Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 238


Chapter 238 Newborn
Most of the peasants in Wolf Town hide in the forest nearby.

Everyone is very familiar with this process, because when the recruiting team came in waves earlier, the farmers were drilling into the old forest.

Many farmers also dug secret cellars in the woods to store grain.

As for Winters, he knew he was the number one target, so he ducked further.

He crossed the Big Horn and ran into no man's land.

The wasteland is vast, and he has no shortage of horses. Don't say Ronald didn't know where he was, and even if he knew where he was, he wouldn't even try to catch up to him.

"So this is a rebellion?" The little lion was quite curious: "Why are you being chased and run wherever you go?"

The two sat side by side on the hillside. The field of vision is the best within a five-kilometer radius, and anyone who tries to get close will have nowhere to hide.

"After all, it's my first time, so I'm not yet proficient." Winters asked with a smile: "You said that my brother is editing account Qimin, can you explain it to me in detail?"

The little lion handed Winters a sweet straw: "It was Ruide [De Xuechan] who taught him, probably to weave the capital of Guizhou together like weaving baskets. I don't know much either, but even if I did, it wouldn't work. I don't want to tell you."

"Editing your people from the Chihe Department?"

"No, my brother begged the Zhuerqin Department and arrested all the Zhuerqin people. So let's make up the master first."

Winters chewed on the sweet straw, thinking about the meaning of "weaving the people together like baskets".

When the other party mentioned the word [Editor Qimin] for the first time, he smelled a bit of danger.

The little lion also chewed the sweet straw and said with a sigh: "It's still easy to rebel on the grasslands, call Qi people and horses, and go straight to the Old Feng's nest. If you win, you will win, if you don't win, you will run, it hurts. Happy, clean."

Winters laughed.

"Don't laugh, that's how it is. Grassland society is loose, and whoever is stronger will follow, and the same is true in wars. Every time there is a war, all the ministries will get together and elect a leader to be the commander-in-chief. If the leader fights Death or defeat, the army will collapse immediately."

"And if you win?"

"It will also collapse." The little lion smiled softly: "But everyone's mood will be different. Better."

Winters laughed, even alarming Bud and Quiver, who were on guard on the other side of the hill.

After laughing, Winters said seriously to the little lion: "Since you told me about wasteland, I will also tell you something other than wasteland. I want to teach you how to do business."

"What do you mean?" The little lion frowned slightly.

“Do you know what is the most important thing in business?”

The little lion simply replied: “I don’t know.”

Winters’ eyes were bright: “Capital ."

The little lion looked in the direction of Wolf Town: "But your capital is gone."

"Yeah, Ronald ruined my capital." Winters also looked in the direction of Wolf Town, and the conversation changed: "But if all goes well, Ronald's capital should have been robbed by me."

"I said you don't have a single soldier here. ." The little lion smiled: "I still want to persuade you, why don't you come to me as soon as possible, at least you won't be chased by people and run around. Since you have money, do you want to do business with my brother?"

"That's right."

"Okay." The little lion kicked the dust off his hands and pulled out a rope: "We can talk about the price of the captives."

"I won't use this capital to redeem the captives, I will use it to do a bigger business." Winters smiled: "So, I actually want to take credit."

The little lion was dumbfounded. Aphasia, his Adam's apple flipped: "This...

Andre interrupted the little lion shouting loudly: "South! Someone is coming here! "

Winters and the little lion jumped up and ran towards the horse.

"I really found it." Andre flustered and exasperated: "Ronald isn't he tired?" Why don't you go back to Wardan? What are you dawdling with here? Save everyone some energy, okay? "

"If you were, you would come faster than he." Bud is saddling the horse.

Bud's bone yellow is already not in, and Andre's precious dark horse has also passed away, and the two of them are now riding by the little lion. Hedma.

The people resting on the hillside were saddled in the blink of an eye: Winters, Bud, Andre, and the two Dussacs, and the lion cub and his six guards.


In addition to riding on horses, each has three slave horses strapped to their saddles.

Ronald has two more legs, and he can't catch up.

"I also have a present for you when I wanted to leave. "Little lion said with a smile: "I'll take it out for you. "

He whistled.

A quiverer took a roll of cloth from his saddlebag—no, it was a flag.

" Shouldn't it be? Andre's eyes snapped.

Winters wouldn't fail to recognize what it was.

"Yes, it is." The little lion laughed: "It was the flag that was wrapped around you when I found you. My brother asked me to bring it to you. "

Winters took the flags of the former Jessica battallion and the latter Montagne battallion and put them in his arms.

"Let's go!" "He tugged on the reins.

"Wait! "Andre stopped everyone, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the visitor: "It seems to be our people. Looks like Heinrich! ”

Winters stared at the two horses galloping toward the hillside.

The one on the left was the sentry he sent to monitor the Gervoudin army, and the one on the right was Hein Richie.

Heinrich returned to Palatu with Bard. Because the grandfather could not be found in the chaos, he stayed in the army and served as a military police under Bard.

Bud rendezvous with Winters, and he rejoins Winters.

While everyone else goes to fight Gervadan, Winters leaves Heinrich in Wolftown.

Franz's eldest, Young Master Sun, is taciturn and steady.

Winters likes him very much and sends him and Shire to protect the girls.

See who comes It was Heinrich, and Winters immediately galloped down the hill to meet Heinrich.

“What’s the matter? asked Winters, his face showing no emotion.

"It's Miss Mitchell!" The other ladies and ladies are fine! Heinrich said concisely, but his eyes rarely showed panic: "There is a mare with foal that is difficult to give birth and remains at Mitchell Manor. Miss Mitchell sneaked back when I wasn't looking! "


At the same time, the city of Gervodin.

The battle is over.

All the defenders are killed. Disarmed, bound and imprisoned.

The unretained corpses lay on the street, telling the citizens at dawn that the battle was not their dream.

During the siege last night, the heat The citizens of Wodan heard that the siege party claimed to be "Legion, the new land that came to fight the rebellion".

They only found out at dawn.

Where is the new land, Legion, coming from? It's clearly the "Blood Wolf Gang" they've heard of for a long time.

And what the "Blood Wolf Gang" does is just like bandits entering the city.

Carriage after car Driving into Gervoudan, there is a stance that will never stop until everything is evacuated.

Gervodin is in chaos at the moment. Winters' soldiers have no uniforms and are identified by the red tapes tied around their shoulders.


Many hooligans found the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, they tied red belts on their shoulders, smashed, smashed, looted and burned.

The refugees outside the city also found the chaos in Gervoudan, they After being oppressed, hungry and angry, now they have found a window to vent.

A large number of refugees poured into Revodan, instigated by gangsters and rogues, to grab food and goods.

Revaux Even Dan cathedral was attacked, hooligans from the city flooded the church with victims from outside the city, and God failed to keep his temple safe.

In the chaos, Anglo brought two More than a dozen carriages headed straight to the Gervodin garrison.

Pierre caught up behind him and shouted angrily: "Hook! What are you going to do? Go to the grain depot, the treasury, the arsenal! "

"No way! Anglo replied stubbornly: "Lieutenant Bard made it clear that he would rather not have gold or silver, and he must also completely take away the archives of the Gévoudan stationed in the garrison." "

"Archives have shit! In this world, those motherfuckers are waste paper! Go to the granary! "

"Lieutenant Bud wants me to move the archives!" Anglo's stubbornness also came up.

Pierre couldn't handle the stubborn little stableman: "Okay, you go, I'll give you fifteen carts!" Not even one more! "

The pony shepherd drove the carriage to the archives of the garrison.

Pierre watched the chaos on the street: the man with the red ribbon on his shoulder— —I don’t know who it is — smashed open the door, dragged the owner of the house to the street and beat it up, and the victims in tattered clothes also got involved;

Many sneaky guys were holding gold, silver and porcelain bottles Ran into the alley and don't know where to go.

"Fuck! Pierre couldn't help cursing.

"That won't work!" Pierre thought: "I have to go to Lieutenant Juan!" "

While Pierre was thinking, a Dussac came galloping.

"Pierre Girardnovich!" The visitor shouted from a distance: "Mr. A and Mr. B want you to meet them immediately!" "


According to Scarlett's calculation, Botayun's due date should be in the second half of August.

She did not calculate correctly, because Lima was in There are multiple matings to ensure pregnancy.

Botta Yun's due date is actually early September.

But until the day before yesterday - September 20th, Botta The cloud still shows no sign of giving birth.

During this time, Scarlett was so anxious that she could not sleep. She stayed by the side of botha cloud all night long, following closely.

Until noon yesterday , Botayun suddenly began to contract.

Meanwhile, Mr. Montagne sent Shire and Heinrich - everyone in Wolftown had to hide in the forest immediately, as they had done before, because The Gervodin gang is coming.

In order to ensure that the secret is not leaked, the insider of the battle plan is kept to a minimum, and even the female family members are the last to know.

Understand the battle plan The whole picture is only the officers.

Winters led the wolf town people to rehearse twice to evacuate in the name of guarding against the gang.

When the real thing happened, he happened to meet Botha Cloud production.

Bothayun lay in the haystack and neighed in pain, but the foal was slow to come out.

Charle and Heinrich almost used martial power Scarlett walked away.

But Scarlett completely inherited her father's stubbornness. Shire and Heinrich didn't pay attention, Scarlett got into the woods and ran back to Mitchell Manor

And at this moment, Scarlett is in a great crisis.

Two Gerva Pill Scholar soldiers broke into the Mitchell Manor, what did they see, what did they take, If you can't take it, smash it.

From the first floor to the second floor, and from the second floor to the first floor.

A soldier broke into a room on the second floor, Suddenly another person shouted: "I found the room of the lady of the rich man's house! ”

The other soldier hurriedly ran over and stood still at the door of the room.

The two stood for a while, one of the soldiers slammed onto the bed, I sniffed hard.

"If I can be a young lady from a wealthy family, I will be worth it in this life! "he shouted.

The other soldier followed suit.

The two first rubbed the sheets and pillows, but soon this way of venting their desires could not satisfy them.

One man and one blade were inserted into the pillow, tearing like crazy.

Duck feathers were flying around the room like a heavy snowfall.

“ etc! Another soldier grabbed his companion: "What sound?" "

They heard the neighing of the horses.

Following the sound, the two found their way to the stable, just in time to block Scarlett inside.

Scarlett, wearing dirty trousers, an old shirt, and her hair tied up, looked like a third boy.

But the delicate features inherited from her mother couldn't be concealed by the clothes.

The two Gerva Pill Scholar soldiers were stunned.

The older one has not touched a woman for a long, long time since being recruited into the army.

The younger one That one, never touched a woman.

Scarlett grabbed the fork, and although she panicked, she didn't scream: "My father is Dussac, and my big brother is Dussac too, you dare to touch me, I will kill you and then commit suicide! "

"Even if it's not the rich man's lady!" So does the groom's daughter! "The older soldier yelled, pounced on the girl frantically.

"Someone! "Scarlett screamed and stabbed at the man who had turned into a wild beast.

The older soldier slammed into the pitchfork, the sharp pitchfork stabbing into his belly.

"you! "He yelled in panic, "You killed me!" "

"You! "He yelled angrily: "You killed me!" "

"You bloody bitch!" "The soldier was fierce, with his pitchfork still hanging on his stomach, he pulled out his saber and waved at the girl wildly: "I'll kill you!" ”

Scarlett screamed to dodge, but never let go of the pitchfork.

The younger soldier was petrified.

The sound of hooves From far to near.

Two officers one after the other rushed into the stable.

With just a glance, both officers knew what was going on.

Age The little soldier was scared to pee his pants: "Ro... Major Ronald... Captain Eper..." Soldier, fiercely kicked the latter in the jaw.

The soldier was kicked and passed out.

Epper knew what he had to do, he He drew his sword, ended the soldier on the ground, and took another soldier who was standing stupidly out of the stable.

"Are you all right? Ronald asked the girl kindly.

Scarlett, still holding the pitchfork in her hand, looked at the strange officer in horror, her chest heaving violently.

"Why didn't you Go..." Ronald's eyes moved to the white horse in the stable.

As an officer from the cavalry department, he quickly figured out the entire process of development: "Is it because of her? ”

Ronald entered the stable and leaned over to check the white horse.

Seeing the strange officer approaching Bothayun, the nervous Scarlett screamed and stabbed at the other. .

Ronald responded quickly, hitting the pitchfork with the hilt: "Calm down! little girl. She's having a miscarriage, and I can help you. "

Hearing the word "dystocia", the fear in Scarlett's heart was temporarily suppressed.

Then she rose in the mind with fear, tears welled up in her eyes, and Scarlett choked up Choking and crying.

Major Ronald was helpless in the face of the crying little girl, and his attention quickly returned to the white horse.

“When is the due date? "Ronald asked.

"The fourth week of August." "Scarlett cried, trying to dry her tears.

"Don't wipe, your hands are so dirty, you'll get eye problems!" Ronald reluctantly took out the handkerchief and handed it to the girl.

He knelt on the ground to check the palace mouth: "The foal is too big, and the position doesn't seem to be right, the mare can't give birth...Is this the firstborn?" ? "

"I...I don't know..."

Ronald rolled up his sleeves: "Have to drag the foal out!" You, go and find me two thick hemp ropes! Be thick, the thicker the better! "

It is the sound of hooves from far to near.

After a while, a man walked into the stable.

Hearing the footsteps, Ronald lifts the head happily: "Epel, you're here just in time, come and help..."

His smile froze on his face , because in front of me is the face of Winters · Montagne.

“Where’s Epel?” Ronald asked.

"Dizzy, not dead," Winters replied.

Scarlett burst into Winters' arms, crying.

"You...and" Major Ronald speechless.

Winters patted Scarlett on the back and asked, "What happened to Bottayun?"

"Difficult labor. When did she start contractions?"

"Yesterday evening." Scarlett replied, wiping her tears.

"I'm afraid the foal will die. The fetal position is not right. Now I can save the mare."

"I'll help." Winters also began to roll up his sleeves.

Ronald nodded.

The infantry officer serves as an assistant to the cavalry officer, and the two try to deliver Bottayun.

Ronald washed his hands and reached into the mare's cervix, groping.

Bothayun was stimulated, kicked his back hooves violently, and kicked Winters.

Winters are lightly snorted.

Scarlett hurriedly knelt beside Bottayun, rubbing the side of the horse's neck lightly.

"It's okay, don't be afraid..." She comforted the horse, subconsciously humming a childhood song: "Edelweiss, Edelweiss, greet me in the morning; small and white, clean and bright ..."

"I found it!" Ronald, with a sullen face, suddenly shouted excitedly.

He gritted his teeth, dragging hard.

As the major's body moved back a little bit, a pair of tiny hooves protruded from the cervix.

"Belt!" Ronald yelled.

Winters quickly unbuckled his belt.

"And mine!"

The major's belt was also taken off.

Ronald gasped, "Hold on! On hooves!"

Two belts were attached to the foal's ankles.

"Pull hard! Push hard in one direction! Don't break it!"

Winters hearing this, wrapped the two belts around his hands, took a deep breath, and began to exert force.

Bothayun was in pain, it neighed in pain.

Scarlett cried and hugged the horse, humming the song intermittently: "Snow-like flowers...may you be fragrant...forever bloom...grow..."

First the translucent membranes, then the foal's legs.

Suddenly, the foal's body got stuck.

Winters has used a lot of power, but he can't use more power.

The foal's legs look so fragile that even a little bit of strength can hurt it.

"Push!" Ronald helped, yelling at the clumsy infantry officer, "Push! It can take it!"

Winters gritted his teeth, Slowly add force.

"The head is showing!" Ronald said with great surprise: "Strength!"

First a small tip of the nose, then the foal's head gradually protrudes out of the cervix.

Ronald methodically cleaned the foal's nose, held the foal by the neck, and assisted Winters in dragging out.

The foal has open eyes and a light white afterbirth.

As the head and neck protrude out of the cervix, the feedback pull from the belt to Winters is suddenly reduced.

The foal was dragged smoothly from its mother.

With the sound of "Boom", the foal's hind hooves also left the cervix.

The pale white afterbirth is attached to the red placenta and also leaves the Bota cloud with the foal.

Bothayun's stomach slumped, and it lay exhausted in the haystack, panting.

"Success!" Scarlett kissed Bottayun: "Success!"

"Is it alive?" Winters dared not look, because the major said it was the colt stillbirth.

"Alive! My God! Breathe!" Major Ronald tore off his shirt and wiped the foal's nose, head and body: "Breathe! Breathe to live!"

pale-yellow's amniotic fluid stained the Major's uniform, but he didn't mind it at all.

Winters quickly took off his shirt and handed it to the major.

The fortunate child's breathing was weak at first, then gradually became stronger, and his chest began to rise and fall.

It is between gray and black, completely different from its silver-gray father and pure white mother.

"You're so beautiful." Winters knelt beside the fortunate child, stroking his wet mane.

"What a big guy! Saint Physique is on!" Ronald ecstatically wiped the foal's body, muttering incessantly, "No wonder mares have trouble giving birth! How can they grow? So big? God!"

He lifted the foal's hind legs and took a closer look.

"Still a little stallion!" Ronald concluded.

Scarlett burst into tears and blushed.

“Is the mare yours?” Ronald asked Winters.

"His father is my buddy." Winters suddenly recalled the beautiful gesture of the strong run: "But he passed away."

Major Ronald Action One He was stagnant and said bitterly: "This is impossible. Give this little fellow a name! Rest assured, it will also be the best warhorse in the future."

"No!" Winters' eyes filled with tears Full of tears: "I hope he never goes to war."

The foal is about to stand up almost as soon as he is born.

It blinked, stumbled to its knees, and fell again.

Scarlett wants to help the colt.

Ronald stopped the girl: "Let it stand up on its own."

After several failures and repeated attempts, the lucky son finally propped up his legs.

Its legs are still slender, but already about the same length as a full-grown horse.

Although it stood tremblingly, it finally stood on the ground tenaciously with its own strength.

Winters hugs Lucky's son.

The foal doesn't know why the human in front of him is so gentle to him - it doesn't even have the concept of human beings, it just thinks that it likes the smell of "things" in front of it.

It licked Winters' cheek lightly.

"I figured out his name." Two teardrops slid down Winters' face: "His name is Changsheng."


Winters and Ronald, two weary men, sat side by side outside the stable.

Scarlett is in the stable, helping Botayun to feed Changsheng.

Major Ronald leaned against the wall, fumbled out a pipe, and slowly pressed the shredded tobacco leaves.

The smoke was tight, but he couldn't start the fire anyway—his hands were shaking, and the scythe couldn't strike.

Winters took the pipe and returned with the tobacco already lit.

Ronald took a sip and let out a light mist slowly: "What breed is his father?"

"Lucian horse."

"No wonder." Ronald smiled knowingly. "You don't think it's a little dark horse now. When it grows up, it will fade and turn a little light gray."

"en . ”

Ronald continued smoking, and the two sat in silence.

"You fought a good battle."

"Thank you."

"How long ago did you start preparing?"

Winters answered honestly: "A little over a month ago, when I went to Gervodin."

"Then when did you consider us enemies?"


"No wonder." Ronald said with a smile, "No wonder you brat came to Gevordan and didn't come to see me."

Winters laughed too.

The two fell silent again.

Ronald said with a bitter smile: "The idea of suppressing bandits really underestimates you. You are qualified to use the word civil war.

I thought it was me who started the new war. The first shot of the civil war in the land. But now, no matter how you count it, you fired the first shot.

But are you ready? Gervoudan, Maplestone, Xinken Are you ready?"

"No." Winters shook his head. "But I'll try to keep going."

Major Ronald A cloud of green mist was exhaled from his lungs, he pointed to the escaping smoke, and said lightly: "The warmth at this moment, like this smoke, will dissipate in the blink of an eye. The civil war is very cruel, maybe more than you and me. The most terrifying imagination is even crueler, cherish it."

"I'm leaving." Major Ronald knocked off the ash on the wall: "See you again, it will be your life and death."

He got up and walked towards the warhorse.

Winters looked at the major's back: "Thank you for your help today."

Ronald waved his hand without looking back: "Thank you for not killing today. ."


Winters leaves with Scarlett, Bottayun, and Changsheng.

Ronald also rejoined his troops.

"Let's go." The major, looking a little disinterested, called the Hundred-Men Commanders together: "Looks like we can't catch Montagne. He's been planning for a long time and won't give us this chance. Let's go back to Revodan."

Second Lieutenant Adam asked tentatively: "There are still some crops that have not been harvested in the surrounding villages. In addition to the crops, there are houses... do you want to burn them?"

"Burning? Why?" Ronald asked casually.

Adam's Lieutenant Brace Oneself replied: "The people here are all die-hards who support the Montagne gang. They are just like gangsters. Burning their food and houses is equivalent to weakening the foundation of the Montagne gang."

"Hahahaha!" Ronald laughed bleakly: "The peasants would rather follow the bandits than help me, a genuine garrison officer. Is it our problem? Or are they the problem? Burn houses, burn crops , bandits can't do such a thing! Keep it, just to save us a few days in purgatory after we die."

The two battallions of Gerva Pill Scholar's soldiers assembled and stepped on the ground. On the road back to Gervodin.

At the same time, two messengers are on their way to Wolf Town on a starry night.

One of the messengers, Lieutenant Istvan, will bring news to Major Ronald: the Montagne gang has not withdrawn from Gévordan. Instead, they occupied that city.

The other messenger, Pierre Mitchell, will bring Winters a message: Execute Plan B.


A battle plan: lured the tiger away from the mountain, conquer Revodan, take away all the materials that can be taken away, and continue to accumulate strength;

Battle plan B [alternate]: lured the tiger away from the mountain, occupy Revodan, annihilate Ronald's department, and bring Iron Peak County into complete control.

[The previous chapter, this chapter, the emotions of the two chapters are coherent. It should have been released all at once, but I couldn't finish it all in one go. ]
[Whether this chapter is an update or not depends on whether the author updates it tomorrow (Wednesday, 20210203). If it is updated tomorrow, it means that this chapter is an update. On the contrary, it means that it is not (covering your face)]
[But this chapter is very big, 7144 words, two chapters on top of one chapter, so it is actually more updated]
[As the previous one Chapter said, the battle is almost over. The rest is an episode of Major Ronald and a certain unknown gangster]
[White Lion: My name is White Lion, it doesn’t mean you can prostitute for nothing.jpg]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection,阅读、订阅、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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