Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 234


Chapter 234 The Hammer
Fifty years ago, a scene in the front of the mountains [Mena count collar] At the wedding, a few serfs of the green-hearted monastery went crazy with wine and hung a "peasant shoe" on the top of the long pole in front of the monastery.

Peasant shoes, as the name suggests, are the shoes worn by peasants.

Different from the boots that represent the Knight and the Master, the Peasant Shoes have no shafts, but are strapped to the calf.

Hanging shoes was originally a vulgar joke, but it was taken seriously by the dean of monastery, the old Menna Count, and the nearby mayor.

They came with soldiers, called the serfs together, and threatened to hang up the peasants' shoes as a serious offense.

After being warned by the gentlemen, the serfs took off their shoes from the long poles.

Dignified monastery Dean and count, why are you afraid of a pair of shoes?
Because they knew very well that these serfs were not serfs, they were peasants and free tenants who lived on this land since ancient times.

Several generations of green-hearted monastery deans forcibly turned these free people into monastery serfs by forcibly robbing, coercing and enticing, and even using despicable means such as forged documents and false oaths.

The peasants never stopped resisting, lawsuits, petitions, martial power...all were suppressed by the Menna counts who were in sympathy with the Green Heart monastery.

The peasants live very hard, the peasants are angry, the gentlemen know this, so the gentlemen are afraid of a shoe.

The shoes in front of the monastery are taken off, but the shoes in the heart cannot be taken off.

The flag painted with a peasant shoe has since become a symbol of the peasant secret associations and resistance to tyranny, and these secret associations have also called themselves "shoe clubs".

As the burden from the nobles and the church became heavier, not only farmers but also citizens began to actively participate in the shoe fair.

The shoe clubs around the world have tried several times to organize uprisings, all of which have failed due to leaks.

Ten years later—that is, forty years ago, still in Mennai, another shoe would be born in the farmhouse.

This time, the leader of the shoe club learned a lesson and adopted unprecedented confidentiality measures.

Codes, cuts, oaths...and the merciless and swift execution of the betrayer.

With its meticulous approach and the slogan of "overthrow all ecclesiastical and secular aristocrats, and abolish serfdom," Mennai's shoes would grow rapidly.

The piedmont during this period was completely gunpowder barrels, the farmers were full of anger, and there was only one leader.

With just one Mennai leader, more than 7,000 farmers have sworn in, and the network extends to every area of the piedmont.

The leader of Mennai's shoe club developed a whole plan of uprising:

Occupy the nearby city [Bruzza] first, because more than half of the citizens of Bruza are not under oath To join the club is to be sympathetic to the shoe club.

Having seized Bruza's church treasury, city treasury and arsenal, and armed themselves, the battallion will march on the Marquis of Demba without the slightest hesitation.

Then should continue to advance continuously, and should not stay anywhere for more than twenty-four hours.

Continuously attacking and expanding the scale, until the entire mountain front land is included in the alliance of the shoe club, "so that the justice of the Lord can be realized in the world".


The story ends here, Bud sighed, asks Winters: "Do you see what I mean?"

Winters and Ender Strong looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's so hard to reunite, why are you so serious?" Andre laughed and took out something and showed it to Winters: "Show you something!"

Andrei is very happy, he has never been happier than he is today since his return from wasteland.

Winters could see clearly that on Andre's palm was the Grand Cross of the Sword, exactly the same as the one he got.

"Send one to each of us." Andre sneered, and was a little proud: "I want to use this thing to buy people's hearts."

"What I want to say is very Important." Bud stubbornly interrupted Andre.

Mason Senior, who was sitting next to him, interjected: "Budd means that what you're doing now is not about rebelling at all."

"Yes, even the farmer's The shoe club all know that rebellion is an imposing manner." Bud's eyes became cold: "You must push the tide forward, or you will be smashed to pieces by the huge wave, or you will set off a tsunami to destroy the world. But what are you doing? What the hell are you doing? What do you want?"

Mason scratched his hair in distress, and sighed, "Bud and I discussed that if you want to rebel, you shouldn't put out the fire. Gervoudan for food? Not only can you not stop it, but you have to help Gervodin.

When the peasants are really forced to live, they are the capital of your rebellion. The stronger the fire, the better . But you are suppressing bandits, developing land, reclaiming wasteland, and robbing food teams. This is not adding firewood at all, but throwing water on the fire. Do you understand?"

Winters didn't answer, he still wanted to continue listening De and Mason Senior said.

The four of them sat by the riverside and fell silent for a while.

The taciturn Budd in the past has countless things to say today.

"To the new farmer, you're not a [shoe club], you're not the heaven overflowing giant wave of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth. What you're doing, you're giving the old The power system is tinkering with."

Bard gradually became agitated and spoke faster and faster: "The peasants used to pay taxes to the army and the council, and now they pay taxes to you, Mr. Montagne, what's the matter? Different? You are not a peasant rebellion! You are a noble rebellion! You are [the lord of Wolf Town rebelling against his monarch]!"

Andre and Mason also noticed Bud's mood changes.

"Don't be so excited." Andre tried to wrap his arms around Bud's shoulders.

But Bud shook off Andre, stared at Winters, and asked word by word: "So I want to know, what do you want to do when you stay here?"

Winters Looking at the quietly flowing river, he asked: "Bud, what happened to the Mennai shoe club in the story you just told? Did the uprising succeed?"

"No." Bud He replied with a blank face: "One member went to the priest to repent and leaked the secret of the shoe club. The scale of the Mennai shoe club frightened the big and small nobles in the mountains. They sent troops together, capturing and killing them. Several leaders of the shoe club escaped, those who did not escape were publicly executed, and their bodies were hung on the castle for all peasants to see."

The river was still flowing quietly.

"How did you know about the things that happened thirty or forty years ago?" Andre was a little unconvinced.

"Every one of these things is recorded in the Green Heart monastery's dossier." Bud stared at Andre, his eyes were red: "Every one of these things is spoken by poor peasants. According to legend."

Andre laughed dumbly: "The peasant rebellion...has it been successful?"

"Yes! Sovereignty war! After the Mennai shoe incident, there is a sovereign war! The peasants also shed blood in the Sovereign War, and they bleed a lot. But the fruits of the war, they could not taste."

Andre asked: "Before the Sovereign War, did it succeed?"


This time it was Bard's turn to fall silent.

Winters picked up a pebble and threw it to the surface.

The stones made a series of splashes, then sank, and the river returned to calm.

After a long silence, Winters finally said, "The Palatians are sorry for me."

"This is not nonsense." Who are we?"

"So when I first got back to Palato, I didn't really think it was too complicated." Winters changed his seat to a more comfortable position.

He looked at the river: "I just want revenge. Those who left me and my people on the west bank of the Netherworld River, not a single one. I will let them die in pain, let them Life is better than death. I want to repay those who are good to me."

Winters sighed: "That's what I think."

"That's all?" Bud He didn't seem to be surprised, his eyes were calm, just a little... regretful and disappointed.

"In the beginning, I wanted to go home and dreamed about it. But when my brain got hot, I stayed. Don't laugh, it's just hot-headed and impulsive. I feel like I can do something, but I can't Just walk away." Winters' voice was soft, but several others could hear it clearly: "I have other ideas besides revenge and gratitude."

Bud, Ender Lie and Mason were waiting for Winters to speak.

But Winters changed the conversation and suddenly asked his friends with a smile: "What do you think of Wolf Town? Is it good?"

"What's good?" Andre wrinkled frowned.

"Good? Or bad?"

Andre said loudly, "Good! Don't you manage well?"

"Fuck Fuck it!" Winters slammed his fist on the ground fiercely: "The newly cultivated land in Langtun Town has a total of 1,266 households. 65% of the arable land belongs to 16 manors. Most of the households are landless tenant farmers and hired laborers. The rich are in the fields, and the poor have no place to stand. The peasants' taxes are so high that the self-cultivators can't save the money to buy new land in their entire life, and they have to work as hired laborers when they give birth to their sons."

His The expression became hideous, and overbearing asked, "Okay? Where can you tell? Where is the good? Tell me!"

Andre was speechless, and even Mason swallowed subconsciously , but Bard remained calm.

"She's not good, she's very bad, but at least she's alive!" Winters' nose tipped with pantothenic acid: "At least everyone has something to eat, a place to live, and at least they can live. The people here respect me and count on me. I like it here, I like the wilderness, I like the farmland, I like the sweat of labor. I am willing to retire here, build a small house, and live my whole life.”

The middle of the river swirled, and a flock of crows circled.

"But now? She's dead!" Winters exploded: "Thirty years! It took a full thirty years for her to go from a wilderness to a vibrant town. Three months! great! It only took three months for the characters to make her what she is today. The common people nailed the doors and windows, dragged their families and took their families to escape. The farmers who remained here will be robbed of their harvest by the grain collection team.

great character With just a touch of fingertips, Wolf Town was crushed. And they, don't care at all! Not at all! One! Ding! Don't! No! If they care and understand , who have experienced the pain of the people of Wolf Town, they will never do this!"

Andre and Mason's expressions became heavy, and Bud pursed his lips tightly.

Winters stood up suddenly, facing the water, desperately venting the anger and unwillingness in his chest: "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you bastards!!!"

He unconsciously entered a spellcasting state, roaring like thunder, the wild beasts in the woods were scattered, and the crows also fled into the distance in panic.

"It's not Palatu who is sorry for me, it's those great characters who are sorry for me! They are not only sorry for me! They are also sorry for many, many people! The person who decides the fate of Palatu, the person who decides the direction of the river, does not deserve to sit In that position!"

Winters gasped violently, his eyes shining, and he looked towards his partner: "Right now, I can only curse at the river like a waste. But sooner or later there will be One day, sooner or later, I'm going to pull those people down! Smash them! Stomp in the mud!"

"That's what I think! This is what I want!" This remark, which Winters never had with People talk about it, because this is tantamount to a person declaring war on a country.

But in this brief moment, Winters · Montagne ripped open his chest and showed it to others without reservation: "I'm here to stay here to do this! Fuck the Republic of Palato! I'm going to smash it up and make a new one!"

"Fuck it! Fucking Plato!" Andre loudly roared, jumping up too.

He grabbed Winters' shoulders with red eyes: "Do you remember returning to Hailan from Interprovince, I tell you, the sky fell and it was shoulder-high?"

His fingers dig deep into Winters' skin: "I was wrong! I was so wrong! It's not the shoulder-height man, it's the shoulder-height man who takes us! Be the one who takes other people to the top!
The donkey-fucked Japanese sheep won't let us go home! Good! He begged us to go, and we won't go! Just go and smash! He The earth shook and the mountain quivered! Smash him heaven falls and earth rends!"

Andre took out the sword Grand Cross and threw it into the river with a big laugh.

The medal he used to yearn for something even in dreams drew an arc in the air, fell into the water with a plop, and was disappeared in an instant.

Bud stared at Winters and asked word by word, "Have you ever thought that if you were to sit in that position one day, would you be the one you hate, hate, desperately want at this moment? Someone who wants to smash?"

"I don't know." Winters laughed loudly: "Who knows?"

"Don't worry, it's alright." Bud caught On Winters and Andre's shoulders: "I'd rather sit there with you."

The river was still flowing.

The three held each other's arms tightly. From now on, they were not only classmates, friends, and brothers, but they began to share the same ideal.

“We need Gervodan,” Winters said softly.

"Okay." Andre laughed wildly: "Go get it."

"No." Bud shouted the head: "What we need is the entire Iron Peak County. ."

"No, what you said is wrong." Richard Mason took the last hand, his voice trembling:
"I don't control the town of black liquid and the town of five mastiffs. , not enough to cover Wolftown; not enough to control three towns without taking Gervoudan; not enough to control Gervoudan without taking Maplestone."

Winters, Bard, and Ender Liedu looked at Senior.

Mason's voice firmed: "What we need is a whole new field."


The crow told me,
Two A young Veneta and two young Unionists,

on the frontiers of the Palatine's frontier,

vowed to bring the country upside down,
That's what happened that day;
The elk told me,
They didn't know what to do,
They didn't know how hard it would be,

But they vowed to do it To,

That's all that happened that day.

[The content of this chapter is not only outside the main line, but also the main line of the main line]
[So it is a plus]
[About the shoe meeting, it is really called Shoe meeting. This term even has a Baidu entry. Why is there a lot of sayings with peasant shoes as a symbol, and a more credible and interesting statement is used in this story]
[Are peasants on newly cultivated land high in taxes? Of course high.

But in fact, it's better than what happened to the peasants in the feudal era. This is also the progressiveness of the republic.

This is why a large-scale peasant uprising has not yet erupted.

The Great German Peasants' War vividly records such a story: "How the free peasants of Kempten lost their freedom"

Fifteenth Century Early -Stage, the dean of the Kempten monastery used forged documents, false oaths, lies, and bribes to turn the free tenants little by little around the monastery into church serfs. Serfs not only had to bear extremely serious military service, tribute, interest, 11 taxes, etc., but they did not even have the right to marry freely.

The dean of the monastery married a male serf and a female serf like a livestock, because the child born by a free woman is also a free person according to the customary law.

Finally, the abbot of the monastery was afraid because he had used too many despicable methods, so he confessed to the Pope [probably Martin V]. After hearing two confessions, the Pope pardoned the sins of the monastery abbot, but did not correct the sins the abbot committed to the peasants.

The next thing is that "shoes will" bee up everywhere.

The violent German Peasant War broke out and ended in tragedy and failure. ]

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