Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 233


Chapter 233 Quicksand
Lieutenant Colonel Moritz sat on his chin in the tent of Wolf Town Barracks At the table, the wine glass was gently shaken.

There was also a small plate of almonds and green olives on the table, all of which someone bought from Gévordan all the way.

The man who bought these things is holding the bottle at the moment, carefully telling Moritz about his experience over the past year.

And as soon as Moritz's glass was a little empty, he would refill it immediately.

Don Juan broke into the big tent, and when he saw this scene, he was so angry: "Before noon, the two of you will start drinking?"

" Without him." Moritz took a sip of the pale-gold Water of Life, said with a slight smile: "Only me."

"You came here to get him away! But You are good, a few bottles of wine will be able to bribe you, have you forgotten the general's order?"

Moritz yawned, looked at Lieutenant Juan, and replied slowly: "He father He wants me to collect his body. Kill him and bring a body back. I can try it, but I can't guarantee success. If I want to twist his will and force him to do things he doesn't want to do, I can do it. No."

Winters found another cup and asked Brother Hu Senior Brother An to take a seat.

Juan tilted his neck like a vent, pouring half a glass of spirits directly down his throat.

"Drink sparingly." Moritz felt a little distressed: "I plan to drink for many days."

"How many days?" Juan slap the table and stand up.

"Senior." Winters sincerely pleaded: "I have one thing I want to ask for your help."


Pangtuohe Shishichang , Winters is seeing off the old pirate.

"No need to send it, my lord." Before Gold's front teeth were inlaid, the air leaked with a smile: "This has already been sent to Black Liquid Town, you can go back."

When they came from Veneta, Gold, the two ladies, and Juan's men, there were sixteen people.

When I went back, there were only three: Gold, a Hussar from Juan, and a Dussack from Winters.

"Be careful all the way." Winters apologetically: "Lieutenant Juan will stay here for a while, so there are only two people to guard you."

Gold laughed heartily : "I am very familiar with this road, and I don't need guards at all. As long as I have my life, I promise to bring your letter back to Hailan."

Hu An clearly came to look for someone, but he turned against him. Being detained by Winters, he had to explain the reason to Antonio.

Winters had only Gold on his hands as messengers and guides, so he had to let the old pirate go again.

Winters and Juan chose two capable young men for the old pirates, on the one hand as guards, on the other hand to let more people familiar with the [New Reclamation - Veneta] route.

Once others get the hang of it, the old pirate won't have to rush.

"I'm leaving, don't worry!" Gold laughed, whipped the horse and galloped away.

Winters watched each other until the silhouettes of the three riders disappeared into the woods.

Then he rode back to Wolf Town, his will was firm, he still had things to do.


It takes about six months from sowing to growing. It is sown in late February and early March as soon as the weather turns warm, and harvested in September.

The oats are divided into varieties. The oats of the Plato line are relatively late and take about four months to grow. Usually sown in May and harvested in September.

Palatu agriculture generally adopts the three-plant system. The arable land is divided into three equal parts: one for winter wheat, another for supplementary grain, and the last remaining plot to fall fallow.

Barley, oats, and rye, plus some legumes, are the main crops of the [spring-autumn] farming cycle for the farmers of Parato.

But not until the grain is fully mature in September, a new round of collection has already begun.

The reason is very simple. If the wheat is fully ripe, will the farmers still have leftovers for the expropriation team? It was already harvested cleanly.

The so-called "rush to harvest" means that the wheat must be harvested before it is ripe.

Hurry up, and the wheat will be ready.

These are all valuable experiences accumulated during the [Sovereign War] 30 years ago.

Although unripe wheat cannot be eaten, it is also a good thing. It can be fed to horses. It is high level horse food.

War horses love and need this nutritious, water-rich fine material the most.

Because it is not easy to store crops that have not been dehydrated, the Paratus use the [silage] technique.

Chop, seal, and ferment the still green crops. The process is a bit like making yogurt, retaining the nutrients and moisture of the crops, and at the same time "detoxifying", which is "silage".

Silage can not only be stored for a long time without deterioration, but also has a little sour taste, which is especially loved by cattle, horses and sheep.

However, the silage process requires high operator experience and skills. In Palato, generally only large horse farms are used.

No one has the luxury to use immature grain silage, isn't that a waste of something?
But this kind of thing is actually happening in the new reclaimed land - farmers' rations are not as good as war horses' feed.

Legion's first move was polite, after all, the province was their own territory.

Red Rose and Blue Rose's forced expeditions don't treat people like people at all, and Legion is powerless to stop them.

Seeing that the grain was taken away by the other two parties, the levy of the newly cultivated land Legion is also increasing.

Tierfeng County, the most remote and backward county in the far southwest of the New Reclaimed Province, was also affected by the storm.

Maplestone City gave a death order to the Revodan garrison, so the expropriation team set off from Revodan again and ran to various villages and towns.

However, the expropriation of Gervodin encountered a little problem...

"Master! Mercy!" The leader of the expropriation team——[Sgt. Pete] rushed to kiss Winters' boots : "I was also forced to help! I don't want to go out of town to grab food. But my wife and children are all in Gervodin. If I don't obey the military order, I have to sit with the whole family! You are kind..."

Pete was tied with his hands behind his back and tied with the other four, obviously impossible to move even a little bit.

But when he saw the "leader of the bandits" approaching, his strong desire to survive made him drag four people, and he still almost rushed in front of Winters' horse.

It was Pierre's saber that quieted Sergeant Pete.

"Dare to take another step forward." Pierre looked at the sergeant coldly, covering his face. The second half of the sentence he didn't say, the blade said it for him.

Sergeant Pete fell to the ground, crying and begging for mercy, as did the other Gervaux Pill Scholar soldiers.

For a time, there were pleadings everywhere, making it hard to hear.

Winters has become numb to seeing and hearing, everyone suffers, everyone is forced to.

But he wasn't here to hear the complaints of these Gervais Pill Scholar soldiers.

“Have the weapons been collected?” Winters asked.

"It's been confiscated."

"carriage, food?"

"It's all done."

Don Juan Zong Ma Feichi came over: "What nonsense? Hurry up and leave!"

Winters" nods the sentence: "Take it all away."

Hearing "Take it all away." , Sergeant Pete jumped up from the ground like a spring: "Take it away? You won't let us go? Are you going to take us away?"

"Who said you were going to be released?" Pierre was indifferent ask back.

"But, but people were released before!" Pete shouted hoarsely: "We handed in the weapons and the carriage, and we didn't resist. According to the previous rules, we must let people go! Why? Want to kill us? We didn't do anything! Ah..."

Pete cried out, crying with snot and tears: "If I had known, I would have followed you. Fighting... ah..."

The surrounding prisoners also became restless when they heard Pete's miserable cry.

Winters, who had gone far, sensed something was wrong, and galloped back.

He jumped off the saddle and kicked Pete over: "Stop crying! Who said they were going to kill you?"

Pete's tears and snot were still hanging on his face, and he was pleasantly surprised. Q: "Won't you kill us?"

"Cry again, the first one will kill you."

"Then why don't you let us go?" Tears, suddenly came from sadness, and cried again: "In the end, you still want to kill us? Isn't it just another place to kill...mother..." good idea.

He used loudspeaker to announce to the surrounding Gervaux Pill Scholar soldiers: "From now on, you are all my prisoners. If you don't court death, you won't die. Take them all!"

"Are the bandits taking prisoners too?" Pete asked, sobbing.

Sgt. Pete's ration team is being led on the road.

The further he went, the more he felt that the people from these tribulations grain carts were not bandits, because there had never been such a powerful bandit in the newly cultivated land.

This group of "bandits" had more than 20 riders, and the remaining 30 people were on foot.

As soon as the whistle sounded, all the bandits rushed out from all directions at the same time.

The food requisition team had no time to react and was already surrounded by groups.

In this case, the temporarily recruited Gervodin "soldiers" lost their will to resist in an instant, and obediently surrendered their weapons.

Although the "gangsters" were all masked, the opening of several "gangster leaders" on horseback gave Pete a sense of familiarity.

As he walked, Pete suddenly realized that the bandit leader had a "commander's accent" and unconsciously spoke with a little Jade City accent.

The further he went, the more familiar Pete felt: Isn't this the way to Langtun Town?
Continuing to walk, Pete became more and more certain: Yes, it was the way to Wolf Town.

How come the bandits don't avoid people and are still walking to the town?
Why is there a military camp in the town?
Why are there still cells in the barracks?
Pete yells: Fuck! What bandits? I was beaten by the militia of Wolf Town!

Pete was a little happy, a little angry, and more suspicious.

I'm happy because since the other party is not a bandit, they won't kill them indiscriminately, at least their lives are temporarily saved.

Angry because the militiamen disguised themselves as bandits and ambushed him, a genuine Gervodin sergeant.

The doubt is because he doesn't understand where the Wolf Town militia comes from so much courage?
Because he is a sergeant, Pete is held in solitary confinement.

He was taken to a secluded, cramped prison.

It took Pete a while to adjust to the light in the prison.

He saw two other people in the cell, unkempt and disheveled, sitting against the wall.

Pete was surprised to find that the two were... knitting straw sandals.

They moved fast, the straw slid through their hands like needles and thread, and the soles stretched at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Pete didn't dare to move.

In the cramped cell, two men with disheveled hair silently braided straw sandals.

This scene is just too eerie, terrifying, and has a mysterious religious vibe.

"en? Someone's here again?" One of the men finished weaving the soles, looked up at Pete, and knocked on the wall calmly: "Hey! Someone's here again."


A head peeked out from a fence on the wall - it turned out to be a cell next door.

"Is it also from Gervodin?" asked the man in the next cell hoarsely.

"Yes, I'm Pete from the south of the city." Pete looked at each other carefully, and suddenly shouted: "Ivan? Are you dead? Killed by bandits?"

Next door The prisoner is Sergeant Ivan of Gervodin, who is famous for "beating his wife after drinking."

But Pete doesn't recognize Ivan at all. Ivan used to be a burly, brutish, short-tempered brawny man.

Now Ivan is almost skinny and out of shape, his savage energy has been worn away, and there is only endless tiredness and sadness in his eyes.

"" Ivan's lips trembled, and his voice was actually crying: " are here..."


Revodan is stationed in the garrison, and all the officers are gathered in one room for a meeting.

There is only one topic: "Bandits".

It was inevitable that bandits would rise up by force.

Gervoudan's attitude is that if you can suppress it, you can do it, and you have the right to train your troops; if you can't catch it, there's nothing you can do.

But there is a bandit that is rampant in the southwest of Gervodin, and what it has done has forced Gervodin to face it.

This group of bandits came and went like the wind and acted swiftly.

As long as the food requisition team enters their territory, it is like clay ox entering the sea, went but never returned.

At first, this group of bandits only operated within the three towns of Black Liquid Town, Wuzhen Town and Langtun Town.

In less than ten months, their tentacles quickly extended to Niusho Valley and Iris Slope. Someone in Shengke Town also reported the traces of this group of bandits.

It is even vaguely said that as long as you cross the St. George River, south of Gévodan, there is no safe place ahead.

Although the hijacking of grain trucks is not common, it does happen from time to time, and it happens more and more frequently.

Because there are too many bandits, most of Revodan are recruits who lack training, and it is already very difficult to be responsible for local defense, and it is impossible to suppress the bandits.

But unlike other gangs, this group of bandits roaming southwest of Gervoudan not only robbed food trucks, but also people.

The food requisition team that fell into their hands could not escape alone.

Even if it is easy to recruit soldiers these days, and bloodletting with small knives like this, Gervoudan can't afford it.

"It must be strangled as soon as possible. These bandits are not ordinary rogues, the surrounding villages and towns are sheltering them, they are going to hold a major event!" Major Ronald made a final call: "I guess, they are Ambush my gendarmerie. Then their lair should be in the forest between Wolf Town and Black Liquid Town."

"Any other information? For example, what is the name of the bandit leader?" Captain Eper asked. .

"It's a fog, these bandits have no name." Major Ronald mused, "But according to my informant, the surrounding villages and towns call them...Blood Wolf Gang."

With that said, Major Ronald looked towards Lieutenant Cellini.

Andre was furious when he heard the word "Blood Wolf Gang", and there was even a tear in his eyes: "Blood Wolf Gang? Fuck! Winters · Montagne is dead. It's dead on the edge of the Netherworld River! Which bastard dares to use his name to be a bandit? Lao Tzu will kill him himself!"

"This is really up to you, the informant said Blood Wolf Gang There are a lot of horse thieves, and you have to rely on your Dussac to deal with them." Major Ronald sighed: "In my opinion, they should be the old Winters, deserters and robbers. If you can recruit surrender, try to surrender, we are on the way. Veterans are needed. I am in charge, as long as they surrender, I will pardon them, and let them come to Geroudin as soldiers."

Lieutenant Andrea Cellini led his team and set off in a rage Suppress bandits.

A week later, the sad news came back.

The Cellini Hundred Men Squad was wiped out.

The bandits sent a message asking Revodan to take money to redeem the people.

"Ai, Andre is just too impulsive. Dignified is a duel, he will not lose, he must be ambushed." Lieutenant Bard was as calm as ever.

He concluded to the officers in the new reclamation camp: "The bandits want a ransom to show that Lieutenant Cellini is still alive. The gangster and Andre's Hundred Men Squad fought hard, and the loss was not small. This time, I went with Captain Mason to investigate the situation under the guise of sending a ransom, and we will fight steadily, and we will definitely wipe out this group of gangsters. "

Captain Mason next to Budd is nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

In addition to the local troops, Gervoudan's mobile force is only sent back by these blue roses" Militia" team.

But Major Ronald was still a little worried: "I don't underestimate your ability to fight, but you are not natives of Tiefeng County after all. I asked Lieutenant Arcos to accompany you and be your guide. He was very familiar with the towns in Tiefeng County. "

"Okay. Bud's smile was extremely sincere: "It couldn't be better. ”

Six days later, the bad news came back to Gervodin.

Bard Hundred Men Squad and Mason Hundred Men Squad were also annihilated, and no one escaped.

Major Ronald slaps the tabletop and curses.

Meanwhile, Winters finally reunites with Bud, Andre, and Mason.

"What exactly do you want? Bud asked Winters only one question: "What do you, in the end, want?" ”

[This chapter says there is a map, it will be more intuitive to look at the map]
[Andre’s last appearance was at the end of Chapter 9, as for why Lan Qiangwei put these “Tiefeng Town” The militia” was sent back to the new reclaimed land, please allow the author to explain it later]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you everyone]
[About silage History: The etymology of silage comes from the Greek word (siros), the use of "crypts" or "holes" to store human food. The Egyptians silaged millet in stone containers as early as 4,000 years ago. Initially thought to be a sacrifice, But it turned out not to be. Around the same time, the Celts in Central Europe began to ensilage cabbage (which continues to this day as sauerkraut). About 2,000 years ago, the Germans began to silage. The first record of forage silage came from Italy in the 13th. Northern and Central Europe began to systematically produce forage silage from the 18th, and ordinary farmers already knew that the dry forage in the field was not high-quality cattle feed. “控制”的概念,到底得到的是青贮饲料,还是发霉发臭的垃圾,全靠操作者的ability 和运气]

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