Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 239


Chapter 239 Food
Got the news that the "Montagne gangs" have taken Gervodin, Major Ronald Not at all surprised.

On the contrary, Captain Epert was almost mad: "What the hell is he trying to do? With his few men, do you really think that he can hold Gervodin?"

Other Hundred-Men Commanders His face is also not good-looking.

"Leave him alone, we need supplies now." Ronald bit his pipe, but the bowl was empty.

The soldiers were very fast, Ronald's two battallions attacked lightly and did not carry any baggage other than seven days of dry food.

They didn't even have a tent, even Ronald slept in a cloak at night.

The Major was very pleased with his Hundred-Men Commanders to be able to bring the entire troop formation from Gervodin to Wolftown.

But without the enemy's action, a heavy rain can completely destroy the morale of these recruits.

"No matter how difficult we are, how can we still have Montagne? He is not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Ronald laughed suddenly: "Continue to send people to Revodan to investigate! The big team will go to Little Rock first. Supplies. Go to St. Ke. If there is an opportunity for Gervoudan, we will take Gervodin directly. Otherwise, detour to Wangqiao Town and go to Hammer Castle!"

The fort in the north of Gervoudan gradually developed into a small town of more than 50 households.

This small town has always been the gateway to Gervodin, controlling the main entry and exit routes for Iron Peak County.

"Captain Eper."


Ronald ordered heavily: "Take your Hundred Men Squad, and go first to the hammer Fort. The rest of the Hundred Men Squad's dry rations should be distributed to Epel as much as possible."

"Yes!" The Hundred-Men Commanders cheered.

"Let's go! Let's go to Little Rock!" Ronald laughed: "I want to see who owns this Tiefeng County."


Later, Pierre also returned to Wolftown.

Winters is helping Changsheng to find milk in the stables - Changsheng is a first-born baby, and Botayun not only has enough milk, but also does not want to bring foals.

He was not surprised when he heard the message that Pierre brought back. He just asked: "Have they explained the reason to you?"

"No." Pierre Er rode one day one night, and everyone was almost unsteady: "But both Mr. A and Mr. B support the backup plan."

Although Palato and Veneta were already blushing, and It's hard to say anything inside Prato.

But Veneta did not formally intervene in the Palatine Civil War after all. In order to keep the identities of Moritz and Juan as secret as possible, Winters ordered Mr. A and Mr. B to be named.

"I see." Winters held the immortal little head with both hands and turned to Pierre nodded: "You go to rest and leave the rest to me."

Pierre Er raised his hand in salute and staggered out of the stable.

Changsheng was breastfed again, and he sucked the breast milk desperately.

It is his instinct to eat and grow up.

On the other hand, if he doesn't, he will die.

Longevity is like that, and so are the people of Winters.

Seeing that Bo Tayun was no longer resisting as before, Winters slowly let go of his hands.

Changsheng sucked the milk "clack-clack".

Both battle plans have their pros and cons. Of course Gervoudan is good, and it is certainly better to occupy a city.

But what if you can't keep it?
How would General Adams, the ruler of Newfoundland, react?
Although the newly cultivated Legion is now held back by Red Rose and Blue Rose, how could they tolerate the loss of a county?

With the strength of the troops in hand, can they block the thunder blow of Maplestone City?
And plan A is very safe: gradually control the villages and towns, and turn the Hotan into an isolated island on land.

That's Winters' preferred strategy, and that's why he's pushing [Occupy Gervodan] as a backup.

Cities and villages are interdependent, but in the end, cities need more villages.

The city needs the input of materials and manpower. Once Gervoudan becomes an isolated city, she will be self-defeating.

But the plan, after all, did not change quickly.

War has taught Winters one thing: sometimes success or failure depends not on how well the plan is, but how determinedly the execution is.

Moritz and Juan are of sound minds, their judgments must be taken into account, and Winters trusts them.

Now that you have chosen a route, just go down.

"No matter what's ahead, there's always a way," Winters thought, stroking his long, soft mane.


Wolf Town, which was once again hit by a military disaster, once again turned into scorched earth.

Amidst the ruins, warriors are ready to go.

The warriors Winters left in Wolf Town were all cavalry, including him, a total of 18 cavalry, each with two or even three horses.

Anna, Scarlett, Ellen, Catherine and other ladies came to the town center to see them off.

Some people from Wolf Town who lived nearby also came spontaneously, and even three wealthy peasants on horseback and javelins offered to help.

Bard, Andre and Mason were not there because they had already rushed to Gervodin for the first time.

"I'm sorry." Winters was full of guilt at Anna.

In a twinkling of an eye, it is another difference.

Ana held Winters' hand tightly.

That night, she also hid in the forest with the people of Wolf Town, witnessing the panic and powerlessness of the people over the disaster, witnessing the wolf town being swallowed up by the raging fire, and witnessing the best and worst of human nature. part.

She hugged Winters hard, put her toes in her lover's ear and said, "Go. These woodhouses, churches, they didn't hurt anyone, they ruined it, they shouldn't have done it. , they don't have the right to do that. Don't worry about me, don't worry about other people, we can take care of ourselves."

After saying this, Anna kissed Winters on the cheek and gently pushed Winters away.

Winters looked at Anna one last time, as if trying to put her in his eyes at this moment.

Then, he resolutely let go of Anna's hand.

"Rest assured, I will take care of Changsheng," Scarlett whispered.

Mrs. Mitchell took Scarlett in her arms and gave Winters a slight nod.

In this situation, Catherine is no longer her old attitude, she just said to Winters: "You want to live, don't leave my elder sister alone... Don't forget, you still owe my family A thousand ducats."

Winters one after another thanked the people of Wolf Town who came to see them off, and finally walked up to Pierre: "Wolf Town will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry." Pierre, still pale, raised his hand in a salute.

Winters nods and steps on his horse.

His eyes flickered over the blacksmiths' workshops, sawmills and churches that had been burnt to ashes.

"One day, one day... one day we'll rebuild it all." Winters looked into the eyes of his warriors, all of whom could clearly hear his stern but determined voice. sound.

Winters took the bloodstained, bullet-stained and scorched flag from Heinrich: "But now, follow me and take back the right to rebuild!"

He snapped Pull the reins and run to the battlefield.

The warriors followed him, without the slightest hesitation.



Major Ronald’s retreat was a difficult one.

He didn't get enough supplies in black liquid, nor in Little Rock.

Although the towns of black liquid and Little Rock have not been evacuated, hiding food has become a habit of farmers.

Before the soldiers entered the village, they had been disappeared without a trace.

Even if some peasants did not escape, they would be "no", "don't know", "we are starving too! adults" when they are caught.

Looking at the "honest and honest" faces of the farmers, Ronald ordered to force them to speak with a saber.

The sharp steel knife rests on his neck, and the farmer who insisted that he has no food just now obediently confesses the location of the grain cellar.

But there are also farmers who are so stubborn that Major Ronald can't help but suspect that the other party really has no food.

"Whether he has it or not, as long as he doesn't explain it, he will be killed!" Second Lieutenant Adam's thinking is simple and rude: "You have to show other farmers what's going to happen. Otherwise, they will all learn from it!"

Major Ronald was silent.

"Sir, when is this all about? Are you still debating whether it is a soldier or a bandit?" Seeing that the major did not respond, Lieutenant Adam gnashing teeth said: "Montagne enters Gervodin, we are not bandits, but bandits too. I'll take care of this! You don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to ask."

Second Lieutenant Adam took his knife and left.

"Stop!" Major Ronald stopped the Hundred-Men Commander: "Are you a garrison officer? Or am I a garrison officer? Farmer, how much grain can you squeeze out?"

"But?" Lieutenant Adam was unwilling.

"But what?" Major Ronald's eyes widened: "Obey orders!"

Eating up the pitiful amount of food that was forcibly levied in Black Liquid Town and Little Rock Town, Ronald Nader led more than 800 soldiers on the road to the town of Sank.

It was in the wilderness between Saint Kee and Little Rock that Winters' cavalry caught up with the Gervoudan army, stomach rumbling with hunger.

The officers and soldiers of Gervodin also saw Winters.

After all, light travels in a straight line, and there is no shelter in the wilderness.

More importantly, Winters has no desire to hide at all.

He rode alone, carrying an army flag, on the top of a hill a mile away, just and honorable watching over the Gervoudan troops.

He will leave when the Gervoudan troops leave;

He will stop when the Gervoudan troops stop;

The Gervoudan troops rest and he will also The military flag is planted on the ground, and the horse dismounts to eat dry food.

This is a blatant insult and contempt.

"What is he doing?" Lieutenant Adam was furious: "Want to kill us all alone?"

"Ignore him, just march." Ronald The major explained calmly: "He's waiting for dark. Those who can catch up must be elite cavalry, but not many. Night is the time for a small group of elite cavalry to show their skills."

A Hundred -Men Commander couldn't bear this public humiliation any longer, and suddenly left the team and rushed towards the silhouette on the hillside by the road.

"Ferenc you idiot!" Major Ronald was furious: "Bring him back to me!"

One Hundred-Men Commander and another herald The cavalry heard this, and immediately followed Lieutenant Ferenc on his horse.

The enraged Second Lieutenant Ferencz heard the shouts and the sound of hooves coming from behind, and ignored it, but pushed the horse to move faster.

"What a fucking sorcerer! I don't believe in evil!" Ferencz shouted furiously, two reed guns were inserted into the gun pockets on both sides of his saddle, and they could be fired at any time.

"Come on! Montagne!" Ferenc roared like thunder: "If you're as good as they say! Come and try my two guns!"

Luo Nader, Adam and all the officers and men of Gerondan saw only the Ferenc Hundred-Men Commander rushing frantically in front of the horseman on the hillside.

The gunshots go off.

The rider was safe and sound.

The Ferenc Hundred-Men Commander staggered and fell from the saddle.

The two of Ferencz who went to the rescue didn't run away and were shot down by the horseman.

A squad of unfamiliar cavalry jumped out from the reverse slope of the hillside. They grabbed the three people who fell off their horses like sheep, and also took their horses.

The hillside is peaceful again.

The horseman, standing on the hillside, continued to publicly insult the officers and soldiers of Gévordan.

"Leave him alone." Major Ronald ordered: "Keep going! At least we know that he is more than one person." It's a waste if you die! You're giving away three horses for nothing!"


At night, the Gervoudan troops were resting in a wood.

Their campsites are unfortified—the soldiers are tired and hungry, unable to dig, and have no tools.

They piled up each other, made beds casually with branches and dead leaves, and slept in hastily.

Apart from a few sentries, the camp of the Gervoudan troops had no additional defenses.

But there is a murderous intention hidden in the quiet night.

This woodland was a terrain specially chosen by Major Ronald, not only because the cavalry was difficult to use in the woods, but also because the woods could better arrange ambush.

Geever Pill Scholar uses tree trunks as stakes and pulls three layers of tripwires around camp - no iron tools, but they carry twine.

The woodland at night is pitch black, and the trip line is hidden in the darkness.

All Gerva Pill Scholar troops are on standby, waiting for visitors.

"Come on, boy." Major Ronald clenched his weapon, leaning against the tree trunk, waiting for the sound of the hoofs.

He thought to himself: "Let you know that I'm an Old Senior who is also somewhat capable, and let me make up for you..."

When Major Ronald regained consciousness again , it's already dawn.

He jumped up suddenly: "When did I fall asleep?"

Of course people don't know when they fell asleep.

The major didn't know, neither did the other officers and soldiers, because everyone was sleeping hu hu.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Lieutenant Adam woke up from his dream, wiping his saliva. "Is Montagne here?"

No, not.

Nothing happened last night.

No night raids, no ambushes, no bloodshed, a peaceful night, and everyone slept soundly.

Major Ronald smiled wryly.

There is no need to fight, the soldiers are happy, but have to keep going.

In the middle of the road outside the forest, Major Ronald received a gift: three men who were tied up.

Lieutenant Ferenc, another Hundred-Men Commander, and the messenger.

None of the three died, and even the wounds on their bodies were carefully treated.

A note is attached to the person:
"They can't weave straw sandals, so you should keep them.

——WM Wolf Village Stationed Officer, Eight Town Protector"

"Eight towns?" Major Ronald had an ominous premonition in his heart: "Eight towns?!"

"He brought the horse back too! Isn't that just sending the horse back? Come back with three burdens!" Second Lieutenant Adam yelled: "The scumbag Veneta stingy!"

The night of the failed ambush, the next day, in the afternoon.

Gedani—the small village at the southernmost tip of Sank—has been surrounded.

Regarding the grain requisition, Major Ronald has accumulated some experience: you must never walk on the main road. Every village has "posts" on the main road, and any unremarkable child may be an eyeliner.

As long as they see soldiers approaching on the road, the peasants can run clean in the blink of an eye.

It is necessary to take a small road, go around from the forest, first surround the village with a large circle, and then gradually close it, so as not to let one person run away.

It's just that this whole set of tactical maneuvers is too difficult, and the new recruits have no ability to complete such a beautiful split and combined attack.

Ronald had every reason to believe that if he dispersed his troops in the forest, at least half of them would disappear when he regrouped.

Fortunately, Major Ronald doesn't pursue perfection, and it is enough to catch half of the farmers or one third.

So the teams were still led by the Hundred-Men Commander, pulling a net full of holes and surrounding small village Gedani.

The battle plan was executed well, even better than expected.

Major Ronald is satisfied with his Hundred-Men Commander, the siege has been closed, and the villagers of Gedani have yet to notice.

Not even a single one came out.

Wait? Not a single one escaped?

Second Lieutenant Adam ran towards the Major's Pegasus: "Sir! There's no one on the farm! This farm is cleaner than the previous ones!"

"en." Ronald The major asked calmly, "It's as clean as the village in Wolf Town, isn't it?"

Second Lieutenant Adam was stunned for a moment: "It's cleaner than... than the farm in Wolf Town..."

"The protector of the eight towns? Even the town of Sank?" Major Ronald sighed: "Forget it, don't waste any more effort, I am afraid that all the farms ahead are just like Gedani, and they are already empty. Go to Hammer Castle!"


"Here, this gun is for you." Winters gave the captured reed gun to the little lion: "Thank you for your help. ."

The little lion and his four quivers were also in Winters' cavalry - the little lion had originally brought six guards, but two of them went back to the Chihe Department to deliver the letter.

"I'm willing to do it without pay." The little lion took the reed gun and smiled playfully: "Just don't ask us to do the work of dying."


"Um, okay." Winters didn't seem to be feeling it at all.

Winters remain unmoved, much to the disappointment of the little lion.

"You learn fast, aren't you using my brother's strategy now? Hang them, don't bite, and don't let go." The little lion continued to tease.

But Winters still didn't respond.

"Hmm, you're right," Winters replied casually.

The little lions were having fun, each minding their own business and fiddling with the reed guns

In fact, Winters' mind was already filled with another thing, which is why he seemed a little bit. slow.

"Strange." Winters kept thinking back: "The shot Ferenc shot at me seemed to penetrate [deflection]...Is it my delusion?"

He silently took out a small blackened notebook and a small piece of graphite, and jotted down a few scribbles.


The St. George River divides Tiefeng County diagonally into two, which can be roughly divided into South Eight Towns and North Eight Towns.

The south eight towns are relatively desolate, while the north eight towns are more prosperous.

Geordan sits directly on the St Georges River.

Major Ronald wants to go to Hammer Castle, but there are only two ways to cross the river.

Either go to Revodan or go to Wangqiao Town.

Gevodan had nowhere to go, so Ronald had no choice but to take a detour and turn his head to Wangqiao Town.

Hungry, tired, and hopeless.

The 3rd-layer mountains almost overwhelmed the troops, and the officers couldn't even restrain the soldiers effectively.

Some soldiers sat directly on the ground and refused to leave.

Some soldiers simply ran into the forest and deserted like this.

In this case, the officers of Gervoudan do not enforce the military law and can only watch their troops collapse continuously and slowly
They enforce the military law and the army immediately collapses.

"The battle is lost."

Every time the officers of Gervodin made eye contact, it was confirmed in the eyes of others.

They just walked on numbly, waiting for someone to finish them off.

Finally, outside the town of Wangqiao, they meet the person they least want to meet, but also want to meet: the three Hundred Men Squad led by Bud, Andre and Mason.

Ronald led the remaining troops to camp outside the town of Wangqiao, gathering food, waiting for Winters' troops to attack.

And Winters didn't use force at all. He just waited until evening to put up some fires, roast a few pigs, put baskets of freshly baked bread and a few pots of lamb soup on the upper vent.

He shouted a few more words such as "Hammer Castle has surrendered", "Surrender without killing", "There is food and drink here", "Ronald is a traitor", "Sixteen town protector" riot" and so on.

The troops that Ronald was trying to hold together collapsed.

One soldier put down his weapon and ran out to surrender. Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers were running out. They rushed towards the bread, roast pig and lamb soup, ignoring the boiling hot meat and soup, trying their best to stuff it into their mouths.

I'm hungry! I'm so hungry!
Gervodin officers with warhorses tried to break through, but none escaped - their warhorses were even hungrier.

Andrei led the cavalry into the enemy camp and took the flag.

From Ronald onwards, all the officers and soldiers of the Revodan garrison were captured.

The next day at noon.

Winters · Montagne rode into Gervodin through the main entrance.

The elders of Gervodin welcome.

Thanks to the Alliance Leader of Shuyou [St Booming], thank you;

Thanks to the Alliance Leader of Shuyou [Xiaoshui Jingdie], thank you;

[Confirmed, yesterday's was Jiageng. Fortunately, the recent plot outline has been prepared in advance, so the efficiency is relatively high]
[This chapter has a map, but the map of version 1.03 is still being drawn, so first use the map of version 1.02, and then replace it when the time comes, It will also be sent to the book friends circle]
[The terrifying Blood Wolf Gang is raging in Langtun Town——"The respectable Captain Montagne came to his Gervodan]
[Thanks to the book friends for their collection,阅读、订阅、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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