Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 236


Chapter 236 Determination
Sooner or later Gervoudan will come.

On the other hand, Winters is waiting for them.

Outside town, Winters sees Captain Epert being stopped by sentries.

"Just let me stand here." There was only one guard beside Eper, who saw Winters in the distance, he said with a smile: "This is not the reason for hospitality!"

Epper is not a direct senior of Winters, but he has helped Winters a lot with the service of the little Dussack.

The last time Winters went to the Gévoudan camp, Epert also gave him a warm reception.

Winters saw Eppel with a smile on his face: "Sorry, Captain. There's a house under construction, and it's dusty and inconvenient for guests."

"Yes What are you sorry for?" Eppel laughed heartily: "Aren't you also a captain?"

After speaking, Eppel took out a silk package from the guard's saddle bag.

He slowly opened the package in front of Winters, which contained a captain's uniform.

Eper explained mildly: "I don't know your exact size, thinking that Asko is about the same size as you, and made this uniform according to his clothes. The tailor is the best of Gervodin. Okay, the ingredients are first-class."

"Thank you." Winters didn't reach for it.

Appel looked at the little Junior Brother carefully, and said with some emotion: "At this time last year, you were still about the same size as Asco. Looking at it again this year, this suit is a bit bigger. Where is the size? If it doesn't fit, you can change it yourself."

Winters also sighed, took the uniform with both hands, and slowly asked back, "I want to know, who gave me this uniform... who?"


"The Republic of Palatu." Eper smiled.

"Which Republic?" Winters responded with a warm smile: "First? Second? Third? Or General Adams' Republic?"


The kings and castles reorganized the Great Council and announced the resolution to reorganize the [First Republic] into the [New Republic], which caused an uproar in Palatu and even the alliance.

The blue-blood faction, who faced off across the river from the castles of the kings, immediately responded fiercely.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, the [Provisional Military Government of the Republic of Palato] was established in the capital of Jiangbei Province [Hongchuan].

Arpad Duyoom was appointed as [Marshal Palatine] and controlled all affairs, big and small.

The officers and blue-blooded congressmen who followed Arpad became military officials.

The military government announced: The establishment of the [pseudo-republic] violated the "Charter of Sovereignty", and Palato immediately entered a state of war, and the enemy was the pseudo-republic.

"'Under the righteous protection of the Lord and the Human World', we will not exorcise the false republic, wipe out the filth of Plato, and the provisional military government will not give up."

Second Republic There was no reaction to this, because they had already defined the "Arpad gang" as [rebel].

On the land of the old Palatu Republic, two teams, two governments, and two countries appeared at one time.

The situation is changing so quickly that it is dizzying.

Fortunately, the Republic of Palato is so vast that even if it is divided into two halves, it is larger than the combined areas of the provinces and Veneta.

In order to distinguish the "two countries", people privately refer to the governments of the kings and castles as the [Second Republic], and the Hongchuan Military Government as the [Third Republic].

Of course, whether it is Zhuwangbao or Hongchuan, the full name they engraved on the crown is still [Palatu People's Republic], excluding the second and third adjectives.

Because the Second Republic claimed to have inherited the laws of the First Republic.

The Third Republic claims to be the First Republic from beginning to end.

In May and June, the two sides fought back and forth in the heart of Palato.

In the end, the two armies, who were exhausted by teachers and veterans, vaguely formed a situation of confrontation across the river.

But with a continuous supply of troops and supplies, the Second Republic has steadfastly held down the enemy.

In July, in the bloody night of the Kings Castle, General Sackler died.

The Grand Chancellor of the Kings Castle [Grove] was still depriving Sackler a little bit of his military power, but in a blink of an eye, the pillar collapsed.

Alpad saw the fighter plane and launched counterattacks one after another, defeating Major General [Roland], the frontline commander appointed by Grove himself.

The army of the Second Republic north of the Jhinliu River was swept away, and countless corpses drifted down the river, even into the moats of the kings' castles.

But Alpad was not able to break through the Jhinliu River after all, and the confrontation across the river was not broken, but gradually stabilized.

These are all things before September.

While the two armies fought blood flowing into a river, Winters, who triggered a new round of battle, had no idea.

During that time, all he could think about was "What's for tomorrow? What's for the day after tomorrow? What's for the day after tomorrow?"

Until Father Carmen brought back the remnants of [Montagne battallion] On news of Gervodin, Winters rushed to the county capital to meet up with his comrades, only to learn what had happened to the outside world after he escaped from the castles of the kings.


And now, Winters · Montagne, the main participant in the bloody night of the Kings Castle, asked Eper with a smile: "Which Republic? First? Second? The third? Or the Republic of General Adams?"

"There is only one Republic of Palato." Eper didn't answer directly.

He took off a small piece of dust that fell on the uniform, but the dust still left a small white mark on the cloth: "You don't need to worry about this, just think it was given to you by Major Ronald. It's fine."

"Major Ronald, is he okay?"

"He's fine." Eppel laughed heartily: "It's just not in a good mood. "

After laughing, Captain Epert became more serious, stared Winters in the eyes, and asked, "Andrea Cellini, Richard Mason, and Bud, are you?" Isn't it all with you?"

"Yes," Winters simply admitted.

"Let them come out, I want to meet them."

Winters nods.

The sentry beside him turned and ran towards the barracks, calling someone to go.

“Is Asko still alive?”

Lieutenant Asko is a Gervoudan officer who followed Bud and Mason to “suppress the bandits”. Naturally, he was gone. trace.

"Asko Senior is fine, not hurt." Winters answered honestly: "He's learning to weave sandals recently."

"It's good to be alive." out a long relaxed breath: "He just got married four months ago. I was afraid all the way, I was afraid that I didn't know how to face Asko's new wife, as long as she was still alive."

"Don't worry. ."

Eper changed the conversation, and frowned unconsciously: "The expropriation team sent to the south of Gervoudin was all led by you?"

"Yes." Winters didn't hide it.

Eper chuckled, with a three-point relief in his expression: "I knew, how could a bandit have such ability? It must have been done by himself. I suspected it was you, but Everyone said you were dead, and some people said that they had seen your body, so I gave up the idea."

"Many people died, I just survived by luck."


"You know what?" Eper put his hand on Winters' shoulder and said emotionally, "When we realized it was you, me, Major Ronald, and everyone of you. Senior. Not only are we not angry, we are happy from the bottom of our hearts that you are alive."

Winters also became silent, looking down at Eper Senior's boot toe.

Eper asked with a wry smile: "But I'm a little strange. You are the town officer of Wolf Town, so you can stop the expropriation team coming to Wolf Town. How can you get to Black Liquid Town and Wuzhen Town? , Xiaoshi Town and Niu Hoof Valley's expropriation team, you also want to intervene?"

"I... the folks in the five towns asked me to be their protector." Winters blushed.

Epel was stunned at first, then laughed, tears streaming down his face.

Suddenly, he put away his smile and frowned: "Protect people? Are you still a wolf town count? You are an officer, a guard of the republic system with ten years of enlightenment education! Protect people? Are you? Want to be independent in the republic! Dominate one side! Be a nobleman?!"

"No, I don't want to." Winters also looked Eper in the eyes.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Winters didn't answer, but instead asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'll send you a transfer order!" Eper took out four lacquered orders: "Captain Montagne, you can go back to Veneta."

He carefully took out a wooden box, which contained a golden cross of olive leaves.

Eper looked a little unbearable: "We are sorry for you, and we are very grateful to you. But now, we can only ask you to go home. Go back to Veneta, Winters, with this military uniform. , Go back with this medal.

Don't worry about your military status, I will give you a page and turn it around. Your military exploits will also be recorded truthfully, and no one has the right to gossip about you. The transfer orders for Cellini, Mason and Bud are also here, and they can go, or they can go. Let's go... let's go."

Winters did not accept the transfer order, but took over the wooden box.

He took out the golden cross, carefully stuffed it into his trouser pocket, and threw away the wooden box.

"Which Republic gave me orders?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Captain Eppel raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I am an officer of the First Republic, and I only obey the orders of the Army Headquarters of the Kings Fort."

"The Kings Fort has no Army Headquarters, only the Army Committee."

"Then it's not my fault." Winters smiled brightly.

Epper asked directly: "You don't want to go?"


"Okay, then come to Revodan. "Epper tore the four transfer orders to shreds: "You don't want to leave, we welcome you. Major Ronald needs an experienced deputy."

"Gevodan will continue to strengthen Extortionate?" Winters asked rhetorically.

"It's not that Gervoudan wants it, and Major Ronald doesn't want it either." Epert bitterly defended: "General Adams has given a death order, and the materials we have collected will also be sent to Maplestone City."

Winters spread his hands: "Then I don't want to go to Gervodin."

"Then what do you want to do?" Eper rolled his eyes and shouted.

"Farming." Winters, undeterred by Senior's imposing manner, sighed: "Stuttering for everyone."

Eper stood for a while .

He suddenly grabbed Winters by the shoulders, speaking too fast and even a little broken: "You stupid boy, do you know what you are doing? You only have a small town, and you have to fight against the heat. Wodan, the new land, the whole new land Legion, even the entire Palatu! They move their fingers and you're done! We're saving you! Don't be silly, go home! You're Vinet Tower people, you don't need to bleed for Palatu!"

"You are wrong, Senior." Winters was extremely happy: "I am a serious Palatu officer, and my military status is still in the air. Where's in Palato!"

Epper let go of his hands and took a few steps back, because he knew that he couldn't convince the youngster in front of him.

He felt that the youngster in front of him was too stupid, too naive, too impulsive.

But he involuntarily gave birth to a little respect.

Bud, Andre, and Mason arrive from the barracks.

Eper looked at the three people behind and asked calmly: "You want to follow him, right?"

"That's right!" Andre replied loudly: "I wanted to do this for a long time!"

"That's good." Eper nodded, and asked again: "Can I take Asko?"

"Sorry, Senior, no." Winters replied with some embarrassment: "Asco Senior wants to drink and eat meat again. Originally owed only 1,500 man-hours, now he owes 2,000."

"Okay, I'm leaving." Eper didn't say much nonsense, nodded at a few people, stepped on his horse and galloped away.

Winters watched Eper until Senior disappeared behind the hillside: "Let's go."

"Why did I get you a suit?" Andrei touched The captain was in uniform and commented casually: "The material is good."


Eper didn't go far. After riding for about two kilometers, he stopped.

He and his escort took off the horse's iron bits and took out two bales of corn from the saddlebag, as if they were resting.

It didn't take long for a few people dressed as farmers in linen clothes, wide-leg trousers and straw sandals to emerge from the woods.

Seeing Captain Eper, several "farmers" raised their hands and saluted.

They were not farmers, they were spies and spies for Gervodin.

“How?” Epel asked.

The spies headed answered: "The villages in Wolf Town are normal, and no soldiers were found living in peasant houses. However, a large military camp was built in the center of the town, and it was so big that it was half the size of the town. And the interrogation was very strict, and we couldn't get in."

"I also saw the military camp." Eper smiled and shook his head: "But I couldn't go in and have a look. Junior Brother, be careful."


Captain Eppel bridles the horse again: "You wait here."

Eper and the escort are back on the road, rushing non-stop to the black liquid river wading field.

On a journey of more than 20 kilometers, I only stopped the horse once.

By the time they arrived at their destination, the forest on the north bank of the Black Liquid River, the warhorse was already foaming from exhaustion, sweating on both sides, as if it had just been fished out of the water.

A hunter-like man was waiting for Captain Eper. When he saw the captain's return, he immediately led the captain to the depths of the woodland.

Deep in the woods, Major Ronald was waiting for Eper.

“How?” Major Ronald asked.

Epel shook the head with a wry smile.

Ronald sighed heavily: "That's it! That's it! Let everyone gather, enough rest." And the sound of knocking on tree trunks, which wakes up those who are asleep.

The cover formed by the canopy came down and stood up in a dark crowd.

Winters, Ronald...all have the same military training and know each other too well.

The annihilation of Cellini's Hundred Men Squad may have been an accident.

But after Bud and Mason's troops were also "annihilated", Major Ronald would be a pure idiot if he didn't understand what was going on.

Winters did it too obviously, too recklessly, for Gervoudan to be impossible to notice.

So here comes Major Ronald with two battallions.

Ronald gave Winters one last chance to get out, but he didn't take it.

So, Gervoudan has only one option left - violence.

Ronald is going to smash the rebellion with a punch.

"Let's go now! Be fast! Don't give him time to react!" Major Ronald called all the officers: "They are not sleeping on the farm, all the rebels are in the barracks in the center of the town. That's good, we can kill them in one fell swoop."

The Hundred-Men Commanders were silent in the very quiet of the forest.

"We are not dealing with rogues or bandits, but an organized and disciplined army. The commander of this army has received the same training as us, and in terms of actual combat experience, even Richer than you and me. This is not bandit suppression, this is civil war! Fighting in the same room, don't be careless. ”

The eyes of the Hundred-Men Commanders turned a little bleak.

The banks of the Ember River—Plato’s heart—have been turned into battlefields, but the fire has not yet burned to the new field.

And they are about to fire the first shot of the civil war in the new field.

“Our soldiers are poorly trained and demoralized. "Major Ronald glanced at his subordinates: "But there are two good news, the training and morale of their soldiers are equally poor, and we have an absolutely superior force!" "

This is Gervodan's full strength attack, and a critical strike must be done cleanly.

"Intelligence shows that Winters · Montagne is a sorcerer with extremely strong battle strength." . "Major Ronald deployed standard anti-magic battle strength for this purpose: "Don't give him a chance to melee, find him, and immediately blow the trumpet! Captain Epel! "

"Yes! "

"You have my best musketeers in your hands, you won't see Winters Montagne, and don't let me fire a single shot." " Major Ronald's eyes are stern: "There is no same sect friendship now, only you live and die!" "

Captain Epel nodded: "Yes!" "

Major Ronald took one last look at his Hundred-Men Commanders. Who can come back this time?

"Go!" "He waved his hand.


The two battallions of Gervodin attacked at dawn.

Very quiet at dawn in Wolftown It's like a wolf coiled in its den, falling asleep.

Leaded by the officers for the first time, the recruits rushed to the town center from all directions shouting.

Gevodan's soldiers burst out from the forest outside the town, one battallion took the town center, the other battallion along the river outside the town from the north.

Five hundred meters, three One hundred meters, one hundred meters...

The wooden fence of the military camp can already be seen clearly.

But Wolf Town is still very quiet, even eerily quiet.


One recruit stopped suddenly, and the other recruits stood up in fright, standing outside Wolftown, not knowing what to do.

Hundred-Men Commander's vine whip fiercely lashed Previous! kill! What are you doing standing there! "

The recruits started moving towards Wolf Town again, but this time, they didn't dare to let go of their footsteps like before.

"Major! Panting, Captain Eper approached Major Ronald: "No one!" "

"What? Ronald jumped up in shock.

"There's no one in the barracks!" There was no one in the town. When I came in the morning, there was obviously someone! ”

Ronald was surprised, then puzzled, and finally furious.

He fiercely punched the tree, raining dead leaves and fruit balls. Fall.

“Fuck! Ronald yelled: "Broken!" "


Winters, Ronald...they all had the same training to understand each other's tactical thinking.

Ronald knew Winters, Winters knew Ronald, too.

But Ronald got it wrong—all the Geraldine officers got it wrong.

A town against a county, in their view Crazy enough.

But they underestimated the madness, guts, and determination of Winters Montagne!

Meanwhile, the city gate of Gervodin.

"Hey! Open the door! "A soldier slammed on the door: "I'm back!" "

A drowsy head stuck out from the door and asked vaguely, "Who the hell are you?" "

There is no city wall or fortifications in Revodan, and the current earthen wall, wooden wall and city trenches were temporarily built a few months ago.

"I am Ganshui Town." Ish! Sergeant Ish? "The soldier outside the door reported himself: "Quickly open the door for me!" "

"Ish? The person on the doorstair chanted the name and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you dead?" "

"Who the fuck said I'm dead?" "

"Oh...then you're not dead." Can't open the door now, you wait a while, wait until dawn to open the door before you come in. "

The soldiers outside the door yelled angrily: "Fuck you!" Open the door to my father! I managed to escape back, and I was starving to death! "

"Ai, wait a moment." The soldier upstairs said reluctantly: "Now the officer on the door agrees to open the door. I'll go to Lieutenant Elek and ask him to open the door for you..."

Before he finished speaking, the soldier upstairs Suddenly his body trembled.

A steel nail was shot from his skull, he first leaned back, then slowly fell forward, and finally fell to the city wall.

Mo The silhouettes of Lieutenant Colonel Ritz and Lieutenant Juan emerged from the darkness, and the noise of footsteps came from behind them. I don't know how many people were hiding.

"What the hell are you talking about with him? "Don Juan's temper is very irritable now.

Ish from Ganshui Town nodded embarrassingly.

"Come on! Bring the guy over here! "Don Juan roared and ordered: "Break this broken door for me!" "

[Gevodan didn't come to Winters, Winters had to take the initiative to look for Gervodin. Ronald really didn't expect, Winters · Montagne is so daring, so... crazy. Since ancient times Only officials suppress bandits, bandits suppress officials...then he is not a "bandit"]
[Background note: Xinjiandi Province has seven counties under its jurisdiction. Legion, Corps Head [Kevin.J.Adams], who was the one who called Winters up when the wolf town militia was foreshadowed before. Iron Peak County, as the most southwestern county in the province, its capital is "Hot" Wardan". There are 17 towns below Gervoudan, the wolf town where Winters is located, the smallest and poorest, can be called the edge of the world]
Original quote [Major General of the Republic of Palato, Legion Corps Head, Violet Medal recipient, Kevin J. Adams, issues this order in accordance with the honorable and inviolable Told Protocol. The town of Wolftun, under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, is obliged to provide militia as an auxiliary force when needed by the newly reclaimed Legion]

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