Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 229


Chapter 229 The Temple
Early in the morning, inmates from Wolftown were taken to the ruins of the church , to clean up the ruins under the supervision of the militia.

The militias are not only responsible for supervision, but also participate in the reconstruction work, doing some of the lighter work.

The charcoal mud and black ash should be shoveled away, the burnt wood should be cleaned up, and the slate and bricks that could be used should be picked up and taken to the river for cleaning.

Wolftown is so small that you can count the buildings on one hand.

The church is lively, and the town center is like a construction site full of people.

Building a church is a grand event no matter where, and for many believers, it is even more holy than building water conservancy and paving roads.

So everyone worked extremely hard, even the "slaves" who were forced to work.

But on such a momentous occasion, the Montagne magistrate did not appear.

The conductor at the scene is his deputy, Mr. Mitchell.

It wasn't that Winters was avoiding it on purpose, but because the fire had already caught his eyebrows and he had more pressing matters to deal with.

While everyone was busy cleaning up the ruins, a man with blood on his clothes was woken up by a bucket of cold water in the wolf town barracks across the road.

"Name, affiliation." The interrogation voice was cold, not even asking.

The man hasn't came back to his senses and his eyes haven't adapted to the light yet.

He looked at the interrogator in a daze, and immediately took a solid punch in the rib - only then did he realize that there were two other interrogators in the dimly lit room.

"Name, affiliation."

The man gasped in pain, he struggled to speak, and said intermittently: "I'm... I'm the old man in the Revodan garrison. Sergeant Rashi..."

"Evidence," the cold voice continued.

" could you not recognize me?"

The lighting was poor, but Gurahi could still make out the officer's uniform.

In fact, he had recognized this uniform during the fighting last night.

The most important thing is that Gurahi has been a soldier for more than ten years, and he can recognize the tone, attitude, accent and style of the other party's speech at a glance.

Because of living in the United Province all the year round, the orthodox officers will unconsciously bring out a little Jade City accent when they speak, which is impossible to pretend.

Even Gurahi didn't realize this, he just listened to what the other party said was the "tone" of the officer.

"Clothes don't mean anything." The officer remains unmoved: "The bandits can also wear officer armor. Who is the commander of the Gévoudan garrison?"

Gurahi's heart burned A glimmer of hope. The other party is not a bandit, and he still has a way to live: "It's still Major Ronald, always."

"Everyone knows Major Ronald."

"And Captain Eper! Lieutenant Arcos! Lieutenant Elek!"


Gurahi tried to report all the information that could prove his identity: "Gevodan The gendarmerie stationed in the garrison, my name is Gurahi, many people know me..."

The interrogator waved his hand, and the person next to him gave Gurahi a fistfiercely.

Gurahi was so painful that he was almost convulsed, and now he was more certain that the other party was an officer. And a serious officer, not an unorthodox.

"What do I ask, what do you answer."

Gurahi was desperately nodded.

"You're a military police."

"Yes." Gurahi didn't dare to say more.

"You're a military policeman, what are you running for?"

"I..." Gurahi was a little aggrieved, he said carefully: "You chased first, then I ran ..."

After saying this, Gurahi's body curled up unconsciously, ready to take another punch.

The expected fist did not fall.

Only the voice continued to ask: "You are sneaking around Wolf Town, why am I not chasing?"

Gurahi vaguely realized that the other party was actually very good at talking.

So he said everything he could say like a bean in a bamboo tube: "I'm not here to spy on you, really not! You believe me. A collection team was robbed more than 20 days ago. , escorting the soldiers back to Gervodin. Major Ronald asked us to come and check. I found this place all the way, and saw houses being built in the town. It's strange..."


"There have been several food robbery cases in Tiefeng County in the past two months. Wherever there is a case, go to investigate's really a misunderstanding..."

The other party interrupted Gurahi: "Whose order is Geraldine listening to now?"

Gu Rashi was stunned for a moment, then replied in a low voice: "Listen to Legion, Maplestone, General Adams."

"Okay." The interrogator stood up, and at a moderate pace gave a verdict: "You are still It's a prisoner, held in solitary confinement. I will go to Revodan, and you can leave after verifying your identity."

"Thank you, sir!" By comparison, going to jail is not a major event.

Winters left the prefab and walked towards the large tent, Samukin following him.

“Are you really going to Gervodan, my lord?” Samukin asked worriedly: “I’ll go with you.”

Winters laughed and explained the reasoning To Samukin: "Whether you go to Revodan or not, you have to stabilize him first. Give him a little hope, otherwise he will definitely want to run away."

"Then why not just kill him? ' asked Samukin as it should be by rights.

“He knows something. Keep it for now, maybe it will be useful.” Winters explained: “Isn’t that guy named Ivan also locked up.”

Actually this level Soldiers, who know very little, Winters just don't want to kill indiscriminately.

"So... let them work?" Samukin asked.

A total of six military police reconnaissance cavalry came, just one cavalry.

However, their battle strength was worrying. During the battle and pursuit, three were killed on the spot, and the rest did not escape, and all became prisoners.

When they returned to Wolf Town, the seriously wounded one also died, leaving only Gurahi and another lightly wounded gendarme.

Winters was a little distressed: "I don't want them to come in contact with other people."

"Just shut them up and not let them work." Samukin said a little unhappily. : "Isn't that a waste of food? I think it's better to kill."

The hunger has penetrated into the bones of the wolf town militia. After all, even the militia have to work and hunt to eat, and Still can't get enough.

Prisoners can sit still and wait for food to be brought to their mouths - although there are only two bowls of porridge a day, it feels a little unfair after all.

Seeing Samukin's young and pristine face, Winters was inexplicably emotional.

Less than a year ago, Samukin Priskin was an honest and simple farmer.

He works at sunrise and rests at sunset. He goes to church on weekends. In the future, he will marry a wife and have children, and one day he will be buried in the Wolf Town Cemetery by his descendants.

But now Samukin can say things like "they can't work, I think it's better to kill them".

And it sounded so convincing that Winters had the idea of killing it all—he was hungry, too.

In troubled times, human life is really not as good as grass.

"No." Winters patted Samukin's shoulders: "We are not bandits, we are the army. Even if we want to kill, we must kill them justly and honorably. There is no food for this reason. , it's not worth the death penalty, and it's not tenable. Anyway, there are only three, so let's close it first."

"Yes." Samukin heavily nodded.

He didn't quite understand what Hundred-Men Commander meant, but he didn't hesitate to do whatever Hundred-Men Commander said.

Winters got a little inspiration and said with a smile: "Since you can't give them iron, get them a few bundles of straw and grass. Let them weave baskets, weave straw shoes, and if you don't weave, you won't give them anything to eat. No. The laborers are not allowed to eat! I have to pull a big saw and chop wood, but it is really unfair that they can eat for nothing."

Samukin also laughed, revealing that the two rows were not neat. teeth: "Yes, I'll do it."

"Don't set your goals too high on the first day." Winters smiled and exhorted: "step by step, slowly pile up. "

"Yes, I understand, don't worry." Samukin's eyes were full of crescent smile, and he agreed.

Samukin left, leaving Winters alone in the tent.

Winters' mind is filled with so many unrelated and implicated things that he needs little by little to organize his thoughts.

In a border town where I haven't seen a single face for months, suddenly three groups of people -- four waves to be precise -- came in one day.

Each batch of visitors alone is enough to give Winters a headache for a long time, but fate is so ruthless, they not only come, but also come together.

The most irritating thing was the reconnaissance cavalry of Revodan. The gendarmerie stationed in the garrison tracked down all the way to Wolf Town, but was fortunately discovered by the sentry set up by Winters.

First in a flash engagement, and then in an all-night pursuit, Winters finally took out all six scouts without letting one go.

Through interrogation and the previous broken information, Winters inferred two points:

First, Legion's political stance was ambiguous, neither Blue Rose nor Blue Rose was chosen. Choose red roses. However, the interior of the newly reclaimed land has not yet been divided, and it still gathers under the banner of the new reclaimed land Legion;

According to the news that Winters inquired, three groups of troops entered the new reclaimed land to collect grain and harvest wheat fields. Winters was still very strange at the time, who was the third party other than Red and Blue Rose? It now appears to be Legion, General Adams' new land.

Secondly, Revodan had not noticed any changes in Langtun Town, nor even knew that he was still alive, so naturally he had no plans to attack Wolf Town—for now.

Winters acted very cautiously, with the exception of "ambushing the food requisition team", he did nothing beyond the power and responsibility of the "town officer".

The militia?
The garrison has the right to call up the militia.


The resident officer is in charge of law and order and fighting bandits.

To make the bandits do hard labor? Trial bandits?
The local judicial power is also in the hands of the town officials.

Cross-border enforcement?

This Gervodan really can't control it. If it wants to control it, the town of black liquid has to file an accusation first, but it's too late for the town of black liquid to be happy.

It is not a lie that the garrisons have the status of feudal lords on the lands of the Palatine military.

Based on what Winters did, Gervoudan should not only not have punished him, but should have given him a ton of medals -- not including the hijacking of the grain cart.

At present, the conflict between Winters and Gervoudan only occurs in one point: Gervoudan wants food, but Winters doesn't want to give it, and if it is given to the common people, there will be no way out.

In fact, there is another point of contradiction that is difficult to detect and does not cause direct confrontation: the land of the Palatu military was given to the refugees for reclamation by him.

When will Gervodan find out that the robbery of the food requisition team is related to Wolf Town?

Winters thought it was a matter of time.

The convoy was walking on the road, leaving no trace, and the villages and towns along the way were all witnesses.

It's just that Wolf Town is too remote, and Winters "commits the crime" and is careful, so it has not been exposed so far.

Recently, when there was no connection, Gervoudan did not go to the wolf protecting sect to collect food, so it did not trigger a second confrontation.

In addition, according to the statement of the military police sergeant, the looting of the food requisition team happened more than once, and there were other cases that distracted Gervodin's attention.

However, Winters had seen the officers at the Gévoudan garrison.

He had visited the home of Major Ronald, and he had been warmly received by Captain Epert and other seniors.

Those alumni are smart people with the same education and training as him.

Actually, Winters thinks he's exposed. When he intercepted this team of scouts, he had already been exposed to Gervoudan's vision.

Gevodan might be feigning confusion, he might want to slap it lightly, or he might slam it down, and Winters doesn't know what to expect.

But Winters already has some plans, thanks to Father Kaman.

The information that Kaman brought back was invaluable, he had been with the remnants of the expedition, so... Winters had to make a trip to Gervodin.

As for Father Kaman's church, its importance is currently slightly higher than "find some milk-boosting food for the Mitchells' hounds", far less than "the blacksmith's charcoal is not enough to burn recently" , so Winters put it directly to Pierre.

As soon as I thought of Pierre, Pierre came.

"The church is over there, I need you to come over." Pierre rarely talks nonsense these days.

"What's the matter?" Winters didn't care: "Why don't we build a wooden shed and make do with Kaman first?"

Pierre smiled: " It is still up to you to lay the foundation stone.”

There is a dirt road across the barracks from the original site of the church, less than 20 meters away.

Winters and Pierre soon made their way to the construction site.

"You still have to lay down the first stake." Pierre scratched his head: "None of us are qualified."

Winters had nothing to say, he took it The stone hammer struck hard at the "first stake".

"Okay!" Winters threw away the stone hammer and patted his hand: "Go to work."

The militiamen and slave laborers were stunned for a while, then picked up their tools and resumed their work. The silent old church site was noisy again.

"Oh, if that old man of Anthony knew that it was me, the magician, who knocked down the first stake for his church." Winters suddenly felt a little funny: "I don't know what to think."

This time it was Pierre's turn to be speechless.

"But these convicts work hard for the church." Pierre looked at the slave laborers who were cleaning the stones by the river, and suddenly said with emotion: "If only they could work as hard as they normally would. I'm done."

Winters sneered: "After all, it's to please the gods. Sweat more in life and less fire after death."

[Note: This refers to purgatory]
Hearing such a caustic but piercing comment, Pierre wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

"I originally built a wooden shed, but it seems to be something." Winters looked at the blackened stone walls of the church and suddenly asked: "The mortar and plaster are too hot, can they still Does it work?

This question stopped Pierre, who smiled wryly and said, "I don't know, I have to ask a mason to ask. ”

The old church in Wolftown is divided into two parts, the older stone structure and the wooden structure that has been expanded in recent years.

After a fire, the wood was burnt and only the remaining I don't know how many years old the stone walls are, and even the plaster and murals on the walls were burnt to the point of falling off.

"Is there any masons in Wolf Town? asked Winters.

“Not in Wolftown.” Pierre shook his head: "I have to go to Gervodin. Before building a big house, I had to go to Gervodin to hire a mason." "

Masons are not only masons, but also architects and contractors.

"Let's build a wooden roof first for Kaman." " Winters sighed: "Be careful, there's a crack on the wall and tell me right away."

Winters doesn't have time to paint Kaman's blueprint now, so Kaman's church was temporarily downgraded from "beautiful" to "in the old" A wooden canopy on the wall will do.”

Winters had an idea as he watched the "laboured prisoners" work hard to rebuild the church.

He whispered, "Pierre?"

"Yes?" Pierre tilted his head slightly.

"You said, hope is important or not?"

"It should be... very important."

"It's very important, there is hope in order to live. "Winters sighed: "There must be some hope for these labor prisoners, otherwise they will be stuttering, forced labor, and will not work hard."

"These labor prisoners are... Guise Valley," said Pierre, somewhat embarrassed.

The crimes committed by the gangs in the Senge's Valley are too bad. If Winters' previous temperament was followed, these gangsters would have to die each one.

It was precisely because he chose to kill with the "Ming canon punishment" that these accomplices saved a life.

"I'm not thinking of them, but our interests. It's good for us if they work hard." Winters made up his mind: "Give them some hope and put their sins to rest. Set a number. For example, a thousand days, after a thousand days, we will let them go free."

Pierre's understanding is always fast, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said thoughtfully: "I still There needs to be an evaluation standard to distinguish the good and the bad. For example, if a prisoner works hard for 800 days, we will let them go free. If they don’t work hard and spend a thousand days, then he still owes us a thousand days.”

"That's right! Well said. We'll take a closer look when we convene a meeting tonight." Winters thought for a while: "Isn't this Lieutenant Mason's labor ranch? Oh, I have to give 'days' How about a name called 'working day'?"

Pierre said thoughtfully: "The working day is not accurate, sometimes ten hours a day, sometimes six a day. Hours. Otherwise, it is accurate to the hour, called 'working hours'? Any convict, as long as he completes the prescribed working hours, can return to freedom - provided that the time cannot be mixed."

"Okay , it's called working hours." Winters patted his hands and laughed, and he said excitedly: "I'll go back to the big account, write down this matter, and draw up some rules first."

"Please wait first. Wait." Pierre's expression was a little subtle: "Sir, did you forget something?"


Pierre said slowly: "My house..."

"Broken." Winters exclaimed badly.

He went out with a knife last night, chased the Revodan detective all night, and only came back after dawn. After that, the two prisoners were interrogated non-stop until now.

Anna is still waiting at Mitchell Manor!
[How important is my wife's work.jpg(covering her face)]
[Winters is burning her eyebrows now, and she left Anna to dry overnight...]
[Updated the battle of wasteland at the end of Second Volume If you are interested, please turn to the end of Second Volume]
[There are two maps in this chapter, one is the map of Tiefeng County, and the other is the top view of Wolf Town.兴趣的书友在本章说里找到]

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