Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 242


Chapter 242 Milling Disc
What does it feel like to have a new sun in the sky?
The answer is simple: if it's the same as the sun before it, there's no feeling.

Such is the case with the citizens of Gervodin.

Everyone watched in a daze as someone went out of town and someone entered.

According to the most widely circulated and the most logical argument in the streets and alleys, what happened is this:

The garrison officer went out of the city to suppress the bandits and died;

The bandits entered The city, loot one pass, chaos;

The new captain drives away the bandits and becomes the new garrison officer, okay.

"New Stations" deliberately did not correct this perception, but instead strengthened it.

Because Winters' strategy with Gervoudan is "don't move".

He had only four genuine officers at his disposal—Moritz and Juan were not under his command.

And his subordinates can read and write, no more than two dozen.

Winters knew very well that he was incapable of taking over Gervordan, and he didn't have the will or the need for it.

What he wants is stability, no chaos.

The strategy of [as is] has the disadvantage of "no feeling".

The citizens of Gervodin did not feel it, and naturally they would not have any identification with the new regime.

Bread still to eat, work to do, and shops to open.

What was it before, what is it now, everyone is at peace, just continue to live.

Not only the citizens of Gervoudan didn't feel it, but also the sixteen towns of Iron Peak County.

Nanba Township's farmers and townspeople also know some news, Beiba Township doesn't even realize that Gervoudan has a new owner.

But after discussing it in the group of six, Winters decided to let everyone know.


Tiefeng County, Qingfeng Town, Stone Wall Village.

The three cavalry rushed into the center of the village as fast as lightning, and the leading cavalry held a green flag high, which meant that he had brought an important message.

According to the familiar process, the three cavalry first find the village chief, ring the bell, and gather the villagers.

Many villagers saw the cavalry break into the village and hid in the forest around the village.

It will take some effort to get them all back.

The cavalry at the head did not waste this time either. Seeing dozens of people coming to the village square, he got a carriage to stand on and read the notice to the villagers in Stone Wall Village.

After reading, he posted the notice on the notice board in the village square, and immediately got on his horse and left to go to the next village.

After the cavalry left, the peasants who ran into the forest returned to the village one after another.

They gathered in the village square and looked at the notices on the signs.

The newly posted notices are so large that one sheet of paper takes up half of the notice board.

Each letter written on it is also very large, as if for fear that the reader will misread it.

There is also a huge lacquer seal in the lower right corner of the notice. Even the most foolish villagers understand the meaning of this lacquer seal: whoever dares to tear it will be killed.

The few people in the village who could read it crowded in front of the sign, squinting and reading it to the others.

Winters didn’t intend to write the sign because he felt that the farmers couldn’t read it and that it would be useless to write.

"You're wrong." Bud explained with a smile: "Most farmers can't read, but there are always people in the village who can read it to others. Printed with teachings The small leaflet was one of the important means for the Calais to attract believers. Rest assured, they will know what is written on the notice."

So Winters drafted a notice himself.

After reading it, Bud laughed even more happily: "You can't use this grammar, there are literate people in the village, but they can only read about it."

"I've tried to use simple grammar as much as possible."

"Writing a notice is not easy, it has to be written in a standard that an eight-year-old can understand." Bud's smile grew wider and wider. : "To be concise, you must focus on the key points. Otherwise, before you finish listening, the previous content has been completely forgotten. It is best if you can still rhyme and be as catchy as a children's song."

Ender beside him Lie murmured: "I thought of a good sentence."


Andre cleared his throat: "Eat his mother! Wear his mother! Blood wolf! No food!”

“No food!” Winters grabbed the straw paper into a ball and threw it at Andre: “What do you eat if you don’t pay!”

“What a political commitment? , isn't it used to violate it?" Andre said nonchalantly: "If we can really conquer Maplestone City, would someone dare to ask us why we need to pay?"

"Okay, don't be provocative. He is." Bud knew that the problem was actually with "Blood Wolf".

Winters was wronged, really wronged.

He has never called himself [Blood Man], [Blood Wolf], and he is not the kind of soldier who is proud of his terrifying nickname.

But for some reason, his nicknames are getting worse and worse, and the more they spread, the more evil they are.

Captain Speyer once taught him that "if you don't want to live your whole life with an ugly nickname, don't do this shit".

He didn't take this sentence to heart at that time, and now he has no time to regret it.

On the third day he entered the city, the various guilds of Gervoudan suddenly donated a large sum of money collectively.

Winters was very happy at first, leaving the troubles outside the city and going into the city to thank the presidents of the guilds in person.

Until one of them leaked, saying that these were all money "for Lord Blood Wolf".

Hearing this, Winters' face changed immediately.

The person who spoke was so timid that he was so frightened that he lost control on the spot.

In the end, Bud cleaned up the mess for "Lord Blood Wolf", and then gave Winters a good lecture afterward.

All in all, the last thing Winters wanted to hear was the word "blood wolf."

"But this slogan is very good." Bud smiled and took the pen and paper: "Just change it to [eat his mother, wear his mother, and don't pay food this fall]."


Yegeni "Big Eye", who lives at the west end of Stone Wall Village, carefully stayed in the forest for a while longer.

He walked out of the woods after confirming that the cavalrymen holding the green flag did not return, so he returned to the village relatively late.

When he walked to the village square, he found that the villagers were all gathered in the square, chatting in groups of three or four.

The notice has been read and repeated several times.

"What's the matter? What did you say?" Big-eyed Yegeni hurriedly found his neighbor, the fisherman and farmer [Ilya]
"I didn't quite understand." Fisherman Ilya scratched the back of his head and said, "It seems that the garrison in the city has a new master."

"Has the village chief changed?"


"Has the mayor changed?"


"Hey, the birds are chirping and the master is going to be promoted, what does it have to do with us farmers? What?" Ye Genni spat.

The peasants who remain in Stonewall Village are all homesteaders. They have land and houses, and they cannot escape like long-term workers and tenant farmers.

In Taiping situation, the life of self-cultivation farmers is much better than the real bottom of rural society - landless farmers.

They can raise pigs, cattle and sheep, and even horses. From time to time they had meat to eat, and leftover grain to make moonshine.

And now, they are just struggling to live.

But that doesn't mean they're willing to endure exploitation, they just can't escape.

"The new master is very good, and he will be exempted from the food this autumn." Ilya muttered: "Eat his mother, wear his mother, and not pay this autumn."

" But fuck it!" Ye Genni's big eyes widened even more: "Fuck it's almost time to plant winter wheat! It's still autumn! Besides, a while ago, the city sent a grain collection team down to cut our wheat. ?"

Another farmer [Pushian] interjected: "The new master also said he wanted to suppress bandits."

"Which master didn't say that he wanted to suppress bandits? But which one really Did the bandits still bully us?" Ye Genni became more and more angry, and he stomped his feet fiercely: "Fuck! What a fucking new lord, they still have the same fucking pants, but the crotch is open back! Fuck! !"

Although Yegeni's words were dirty, he poked the sadness of the surrounding farmers.

Brigands, taxes, military disasters, farmers work hard to farm and live, but they have to be oppressed all year round.

In Stonewall Village alone, several homesteaders were forced to flee from their homes. I don't know if he became a soldier, joined a bandit, or died.

The surrounding farmers were silent.

"That's right. The new master said that from now on, there will be no more [grinding tax]!" Ilya happily told the neighbors: "Wash whatever you want, whatever you want, whoever wants to make it. !"

Yennigan was stunned, because he really had a hand grinder at home.


"Really! It's written on the notice!"

After a while, Yennigan said, "Then The newcomer is a good gentleman."


Winters' strategy was not only to "don't move" in Gervoudan, but also in the countryside.

"It was too chaotic for a while." Winters explained the idea to others: "Everyone misses their old life and longs for security. So let's stabilize Iron Peak County first. .

Don't knock on the carriage if it's not broken. Tiefeng County can still operate, so don't touch it. How can we have experience in managing a county? Besides, do farmers still need our teaching? ?"

But Winters soon found out that he was playing the lute for a cow.

A total of six people can now participate in the decision-making meeting, Winters himself, Bud, Andre, Mason, Moritz, and Juan.

Brother Hu Senior An and Andre didn't care about this at all, they were drowsy and yawning during the meeting;
Lieutenant Colonel Moritz never yawned because he dozed blatantly, and he was there for a few minutes. He has the highest rank, and no one can control him;

And Mason Senior is all about his [horse dragging cannon].

The [Marathon Cannon] was a huge success in the previous siege of Hammer, so Senior is now full of "where can I get two real cannons".

Iron Peak County definitely doesn't have cannons, and they can't be bought outside. Either go out and grab it, or make it.

Mason is already considering whether to try casting two small cannons first.

Not to mention Lieutenant Colonel Moritz and Don Juan.


"Do you know what else I have to do besides collect your corpse?" Moritz asked Winters.

"I don't know." Winters replied, "But I guess it has something to do with your choice of Operational Plan B."

Moritz pointed to Andre and Bud and asked: "Then do you know why they didn't go back to Veneta?"

Winters guessed something, but didn't want to say it.

“It was Veneta who wanted them to stay here.” Moritz sighed: “Not only did your home country not want to take you back, it also wanted you to stay in Palatu. You go back home, Veneta Just a few more lieutenants. You stay in Palato, and Veneta has a lot of valuable grips and eyeliners."

"Is that so?" Winters asked Andre.

Andre nodded, his eyes are complicated.

"It's all the same, I'm not surprised." Winters was already numb: "The people of Paratus don't treat us as human beings, and so is Veneta."

"You're mature. Not a lot." Moritz said with a slight smile.

Winters asked: "So what? You and Brother Hu, Senior Brother An, think my small business is a good investment opportunity. If it can grow as soon as possible, it can contain the newly cultivated Legion and even the castles of the kings. Red Rose? That's why you guys decided on a backup plan? For Veneta?"

"No, I'm helping you because I'm happy." Moritz answered sincerely: "I just prefer B It's just a plan. Since you can annihilate Ronald's department in one breath, there is no need to cause more damage. If you can kill a blade person, why torture him?"

"I'm not either, I'm just here to bring You went back." Don Juan interjected: "I helped you fight because I was idle and idle. Besides, didn't you beg me?"


In the end, Winters sadly found that in the small Conference Hall, the only people who really cared about the farmers were Bud and him.

The six-person meeting completely turned into a formality, and in the end only Bud and Winters discussed it.

"That's right." Bud agreed: "Don't knock on the carriage if it's not broken. With our current ability, we simply don't have enough control over the entire Iron Peak County. So it's best to keep things as usual. "

So the rural areas of Iron Peak County are also temporarily "moved".

The disadvantage of not moving is that there is no feeling.

The advantage of not moving is the lack of feeling.

Everyone didn't feel it, and the day went on, exactly what Winters wanted.

Citizens don't feel it, and farmers don't feel it, which doesn't mean other people don't feel it.

It is roughly estimated that the total number of refugees, victims of disasters and the prisoners held by Winters gathered around Gervoudin exceeds 20,000 men, women and children.

They have feelings because they lost everything and now stomach rumbling with hunger.

The Heaven and Earth turning upside down change in their lives has left them with deep fear, anxiety and anger.

The riots on the day the city broke down in Gervoudan were but a small relief.

The refugee camps outside the city have turned into giant gunpowder barrels, as long as a small fire star will The earth shook and the mountain quivered, heaven falls and earth rends.

Winters had to keep Iron Peak steady no matter what, so he didn't move the city or the country, he just needed stability.

Because he also wants to "edit household Qimin".

[Winters enters the city - a lot of threads]
[The last chapter plus this chapter also has 6,000 words, and today I also overfulfilled the task. Yesterday and today are mostly because of the New Year's holiday + detailed outline, which is not the real level of the author. The author is at the level of 3,000 daily updates, so if it falls back to 3,000 daily updates in the future, it will be good for everyone to know that it is the author who "reveals his true self", thank you all]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription and recommendation票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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