Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 235


Chapter 235 Visitors
As soon as the sky was bright, Winters walked out of the barracks and went to swim in the river west of town .

He swam two back and forth to warm up before trying to dive to the bottom of the river.

When he got ashore, Bud was waiting for him.

"When did you learn to swim?" Bud asked with a smile, sitting on Winters' clothes.


"Still practicing diving?"

Bringing this up, Winters' heart ached: "Our dear Lieutenant Cellini, who was so excited, threw the Grand Cross into the river. I felt the bottom of the river, maybe I could find it."

"What are you doing with that thing?" Bud I don't care.

"Why?" Winters angrily said, "That's gold! I don't want it, but I'll exchange it for food! It's time to check Andre's family, I really don't know what kind of Veneta he is. Man! Such a big piece of gold, I threw it into the river as soon as my brain was hot, and I had to get up early to catch it."

Bud laughed happily, and the corners of his eyes were wrinkled.

He handed his clothes to Winters: "I have something I want to ask you, I heard that in early July, an assassin broke into the army headquarters of Kings Fort and killed Sackler, was it you? What?"

"Who made the Lao Tzu rumor?" Winters was furious: "When did I do an assassination?"

"Well, yes, that's good." Ba De patted assassin's arm with confidence: "No matter who asks, you can answer with this attitude, that's enough. And..."

Bud's words were interrupted because Winters hadn't finished speaking: "I carried a saber, went in through the main entrance, and came out through the main entrance, how could it be an assassination? When did I do an assassination? I am always just and honorable when I do things!"

Winters suddenly thought of the sea blue pier The Monta Gang.

He repeated with a little guilty conscience: "When did I commit an assassination in Palato? I work in Palato, always just and honorable!"

"Oh Then you've had an assassination somewhere else?" Bud sighed.

"Then don't worry about it." Winters turned his head: "Never did it in Palato."

"Are you alive?"

" I'm not a bad person, he won't block me, why should I kill him? But it was dark and no one could see who."

"Your spell, no one will admit it." Bud He sighed heavily: "In my opinion, this matter will not end like this. But the castles are thousands of miles away, and even if they know that you are in Wolf Town, they will not be able to reach them. Right now, there is a more important thing - you are helping the victims. Land reclamation?"

"Yeah." Winters pointed to the other side of the river with a proud expression: "There is newly cultivated land over there. They are landless tenant farmers and long-term workers, and I have waste land. , as well as cattle, horses and plows, it is a hit."

Bud listened carefully, and suddenly asked: "Do you know, the latest news from Maplestone City?"

"I don't know anything. Before I met you, I could only inquire about Gervodan's affairs."

Bud smiled: "Maplestone City, recently and You are just as busy."

"Legion is also recruiting refugees to open up wasteland?" Winters raised his eyebrows.

But he quickly figured it out: "It's not surprising. If you don't farm, you'll have to starve to death. Maplestone can't give porridge to the homeless for nothing."

"That's right. Hailan, in Drenthe, there are many ways to make a living, begging and eating bread. But for the peasants, if you don't farm, you starve to death, that's the truth of their lives."

Leaving the Land After that, people will gradually forget that food is grown from the ground - which is the case with Winters in the past.

[If you don't plant the land, you will starve to death], two years ago, he didn't feel as deeply as he does today.

Tenant farmers and hired laborers all over the country fled one after another, which means that a large number of laborers are suddenly out of production.

Snow Mountain has not collapsed yet, because there are still surplus grains from last year and even the year before.

But sooner or later, a bigger disaster will come to this land, because the farmers who are still producing cannot afford to feed so many mouths.

Either famine or civil upheaval, it is not a choice, it is likely to come together.

Winters saw this and tried to get back into production. He didn't want to see famine, and he didn't want to see chaos, so he turned to throwing water on the fire.

Bard lowered his head and fiddled with the few stone chips in his hands: "Man-made disasters and drove landless peasants to flee. Then they recruited the victims and distributed land to open up wasteland. Since then, Legion has become the largest in new land. The owner of the manor."

"Very difficult to deal with, as expected of the knife handle." Bud lifts the head looked towards Winters, and sneered: "But Legion is the biggest landlord in the new land. It's not bad either."

The idea of reclaiming wasteland for the refugees was something that Captain Montagne could think of, and General Adams could think of as well, and probably more deeply.

"You mean, this is all intentional?" Winters was surprised, but not surprised.

Bud got up, walked to the river and floated, saying at a moderate pace: "There may not be a plan, it is likely to take a step and see a step. But things have happened, we can only start from Analysis of the results."

Winters pondered.

Wolftown is too small, with too few populations, not enough potential, and most importantly, no time.

Without time to build up his strength, Legion can tolerate officer corruption and incompetence, but absolutely cannot tolerate officer rebellion.

If Legion, the newly reclaimed land, stands firm, with a light punch, Wolf Town will be turned into powder.

That's why he wanted Gervodin.

If Legion's strategy is working, then I'm afraid, as Mason Senior said, Gervoudan isn't enough either.

Bud sat back next to Winters, using stones as chess pieces, and asked, "Once and again, landless farmers have land, Legion has tenants, self-cultivation farmers or self-cultivation farmers, whose interests are damaged ?"

"The manor." Too obvious, Winters' answer without the slightest hesitation.

"So the manor owners in Wuzhen Town, Black Liquid Town and other places choose to strongly support you, asking for money for money, grain for grain, and providing you with a hiding place."

Bud smiled and picked up the black stone representing the manor owner: "They may not understand the deep game, but the damage to their interests is obvious. The long-term workers have run away, what land is there for the plantation? Land prices have fallen, Doesn't that mean their fortunes have shrunk?"

Winters nods.

It was with the help of these "squires" that his troops could appear and disappear unpredictably southwest of Gervoudan.

In addition to providing supplies, the manor owners can also provide information. They have extensive local connections, and the news channels extend in all directions.

"But they're not enough." Badyan threw the black stone into the river.

“Too few people,” Winters said softly.

After the victory of the Sovereign War, the new republics abolished all personal attachments—Hard slaves are not counted—this is also a precious legacy left by the generation of the old marshal.

Although the manor owners of the newly cultivated land are very influential, they are only influential.

It's not the same as the nobles in the old days who could pull out a large number of peasants when they went to war.

"In my opinion, Legion's route for new land reclamation is right, loosening restrictions and recruiting disaster victims to open up wasteland. Land prices will fall, but it has nothing to do with Legion. If they can create a large group of homesteaders, We are absolutely no match for them. It's better to go back to Veneta as soon as possible, and I'll do a small business with you." Bud laughed and spread defeatist remarks.

Winters tried to defend Veneta: "We Veneta...are not all businessmen."

"Worse, if it fails, even a small business can't be done. Bud's smile became more and more fiery: "So we have to take the route of the newly cultivated Legion, and we have to walk harder than them. The steps have to be bigger, more determined, and more thorough."

"More determined?"

Bud pointed to the other side of the river and asked Winters: "It's the end of August now, and winter wheat is going to be planted in September. How many acres of land have you cultivated?"

"This...I really don't know." Winters really didn't.

"With the few cows, horses, and 100 or 10 people in our hands, how many acres of wasteland can we reclaim from exhaustion? If it is spread on people's heads, we can barely make ends meet. It’s wishful thinking to give you food! There will be a big hunger next year! Even if it can be cultivated, it will be the worst land in Wolf Town! Because the good land has long been bought!”

Bard’s The voice is getting louder and the eyes are getting brighter: "But right now, there are thousands of acres of the best arable land... are being abandoned!"

Winters frightened and scared: "The manor's Land? That's their private property!"

"I know! We don't want to take it for nothing, we can give them some rent and let us lease their land! And then distribute it to the disaster victims. Don't dare to do this? Because they are the owners of the manor themselves! If we want to defeat them, we have to go their way, and we must walk more firmly than them!"

Bud already has a case, he patiently Explanation: "No matter how good the land is, if it is abandoned for too long, it will be abolished. If it is abandoned, it will be abandoned. Someone will take care of the land for them, and the manor should be happy."

"And after that? Occupy forever?" Winters asked back: "Isn't that why they became tenants and long-term workers again?"

"The most important thing is to open up wasteland! The new land is not a province where all wasteland is reclaimed, and she still has to continue. There is room for development!"

Bud pointed to the wasteland on the other side of the river: "It's too late to open up wasteland this year! Not even next year! Wasteland will not turn into farmland out of thin air, it will take time! Where does the time come from? Find supplements from ready-made arable land.

We usually cultivate land and open up wasteland during slack. This is what farmers in the last ages are doing. It’s just that in newly cultivated land, this natural process is artificially suppressed. And we , just rebuild it."

Winters was the first to find Bard so eloquent.

"What about after that?" Winters asked: "Will the land be returned to the manor?"

"We'll talk about the future, I think it can be returned." Bud's The attitude is very serious: "As long as enough wasteland is cultivated, the land can be returned to the manor. But at that time, it will be difficult for them to recruit enough tenant farmers and long-term workers, unless there is a new influx of people, or wait until the population Natural growth."

"What if they don't agree?"

"Who doesn't agree?" Bud rhetorically, and he asks again with a smile: "Who doesn't agree?"

"Yeah!" Winters suddenly remembered Rhett's cultivator's words, and he laughed loudly: "At the end of the day, you still have to hold the handle of the knife. If you can hold the handle of the knife, all problems are not problems. Just go. Go for it! I've never been afraid of anyone."


Bard took over the land reclamation business, and Winters was ready to deal with Gervordan.

As graduates of the same military academy, everyone is too familiar with each other, and things will definitely not end like this.

On September 21st, Gervodan received the news that Bard and Mason Hundred Men Squad were "destroyed".

Charle is back with the lion cub.

The last thing Winters wants to see now are guests, but guests always come when he least wants to see them.

"Good luck, Batu." The little lion gave a saber as a gift and hugged Winters affectionately.

In addition to the saber, the little lion brought thirty horses, which were also gifts.

It's been a while since I've heard the name Batu, and Winters has a subtle feeling.

"You are also lucky!" Winters gave the little lion a hug: "Is your big brother okay? Are you... elder sister okay?"

"Uh Erlun? She's fine. My brother, he's fine too." The little lion replied casually: "He's been busy editing Qimin recently, otherwise he'll come over in person."

Winters' body instantly become stiff.

He sorted out his emotions and asked as naturally as possible: "Oh? I am an accountant of Qimin? What do you mean?"

"It is an account of Qimin." The little lion is obviously not willing to do more. Answer the question: "Just like you."

A visitor from afar should introduce family and friends, either by wasteland or by Plato etiquette.

Winters took the lion cubs to the barracks to meet Bud, Andre and Mason.

Bud and Andre are still very impressed with the Heard slave on Red Iwo.

Everyone is very sad to learn about Winters' experience in wasteland.

Then, Winters led the little lion to meet Anna, Catherine, Mrs. Mitchell, Scarlett and other female relatives.

The ladies were surprised to see a "barbarian" visiting, but they still showed 12 points of courtesy to the little lion.

The little lion can speak common language and respect the female relatives, but there is only one rudeness:
When Winters introduced Anna "this is my fiancee", his eyebrows were raised, Looking at Anna carefully, Anna felt a little uncomfortable.

Winters' smile also stiffened.

The little lion sighed: "I know why Erlun lost."

The ladies were keenly aware of the subtle emotions in the little lion's words.

Catherine's almond eyes glared at Winters immediately, if it wasn't for the guests, she would have attacked on the spot.

Mrs. Mitchell shook her head slightly helplessly, but Scarlett had some unfathomable mystery.

Anna frowned and asked the little lion with a smile, "Excuse me, who is Erlun?"

"It's my benefactor." Winters answered first.

"I'm asking—Mr. Ahachi." Anna's smile grew brighter.

This smile was all too familiar to Winters. The last time he saw this smile, he slapped him firmly in the face - but now that he thinks about it, it's not a loss.

"Excuse me, who is Erlun?" Anna asked again with a smile.

The little lion swallowed and replied sternly: "It's Winters' benefactor."

The matter was temporarily over.

When Winters left the Mitchell Manor, he flattered Anna: "I made you a very beautiful easel. I made it myself. It was made of pine wood, light and strong, and it was carried on a horse. You can take it outside on your back. I'll bring it to you tonight..."

"You have to be careful, Mr. Montagne." Anna leaned over Winters' shoulders and said kindly, "You bring I also brought my golden sword. If you are unwilling, I will stab it fiercely according to what you taught."

After finishing speaking, Anna lightly kissed Winters' cheek .

Winters left Mitchell Manor with the lion cub.

Of course, the little lion went to Wolf Town not to visit friends.

He represents the white lion with full authority, and is coming to negotiate a deal, perhaps a large one.

After the courtesy reception, it's time to get down to business.

The little lion just arrived in Wolf Town in the morning, and in the afternoon, he held a closed-door meeting at the barracks.

“What do you want?” Winters straight to the point.

Only Winters, Bud, Andre, and Mason were in the tent, no one else, not even a recorder.

"What do you want?" The meeting was private, and the little lion was very relaxed. He smiled wryly and said, "I want everything."

Food, iron, cloth, oil...

The Chihe Department wants everything.

Head wasteland is surrounded by mountains in the north and south, the bitter cold plateau in the west, and the mountains behind the plateau; there is only one exit in the east, which is strictly blocked by the Paratus.

The smuggling caravans that go to wasteland are either money-making tools for the powerful or spies for the Palatine Army, and most caravans have both identities at the same time.

Hard's tribes knew that they were spies, so they could only do business with oneself.

The little lion spreads both hands: "The prairie produces nothing except grass; nothing but grass is lacking."

There are exaggerated elements in his words, but they are generally accurate .

"The key is what do you have?" the little lion asked.

Winters blushed: "We don't have anything either. Wolf Town has nothing but farmland, nothing but forest. But there will be in the future."

Little lion sighed : "I can see it too, you are rebelling... What do you want?"

Bud and Mason smoked their pipes and said nothing.

"Your captured Palatine." Winters without the slightest hesitation.

The little lion nodded.

"And horses!" Finally, he came to Andre's concern.

Mason said slowly, "Horses, cows, sheep, we all need these animals."

The little lion is nodded again.

Winters simply took out the quill and settled the account for the little lion:
"Vinetta has a saying, [only gold can be sold ten thousand li beyond]. The one with high profit per unit weight and volume Item can only be transported over long distances. Wolf Town produces nothing, and Tiefeng County has only a little handicraft. If your big brother wants to use Tiefeng County as a window for smuggling, it is not suitable.

Tiefeng County It is not directly connected to the grasslands of the Chihe Department. To transfer materials from other places to Wolf Town and even Revodan, and then to the Chihe Department, is equivalent to a large circle.

From Veneta and The transport of goods from the inter-province to Palatu is usually carried by water. Originally, it is upstream, and it has to go around the land. The cost of goods will be pushed up very high. Moreover, the road conditions in Tiefeng County are very poor, which will also increase the cost.

For goods with low unit price like cloth, the shipping cost is one to two times higher than the value of the goods. If you take a detour, the shipping cost may be three to four times the price of the goods.”

Winters concluded: "It must be produced and processed in Tiefeng County as much as possible, and then sent to wasteland, so that the price can be cheaper. If the Chihe Department wants to sell leather and other raw materials outside wasteland, it must first be produced by itself. Rough processing, transported to Iron Peak, and then finely processed, it is best to leave Iron Peak as a finished product to be competitive.

I have sent someone to scout [Iron Peak County-Vineta] The overland route, if..."

Winters gushed about Danger Land's business history, much to Andre and Bud's oddity.

Mason Senior may not know it, but Andre and Bud know Winters well.

Winters · Montagne, a man who doesn't even remember his bills, never spends his money.

He goes shopping and doesn't even haggle. He will give as much as they say. If he thought it was expensive, he turned around and left.

He has some understanding of business, just because he lived in Hailan and Jade City since he was a child.

But it has never been as eloquent as it is today.

Andre and Bud stared at Winters and asked with their eyes.

Winters sensed the eyes of the two of them, he coughed lightly, and pretended to explain casually, "Nawa Young Lady Lei told me."

"I understand you. It means that you want to open a furnace and smelt iron in Tiefeng County, and then sell it to us, changing people, horses, and skins. Isn't that what you meant when you told my brother about the iron ore?"

The little lion carefree leaned against the back of the chair: "Actually, there is red iron in the Hanlan River, and we also know it. My brother also sent people to explore the mines upstream. The problem is that the grassland lacks iron smelting fuel and there are no blacksmiths."

“There is a forest in the new reclaimed land, there is a large forest.”

“But according to you, the farther the transportation, the higher the cost. Have you considered how far the iron ore is going to be transported to you?"

Winters waited for the little lion to say the next sentence.

The little lion's words in front of him are all to lower the price, and what he really wants to say is at the end.

"The white lion has a suggestion for you." The little lion sat up straight, said resolutely: "You give the blacksmith you have to the Chihe Department, if they really know how to open the furnace The [master] who smelts iron. My big brother is willing to help you redeem the captives."

The little lion looked at Winters and slowly emphasized: "It is not the captives in the hands of Chihe, but all Don't you want to rebel? These prisoners are all veterans. If you rescue them, they will be willing to die for you."

As soon as these words came out, Andre was a little moved. Veterans are simply too few.

Jesska battallion belonged to the militia order and suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Great Wasteland.

After returning to Palato, many militiamen who had been recruited on a temporary basis fled home, seeing that the superiors were reluctant to disband the troops.

In the end, Jesska battallion was left with only three officers and 47 soldiers—all homeless men.

The three Hundred Men Squads brought back from Gervoudan are rebuilt from the old foundation of Jessica battallion plus the recruits recruited in Gervoudan.

Their battle strength has not been tested, and none of the Winters are very optimistic.

There is only one piece of good news: Gervodan's troops are just as bad, if not worse.

"I can't guess, but it's always right to try." The little lion smacked his lips: "Even if iron ore can be mined, have you considered how to transport it to you? This distance is really not enough. Short."

Winters smiled, revealing a set of neat teeth: "Water transport."

The little lion's eyes narrowed.

"If iron ore can be mined, go by water. From Hanlan River to Jinliu River, all the way is downstream. Jinliu River to Tiefeng County is upstream, but you can use fiber to divert it. I have seen trackers pull a boat, and a dozen people can pull a big boat. You have enough animal power, and you can do it without people.

You also need to contribute to the Chihe Department, and it is best to occupy it. Wasteland on the west side of the new reclaimed land. Although I don't know whose land is there, it is definitely not yours. Control the entire route first to ensure the safety of transportation."

"Water transportation may be feasible, although It's still a little troublesome." The little lion suddenly sighed: "But—the west side of the new land is no-man's land, do you know whose land is on the west side of the no-man's land?"

Winters suddenly had a feeling An ominous premonition: "Who is it?"

"The fire roaster." The little lion looked complicated: "From the new reclaimed land to the west, across the no-man's land, to the west of the Ete River in the west, all the Turtletown's pastures."

The tent fell silent for a while.

Winters walked over to the bookcase without saying a word, and returned with a map.

The map is spread out in the center of the table, with a few people around.

Mason Senior walked down the waterway with his fingertips and said, "If you're walking in no-man's land, you won't go directly through the Tertown site."

Winters knew that too. It won't go directly through the Terden department's territory. The key is whether the Terden department will block it?

In the 100-kilometer no-man's land, Hurd's light ride came and went like the wind. As long as he wanted to, he could put his hand in at any time.

If the fire roaster does not agree, this business is likely to fail.

"Still keep it a secret, keep it as secret as possible." Winters was a little annoyed, he gritted his teeth and said, "I must do this business, if the monkey butt face doesn't agree, let him ask me first. The saber."

"Report!" Someone shouted outside the tent, interrupting the conversation of several people.

Winters put away the map, glanced at the little lion again, and got up and walked out of the tent.

A sentry waits outside the tent.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"My lord, an officer has arrived from Gervodin." The sentinel replied in a panic, "I want to see you by name."

[There is a map in this chapter. "Tiefeng County Map Version 1.03", if you look at the map, it will be more intuitive]
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