Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 244


Chapter 244 Tax resistance
With the existing storage in Revodan, the quota required by Maplestone City will be paid More than enough.


"No! Damn it! Not even a grain of food!" Andre shouted angrily: "Send a piece of paper, and want us to obediently hand in the grain. Pay? Next time he kills, do I have to give it to him too?"

Winters fiddled with a knife: "I think Adams will still send troops even if he pays food."

On the matter of refusing to pay food, the six reached an agreement without discussion.

It is easy not to pay food, the question is what to do next?
The current situation is called internal trouble and outside aggression.

Outside, in the counties of Vigne and White Mountain, at least eight battallions of enemy troops are gathering.

Inside, the refugees are gunpowder barrels that can explode at any time, and Gervodan is also surging undercurrents.

Winters does not have any strength control over North Eight, and his influence in South Eight is based on the support of the estate of the manor.

As soon as the counter-insurgency troops arrive, Gervoudan will welcome them again, and the squires of Nanba Town will quickly crawl at the feet of Legion, the new reclaimed land.

In the final analysis, only the people of Wolf Town sincerely support Winters.

The rest is just grass, whoever wins will go with whoever wins.

In the battle for the capture of Gervodan, they swallowed the big fish and ate too much. Before he could digest it properly, Legion's fist swung over.

The second responsible person for the current situation, Lieutenant Don Juan, said casually: "It's not that the lieutenant colonel and I didn't think about it. Evacuate the warehouse, get out of Revodan, and return to Wolf Town. He wants to come, Just let him come."

"If he comes, he will retreat, and if he doesn't come, he will occupy Gervodin. In this case, the worst is the result of the original plan." Mori, the first responsible person Lieutenant Colonel Ci is not in a hurry.

It's easy to eat, but hard to spit out.

Fortunately, a few people would not be fascinated by a small border town like Gervoudan.

Andre slapped the table violently, and said fiercely: "We can't occupy it, and we won't leave it for them! A fire burns up Wodan! Take away the food, and we retreat to Wolf Town. And the town of black liquid! Two hundred kilometers of bare land, the supply line is enough for him! If you dare to come, eat them, let's go into White Mountain and Vigne."

Hearing this, Mason Senior laughed Can't hold back: "You can't do this, Maplestone City has no intention of destroying us at any cost this time. Not only can't we retreat, but we will fight. If you hurt them, they should be stable until May next year."

Senior is back today Since then, he has been sullen and absent-minded in meetings. This is the first time he laughed.

Andre was annoyed by the laughter: "Why do you say that?"

"Isn't the truth obvious?" Mason supported his chin and asked, "What's next in May?"

"What?" Andrei asked.

Winters has figured out what Mason Senior means: "The wheat is cooked!"

"It's that simple." Mason said as it should be by rights: "If I were General Adams, It will never make a big move in this winter. The Palatu people choose winter to fight the Hud people, because the wasteland road is easy to walk in winter, and winter is the most vulnerable season for the Hud people. In the territory of Palatu, the Quite the opposite."

Seeing everyone else listening intently, Mason Senior was a little sorry.

He swallowed and explained: "Winter is suitable for defense, not for offense. If General Adams is still sensible, next May will be a good time for him to send troops. The wheat is cooked, and the supply pressure is small. We abandoned the city and retreated so they could cut our wheat. If we held on, they wiped us out.

Our soldiers were poorly trained and demoralized, and General Adams' troops needed training as well. Instead of rushing Come and fight us, instead of training the troops this winter, and sending troops next year in Maishu. General Adams has far more financial resources, grain reserves and troops than ours. No matter what you think about it, the time is on his side.”

“That’s right. That's it." Mason Senior spread his hands, laughed awkwardly.

The Conference Hall is quiet.

"Well said!" Winters clapped the table, applauding Senior.

Patting the table, knocking on the cup, and stomping the feet are the common ways to stir up the atmosphere in the Luyuan and the military.

Bud and Don Juan responded immediately, and Andre and Moritz followed.

Several people rumbled the table, like the sound of hoofs.

The soldiers and clerks on the first floor looked towards the Conference Hall on the second floor for unknown reasons. Those who didn't know it thought the officers were demolishing the house.

“We are jars, Adams is jars.” Winters somewhat sadly quotes the teaching of a senior: “Porcelain doesn’t touch jars.”

Moritz hangs down Eyelid, lightly sighed.

"A shrewd guy like Adams wouldn't want to bite the bullet and kill us all. In my opinion, he's doing both. If we're unable to withstand a single blow, he'll take back Gervodin. . If our clay pot is really a bit hard, he will wait until next year to bring out his hammer and hit us. This winter's action, at worst is regarded as a drill."

Winters made a final call: "Don't let the heat out. Wardan!"

Now that the purpose is clear, the next step is to develop a battle plan around it.

Winters brought out an unfinished scale map of the grand competition, which he drew from Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's atlas.

Lieutenant Colonel Moritz suddenly remembered something and said to Winters: "In that case, there is someone you need to meet."


"The one who came to deliver the letter, of course." Lieutenant Colonel Moritz took a sip from his glass. "I got him."

Winters went to see the messenger from the new Legion.

Don Juan, who stayed in the Conference Hall, warmly embraced Mason Senior's shoulders: "Senior, let's stay together, we should drink more together in the future."

Mason and Winters have a close relationship, Juan has also fought alongside Winters, and is a direct senior of Winters.

But Don Juan and Richard Mason really didn't know each other well.

Mason was born in the artillery department, and Juan was born in the infantry department. The two have only one level of alumni relationship.

In addition, Hu Antian is too sexually intertwined and is too lazy to get close to others, so it is better that the two of them can't be called.

Huan's sudden enthusiasm made Mason very uncomfortable, and he repeatedly nodded.

Juan Jokingly said: "You may as well count, the three of them are all cavalry divisions, and the cavalry divisions have three votes at once. Our infantry division and artillery division must unite to get three votes with them. A strategic balance of power."

Mason returned to his sullen look, absent-mindedly nodded.

"What's the matter with you? May I help you share your worries?"

"Alas." Mason's face showed a bitter smile: "It's nothing."

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it."

"I took time to go back to the ranch today."

"The ranch?" Juan slightly frowned: "And then what? ?"

"God damn Ronald!" Mason's voice was trembling, and the grief and anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed: "My breeding pig! I really don't know which bastard's belly got in. Ah..."


In the prison in the garrison, Winters met a messenger from Legion, a new land.

To his surprise, it was a school official who came to deliver the letter.

The other party was dozing off with his back against the wall, as if he was not in a damp and dark prison, but just taking a nap in the living room at home.

Seeing Winters approaching, the colonel greeted him with a calm expression: "Good day, Captain Montagne."

Winters had never seen him, and he would have never seen him before.

"What should I call you?" Winters asked rhetorically.

"Stiebel Zoltan, Major." Major Stiebel said with a smile, "You don't have to salute, or I'll have to pay it back."

Winters nominated.

"I wonder if you have received the official document from Legion headquarters." Major Stiebel changed into a more comfortable sitting position.

"I received it."

"It's good to receive it. Although I didn't hand it over to you in person, my mission is complete." Stiebel smiled: "And what was your answer?"

Winters dragged his chair over and sat down, and answered simply, "No."

"Captain Montagne." Major Stiebel patted the dust on his trousers, asking at a moderate pace: "Do you want to be a warlord?"

"Warlord? A warlord wants to be independent, exploit people, and bet on machines. I don't want to be Warlord." Winters sneered: "Isn't Kevin Adams the biggest warlord in the new field?"

The air in the cell turned three-point cold.

"In any case, General Adams maintained order in the province of the new land, and he did not let the war burn to the new land." Stiebel sighed: "You think the people of the new land are very Is it tragic? You might as well go and see the banks of the Ember River, which used to be the most fertile land in Palatu, and you'll know what purgatory is on earth."

Winters didn't answer.

"General Adams is recruiting refugees to open up wasteland, and he is making things go in a good direction." Major Stiebel looked at Winters sternly: "Pay your quota, you want to play a house in Iron Peak County. , as you like."

"I will not give you a grain of wheat and a spoonful of flour. General Adams wants it, so let him pick it up himself."

"General Adams put the war on fire. Blocked from the new clearing, and you want to start a raging fire in the new clearing." Major Stiebel narrowed his eyes: "Do you know how many people you are going to kill? The people that General Adams has killed so far, even There won't be a fraction of what you'll kill in the future."

"You don't have to tell me that! There's no victory without blood. You and I know that." Winters looked the major in the eyes of the major: " If my people are not willing to die for me, you will know. If my people are willing to die for me, you will know. I want to ask you, how many people are willing to die for General Adams?"

Stiebel sneered and sighed, "Looks like I can't convince you."

Winters didn't speak, and suddenly he saw Stiebel out of the corner of his eye. The thumb of the major's left hand rested on the ring finger.

Winters' body stood on end as if it had been slammed into icy water.

He almost without thinking, instantly entered a spellcasting state, fully activated Decomposition Spell, and poured all the "magic" into Major Stiebel's head.

With a sound of "peng", Major Stiebel's skull was torn apart.

Blood and brains splashed all over Winters.

Moritz, who was standing outside, heard a strange noise and rushed into the prison.

The sight before him was uncharacteristically tragic: the messenger's skull was torn into pieces and slumped over his shoulders. The creamy brain is exposed, but only half is left. The heart of the deceased has not stopped beating, and red serum pours out from the blood vessels of the arteries.

And Winters stood before the corpse, motionless.

"What's the matter?" Moritz frowned and walked over to the corpse and began to examine the dead.

"This guy." Winters took a piece of meat off his cheek. "Maybe it's the sorcerer."

"How do you tell?" Moritz touched the corpse's shirt. Secret bag, trying to find the casting material.

Winters made a gesture—the left thumb on the ring finger—to Lieutenant Colonel Moritz.

His gestures are the standard spell gestures of the alliance sorcerer.

Moritz stopped, frowning even tighter.

Winters no longer uses gestures to cast spells, since he only uses two spells to fight, there is no need to add gestures, he is now looking for speed and explosiveness.

Lieutenant Colonel Moritz doesn't even need gesture casting, he only uses spell to fight.

Perhaps it was Winters' little speed advantage that saved him just now.

However, he is not sure now whether the other party is a sorcerer.

Moritz saw through Winters' thoughts and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about it, just kill it. If you do it right, you'd rather kill it by mistake than give him a chance."

General Adams was destined to receive no reply from Captain Montagne.

Maybe there is no answer, which is a clear answer in itself.

The civil war is not only without any warmth at all, it is even more cruel than the pure killing between the enemy and the enemy.

Major Ronald's admonition was quickly verified by Winters.

Although the fire has reached the boots, things have to be done the same.

The first major event right now is dealing with exile camps.

On the second day after the official document from Legion headquarters was delivered, all the refugees outside the city were finally screened, registered, and divided into 16 small camps according to their place of origin.

Bard, holding the thick register, suddenly asked Winters and the others, "Do you know what the Book of Doomsday is?"

Religious questions, always This is Winters' knowledge blind spot.

But even other people don't know what "The Book of Doomsday" is, they just think it sounds scary.

"About five hundred years ago, a king ordered an inventory of all the estates, tools, livestock, and people in the country, measuring all the grasslands, pastures, farmlands, forests, and fish ponds in the country and estimating their size. value."

Bud slowly said: "The final result was compiled into a book, the so-called Doomsday Book. Its real name was actually the Land Tax Survey. But because the king The scrutiny officers sent out were named as harsh as the Doomsday, so people called it The Book of Doomsday."

Bard took it seriously, and Don Juan and Andre also stood up Listen carefully.

"Guess what, how many years has the nobles used a Book of Doomsday?" Bud asked again.

"One hundred years?" Andrei asked tentatively.

"No, it's five hundred years, and the Empire is still using the Book of Doomsday." Bud's rough fingers rubbed the thick spine of the register: "This is our Doomsday Judgment. "Book"."

The statistics that consume a lot of time and energy show that the total number of refugees outside the city of Gervoudin is 22,173.

Among them, there are 6873 men over the age of 16, accounting for 31%;

There are 8869 women over the age of 16, accounting for 40%;

There are 6431 children under the age of 16, accounting for 29%.

This booklet represents 22173 mouths waiting to be fed and 22173 stomachs rumbling with hunger.

However, it also represents the 22173 dual-labor hand.

The key is how to get them back into production.

"The population has been counted." Winters slapped the knife on the table and announced proudly and excitedly: "Then we will give them arable land!"

"Farm land?" Bud closed the book, his eyes were cold and firm: "No! Not an inch!"

[Part of the mistake before the settlement, Priskin should be a tobacco dealer, not a sugar dealer]
[With regard to the proportion of the population of refugees, men, women and children, refer to the "Poverty Survey" conducted in Norwich, England in 1571]
[Simply put, the population of various countries increased rapidly in the sixteenth century, and the number of refugees also increased. greatly increased. The government regards the refugees as the beasts of floods and the breeding ground for crime, so various places have carried out "poverty surveys" in order to solve the refugee problem]
[Although the real national census was not implemented in the UK until 1801, the British local government The systematic registration of information has been started as early as the 16th century]
[Further, it can be traced back to Conqueror William's "Book of Doomsday"; the Celestial Dynasty also has a similar statistical system, that is, the fish scale atlas, the prince's "The world is transparent" 》It is about the past and present of the archives system of the Ming Dynasty]
[According to the survey data, the total number of poor people is 2359, accounting for 22% of the total population; 525 are males over the age of 16, accounting for 22%; There are 860 females, accounting for 36%; the rest are children under the age of 16, 926, accounting for 48%]
[This book appropriately adjusts the proportion of the three parts of the population to make it more suitable for the current situation of the newly cultivated land - The medical conditions here are not good, and the mortality rate of children is very high. Women also have to work like men, and there is no cheap alcohol, so the difference in lifespan between men and women should not be too big]
[Final adjustment ratio: men increased to 31%, women increased to 40%, and children decreased to 29%]

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