Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 237


Chapter 237 Civil War
The Gervoudan troops who came to fight the rebellion were caught in a dilemma.

Ronald, Eper, and all the Gervodin officers, still subconsciously see Winters as "gangsters."

Since ancient times, only officials have suppressed bandits, how can there be bandits who dare to suppress officials?
"No matter what the situation is in Gervoudan, it's too late for us to return to help." Major Ronald held the hilt tightly, bloodshot in his eyes: "This battle, Montagne's plan will definitely last for more than a day or two. We didn't hit him, he hit us!"

The Hundred-Men Commanders were equally astonished.

"What if he scores Gervodin?" Captain Epert did his best to say as casually as possible: "With their few people, is it possible that they can occupy Gervodin? Order something."

"Don't excuse me, I lost this battle." Ronald looked at Wolftown, gnashing teeth: "But there is still a chance. Eper?"


"Montagne is in Wolftown, are you sure?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Cut Lenny, Mason and Bud?"

"They're here too."

"Search! Search me fiercely and find every footprint!" Ronald Clenched his fists, his attitude was firm: "If you take them down, even if Gervoudan is razed to the ground, this battle will be counted as a win. If you let them go, then this battle will be a complete defeat!"

"Yes!" The Hundred-Men Commanders commanded in unison.

"The news of Gervoudan must be kept strictly confidential and not a single bit is allowed to be leaked!"


The two battallions brought by Ronald , was expanded by the city guard of Gervodin, and the backbone of the soldiers lived in Gervodin.

How would they feel when they heard that Gervodin was sneak attacked?

Ronald wasn't going to guess, because he chose not to let the soldiers know at all.

"Lieutenant Istvan!"


"Take all your cavalry! Go back to Gévordan at once! Find out the situation in the city; Second, intercept all the messengers!"


The cavalry in Ronald's hands, there are only twelve mounted messengers.

"Gewardin's side." Ronald sighed: "It's up to them."


Wolf Town, already Turn into fire sea.

The soldiers of Gervodin set fire to the ground, and they ordered everything they could see to be burned.

Wolf Town itself is not big, just a few wooden houses along the road, plus a military camp.

What can be taken away has long been taken away.

But even these rudimentary wood houses were built by many people, sweating a lot.

And right now, they are burning.

Two soldiers from Gervodin, one tall and one short, set fire with torches along the road.

"There's a house by the river!" said the tall soldier.

The short soldier replied: "Go and have a look."

There is a simple wooden shed by the river, unlike the houses where people live, there are some strange-looking things in the shed.

"What is this place?" asked the tall soldier.

"Here? Wood sawing." The short soldier looked at the sawdust under his feet: "It seems to be powered by water. However, the saw blade and connecting rod are not here."

" How do you understand this?" the tall soldier asked.

"I'm a carpenter too," replied the short soldier, "I used to be."

He walked to the wall and opened a wooden gate.

"Gudong, gudong...oh la la, oh la la..."

From outside the shed, there was a sound like a torrent rushing over a large stone.

A crunch, crunch sounded under the floor.

The wooden shaft by the wall was spinning rapidly, trying to push the link and saw blade that was already not in there.

A waterwheel on the river began to spin slowly, supplying water to the reservoir.

No one was working, but the sawmill came alive.

These simple but ingenious installations can only be seen with the eye, and you can see how much effort the designers and builders put into them.

"What should I do?" The tall soldier swallowed.

The short soldier threw the torch into the sawdust with a blank expression: "It's burned."

The sawdust ignited at the touch, the flames spread rapidly, and the hydraulic sawmill was quickly engulfed in flames. engulf.

When the flames go out, there will be nothing left here.

At the intersection of two roads in the center of the town, a Gévaux Pill Scholar soldier scrambled to the other soldiers, shouting in horror: "Not good! Wrong burn! This is a church!"

Other soldiers hearing this look at the burning wooden buildings by the roadside.

It is very simple, with a roof and four walls. Some church features, such as the holy emblem, can still be seen.

"It's really a church!" Another soldier's knees were shaking.

But the fire is already burning.

"It's okay, it's not." A soldier patted the soldier's shoulders shaking: "It's not if it's burned."

The soldier is setting fire, and Major Ronald Captain Appel repeatedly confirmed: "Montagne, Cellini, Mason, and that guy named Bud are all in Wolftown? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I specifically asked Winters to call someone else Come out and meet me." This is the third time Epel has answered this question.

"No!" Major Ronald's eyebrows were twisted into a knot: "The four officers are staying in Wolf Town as bait, who is the one who led the sneak attack on Gervodin?"


Who is leading the sneak attack Revodan?

Mysterious Masked Man A and mysterious Masked Man B, of course, and Pierre Mitchell.

Among them, the mysterious masked man A [Don Juan] just led his troops to blow up the gate of Revodan.

Revodan originally had no city wall, and the temporary civil engineering wall was very short, less than two and a half meters high.

The door is not a straight up and down gate, but an ordinary wooden door.

The siege soldiers put several small bell-like things against the door shafts and latches, firmly resisted, and then ignited the gunpowder twist.

A few loud rumblings shook the wooden walls.

The smoke cleared and the gate was still standing.

Don Juan stepped forward and kicked, and all the doors that had been destroyed at their fixed points fell down.

A thunderous cheer erupted outside the city.

No one is more familiar with the weaknesses of Gervodin's defense than Mason and Bard, because they were the ones who built the fortifications.

"Rape and pillage will all be hanged! Don't give me a fucking idea! Follow the flag of your own team! The flag bearer knows where to go! Don't worry about fleeing the enemy, just fight me and dare to resist Yes!" Don Juan shouted at the soldiers and ordered: "Attack!"

"Uukhai! Uukhai!"

The soldiers shouted in unison.

Mason and Andre's Hundred Men Squad sprinted into the city gate, ascended the city on both left and right flanks, and pounced on the bewildered enemies.

The troop with the strongest battle strength, the "Arrow" of Winters, was kept in his hands by Don Juan.

And Bard's Hundred Men Squad, just on standby at the city gate, not involved in combat.

There is a large number of carriages waiting on the other side of the river, and the bridge has not yet been crossed.

Winters threw all the troops at hand.

The Wolf Town militia and the three Hundred Men Squads earned from Gervoudin came to attack Gervodin.

Bud and Mason's troops never went to Wolftown.

As soon as they were out of sight of Gervodin, the two led their troops back to the town of Saint-Ke by a path and joined the friendly troops waiting there.

Winters' emphasis on [the protector of the five towns] was intentionally misleading the Gervodin officer.

His real title is [Captain of the First Republic, Mayor of Langtun Township, and Protector of Seven Towns].

Legion's aggressive rhetoric has led to complaints from all over the place, and Sanke and Wangqiao have already lost their sincerity to Winters -- a deal, to be precise.

After joining forces, the troops have been hiding in Oak Manor in Sank.

While monitoring Gervodin's movements, Don Juan was training and preparing for the siege.

Only Bud, Mason and a few people really went to Wolf Town.

In command of three hundred soldiers, Pierre has not had the ability, not even the mysterious masked man B [Moritz].

Hundreds of soldiers are still able to command. Except for Winters, there is only Don Juan.

Right now, Don Juan was on the city wall, frowning watching the battle, with Pierre and Lieutenant Colonel Moritz beside him.

Pierre also has a facial expression grave.

Moritz was much more relaxed than the two, sitting casually against the parapet, smacking his lips.

"Major Ronald's mutiny! We are the Legion, the new land! Come and fight the rebellion!" Soldiers shouted at everyone: "Surrender and don't kill!"

Many Gervodans The defenders put down their weapons in a daze.

Each Hundred Men Squad is assigned a dedicated staff responsible for collecting weapons and binding prisoners.

The city wall was cleaned up smoothly.

"Okay!" Don Juan gave a high-five, "Blow the trumpet! Besiege the barracks!"

The sharp bugle sounded through Gervodin.

The troops in the city turned around and attacked the defenders' barracks together.

Wolf Town.

It's already bright.

"Major, I've searched all over the village in the northwest." Captain Eppel came back panting and reported: "Everyone has run away! ."

Major Ronald's face became more serious.

Another Hundred-Men Commander, Lieutenant Adam, ran up on horseback with a man strapped to his horse.

"Major! This is the only man found in the southern village. He was sneaking in the cellar, and I caught him."

"Put him down!" Ronald Refreshed.

The bound man was pushed off his horse, and he fell heavily to the ground, struggling to get back up.

As Ronald watched carefully, the major saw a farmer who was honest and timid.

His face and neck were tanned by the harsh sun. Looking at his eyes, he is not too old, but he has become old in advance.

"What's your name?" Ronald asked as kindly as possible.

The farmer didn't dare to look at each other, so he lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "Koshmar."

"Are you married?"

"It's married."


"Are there any children?"

"There used to be, but they died."

"Why did you stay in the village?"

"The field...the wheat is still confiscated..."

"Where have all the people in your village gone?"

Korsh Mal's throat twitched hard: "Lord Montagne said bandits are coming to kill us. Let's hide in the forest. Come back when he tells us to come back. He's taken us through a few drills..."

Lieutenant Adam immediately slapped the farmer: "Fuck you! Who are you calling a bandit? Winters Montagne is the bandit!" I can't even try to stop it.

Koshmar was staggered. He covered his face, and his suppressed anger erupted at this moment: "I don't know who the bandit is! Anyway, Lord Montagne has been in Wolf Town for more than a year and has never hit me. !"

"You fucking want to die!" Lieutenant Adam drew his saber.

Koshmar backed away in fright.

He hangs his head - not daring to look directly at the Hundred-Men Commander, but spit out bloody spit.

"Put it away!" Ronald fiercely glared at his subordinates.

Second Lieutenant Adam sullenly retracted his sword.

"Keep searching! Keep searching! Keep trying!" Major Ronald ordered: "I don't believe it, everyone can follow him!"



The morning sun is slightly dewy.

Samukin, with his arrows, was the first to charge into the Revodan army camp.

After kicking the door open, he froze in place.

There are hundreds of soldiers on the small school grounds, and many of them are undressed.

There are only 80 full-time soldiers in the Revodan garrison.

[Note: According to the system, if there is demand, they can recruit Dussac and militia from the county at any time]
The municipal government of Gervoudin has a security team of 20 people, There are also more than 200 citizens who can use weapons on the register.

The four existing battallions in Gervodan are based on the above-mentioned soldiers.

A major is in charge of four battallions, how can such a situation normally exist?

But none of Ronald's four battallions were full.

They were either collecting grain outside, or they went out to collect grain and never came back.

After the three Hundred Men Squad "annihilated" and two battallions went out of the city to "suppress the bandits", there was less than one battalion left to defend the city.

And at this moment, most of them are in front of Samukin.

The Rever Pill Scholar soldier in the barracks didn't even notice that Samukin kicked the door open, and only a few people looked at Samukin, also stunned in place.

"Major Ronald's mutiny! We are the Legion, the new land! Come and fight the rebellion!" Samukin suddenly shouted and raised his lance, fiercely took a Gerva Pill Scholar soldier who was reaching for a weapon Knocked down: "Surrender and don't kill!"

"No one who doesn't have a red belt on his shoulders is his own!" Wasika rushed into the back door with his arrow: "Kill!"

Neither the wolf town soldiers nor the Gervoudan soldiers have uniforms;
The Gervoudan soldiers couldn't even tell the difference between the enemy and the enemy for a while.

Washika, wearing one of the few pieces of plate armor, stormed into the barracks with the Warhammer.

He doesn't care who is in front of him, as long as he doesn't have a red belt on his shoulders, he will hit him hard at the head.

More and more soldiers entered the barracks.

A Revodan soldier clutched his stomach and cried loudly. His stomach was cut open, and his smooth intestines came out. He tried to push it back, but he couldn't get it back.

The recruits around, regardless of who they belong to, couldn't help but want to spit everything out of their stomachs when they saw this scene.

Not to mention Revodan soldiers, even the soldiers of Wolf Town, few have seen such a tragic scene.

They were just peasants who had fled, and they were soldiers begging for a bite of bread.

But the veterans who came back from wasteland didn't say a word, they didn't even look at the man.

Their lips were pressed together, hands ruthless, fiercely thrusting into their necks and soft stomachs.

A stab, a twist, a pull, and blood pours out like a spring.

A voice spread from every corner of the school grounds:

"Major Ronald's mutiny! We are the new Legion! Come and fight the rebellion! Surrender and don't kill!"

The Revodan soldiers couldn't bear it any longer and threw their weapons away.

"He lied!" In the school grounds, a bloody officer shouted hoarsely: "They are the rebels! They..."

The words are not finished yet , he was pierced by a steel nail through his skull.

"Don't court death." It was the same voice.

Another Gervodin officer was furious: "You are..."

The next second, he too was dead.

"You..." Don Juan grabbed Moritz.

No one knows the true nature of the war better than Juan, but his emotions are still unacceptable: "That's his own! Why kill?"

Same sect friendship, as light as Feather, but as heavy as a mountain of gold.

Even Winters never hit alumni—except Sackler.

"Do you know what a civil war is?" Moritz asked back, his tone was indifferent, but his eyes were filled with pain: "Civil war is killing one's own people."


[Originally wanted to finish the battle of Gervodan in one chapter, but it seems that another chapter is needed]
[However, the battle in Gervoudan is over, and the next is the Bandit General of Tiefeng County An episode of Commander Ronald and a certain surnamed Yue gangster (covering his face)]
[>The venerable Major Ronald goes to set off to kill the gangsters
>The wicked Blood Wolf Gang is on the way Siege
> The leader of the gang, Ronald, was guilty of monstrous crimes, causing people to complain and burning the treasure of Lord Montagne (referring to the hydraulic sawmill)]
[Thanks to book friends for collecting, reading, and subscribing 、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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