Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 241


Chapter 241 Letterhead
Ronald and Epel were wiped out one after another, and new land was reclaimed Legion has no more soldiers available in Ironpeak.

After sweeping Iron Peak, Winters first sent a letter to Maplestone.

It also used the messenger of the Revodan stationed in the colony, and also took the communication channel of the newly reclaimed Legion.

The "rebels" captured the county capital, which was impossible to hide from Legion's eyes and ears.

even more how Ronald and Eperle had already sent messengers to Legion for help.

So Winters didn't intend to hide it, so he wrote a letter to General Adams generously.

Compared to the arrogant attitude of the letter delivery itself, Winters' words in the letter were very humble.

He reported to General Adams in the tone of a formulaic subordinate, "Major Ronald went out of the city to fight the chaos, and he was ambushed on the road, and the whole army was annihilated."

Gevodan is currently taken over by his troops, and he himself acts as a garrison officer.

Finally, Winters wished General Adams good health and hoped that Legion headquarters would soon send a new garrison officer.

The addressee is "Supreme Venerable General Kevin J. Adams".

The sender's signature is "Captain Winters Montagne of the Republic of Palato".

"Brother." The temporary scribe Ciel asked suspiciously, "Why do I feel like you're deliberately provoking General Adams, yet you seem to be soft-spoken?"

"Yes Progress." Winters was concentrating on carving pieces with a leather rope-handled knife: "I'm just soft-spoken."

"Soft-talk...General Adams won't hit us?" Charles stopped Write down, look up and ask.

"No, the softer you talk, the more Maplestone will send troops to attack us." Winters blew the sawdust off the pieces, revealing the shape of Knight's horse head.

Charle is puzzled: "Then why..."

"If I say hard words, Adams will let us go?" Winters handed the engraved chess piece to Heinri Hi, pick up a new piece of wood.

Heinrich took the pawn and colored it cautiously.

In front of Heinrich stood many painted [Soldiers], [Knights] and [Cannons], drying in the shade.

Ronald's office has now been turned into a woodcarving workshop.

"Anyway, General Adams will hit us anyway." Charles thought hard, and asked tentatively, "It's better to be weak than to be tough?"

"That's it. "Winters coughed and opened the doors and windows: "The smell of paint is choking, we have to go to a place with better ventilation."

Heinrich nodded hard.

“Have you heard about your grandfather?” Winters asked Heinrich.

Heinrich shook his head sadly.

Heinrich's grandfather, the executioner "Famous Teacher" Franz, has no news at all, neither in Gervoudan nor in Iron Peak.

"It's okay, keep looking." Thinking of the silent and determined old man, Winters was also a little sad: "The cavalry team will soon go to Lin County to scout, and they will also help you find information."

"The itinerant executioner has no fixed place to live, and he will go wherever he wants to kill." Heinrich smiled hard: "Maybe my grandfather just retired. In today's world, the most indispensable thing is executioners."

When Winters wrote to Adams.

At Ocean Blue, Archon Debella and the four governors are also meeting behind closed doors.

In addition to the ruling quintet, Antonio and Messer Monte, the fourth standing Legion Corps Head, were present.

The Third Legion is currently stationed in the Tanilla Islands.

The Fourth Legion is currently facing off against the Second Army regiment in the United Provinces on the south bank of the River Run.

The secret recall of the two Corps Heads to Hailan is to discuss a major event - how many troops can the two Legions deploy to intervene in Palatu?
The ruling quintet has reached an agreement:
[The noble republic must use the most severe means to punish the "malicious breach of contract" of the Paratus; otherwise, from now on, all debtors of Veneta will begin to stir ] - These are just reasons for being on the surface.

The ruling council was determined to "armed debt collection", and the two generals were called back not to let them discuss "should they should", but to ask them "how to do it".

But Antonio rarely firmly resisted the ruling group's resolution.

"Once our troops enter Palatu, it is equivalent to fighting the frontal province!" Antonio asked the five-member group face to face: "Dear Your Excellency, you have fought against the province. Determined? Is Veneta ready?"

In Antonio's belief, soldiers should not be involved in political decision-making.

But this time, Antonio went against what he insisted on for a long time.

The most loyal general to Veneta, Archon De Bella showed great patience.

He carefully explained the secret agreement with Arpad: "Our army will serve in the form of mercenaries in the service of the military government of Palatu, avoiding as much as possible a head-on conflict with the Federal Republic."

Antonio's eyes were filled with grief: "These are just self-deception! Your Excellencies are all hoping that things will develop in the best direction, but reality often moves towards the worst direction. Falling. Armed intervention Prato, we will finally come to the road to a head-on war with the provinces. That is the real alliance civil war! Brothers cannibalize each other! But we are not ready, far from it!"

"Shut up! "Zio interrupted his favorite general and did not let the latter speak any more: "Do you still use you to teach the trade-offs of the ruling council?"

"Militarily, Veneta may not have Be ready. But politically, we have to respond." De Bella said slowly to the Third Corps Head: "What if Veneta's debtors all followed the way of the Palatine. What if we let the province intervene and control Palato?
Monta and Vine are the puppets of the province, if they control Palatu. Veneta can still exist independently in the world No matter what the price is, Veneta must at least ensure the independence of Palato, so that it does not fall to the provinces, so as to continue the balance within the alliance.”

Antonio could not Rebut Debella because he knows Debella is right.

The territory of the United Provinces is small, with an area of just over 100,000 square kilometers, which is approximately equal to one third of Veneta.

Although the province is densely populated and the city is rich, in terms of war potential, she is far inferior to Veneta and Palato.

It is with the strong military force and the two "puppets" of Monta and Vine that the combined province formed a balance of power with Veneta and Palato.

The three parties are like a triangle, which checks and balances each other and is interdependent. Under external pressure, they barely maintain the balance within the alliance.

If this triangle is broken and Plato falls to the province, Veneta is next to be swallowed.

"If your honorable Excellencies are determined to send troops, then I request the ruling council to start preparing for a full-scale war with the province now." Antonio clenched his teeth: "[Ancient language] If you want peace, Prepare for battle! [Common language] I ask your Excellencies to allow me to formulate a war plan to capture the Golden Harbor and wipe out the First Army regiment."


Meanwhile, Jade City State Affairs Palace, the office of Union Secretary of State Lionel, was also engaged in a heated row.

"Mr. Secretary of State! Do you want to watch the Veneta take control of Palato?" the first leader of the Interprovincial Army, Admiral Taylor, yelled at the titular Head of State of the Interprovince : "Vinetta plus Palato! The provinces will be forced to fight on two fronts! By then, will you be responsible for the country's loss?!"

"General Taylor, you are the one who did it. Reverse causality." The Secretary of State suppressed his anger and tried to be as gentle as possible: "If your army does not interfere with Parato, Veneta will not interfere without authorization."

"When they do intervene, It's too late!" The first army leader yelled.

"We'll have time to intervene when they do." The Secretary of State responded at a moderate pace.

"Mr. Secretary of State." Tyler asked with a sneer, "Are you from the United Provinces or from the Veneta?"

"Your Excellency." Lionel's His facial muscles were twitching, and he asked calmly, "Then are you from the United Provinces? Or are you from the United Provinces Army?"

"The Army has always been for the protection of the United Provinces from beginning to end." Taylor He slammed the words coldly and slammed out the door.

The meeting between the army general and the secretary of state ended in discord.


At the same time, in the heart of the empire - the Palace of Carefree.

The Narzia count, who returned from the mission, went through a long corridor and entered a small room in the southwest corner of the Wuxuan Palace.

This room is not only small, but also unusually simple, with only a desk and a chair.

A man is sitting on the only chair in the room, writing something.

Behind the man hangs a portrait, the only decoration in the room.

In the picture frame, an old man in uniform with a face that resembles a man is staring at everything in the room with majestic eyes.

"Your Majesty." Narzia count consciously walked to the desk and helped the man open the letters in the yellow wooden box sent back from the northern and southern borders and even the colonies at the end of the world: "The rebels are again We're going to kill each other."

"No rush." The man cut off the excess of the letterhead, folded it, lacquered it, and placed it in a red wooden box on the table.

His movements are quick and clean, and the cut-off letterhead is put in a drawer for next use.

He personally does these little things that are not worth mentioning in the eyes of others, and never leaves them behind.

"Just wait," he said.

[There is still a chapter today, but the emotion is broken here, so it is broken here (covering face)]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket 、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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