Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 246


Chapter 246 Granting Fields
Once Ronald Garrisoned Force - Today [New Iron] Peak County Infantry], led by Commander Montagne all the way to the southwest of Geroudin.

As they walked on dirt roads in the country, all they could see was a desolate field.

Only Tiefeng stands alone in front, like a friend.

The soldiers didn't know where to go, which made them somewhat restless.

After surrendering, they were doing just fine. No beatings, no starvation, and no executions.

So they meekly accepted the authority of the "Montagne garrison", like a flock with a new owner.

What else? It's nothing more than a change of person to send bread.


Winters led the [New Iron Corps] to Forge Township for half an hour before seeing some people again.

So the team stopped in front of a small hill.

The Hundred-Men Commander and the sergeant ran and scolded the ranks, turning the formation into a horizontal and vertical shape.

Winters is on horseback, reviewing his troops.

One thousand two hundred men, one hundred arrows. speaking of which is not much, that is thirty times forty.

But there are not many. If it is 1,200 warriors, it will be a force that cannot be underestimated.

The team is over, it's time for the commander to say something.

Winters dismounted and stood on the hillside where everyone could see him.

"Among you, the landless." Winters didn't need to shout, but his words delivered well to the soldiers: "One step forward."

The soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and Tamas - now Hundred-Men Commander, former Ten Commander, Wolfstown veteran of Winters, foreman of the Bentins - stepped forward with a blank face. step.

The others followed suit.

"One of you who tilled the land for others." Winters' voice echoed off the hillside: "One step forward."

Or Tamas and the rest of the Hundred- Men Commander took the lead, and the soldiers took another step.

"Those of you who want to own and cultivate your own land - take one step forward."

Everyone took one step forward neatly, as if the forest were shifting .

Winters hasn't rehearsed, let alone colluded with the old part, and he doesn't need to prepare in advance for such a small scene.

The New Irons are his all-out force, with every soldier, sergeant, and Hundred-Men Commander hand-picked by him.

He deliberately shaved off soldiers from Revodan, deliberately excluded soldiers from yeoman families, and deliberately did not transfer any Dussac veterans.

The 100 arrows and 1,200 people of the new iron regiment were all landless peasants.

Winters had even higher expectations for this unit than for the three Hundred Men Squads of Bard, Andre and Mason.

"Sit." Winters waved his hand: "Sit down and say. All standing, everyone behind is blocked by the front."

The veterans simply sat on the ground neatly, and the others People also sat down one after another.

"Why don't you want to farm someone else's land?" Winters asked.

No one answered, as expected.

Winters pointed to a soldier in the front row: "You, get up, you say."

The short soldier, not knowing what to do, stood up.

"What's your name?"

"Peter." The short soldier replied nervously, and he hurriedly added: "Peter gave... "

Winters walked over to the other party and asked again, "Why don't you want to farm for others?"

Peter swallowed and said hesitantly, "Being a long-term worker." Only... only wages..."

Peter's voice was low, but he was surprised to find that it was loud in his ears.

His voice clearly reached everyone's ears, but it was a little unstable, fluctuating high and low.

This is the spell technique once demonstrated by Lieutenant Colonel Field, not to amplify the sound of the sorcerer, but to stably amplify the external sound source.

Winters wasn't quite as brilliant as Field, but it was enough.

"Is it bad to have wages?"

Peter lowered his head and stared at the toes of his shoes: "The hired hand can't save money."

"Why can't the hired hand save money? ?"

Peter couldn't answer.

“I’ve seen something like this.” Winters sat Peter Bunir down and said to the other soldiers, “A team of hired men protects a convoy to Gervodin. This is their year The only chance they could save, so they were willing to risk mortal danger. The manor kept his promise and gave them the reward and wages in Gervoudan."

The soldiers listened silently, and they Hear from their personal experiences.

“You say, what happened next?” Winters asked. “Have the employees saved up?”

Still no answer.

As the hillside became quiet, Winters said calmly: "No, not a penny. They spend their money thoroughly on wine and women."

The sun was A dark cloud covered them, and some soldiers bowed their heads.

"Are they to blame for that?" Winters glanced at the crowd, averting everyone's eyes wherever he went: "Of course! Who told them that they couldn't help but spend their money?"

The hillside became more and more dead, and even the sound of a heartbeat could be heard.

"But you must know!" Winters shouted: "This is exactly what the manor owners want! They know that the peasants have worked hard for a year and long for even a moment of pleasure! Clearing wages! They deliberately made things look like this, but they blamed the peasants for poor morals!"

"Have you not experienced these things? Haven't you thought about them?" He told the soldiers in one sentence: "What the manor owner wants is for slaves to be slaves from generation to generation, and tenants to be tenants from generation to generation. Hired workers are hired for life, and when they are old and have no strength to work, they will be kicked away. Hire the young and strong."

All the soldiers swallowed subconsciously.

"You, stand up." Winters pulled a front-line soldier from the ground forcefully: "Come on! You don't have land, why don't you go to open up wasteland?"

" The wasteland...the wasteland belongs to the government office...want to buy..." The soldier looked around in panic for help: "Just open up wasteland and break the law."

Winters pressed the answering soldier and pulled up another soldier : "Why don't you buy it?"

"Buy... can't afford it."

"Why can't I buy it?" This time the third soldier was asked.

The respondent could not answer.

"Say! Why can't I afford it?" Winters narrowed his eyes.

The respondent still couldn't answer.

"Why?!" Winters asked third time: "Can't afford it?!"

"We have no money!" the soldier who was questioned answered tremblingly.

"It's not just because you don't have money. It's because the land is too expensive! The price of land has been pushed higher and higher, and even the homesteaders can't afford new land. Only the manor owners, only they have money. Buy land. So they have more and more land, and the others have to work for them.”

“I will not hide my intentions from you.” Winters looked into the eyes of these poor soldiers. : "I rebelled in order to smash the unfair rule of the newly cultivated Legion on this land, and then build a new republic on their corpses. A republic where most people can live! This That's my philosophy, and I can tell you perfectly clear now."

absolute silence on the hillside.

"You may not understand it now, but you will understand it gradually." Winters sighed in his heart, he laughed, and said loudly: "I brought you here today, not to teach you great truth. , not to tell you nonsense, empty talk, and shit! I brought you here to let you understand what I'm going to do!"

He injected a trace of unease and a trace of unease into the crowd. expect.

"Come!" Winters shouted: "Everyone who wants to own their own land, stand up for me!"

One thousand and two hundred soldiers stood up.

"Go! Go!"

Winters jumped on his horse and walked ahead. The procession followed him and drove along the road towards the top of the slope.

As soon as the soldiers climbed over the hillside, fields of farmland appeared before them.

Half of the farmland is still grassy, and the soil of the other half has been turned up, giving the land two different colors: yellow-green and dark black.

Because the hired workers have fled, most of the manor's production has collapsed, and the land occupied by the manor has been forced to abandon.

Abandoned farmland overgrown with weeds is now revitalized.

In the sight of everyone, two draught horses are pulling a pair of heavy plows with wings and striding hard.

The coulters slashed across the ground, the turf was buckled upside down, the black soil was dug out, and the furrows gradually formed behind the coulters.

Ploughing is usually a man's job, but three women are plowing in front of them.

Two of them are leading the draw horse, the other is holding the plow handle - they are preparing for the planting of winter crops.

The soldiers stared dryly at the scene below the hillside—the earth, the women, the harvest, and the country pictures before them could satisfy all a farmer’s longing.

"What are you doing?" Winters glanced at the soldiers, and he felt very happy: "From now on, these lands are yours! I'll give each of you - twenty hectares!"


The soldiers stood still, dazed by the news.

They didn't know what twenty hectares was, because the Palatine farmers were more accustomed to using the old system to calculate their land.

Twenty hectares? Seems like a lot?
"Twenty hectares! That's two [Mances]! Nineteen Bonnies! Two hundred thousand square meters!" Winters pointed at the farmland below with his whip: "Three hundred city acres!!!"

Mance is a land taxation unit whose standard is enough to feed a peasant family. It is not a small family of three or five, but a Great Family of more than 20 people in the same house for several generations.

In the new reclaimed land, there is half a [Wilgert] - that is, five hectares of land, which is enough to be called a middle peasant.

Two muns? Everyone swallowed subconsciously.


There must be far more land for soldiers than for refugees!
Refugees who work for seven years can buy land and become self-cultivators; soldiers go to battle but have nothing.

Who else is willing to join the army?

A few months ago, Winters' policy in Wolf Town was simple and crude [grant wasteland to refugees for reclamation].

At that time he had only three arrows, a hundred or so refugees, and a town of land, and his personal prestige was enough to overwhelm any dissatisfied voice.

Now he has 100 arrows, 20,000 refugees, and one county of land, and his extensive policy in Wolf Town is far from enough to deal with the current situation.

There must be a gap between those who can kill and those who cannot.

Only in this way will the soldier's heart be balanced.

According to Bud's plan, each soldier is given ten hectares, about one munse. When their service expires, they can receive the land.

And Winters made the decision - for twenty hectares!

“The battle has not been won yet! There is no need to scoff at all things and make calculations now.” Winters asked his partners: “What is the difference between Dussac and a peasant?”

“ No difference!" He asked himself and answered: "It's just as much! So much that they can prepare their own war horses and weapons! So much that they are willing to pay the blood tax!"

"And in this world, the most skilled warrior is Farmers! Not Knights! Not citizens!" Winters couldn't resist pushing the [20 hectares] decree: "Just give 20 hectares!"


"Go!" Winters With a big wave: "Go down and have a look!"

The team drove down the hillside and moved towards the manor under the hillside.

Many people ran out of the fields and houses, moved towards the soldiers.

"That...isn't that my mother-in-law?" A soldier shouted in surprise: "It's my family!"

"And my family!"

"Where is my family's?"

The decree was to give each soldier twenty hectares, but it was impossible to put it in place immediately.

even more how Soldiers are in service, and it's a waste to give them.

But Winters wanted them to see the real, real twenty hectares.

So he screened the soldiers' families from the refugees and brought them to Forge Township.

All the estates in Forge Country are now in Winters' hands. The source is either lease, redemption, or coercion.

The next step is very simple, he distributes the land to the family members of the soldiers, and then distributes the farm tools, the horse and the seeds.

He doesn't need to worry about the rest - does the farmer need him to teach?
The lonely soldiers watched enviously as other soldiers desperately waved their arms at their families.

They dare not call out, because military discipline restrains them.

"Don't be restrained!" Winters ordered loudly: "Call me!"

The group was silent for a while.

"Jenna!" suddenly a soldier called out to his wife.

At one time, many names flew all directions at the same time.

The families of the soldiers also shouted their names, some women covered their faces and wept, and some soldiers were secretly wiping their tears.

"Dad!" Tamas yelled into the sky, "Mum!"

The soldiers watched the Hundred-Men Commander and shouted hoarsely, but few people knew that the tower Maas' father and mother are already not in this world.

The family of the soldiers watched as the Iron Peak infantry regiment regrouped on the dirt road in the farmland.

Winters read the Twenty Hectares Act to everyone.

This decree is very simple. Referring to Dussac's land grant system, each piece of land will be granted twenty hectares of land, and each piece will serve for seven years; Promotion, grant more land;

Death in battle, the land will be directly inherited by the family; deprivation of land.

Afterwards, Shire and Heinrich brought three silver shields and a deed to each soldier.

"Three silver shields, which are your first salaries. On the paper, the complete "Decree of Twenty Hectares" is printed."

Winters rode slowly from the front of the queue Walked past and reviewed his troops again: "From today, you are my soldiers. As long as I am alive, as long as I have not failed, these lands are yours, and no one can take them away!"

The soldiers of the Iron Peaks infantry regiment looked at Commander Montagne with different expressions.

Winters don't expect to turn farmers into warriors in the blink of an eye, they still need to be tempered.

It is only through tempering that they can go from billet iron to weapons.

Winters also didn't expect the "Twenty Hectares" to win the soldiers' allegiance right away.

Only when the soldiers were sweating in their fields, only when the soldiers walked through the fields with their plows, only when the soldiers cut down the heavy ears of wheat themselves.

He can truly earn their loyalty.

Winters is also well aware that if he fails, it will all be disappeared.

The enemy must be erected, the enemy must be turned into something like a "man" but never a "man", cruel and realistic Machiavellianism.

"I gave you the land." Winters took a deep breath and asked in a stern voice: "But what if there is a devil who doesn't agree?!"

"If there is a devil I want to take the land from you again, what should I do?!”

“What if the devil wants to turn you into serfs, hired workers, and tenants again?!”

"Did you promise to hand over the land again?"

"No!!!" Tamas roared sharply.

"You're the only one who doesn't agree?" Winters sneered, looking towards the others: "How about you?>

"No!" the crowd murmured.

"If your courage is as small as your voice, you'd better go back as soon as possible and go on with your old life!"

"No!" the soldiers shouted.

"Are you going to agree or not? I can't hear you."

"No answer!!!" the new farmers roared hoarsely.

"Okay." Winters raised his whip: "Then fight with me! Defend what you got today! Kill all the devils who are coming to take your land!"

"Okay." p>

[Self-farmers are indeed the most capable group. Small nobles and small landlords may have stronger individual abilities, but the number of people is too small. Citizens or lower-level landless peasants are even more useless. The powerful battle strength of the early imperial army was all relying on the self-cultivation group to provide high-quality soldiers. That's right, I'm talking about the 1st Empire XD in France; the same goes for Cromwell's New Model Army. This point, whether Eastern or Western]
[The area of arable land per capita is a mountain that cannot be bypassed, and Mans was the land taxation unit in early medieval France. The size of different Mances varies, but in principle one Mance can support a family. With the improvement of agricultural technology, half a monte can even feed two families (small families). Before the Black Death, at least half a lot (5-7 hectares) was needed to feed a farming family, but half of the farmers had less than half a lot]
[But anyway, 20 hectares is enough for any era Let the farmers live a prosperous life]
[I remember, General Su Yu said at the beginning of "Memoirs of the Su Yu War" that his grandfather was a landlord and had more than 400 dan of valleys, about seven hectares today.不过精耕农业模式和三圃制,没法mention on equal terms ]

(end of chapter)

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