." Anna stared at the crowd in the square .

"Even if these are bitter, drink a little bit less." Winters sighed: "These are all brewed last year. This year's barley was collected by the garrison before, and I got it later. I'm impossible. The farmers are reluctant to sell the grain for brewing. So today is the last drink, and after that, Revodan may not have beer for a long time."

Anna took her lover's arm: "You've done a good job."

Winters sighed again: "You can do better."

"You can't save everyone."


"That." Winters smiled softly: "It's the third time I've heard it."

"Who are the first two." Anna asked curiously.

"Bud, there is also a great wise man." Winters took a deep breath, brushed away the haze, raised his chest and said with pride: "Look, Anna. A year—at most In two years, I will restore Gervoudan and even Iron Peak County to its original appearance. I will restore prosperity to the city and restore vitality to the countryside. Trust me and witness me.”

Anna gently rubbed He rubbed Winters' shoulders: "I didn't come here because of your achievements.... You want to make achievements, I just want you to be safe."

"What kind of favor is fate? , bring you to me." Winters wanted to cry a little, and he hugged Anna tightly: "How can I be worthy of you..."

"It's good that you know." Anna snorted in dissatisfaction , leaving two more rows of teeth marks on Winters' shoulders, only to relieve his anger.

As the banquet draws to a close, citizens in the square bring musical instruments and play to add to the fun.

A citizen was holding a bagpipe and playing it with his cheeks puffed up.

The sound of the bagpipes is sharp, but the melody of the bagpipers is very melodious, and it quickly penetrates the cacophony of the square.

A female voice began to hum along, and more and more people began to sing softly:
"The money I have,
has been distributed to my partners;

The harm I caused,
In the end I only harmed myself;

The wisdom I sought,

So fill this cup with stirrups Wine,

May the joy be with you forever;

According to the custom of the Palatine people, when parting friends step on the saddle, they will see off Hold the last glass of wine for the parting person.

This glass of parting wine is therefore called "Stirrup Wine", and the natives of Paratus will sing this parting song called "Stirrup Wine".

Anna snuggled up to Winters, silently listening and watching the sentient beings in the square - what a vibrant picture of sentient beings.

She said regretfully, "I should have brought the easel."

"It's the first time I've seen someone who paints outside like you." Winters jokingly said.

Anna told Winters very seriously about the incident she happened to see five men and a skinny ox plowing a field in Wolfstown.

"That scene wasn't beautiful, but it was..." Anna thought distressedly about adjectives.

Winters held Anna's hand gently: "It's shocking, sad, and it feels very calm, natural, and peaceful. Right?"

Anna nodded with a smile: " Well, very complicated feelings. So that scene was beautiful too. I wanted to draw it, so I asked you to make me an easel."

Winters was also touched: "Is it done?"


"Only drafts." Anna cheers slightly red: "I...have no paint."

"I'll find paint for you." Winters said with deep guilt: "I'm sorry. ."

Anna held Winters' arm tighter and didn't speak, just rubbed her lover's shoulder.

Winters took out an atlas and a small bundle of graphite strips from his arms: "Why don't you use this as a small draft first?"

Anna took the two in confusion. Something, smile and smile.


Winters is back in family life, and it's so nice to be with Anna, you and me, sweet and sweet.

But in the town of black liquid, a hundred kilometers away from Gervoudan Southwest, Bud is haggard.

Because the messenger was still on the way, Bud did not know that he had been elected as "military tribune" and "triboman", nor that Winters was feasting the whole city in Gervodin.

In every way, Bard had to undertake the most difficult task of the battle: to ensure the stability of the refugee camps, and to bring them to Nanba Town.

Winters is out to fight the visible enemy, Bud is sitting on the gunpowder barrel, trying to keep the gunpowder barrel from exploding, and he is also facing a serious shortage of manpower and material resources.

All the resources of Iron Peak County were put into battle, and very few of them could be distributed to the exiles.

Bard had only forty soldiers, ten horses, and few even had knives, let alone those who could read and write.

He faced more than 20,000 refugees.

But Bud, the son of the tenant farmer and servant of the monastery, never complained or complained, and quietly resolved the problem.

He transferred peasants and soldiers from Wolf Town and Sank Town to supplement the existing manpower.

He also selected guards within the refugee camps to control the refugees with refugees; he implemented a brutal joint method, and maintained limited autonomy within the sixteen refugee camps to balance the pressure.

With Bud's diligent work and sleepless nights, not a single refugee disappeared for no reason, and no riots occurred.

During the migration process, the refugee camps did not commit any crimes to the villages and towns along the way, and the surrounding farms gradually let go of their vigilance and even sent food to condolences.

But there is one problem that Bud can't solve by himself - the land.

So leading the camp of refugees to reach between Niusho Valley and Black Liquid Town, Budd camped.

He ordered the displaced people to build farm implements, prepare ploughs and rakes, use wooden plows without iron, and use manpower without farming animals.

Rumours spread in Nanba Township, and the manor owners were uneasy.

The abandoned land is in the hands of each manor, and the exile camps do not open up wasteland-now it is impossible to open up wasteland to catch up with the agricultural time-so what Lieutenant Budd wants to do, obviously at a glance.

But Bard didn't do anything except prepare the implements.

He did not confiscate the estate of the manor, nor did he order the refugees to work directly in the fields, and he did not even see the manor owner who came to visit.

Seeing that the planting window for winter crops is getting shorter by the day, he remains on hold.

He is waiting, waiting for Gervoudan's victory or defeat.

At last, after an excruciating wait, the dawn finally appeared from the horizon.

"Lieutenant Bud!" Anglo shouted and ran into Bud's tent: "Win! Victory!"

The pony shuddered with excitement, Bud's His demeanor remained as calm as ever.

He took the letter, read it from beginning to end, and finally couldn't help saying "OK" three times in a row.

Bard received the first letter from Winters after he joined Don Juan.

Follow-up good news is still on the way.

"Angelo!" Bard shouted.

"Yes!" the little stableman stood up sharply.

"Bring the flag! Go to all the nearby villages and towns and spread the word to me!" Bud laughed loudly.

"Yes!" Anglo turned to leave.

"Come back!" Bud stopped the pony shepherd: "As for the good news, you can arrange for someone else to go. I have something more important for you."

Anglo put away his smile and looked straight into Lieutenant Bard's eyes solemnly.

"You go to the town of black liquid." Bud narrowed his eyes: "Bring all the manor owners here."

The refugee camp needs a little cavalry to manage, so Winters sends Anglo to Bard.

In Winters' opinion, the two are a good fit. Let Anglo follow Bud, and the stables can learn a lot.

It's true, Bud and Anglo have many similarities, but Bud is more tenacious, mature, and determined. The pony keeper gradually changed from fear to admiration for Lieutenant Bard, and Bard's position in the pony keeper's mind has been second only to Winters.

Anglo had no doubts about Bud's order.

The little stableman saluted heavily, turned and walked out of the tent.


Anglo's actions were quick, and the manor owners of Black Liquid Town, either voluntarily or unwillingly, were all taken to the exile camp.

The manor owners who are called "noble family" in the small town of Black Liquid are anxiously waiting for the young lieutenant's judgment.

"Time is running out! I'm not going to talk nonsense with you." Bud went straight to the point and spoke quickly: "I have 20,000 people, and I can't afford it. So if you want your land to grow food, you can give Some of your land rent is used as compensation. When the wasteland is reclaimed in the future, your land will be returned to you.”

Although they were psychologically prepared, the manor owners of Black Liquid Town were still dizzy by the heavy news.

"Your Excellency, may I take the liberty to ask a question?" Richard Brace Oneself, the owner of the largest manor in Black Liquid Town, said.


Richard took courage: "In my opinion, you mean to make all the refugees become you... Tenant."

"That's right, that's it." Bud didn't hide it: "The refugees have to work for us for seven years before we can get back our freedom. They won't be given white-haired land in the future, they must Redeem."

"Then why do you have to be so troublesome?" Richard, the owner of the large manor, suggested: "Let the refugees come to us as tenant farmers, and let us pay the groceries to the garrison. Is it?"

Bud rubbed his palms and laughed, laughing so hard that the manor owners were unfathomable mystery.

Wiping away his tears, Bud suddenly sank: "You fucking wishful thinking!"

The manor owner in the tent trembled with this angry drink.

Budd made his attitude unabashed: "The peasants will continue to be tenants for you, tying the labor force to your manor, and they will not be able to play their due role at all! They will be punished no matter what. Squeeze, instead of fattening you, I'd rather squeeze them out of me."

The gentle and generous Bud's eyes widened, and he was equally frightened to fight on his knees: "I'm not afraid to tell you, We're at war with Legion, a new field. We want food! We need soldiers! Without food and soldiers, we'll be wiped out! We'll be killed!"

"So, whoever doesn't give us food, who If we don’t give us a source of troops, whoever is our enemy will be killed!” Bud’s eyes swept over everyone, and the manor owners lowered their heads: “This is a matter of life and death, and we will never be soft! If you agree, then I will give you some compensation. If you don't agree, I will destroy your family!"

The manor owners who couldn't help swallowing saliva just now were dry and bitter.

Bard picked up a stack of land deeds, all of which were the files of the Gervoudan garrison: "We know exactly how much land you have. You didn't steal the land? Didn't you encroach on the commons?

I don't even need to check you for stealing! Next year's real estate tax will be doubled! There is no good or evil in front of life and death. We have a way to treat you. Now it is our kindness to talk and discuss with you.

There are 16 towns in Tiefeng County, no matter what, I will be in black liquid The town should go ahead with this matter, otherwise the other fifteen towns will not learn and do well? Think about it for yourself. If you agree, come and sign the contract. If you don't agree, go home, wash your neck and wait to die!"

Richard said bitterly: "My lord, our family property has also been accumulated through the hard work of generations. Is there any sin for us to work, buy land, and set up a family business?"

" Don't you understand?" Bud drew his saber, pointed at Richard, and asked, "This is a matter of life and death. We didn't want to kill you, but you killed us! Let the labor force continue to be tenant farmers for you? Who? Give us soldiers? Who will give us food? Without soldiers or food, we will die. Are you still going to kill us?"

Richard stepped back and shook his head desperately.

"I'm telling you, I'm saving you." Bud plunged his knife into the ground, pointed to the refugee camp outside, and asked sharply, "There are more than 20,000 people out there who are rumbling with hunger. , don't let them farm the land, and when they run out of food, they will eat you! Do you not understand? Or are you pretending not to understand?"

Richard was speechless when asked.

"And it doesn't mean that your land is taken away for nothing." Bud's tone became gentle and steady: "When the wasteland is reclaimed, I will return your land to you. That's why I have to stand with you. The contract is to protect your private property. Besides, your land is not being abandoned now? No matter how good the land is, it will be abandoned if it is not planted for two years. We will help you maintain the land and give you compensation. Where can you find it? This kind of good thing?"

He said more and more kindly and kindly, completely unlike the impassioned: "If I really want to rob, I still need you to talk about it here? Destroy your whole family, no? The land inherited by people is naturally returned to the settlement. Isn't it simpler?"

Richard could no longer figure out whether the person in front of him was a devil or an angel, and the same was true for other manor owners.

"You don't need to say any more." Richard said with difficulty: "The handle of the knife is in your hand, you have the final say. I signed this contract, but I hope you will not forget your commitment. When the time comes, you still have to return the land to us!"

"I know you don't believe me, so I brought something." Bud took out a wooden box.

Open the lid and inside is the golden light emblem of St. Aldous.

The estate owners were taken aback - they recognized what it was.

"I swear before the fragments of the true holy emblem." Bard put his hand on the emblem of St. Aldous: "If I break the contract, let me go to hell forever, and let my soul go Burned by the fires of hell forever and ever! Even the Lord's forgiveness cannot save me!"

This oath is too heavy, too cruel and too poisonous, I am afraid that the Pope himself will not forgive me.

Richard clenched the teeth, went to the table, signed his name on the document, and officially handed over his land.

With him taking the lead, other manor owners also stepped forward to sign.

"Everyone, you will always be grateful to me." Bud bowed deeply, and when he got up, he asked casually, "Have you considered moving to Geraldine?"

Thanks to the Alliance Leader of book friend [forest_wind] and book friend [Little Panda Yaren], thank you very much.

Because I send a new chapter everyday all, I will read the push messages of the author assistant, so there is a delay in thanking, sorry.

[The song that appears in this book is The parting glass, also called stirrup cup, or le coup de l'étrier, that is, parting wine, horse wine. It is a Scottish folk song. It is said that before the birth of "Friendship is forever", this song was the favorite song of Scots at the end of banquets]
[When painting really became a "technique", most The paintings are all done indoors and done in the studio]
[Outdoor painting did not become popular until the age of the Impressionists in the 19th century. Before that, most painters sketched outdoors and made simple drafts]
[Do not paint outdoors , on the one hand because of the subject matter, on the one hand because of the hardware, and on the other hand because of the technology. This topic can be discussed for a long time. The number of "author's words" is limited and will not be expanded for the time being. Interested book friends can consult the art history by themselves]
[The artistic content of this book is not as rigid as the military content, not necessarily局限在十六世纪和十七世纪,就像安娜一样自由]

(End of this chapter)

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