Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 247


Chapter 247 Iris
Leaving Gervoudin and trekking eastward two hundred kilometers along the road, You can reach [Iris Castle].

Iris Castle is the capital of White Mountain County, located on the plains in the middle of White Mountain County, named after the irises that cover the mountains and plains.

Just as Winters was pointing out enemies for the soldiers, one of them, Captain Hudson, who was in charge of intelligence at the Fort Iris garrison, walked into a mysterious room deep inside the fort.

The inside and outside of the room are like two worlds.

This is a single-person bathroom. In the bathtub that is about two meters wide and three meters long, a man is bathing comfortably.

However, from Captain Hudson's perspective, all he could see was a head that was as smooth as an egg.

Everyone in the world regards their hair as beautiful, and the thicker and brighter it is, the more beautiful it is. For the sake of beauty, many people even spend a lot of money on wigs.

Therefore, there is only one situation that can cause a man to become bald.

That's when he tragically went bald and has no desire to improve and shaved the rest of his head thoroughly.

Judging from this small matter, his heart must be as ruthless as stone.

"Colonel." Captain Hudson reported: "The pontoon is ready."

The bald man known as [Colonel], nodded, did not speak.

"Lieutenant Woods has chosen a few locations for the bridge, would you like to take a look?"

"Let's study it." The bald colonel moved his shoulders slowly: "By the way, What are you doing, that boy in Iron Peaks lately?"

Captain Hudson's expression was complicated: "According to the informant, the rebel leader Montagne has been making money lately."

" To make money? Talk about it." The bald colonel suddenly became interested.

He turned and looked towards Lieutenant Hudson, and a half-destroyed face appeared in Hudson's eyes.

A huge dark red scar tissue covers his left cheek, as if someone had blown up his left cheek first and then put it back together.

No matter how many times I saw the scar, Captain Hudson was terrified from the bottom of his heart.

Exactly how the colonel survived this level of serious injury is even more curious.

It's a pity that the bald man never talked about it, and others didn't dare to ask.

"It is said that he forced donations from Gervodin merchants. He also created a lot of registered bonds, forcing Gervodin merchants to subscribe. Anyway, the city is full of wind and rain." Captain Hudson was helpless. He sighed, "It's really a shame for Lu Yuan."

The bald colonel was laughed heartily, and the water was shaking.

Instead, he justified the rebel leader: "There is no way, who makes Tiefeng County too poor. If he wants to support soldiers and has no money, he can only scrape from the merchants."

"The Veneta." Captain Hudson chuckled.

"Anything else? He can't just be busy scraping money, can he?"

"Montagne, the rebel leader, is still repairing the city wall and digging deep trenches. It seems that , he is going to fight with us meet force with force in Gervoudan."

"He has few soldiers, and relying on the city to defend is the most reasonable strategy." The bald colonel smacked his lips: "But he fights It's a bit tricky to make up your mind to indent the shell."

Captain Hudson was quite disdainful: "I don't think he can, it is said that the first thing he did after the attack on Gervodin was to put him His wife entered the city first. The commander is completely a man of pleasure, how could the troops have battle strength."

"Then how did Ronald lose?" The bald Colonel asked sneeringly.

Captain Hudson was dumbfounded, he considered the words he used: "rush ahead, underestimate the enemy, bad luck..." Nader is a piece of shit."

Captain Hudson looked embarrassed.

"But Ronald is not a waste, otherwise it is impossible to be a major military officer of a county." The bald colonel scratched his scalp, pondered then said: "And look at the boy's declaration of resistance to taxes, he He doesn't seem to be someone who is greedy for material pleasures."

"To be honest, my subordinates don't think it should be. He was born in Hai Lan, how could he start to indulge and enjoy himself when he entered Gervodin? But from his Judging from his behavior, he is indeed corrupted."

The bald colonel showed a smile: "It can't be said that he is deliberately confusing us."

"It does have this probability."


"But it doesn't matter." The bald colonel lay comfortably in the water again: "He has more than 1,000 soldiers, and they are all prisoners. Eight battalions attack from both sides, no matter how thoughtful he is, It's no use."

Captain Hudson nodded.

Russia, he opened the mouth and said: "And the intelligence shows that the power struggle within the rebels is very serious. I think the battle strength of the rebels has been further weakened."

" Conflict?" The bald colonel eyebrow raised: "Where did this go? It started to fight for power?"

"Yes, it is a scuffle. The rebel leader Montagne pushed the rebel commander [Jay] Bud of Ladd] and [Richard Mason]. He disenfranchised them and sent them to relocate refugees.

And another rebel commander [Andrea Cellini] has been absent for a long time and presumably died in an internal firefight. The rebels are now completely dictatorial by Winters Montagne, young and young and do not know how to share power, which is normal.”

The bald colonel didn't care about anything else at all. He browsed tightly frowns and asked: "Migrating the refugees? What's going on?"

"The informant reported that Montagne was driving the refugees around Gervoudan to the Iron Peak. In the southwest area of the county, he pushed Bud and Mason out of the command system to do this."

The bald colonel suddenly stood up from the water, ignoring that he had nothing on his body: "The Wire , show it to me."

Captain Hudson was so accustomed to this that he had already looked away, and he took out a copy of the letter and handed it to the colonel.

The bald colonel opened the window, ignoring Qiu Fengshan's coolness, and squinting his eyes to read the news report carefully by the light outside the window.

After a while, he closed the window and handed the letter back to Captain Hudson.

"No wonder we have to send troops to beat him in the autumn and winter." The bald colonel sighed: "If he doesn't do anything, he will become a climate."

"What do you mean?"

"Prepare a letter to Colonel Zeppel Zoltan." The bald Colonel stepped out of the bath: "Send troops early."

"Ahead? p>

"The sooner the better." The bald colonel widened his eyes, his left cheek muscles were stiff and uncontrollable, making his expression a little grim: "That kid sent an unknown number of sentries. When are we going to prepare? Well, he knows better than us. If you want to fight, you have to fight fast, and while the weather is still warm, beat him completely unprepared!"



Gervodin, Officer's Quarters.

Because Winters let Major Ronald's family continue to live in the garrison mansion, Anna and Catherine had to temporarily live in the unmarried officer's quarters.

Anna has an account book in front of her. She is writing and calculating with her chin propped.

Winters is short of people. There are many people who can do physical work. And people who can do intellectual work can be counted on two hands.

He doesn't even have subordinates who can accurately measure the land and calculate the area. The land grant to the soldiers is still an extensive model of "sending land, farm animals, and grains to the military's subordinates, as much as they can plant."

So Anna is currently in charge of Winters' private accounts, the accounts of the new garrison, and all public accounts.

No one can control except her.

Catherine sighed and paced the room, making Anna feel ill at ease.

The newly cultivated province is located in the frontier, and the folk customs are conservative, and the urban customs are even more severe for unmarried women than in rural areas.

Catherine didn't have a good time in Wolftown when she arrived in Gervodin.

"If you're idle, Kate, come and help me settle the bill." Anna couldn't help but speak.

"Okay, Mrs. Montagne," Catherine fell on top of the elder sister: "You fake lady, you care more than the real lady."

Anna's cheeks instantly rose. flush.

She is currently publicly identified as the wife of Captain Montagne.

Because unmarried cohabitation is too sensational, but if it is a wife, no one will find it strange.

Although procedurally speaking, the two are not only not engaged, but have not even officially met each other's parents.

"It's not that I care." Anna said with a blushing face, "It's that there are too many accounts, and I can't handle it."

"Then don't care." Catherine coquettishly said: "You can manage his private accounts, and you can also manage public accounts. This is too stingy, so you can't hire a few accountants?"

Anna lightly sighed: "He can't hire him."

"Yes, in his business, no one would be willing to work for him." Catherine said the more and more angry: "It can only be used by you."

The wind patted the window lattice, Anna put down her quill, hugged the younger sister, and said, "You should go back to Wolf Town, it's safe there."

"He didn't urge you to come back too. Wolf Town? Why don't you go?"

"I'm gone, it's even more chaotic here." Anna shouted the head: "Everyone thinks of me as Madame Montagne, then I really become Mrs. Montagne. If I leave at this time, everyone will think that his will is broken."

Catherine lightly snorted, complaining with a trace of jealousy: "Why did you not treat me so well? ?"

"Who said that?" Anna slapped the younger sister's forehead hard, and said with a smile, "Did I not endure you all the time through childhood?"

Katherine seemed to be She jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and she asked angrily, "Be patient with me?"

"Okay, that's why you endured me."

"If you don't go, I'm not leaving either!" Catherine said angrily, "Aren't you patient with me? Then you can keep bearing with me!"

"You can stay, but you have to find something to do." Anna Come up with a positive example: "You should learn from Ms. Mitchell, how fulfilling her life is every day."

"You asked me to learn from that wild girl?" Beauties and Catherine are particularly aggrieved: "She stays in the stable all day long, how can she look like a decent daughter."

Since that fierce conflict, Catherine no longer uses "small" The word "saucy hoof", and "wild girl" was used to refer to her enemy.

"No, she's doing well, I still envy her."

Katherine flustered and exasperated: "You, let her be your younger sister! Then you sisters fight for husbands, that's good!"

Ana remained unmoved, she pondered, suddenly took out the letterhead and hurriedly wrote a few lines, folded it, sealed it, and rang the bell softly: "Made Mrs. Lin?"

After a while, Mrs. Medellin, with her hair tied in black veil, pushed open the door: "Nava Young Lady Lei?"

Mrs. Mitchell stayed At the manor, but she was uneasy about Anna, Catherine and Scarlett, and asked Mrs. Medellin and another nanny to take care of the three.

"I have something to trouble you." Anna handed the sealed letter to Mrs. Medellin: "Please send this letter to Mr. Shire, Mr. Winters' bodyguard. Please call a carriage."

Mrs. Medellin is a widow, and it is customary to show her face and do things conveniently.

She took the letter, nodded, and closed the door and left.

Anna stood up, took off her sleeves, and said to the younger sister, "Okay, let's get dressed up as well, to be a visitor."

"Who to meet?" Catherine was surprised endlessly.

They have no friends or relatives in Gervodin, and the nearest branch of Navarre Trading Company is in Maplestone.

Anna prefers to be quiet, and even with Catherine, she has little chance to participate in social activities in Gervodin.

"The number of these accounts has indeed gradually exceeded my ability. And there will be more and more in the future." Anna made up her mind: "Since I can't hire an accountant, I will start my own training. ."

"What are you crazy about?" Catherine was frightened by the elder sister's thoughts: "The two of us are women, how could it be possible to have casual contact with men outside? Even if it is Mr. M's subordinates. Neither."

"Of course I didn't teach it myself." Anna smiled to reassure the younger sister.

Catherine long relieved, and raised her eyebrows again: "Who will teach?"

"Just ask a senior accountant." Anna patted the younger sister's back: "We Go and visit old Mrs. Priskin. Well, it's time for me to show up."


Meanwhile, in the stable, Pierre was saying goodbye to the younger sister. .

Scarlett is helping Changsheng to drink milk, Botayun doesn't bring a horse, and even kicks with his hoof when he sees Changsheng.

Xiao Changsheng only drank breast milk for seven days, after which Botayun was completely weaned.

As a last resort, Winters found a few "wives" for Xiao Changsheng: a horse with foals and two sheep.

The mare with the foal is extremely short-tempered, and will not let the little Changsheng drink milk.

Currently, Xiao Changsheng lives by drinking goat milk, and the milk-producing ewes are not as tall as him.

Therefore, the ewe had to be racked up first, and then Xiao Changsheng had to drink it. Someone had to assist in the whole process.

In the past, Winters came to help, but now Winters is involved in military affairs, and it all falls on Scarlett alone.

"A foal that grows up on goat's milk can still ride in the future?" Pierre Jokingly said.

Scarlett frowned and glanced at her big brother: "Why can't I ride? Longevity is good."

"I'm leaving."


Pierre opened and closed his lips, and finally said with difficulty: "Hundred-Men Commander asked me to go to the blacksmith, the father is also there, maybe I can find the father."

Scarlett didn't look back, tears flowed down her jaw, she tried to pretend to be calm and said: "Go. Don't be sad if you can't find it, if father is alive, he will definitely come back."

"Yes, father is better than me." Pierre said with a smile: "I brought Vasya with me, maybe I can get old Sergey Uncle back."

Scarlett wiped away her tears with the back of her hand: "You guys have to be careful."

"I'm the most worried about you." Pierre took the big brother's tone for the first time: "You Oh, don't make trouble with little Navarre anymore."

Scarlett turned around angrily and threw the goat's milk in her hand towards her big brother.

"If that fox eye doesn't come to provoke me!" Scarlett said aggrievedly: "Am I going to take the initiative to provoke her? You go to her, go find her and be your younger sister!"

Saying this, Scarlett grabbed the fork angrily.

Pierre was thus driven out of the stable.

When he walked into the yard, he met Mrs. Medellin who was out to deliver a letter.

The two walked one after the other to a secluded place and hugged tightly.

[There is a map in this chapter, if you don't see it, the author is still drawing]
[The popularity of wigs is really inseparable from baldness]
[Thanks to book friends的收藏、阅读、订阅、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论]

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