Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 243


Chapter 243 Coder
"Will you kill us! Or let us go!" Second Lieutenant Adam Meng Kicked the door and yelled at the guards: "Have fun! Why torture people! You bastard!"

Unfortunately, the soldiers outside the house seemed to be deaf, turning a blind eye to the enraged ensign captive.

This made [Lovrencius Adam] so angry that he fiercely slammed on the door: "Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!"

The roof followed. Trembling at his impact, fine dust fell and danced in the sun.

The soldiers outside still didn't say a word, they just moved a few pieces of wood to hold the door.

"Enough!" Major Ronald next door stopped the second lieutenant: "Save your energy! Don't injure yourself."

Hearing the major's words, Adam panted heavily The breath stopped.

The officer captives are being held in solitary confinement in a farmhouse outside Gervoudan.

They were neither killed nor released, they were given two meals a day, and they were locked up like that.

In the beginning, some people thought that Winters was going to recruit them, and everyone agreed not to be traitors for this.

But the little Junior Brother never showed up.

And then, some people think that Winters is using them in exchange for ransom, or as a bargaining chip.

But the guards outside didn't show that. To be precise, the guards didn't talk to them at all.

As a result, the anxiety and unease of the captured officers grew day by day.

"Senior!" Adam walked up to Captain Epert: "You have to say a few words! How is the situation outside? When will General Adams send troops? What's the matter with you?"

The farmhouse is small, with only two rooms. One for Major Ronald and one for the other lieutenants.

Among the lieutenants, Eper was originally the major's deputy, and the lieutenants naturally took him as their backbone.

But since the captain was locked in, he hasn't said a word.

He became a moving, soulless body, neither worried nor angry, just numb.

Adam yelled, but Eper didn't even look at him, and continued to hug his knees and look out the window.

"That bastard, Montagne, how did you make you look like this?" Adam was distressed and angry, he rushed to the window and yelled at the guard: "Call Winters Montagne here! What evil has been done to Eper Senior! [Severe geographical discrimination against Veneta people]!"

"Adam." Eper suddenly said: "Come here."

Adam was startled at first, and subconsciously walked over to Senior.

Epel patted the floor: "Sit down."

Adam sat down obediently.

Then, Eper returned to his previous state, looking out the window without saying a word.

Adam sat for a while, then got up angrily.

“[Old phrase] I can guess what Winters is doing.” Lieutenant Istvan leaned against the window with his arms crossed, and looked outside the farmhouse: “[Old phrase] very Interesting."

When officers didn't want the guards to understand what they were talking about, they switched to old phrases.

"[Old language] You know what the hell he's up to?" Adam asked in surprise.

Istvan spit out a word: "[Old language] Decree on land reclamation."

"[Old language] what?"

"[Old language] ] Legion headquarters' "Law of Land Reclamation" is to recruit refugees to open up wasteland. Didn't you realize that since the past few days, there has not been a single refugee outside?"

"[Old language] What is Montagne doing? It matters." Adam's mind was entirely on another thing: "[Old language] Epel Senior's mind has been corrupted by witchcraft. You take the lead, we'll find a way to escape!"

" [Old language] If you can't escape, you can't even ride a horse, how can you escape?" Istvan chuckled: "[Old language] But you can try."


Winters didn't mean to hang out the seniors, but because he was so busy that he forgot about the seniors.

Winters sent all the scouts at hand to Mont Blanc and Vernge, which are adjacent to Iron Peak County, to monitor every move of Legion, the newly reclaimed land.

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Moritz, Lieutenant Juan and Andre are leading the cavalry to patrol the roads in and out of Iron Peak County day and night. 's sentry.

Winters issued a [Blockade Order]: No one is allowed to leave Iron Peak County, and no one is allowed to enter Iron Peak County without the approval of the garrison.

He wanted to hide Tiefeng County in the fog as much as possible.

While all of Winters' energy is now in the camps outside the city, he even lives and eats in the camps.

Bard remained in the city most of the time, taking care of Gevaudan's affairs.

As for Lieutenant Richard Mason, the second-highest-ranked officer, Mason Senior disappeared all day, and rode out of the city early in the morning, returning at night, said to be in search of a bell-caster.


The atmosphere is chilling in the refugee camp.

A large number of refugee peasants came to Gervoudan to beg, and Gervoudan did not allow refugees to enter the city. They only put porridge outside the city every day, and even temporarily built a city wall to block the refugees.

The victims who were guarding outside the city barely managed to stay in tents with a few wooden sticks.

This so-called camp has no camp walls or "borders" this thing.

But now, it has.

After Moritz and Don Juan attacked Gervodin, they immediately dispatched troops to control the refugee camp.

After Bard arrived in Gervodin, he increased his control over the camps.

The refugee camp, which was originally borderless, is now surrounded by two "walls" surrounded by wooden stakes and ropes.

There is a distance of about six meters between the two circles of walls, which is patrolled by staunchly determined soldiers.

Any refugee who entered the clearing between the two walls would be whipped and hanged—a rule that Budd himself made.

"Don't run away! Don't make a noise! Don't grab the porridge!" These are the three rules that Bard set for the refugees, and the punishment method is very monotonous. hanged.

A dead body hanging from a stake in a clearing is the clearest warning.

Even Andre and Don Juan felt that Bud was going too far, let alone Winters, Moritz, and Mason.

But Bud was determined to do so.

Major Ronald had no good way to deal with refugees. He chose young and strong men to serve as soldiers, and left the rest outside the city. Every day, he distributed some porridge that had been boiled and boiled again.

He was just procrastinating.

And Winters and Bud, to get it right.


"What's it called?" Winters asked without looking up.

The refugee farmer in front of him answered trembling with fear: "Peter."

Behind Peter, the ragged victims lined up in a long line with no end in sight, extending to the refugee camp deep in the ground.

It's not that they voluntarily line up, it's that whips and sticks hurt too much.

Winters had a splitting headache hearing the farmer calling himself [Peter] because this was the fourteenth Peter he had met today.

There is no way, from common people to aristocrats and nobles, everyone uses those common names over and over again.

Not to mention that some church aristocrats will restrict their choices, stipulating that subjects must choose their names from the scriptures.

Many farmers will not leave their small villages in their entire lives, with limited populations and no repeating of names.

But Winters now wants to be [Editor Qimin], and duplication of names has become a big problem for him.

Fortunately, he has already thought of a way.

“Which town or village are you from?” Winters asked the farmer.

"Qingfeng Town." The farmer replied in a low voice: "Stone Wall Village."

He did not dare to speak loudly, because the refugee camp enforced military law, and noise was strictly prohibited.

Whoever dares to make a loud noise will be caught and whipped immediately.

Thanks to such brutal methods, less than 300 soldiers temporarily suppressed the refugees who were dozens of times their number.

This is not a long-term solution, Winters must depressurize before it explodes.

Looking at the tanned face of the farmer in front of him from years of hard work, Winters helplessly said: "If you look black, you are called Peter Black."

The farmer named Peter was stunned for a while before nodded.

Winters quickly scrawled a few lines on a piece of paper: "You're Peter Black from Stonewall, Breeze, not to be confused with any other Peter Black."

"My lord..." Peter asked timidly: "Is there another Peter Black?"

"Yes." Winters lightly snorted: "Yes. Age?"


"How old are you?!"


"Do you have any land at home?"

"No, I'm farming for Lord Kwa."

"Are you married?"


"Then neither do you. child, right?"


"father, mother, are you still there?"

Peter's nose was sore: "All passed away ."

"My condolences." Winters sighed: "Live well, there will be a way to survive."

Peter didn't know why, and was nodded.

Winters took out another small wooden token, wrote [Peter Black of Breeze Town, Stonewall Village] on it, and handed it to the other party.

"This is your name, and you will have to use it to get food in the future." Winters pointed behind him: "Go over there, show this to that person, and go to the camp in Qingfeng Town."

Peter hadn't reacted yet, he just stood there stupidly.

"Past!" Winters rolled his eyes involuntarily.

Now Peter understands, and he runs forward.

He couldn't help but took out the small wooden token and saw that there was a line of letters and a string of numbers on it.

"That's my name?" Peter thought. He was taught to recognize names, but he couldn't remember them.

Before taking a few steps forward, he was stopped by another soldier.

The other party grabbed his wooden token arrogantly, looked at it, and rudely stuffed it back to him.

"From Qingfeng Town! Go to the southernmost camp!" The soldier warned harshly: "If you go wrong, you will be whipped!"

Qingfeng Town, stone wall Peter Black of the village went all the way to the far south.

After being checked for the wooden token again, the soldier in charge of the door let him into the Qingfeng Town camp and stuffed him with a large piece of brown bread.

In the camp, he accidentally met his countryman, another Peter.

Before this, he didn't even know that this fellow countryman known as "Fisheye Peter" was also in the camp.

"What's your name Peter?" Fisheye asked eagerly, and he happily said, "Your Excellency says fisheye is ugly and awkward. So I don't call Fisheye now, I'm Peter Fisher [Fisher] Yes!"

"My name is now... Peter Black." Peter Black replied with a little pride.

On the other side, another farmer came to Winters.

"What's it called?" Winters asked without looking up.

"Peter," the farmer whispered.

A moan came from the deepest part of Winters' chest, and his head hurt even more.


The refugees must be separated, and they must not be allowed to get together. This is the unanimous view of the six-member group.

For refugees, numbers are courage.

One disaster victim may be timid, but a hundred victims dare to loot a village, and 10,000 victims can loot a city.

The refugees must be separated, but not too scattered, otherwise it will be inconvenient to manage.

Dividing them into sixteen sub-camps according to their place of origin has become the most reasonable strategy.

And stay with fellow villagers in everything, the refugees will feel more secure.

Winters didn't know how the white lion "edited Qimin", he could only do it according to his ideas.

"To weave the people like baskets", we must first know how many people there are.

Winters records all refugees outside the city as a family unit, according to the five items of [male and female], [age], [place of birth], [healthy], [family members and property].

All his soldiers who could read and write were transferred to register refugees, including Winters himself.

He also borrowed thirty-three bookkeepers and scribes from various Trading Companies in the city.

"Blood Wolf" spoke, and the merchants happily sent their employees over.

Winters also gave temporary lessons to some smart soldiers, teaching them to read the most basic words.

For example, the soldier guarding the Breeze Town camp, he can't read at all - sending a soldier who can read and write to the door is a waste.

But he's still doing his job well, because Winters taught him the word [Qingfeng Town].

Refugees leave the main camp, go through screening and registration, and then enter the town branch camps.

Although this process is bumpy, it is generally orderly.

As people become more familiar with the work at hand, they become more and more efficient.

And compared to the dirty and dirty camp, the new camp according to the plan of the temporary military camp is obviously more comfortable.

Winters even personally led people to dig toilets for each camp - epidemic prevention is a top priority.

After entering the sub-camp, they distributed food to the refugees as soon as possible.

It's not gruel, but bread, so you won't panic when you're full.

Anyway, the refugees don't have much property. All their property is carried on their shoulders and in their hands. Wherever they have food, they can go there—it's a bit like the nomadic Hurds.

Winters hates repetitive work.

He felt dizzy when he named the refugees, and he couldn't help but think, "If only the refugees could read and write! Just take a look."

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

How is it possible that everyone can read and write? It must be in heaven, right?
"Or do I teach the warriors?" Winters came up with an alternative: "Let them do the work and I won't have to."

He thought, Ciel Out of breath, he ran over.

"Why are you still here?" Charles asked, panting on his knees, "You forgot who was here today?"

"What?" Winters asked back. He kept moving his hands, accurately placing a registration sheet into one of the sixteen wooden boxes.

“Nava Young Lady Lei is coming to Revodan today!”

Winters jumped to her feet, knocking her chair backwards.

"Ciel!" Winters raised his chair, pressed Ciel into the seat, and put the quill into Ciel's hand: "Come on!"

Finished , he jumped into the saddle and galloped away like a fly.


Although, it is very irrational to rush to bring the family to Gervoudan before getting a firm foothold.

However, Winters misses Anna so much, and Anna misses Winters too.

So when Pierre came to meet in Gervodin, he also escorted the female family members.

Winters should have gone to meet him, but when he saw Anna, Anna was already waiting for him at the officer's mansion in the garrison.

"It is a great honor for the elder sister and I to take time out of your busy schedule to come here." Katherine smiled and curtsy to Winters. She didn't want to leave the elder sister, so she also came to Gervodin.

This level of frigid irony and scorching satire , Winters has been able to ignore.

He walked straight to Anna and hugged Anna tightly.

Catherine criticized out in surprise, kicked Winters in the calf angrily, and turned to leave the room.

"You shouldn't come here, it's too dangerous here." Winters hugged his lover tightly.

Anna wraps her lover's neck: "But aren't you here?"


Winters meets Pierre and Scarlett in the stable .

Changsheng and Bottayun are also brought to Gervodin, Scarlett is breastfeeding Changsheng, and Pierre is with younger sister.

When Scarlett saw Winters, her first words were: "Bothayun can't give milk, I want to give Changsheng goat milk and milk to drink."

Changsheng is already a little small The appearance of the foal has faded away from the fragility of the newborn.

Winters stroked Changsheng: "Okay, I'll look for it."

"A horse that grew up drinking goat milk?" Pierre Jokingly said: "Can you still ride it? Find another stallion with a foal."

Leaving Scarlett in the stable, Winters and Pierre have something very important to say.

"There's something you can do," Winters said to Pierre.

"I will," Pierre replied without the slightest hesitation.

Winters didn't say anything, there was nothing to say between him and Little Dussack.

He doesn't need to explain how important things are, why must Pierre go.

Pierre wouldn't complain that he had never had a spare time in his fatigue, traveling back and forth between Gervoudin and Wolftown.

“Berion Sawyer.” Winters said a name.

"Blacksmith, cook." Pierre nodded.

"He is being held by the Blue Rose, which is in Alpad's hands." Winters looked at Pierre: "I want you to determine his location."

Pierre calmly nodded.

Alpad had a large number of Dussac cavalry in his hands, so Pierre of Dussac, calm and agile, was the only man suitable for the task.

"Who do you want to take?"

"Washka, pick an older Dussack."

"What else do you need? ?"

"gold coin, lots of gold coin."

"Go to Lieutenant Bud, you can go to him for anything you need."

" Yes."

"Be careful." Winters squeezed Pierre's shoulder: "Just confirm the location. There is no need to force the rescue, I will go there myself."

"Don't worry." Pierre smiled.

It's a rare occasion for Winters to say "follow me" instead of "follow me", but he is no longer a Hundred-Men Commander, he has to get used to letting his subordinates do something independently, and he also You have to learn to trust and rely on your subordinates.

Winters would have liked to ask a few more words.

The rapid sound of hooves interrupted his words, and a red-maned warhorse galloped into the courtyard, and it was Anglo who was riding on it.

“Hundred-Men Commander.” Anglo got off the saddle and handed Winters two letters: “Mr. B wants to give you.”

Two letters, one with With the logo of the new land Legion, the other cover is painted with a black cross - meaning most urgent.

Winters first read the letter from Legion, the new land, and looked at it, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Then he glanced at the black cross.

"What's the matter?" Pierre asked worriedly.

Winters hands the letter to Pierre.

The first letter is from the Legion headquarters in Maplestone City, New Reclamation.

It was not stated who the recipient was, only the title of [Revodan Station] was used.

The content is very simple. The Legion headquarters requires the Revodan station in the village to pay the food and taxes that should be paid this autumn.

The second letter is from Lieutenant Colonel Moritz.

It's even simpler: Legion troops, newly reclaimed land in White Mountain and Vigne, are gathering.

[The last chapter has been slightly revised]
[If you want the surname and first name to really enter thousands of households, you need to first point out the "census" policy; the population "survey" is not Something new, like Conqueror William's Book of Doomsday. But the real "census" will take a long time. The "refugee check" system is a precursor to the census]
[Thanks to book lovers for collecting, reading, subscribing, recommending, monthly, rewarding and commenting ,谢谢大家]

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