Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 245


Chapter 245 Reclamation
As soon as the sun came up, the Qingfeng township camp fell into riots.

The soldiers of the Flat-Ended Lance drew nets and sternly drove the refugees out of their tents, forcing them to gather in the clearing.

Peter Black and Peter Fisher were among them.

Bard stood on the carriage in front of the clearing, waiting for the refugees to arrive.

He held a flagpole in his hand, which had no flag on it, but was covered with a sackcloth.

The ragged homeless people stood quietly, stomach rumbling with hunger, exhausted, and their eyes were numb.

Seeing that all the people in the camp had been brought over, Bud flattened the flagpole and slowly removed the burlap bag covering the top of the flagpole.

The refugees couldn't help but whisper.

The dirty burlap is ripped off.

A large golden emblem gleamed in the sunlight.

Twelve rubies the size of pigeon eggs are set vertically and horizontally on the holy emblem, reflecting a breathtaking halo.

There is no shortage of discerning people who already recognize what it is.

"This is the holy emblem of Saint Aldous! The sacred relic fragments are preserved in it!" Bud stood the flagpole with both hands in front of him, glanced at the crowd, and urged him sharply: "Those who believe in the only savior Immediately kneel down and salute!"

An Old Lady in front of the crowd was the first to crawl on the ground,

Like a huge wave, others knelt down with her, even Soldiers also one-knee kneels.

"Our Lord in heaven!" Bud recited the Lord's Prayer aloud.

The crowd read in a low voice: "Our Lord in heaven."

Bard continued to chant: "May the people honor..."

He chants One sentence, the crowd read one sentence: "May people respect..."

The crowd prayed in unison, and the voices gathered together, getting louder and louder, and many people even shed tears.

Even refugees from other camps flocked to the fences of the camps to take a look.

"Forever!" After chanting, Budd saluted: "Get up!"

"Forever!" The crowd followed the salutation and stood up.

Bard gave the [Emblem of St. Aldous] to Ish next to him—Ish of Ganshui Town.

Ish from Ganshui Town looked excited and held the flagpole tightly, preventing it from tilting half a point.

In the riots of the day the city was broken, the Gervodin cathedral was first looted and then set on fire. Although the fire was quickly put out, the precious sacrificial utensils in the church were also looted.

The emblem of St. Aldous in the hands of Bard was recovered from the criminals.

"Those who follow the will of the Lord, you will be saved!" Bard, who led the crowd in prayer, naturally began to preach to the crowd: "Many centuries ago...the prophet separated the sea and led the people into the wilderness. ..."

His sermon was very simple, only about the story recorded in the scriptures that "the prophet separated the sea, and led the people to wander in the wilderness for forty years, and finally reached the "land flowing with milk and honey". The story.

Bard is not a Protestant or an old cleric, and he has no authority to act in ceremony.

But when he preaches, everyone listens.

At the end of the sermon, the son of the tenant of the Green Heart monastery, Bud of Girard Village, looked into the eyes of the refugees and announced the fate of the refugees with a blank face:

"Yesterday, iron The Fengjun Military Administration has passed the "Poor Relief Act". According to the decree, all refugees will be subject to military law immediately, and the military government will provide you with food! houses! farm tools! And land! "

Bud does not allow everyone to think, his voice is cold and ruthless: "But from today, you will no longer be completely free people. Your identity is equivalent to serfs, and you will cultivate and open up wasteland in the reclamation farm! ”

Even the most ignorant of the refugees are now startled.

The crowd murmurs at first, the sound spreads and the camp gets louder.

Bud shouted sharply: "Quiet! "

People slammed their mouths shut, and the camp turned into absolute silence. This is the aftermath of stick education.

"The prophet led the people to walk in the wilderness for 40 years, Just entered the promised land. Budd, like a sermon, unquestionably pronounced judgment on the refugees: "By the grace of the Republic and the Lord, you only need seven years!" "

The refugees were a little confused, and even the soldiers were listening carefully.

The autumn wind swept across the camp and sent Bud's voice to everyone's ears:" In the witness of the Lord, the Republic has made a covenant with you. After three years of labor as serfs, you will become tenant farmers on your own, and you will no longer be subject to military law. Work as a tenant farmer for another four years, and you will be eligible to redeem the land, restore your full free status, and become a true homesteader. "

Bud opened the "Judgment Book" and handed it over to the announcer brought from Gervodin: "Whoever's name is clicked will come forward." Kiss the Holy Emblem in the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit! Pledge allegiance! ”

The Announcer took the "Judgment" with both hands. He just earned extra money by singing votes at the town meeting and reading the notices at the market. Where has he experienced such a scene.

His Adam's apple twitched as he struggled to pronounce the first name: "Peter Black of Stonewall! "

Peter Black's legs trembled uncontrollably when he heard his name being called.

He didn't expect that he was the first person to be called."

, he didn't even hear what the priest was saying.

He only vaguely heard "distribute food", "distribute land" and "be a serf".

“ Live well, and there will be a way to live."

Peter Black suddenly remembered what the gentleman he didn't know had said.

He swallowed hard and walked stiffly up Go, kiss the holy emblem of gold and gemstones, and swear allegiance.

"Peter Campbell of Linshui! Bud said a second name.

No one came out.

Bud narrowed his eyes and repeated: "Peter Campbell of Linshui Village!" "

A young man reluctantly stepped out of the crowd. He was thin and thin, but his eyes were wide and rolling. His mouth was a little crooked, so he was registered as Campbell.


The young man dilly-dallying walked to the carriage, but he didn't want to kiss the holy emblem. He glanced at the face of the "priest officer", and said hesitantly: "My lord, I am not a peasant, I am Gévordan. Man, I can't farm. "

"Then why did you claim to be a farmer when you registered? Bud asked with a blank face.

The young man couldn't answer.

He was originally a rogue from Gervodin. With red ropes on their shoulders, they took to the streets to loot.

However, the siege army quickly turned around to suppress the riots, restore law and order, and round up those profiting from somebody's misfortune.

He was afraid and followed The refugees went out of the city and hid in refugee camps. He was fooled by the screening process, and he reported that he was a tenant farmer during the registration process.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Bud asked kindly, "You don't want to farm? "

"Sir. "The rogue man brace oneself replied: "I don't know how to grow." "

"Yes. "

The rogue man was overjoyed: "Thank you for your kindness! Thank you..."

Bud pointed at the other party, but could not see a trace of emotion: "Arrest him! ”

Ish threw the flagpole to others, kicked the rogue man down with one foot, and tied the latter firmly in a few strokes.

The young rogue was completely panicked: "grown ups! I would love to work on the farm! I would like to go! "

"Shut him up!" Bud ordered.

Ish fiercely, who was wearing iron gloves, slapped the rogue man and fainted immediately.

"If you don't accept the poor contract, you are a criminal." Bud ruthlessly sentenced the fainted scoundrel: "By the powers conferred upon me by the Poor Act, I sentence you to twenty years of hard labor. take him away! "

Ish dragged the rogue Gervoudan, who goes by the alias Peter, all the way out of the camp, as if he were dragging a corpse.

"You have only two ways to go!" Bud looked towards Refugees again: "Or, go to reclaim the farm!" After seven years, get back the status of a free person; or, go to serve twenty years of hard labor, and then be free after twenty years! It's up to you to choose what you want! next! "

"Peter Fisher of Stonewall Village!" ' cried the announcer, trembling.

Peter Fisher, who was pitying Peter Black just now, was so scared that he was about to pee his pants.

He gritted his teeth and moved. He didn't understand, but only understood two words "seven years" and "land".

He is a long-term worker with nothing, and he will never lose more.

Peter "Dead Fisheye" Fisher walked up to the carriage, bowed his head and kissed the holy emblem, pledging allegiance.

Led by Peter Black and Peter Fisher, everyone else, willing or Unwillingly, they all resignedly accepted their fate.

Even if they wanted to resist, they couldn't.

Winters and Bard's control of the refugees was divided into a third stage:
first stage [surrounded], do not let a refugee get away;
second stage [screening, registration], find out those gangsters and hooligans who have infiltrated the peasants, pick out the craftsmen and self-cultivators among the refugees, and register the remaining landless Farmer;

The third stage [diversion], dismantling the large army of refugees, preventing each part from echoing and connecting with each other.

At the 3rd stage, more than 20,000 refugees were divided into sixteen The battalion.

Each battalion has as many as 2,000 people, and as few as 900, of which nearly one third is a child.

Although the refugees in each battalion still far exceed the soldiers in Bud's hands However, with three Hundred Men Squads, they can easily suppress any single camp.

And many refugee farmers bring their families with them. Even if they want to resist, they have to worry about their families. They have no battle. strong.

Farmers with family members do not contradict this "contract", they are eager to find stuttering for their wives, children and children.

Some farmers are reluctant, but they are When the name is clicked, they walk up to the carriage like everyone else, kiss the holy symbol, and swear allegiance—and they don't even know why.


Ba De watched the refugees come forward one by one, he remembered yesterday at the Conference Hall in the garrison, what he said to his companions:
"The place of origin? Where? We are not building a utopia! "

"The peasants want land, how can we give them land?" All cultivated land has an owner, and if there is no owner, it is wasteland! Farmers want houses, how can we give them houses? Farmers want livestock and plows, but we can't give them either! "

"We're impossible to turn homeless people into homesteaders!" Not to mention I never thought to do it! "

"Don't think about saving the world, being a savior is more hated than being a pure bad guy." The peasants can accept that you treat them like a noble, but they can't accept that you are a good man! "

"They can accept a god as a savior, but they cannot accept a man as a savior!" "

"You give them land and food, and they may temporarily regard you as a god!" But when one day they find out that you are human, they will immediately spurn you and betray you. "

"So what we do, we must proceed from our interests. Only then will we be able to accept it without complaining when they betray us one day. "

"If anyone thinks it's a squeeze!" Then I'm going to squeeze them! "

"Don't try to save everyone, that's a feat that only God can do." Bud clenched his fists and looked directly into Winters' eyes: "If we can save half of the people, we can go to heaven or hell in peace. ”


The refugees in the Qingfeng Town camp took an oath, and Bard ordered the official documents to be posted on the notice board of the camp.

The next morning, [Qingfeng Camp] will set off to migrate to the Southwest of Tiefeng County, and the other fifteen "battalions" will also start in turn.

Bard will bring all the refugees to Langtun Town, Black Liquid Town, Go to Five Mastiff Town, Niu Hoof Valley and Little Rock Town.

That is the most southwestern, most desolate land in Iron Peak County, and the furthest place from the enemy.

He knew The overwhelming majority of the refugees didn't listen to what he was talking about at all, and he didn't have time to explain it to the refugees carefully. But it's okay, they will gradually understand.

"Go! " Bud stepped on his horse and took the emblem of St. Aldous: "Go to the next camp."


Compared to the chill and dullness of the exile camp, the atmosphere in Winters is easier.

With the war imminent, Bud and Mason take over the large and small affairs of the exile camp.

Winters devotes all his energy to rearranging the army.

Among them, the most important content is to turn the captured Ronald's prisoners into his soldiers.

Originally, the Montagne garrison wanted to select the strongest refugees to join the army, but he soon found that there was no need to do so.

Because Major Ronald has done the job for him.

The troops under Ronald's command consisted of the strongest adult males among the refugees.

In addition, the officers of the former Gervoudan garrison also conducted basic military training for these "recruits".

The recruiting, the training, the honorable Major Ronald, saved Winters a lot.

The four battallions that originally belonged to Ronald, now have a total of four whereabouts.

Three Hundred Men Squads taken by Bud, Andre, and Mason;
There is also a small number of "labor farms" currently in Wolftown - those who were ambushed by Winters .

Samukin led the militias in the villages of Wolf Town to take care of them. According to Winters' arrangement, they should be cutting down trees and building houses.

The other small group deserted on the retreat, when they were still Ronald's soldiers.

The rest were captured by Winters, totaling 1178.

Winters first eliminated all the soldiers from Revodan.

And then, it was added to a small number of refugees.

Finally, he appointed his old division as the Ten Commander and Hundred-Men Commander of the new unit.

According to Winters' method of organization, the new troops were reorganized into a hundred arrows, 1200 men.

If it is a standing army, this size can already use phalanx tactics.

But Winters lacked muskets, so the hundred arrows were all lances.

In the imperial military system in the past, soldiers recruited from different Fiefdoms, counties, and states were organized into separate regiments [Regiment].

"Regiment" is not only a military establishment, but also a recruiting and administrative unit, which is in line with the current situation of Winters.

The so-called Winters tentatively assigned the 1,200 soldiers the title [Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment], and tentatively assigned ten Hundred Men Squads.

apart from this There are also three Hundred Men Squad "old divisions" of Bard, Andre, and Mason, organized outside the infantry regiment.

Winters originally planned to incorporate these combat-experienced soldiers into the new unit, but the counterattack from the newly reclaimed Legion came too quickly to allow the new unit to form battle strength.

So instead of loosening your fingers, clench your fists.

So Winters did not make a big move for the three most reliable Hundred Men Squads under his command for the time being, but just transferred some of the veterans to serve as sergeants of the Iron Peaks Infantry Regiment.

His army now has flesh and bones, but the army is still a walking corpse, not even an army.

They are just a bunch of homeless people who eat bread.

This army lacks soul.

Next, Winters must make these soldiers truly his "warriors".

[Thanks to the Alliance Leader of the book friend [sonnet], thank you]
[The oath of allegiance may not seem binding, but it was indeed the feudal, renaissance, and bourgeois revolutions , the most direct means by which the regime demands the allegiance of the people. After all, in theory, the executor of the oath is not a human being, but a god. For believers who are afraid of going to hell in their dreams, the oath is still relatively binding]
[Until now, the testimony of "swearing according to the scriptures" will be accepted. It's no surprise to swear allegiance]
[For Winters, the concept of Iron Peaks infantry regiment is not abrupt, because it is logical to organize soldiers from one area into a regiment]
[ It is not very accurate to translate the military units of "tuan" in different countries into "tuan". This concept is linked to something in the region, a large number of soldiers recruited from a certain area can be called a "regiment", and there is no precise regulation on how many troops a regiment has. Mercenaries in the Renaissance also participated in the war with the concept of "regiment"]
[However, a regiment usually has the name of the colonel, the commander of the lieutenant colonel, and the adjutant of the major]
[Since taking the garrison officer, Mr. Captain Montagne once again大胆“僭越”]

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