Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 230


Chapter 230 Moonlight
In the guest room of Mitchell Mansion, Catherine walked to the window for a while Take a look, go to the door for a while and listen, it won't stop for a moment anyway.

"Okay." Anna was reading the letter and was disturbed to continue. She pulled the younger sister back to the bed: "You sit quietly for a while."

Ms. Navarre Jr. She was so angry that she couldn't sleep all night, she complained vigorously: "Without saying a word, without explaining anything, leaving behind two ladies and leaving, actually made us wait for one night! Not coming back now! Rude! Uncivilized! Barbarian! "

Anna held the letterhead with a sad expression: "He should have something very important."


No need for Winters to defend herself, misunderstanding already unraveled.

There was no misunderstanding at all, Winters and Scarlett were indeed unselfish and had no tendency to develop a relationship between men and women.

Not only that, but everyone at Mitchell Manor knows that "Montagne burghers have fiancee".

Anna's sudden visit surprises everyone, but everyone is not surprised by her existence.

Everyone accepted the fact that Nava Young Lady Lei was "the fiancee of the burgher".

Anna did not deliberately explain this—probably out of her instinct to protect the territory and some complicated and subtle feelings.

After the misunderstanding was cleared up, even Catherine stopped mentioning "go back to Aquamarine now", but she was still very unhappy.

Mrs. Mitchell had two guest rooms ready for the ladies to rest, but Catherine insisted that she only wanted one.

The Navarre sisters lay on a bed like this, waiting from night to morning.


Anna clutched the letterhead, sighed, and looked out the window.

Catherine likes to tease the elder sister the most. When she saw Anna feeling ill at ease, she immediately sat next to the elder sister, hugged the elder sister's waist, and put her head on the elder sister's shoulders, yes. Breathing out into Anna's ear:

"A liar who claims to be engaged to you without any psychological burden damages a lady's reputation. If this news gets back to Veneta, and Who will marry you? Miss fiancee?"

The last "Miss fiancee", Catherine deliberately dragged her voice very long, blowing moist heat into Anna's ears.

Generally speaking, this kind of behavior is lightly reprimanded by the elder sister, and severely beaten.

But at this moment, Anna didn't react.

"I can't blame him for that. Bianmin women are warm and cheerful. If I were him, I would also make up a fiancee." Anna looked at the tip of her shoe and whispered: "And I ran away from home, no matter what. I can't marry someone else regardless of coming to Prato..."

The expected reaction did not appear, and Catherine was angry and amused at the same time.

She frowned slightly, fell into the elder sister's arms, and continued to attack Mr. M: "I'm not a man, what's so good about it? Neither handsome nor dashing, compared to Those officers and gentlemen who are polite to ladies in Hailan have been away for a long time."

Anna frowned slightly and explained in a low voice: "He is still a little handsome, he...has become a lot thinner, and the whole person is stripped off. Not the same as me...the last time I saw him."

"Nava Young Lady Lei, listen to what you have to say." Catherine angrily said: "You have started Defend him! Aren't you here to ask for an explanation? Where did that anger go in the first place?"

Anna leaned on her forehead and whispered, "I, I don't want to say anything now. I'm done."


Anna was overjoyed to learn that Winters was still alive after receiving the letter from Gold. It was anger that followed joy into her heart.

"Don't wait for me."

What does it mean?
A single line of words negated her emotions, her waiting, and everything about her.

A bold idea popped into Anna's mind, making her tremble with excitement and trembling with fear: "I'm going to find him."

So I'm still in the monastery of St. Jeanne for the time being. Anna, who was staying, immediately started to prepare.

Mrs. Navarre's eldest daughter is surprisingly powerful. She first contacted Good Luck Gold, and then learned that someone was going to Wolf Town to find Winters, who could use them to provide protection.

But no matter what she does, she can't hide from the younger sister who accompanies her.

Catherine quickly debunked her plan, but to Anna's surprise, Catherine generously agreed not to tell mother, on the premise of taking her with her.

"Monastery is so boring! I'm about to be suffocated to death!" Katherine was even more excited than Anna when she learned that she was going to run away from home: "Do you have the heart not to share such a fun thing with me? I'm going, I'm also curious about who Mr. M is, who can fascinate you to such a degree."

Under the coax and pester and coercion of the younger sister, Anna had no choice but to bring the younger sister with her. Set off.

They first left the St. Jeanne monastery under the guise of visiting the tomb of St. Pinot. The place of passage is also the resting place of Gold leaks.

In the town of San Pinot, the Navarre sisters waited for those who had gone to Parato in search of Winters.

The two ladies quietly left the church of San Pinot, leaving behind a letter and a mess that would suffocate Madame Navarre, and followed the target, not revealing the identity of "fiancee" until they were discovered.

At this time, Hailan was too far away, and Anna's will was too firm, and she even said calmly, "My reputation has been ruined. If you don't take me, I can only commit suicide."

And the other party is very bad at dealing with women, so he had to take two ladies and escort them all the way to Wolf Town.


"Ai, you are so stupid!" Catherine hugged the elder sister's waist: "Why are you so good at talking?"

Anna was silent , the room fell silent.

Seeing the elder sister but not speaking, Catherine had to continue complaining and acting like a spoiled child: "My legs, my beautiful legs, are all torn! Will there be scars? Will they become rough? My back hurts, my shoulders hurt, and my coccyx hurts..."

The two of them sat on the carriage at first. After entering the newly cultivated province, the road was not easy to walk, and the carriage twisted the shaft. The two ladies had to ride on horseback, which was really hard work.

Hearing the young sister's complaint, Anna remained unmoved, instead she showed a smile: "Don't you want to follow?"

Catherine flew into a rage out of humiliation , bite the elder sister's shoulder hard.

It was only now that the normal way of getting along with the two of them was restored.

After both of them were exhausted, Catherine gasped and said to Anna faintly: "Ai, I actually understand a little bit."

"Understand what?"

"I understand why you are fascinated by Mr. M." Catherine pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Although you are not as good as me, you still have a bit of an eye for men. After all, she is also mother's daughter."

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought Mr. M wasn't at worst. But I saw him last night and found that he still has a little bit of a special air...and sea blue His gentlemen have different to describe it?"

Anna felt a little panic for no reason: "Don't you hate him very much?"

"A hundred things are better than seeing them. , I hate him because he bullies you. But now I appreciate him a little bit." Catherine watched the elder sister's ears turn red a little bit, she liked to control the elder sister's emotions the most.

She suddenly hugged the elder sister's waist, stretched her voice, and exhaled like a blue: "Don't worry, I won't steal a man from you."

Anna was completely ashamed. Face, pushing the younger sister away: "What are you talking about!"

Catherine continued to stick to the elder sister and said confidently: "This time I will let you, After all, I'm not a bad woman."

"You go away!"

Catherine changed her words and said angrily: "You and I are fighting for a man. Come and snatch, don't you want to let the little hooves of Palatu see the joke? Humph, the little bitch of the border people! I don't know how to be reserved! Even men with fiancee are not spared! We are Veneta's famous girls, How can I lose to her!"

Catherine laughed cheerfully, her laughter was crisp and sweet.

Anna wanted to reprimand Catherine, but when she heard the word "little hooves", she couldn't help laughing.

The two of them just fell on the bed, laughing and making trouble, when suddenly there was a rapid "dong dong" sound from the stairs.

Someone is going upstairs.

Anna and Catherine looked at each other, got up quickly, and quickly tidied up the hair and clothes that were messed up during the fight just now.

The footsteps stopped at the door.

It was followed by three knocks on the door.

The knocker seemed eager, but he didn't dare to be too impatient, for fear of knocking too hard and making the people in the room unhappy.

"Nawa Young Lady Lei and Nava Young Lady Lei." A male voice came from outside the door: "May I come in?"

It was Mr. M.

Catherine sat up straight and restrained her smile. She didn't look like someone who just recklessly said "little hooves", but her temperament seemed to have three parts of Ellen Mitchell's shadow. .

"Come in," Catherine replied calmly.

Winters pushed open the door, and instead of the sisters lying on the bed, he saw two respectable ladies.

His eyes were completely fixed by Anna's eyelashes, the tip of her nose, and her red lips: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long."

"No, you're wrong." Catherine covered her lips Smile, politely: "We didn't wait for you."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Winters grew more alarmed.

Anna calmly pinched the thin flesh on the younger sister's back waist.

"As the protector and guardian of Ms. Navarre, I give the two of you space to talk alone." Catherine stood up gracefully, with a solemn expression like Goddess of justice, giving a sense of inviolability.

Her eyes seemed to take Winters to the end: "Mr. Montagne, although my elder sister asks nothing in return, you should know how much she went through to get here. So I hope you Respect her and don't take any offense."

Winters nodded hard with a guilty conscience.

"I'm leaving." Catherine gave Anna a meaningful look and walked towards the door.

"Please walk slowly." Winters stood respectfully.

The door slowly closed, leaving only a couple of lovers who were once separated by thousands of miles and missed each other in the small space.

But neither of them knew what to say.

Anna is still the same, time has not carved marks on her face, but has added a bit of mature beauty to her.

She is still beautiful, carefree, innocent and unaffected.

Winters has changed, bruised and bruised from spirit to body.

The last time they met, the two were close. So close that Winters could weep on Ana's shoulder and Ana wouldn't ask anything.

But now Winters can't do that anymore, he wants to hug Anna tightly, but he can't.

An invisible wall separates the two, and the spiritual distance is more difficult to narrow than the physical distance.

Winters pulled out a chair and wanted to sit across from Anna.

"No." Anna lowered her eyes, her voice soft and quiet: "You sit here."

Winters sat awkwardly on the bed and sat next to Anna.

The two were a little apart, but very close, so close that Winters could feel Anna's body temperature, and so close that Winters was almost burned by the moonlight.

Ana silently placed her hand between the two, while Winters subconsciously took Anna's slender hand.

Anna's hands were soft and hot. But very thin, the skin and flesh wrapped around the bones, without the protection of the hard callus.

Winters even worried that his hand would scratch Anna's hand.

Ana also felt a sense of alienation, which surprised and saddened her.

She came to her lover's side, but she seemed to be farther away from her lover.

But at least they could feel each other, and the two of them held each other's hands and sat quietly.

Anna whispered to break the silence: "What's wrong with your leg? Does it hurt?"

Winters' left leg recovered completely quickly, he no longer needed to walk with a cane, and his pace was the same Ordinary people are no different.

However, the strange feeling still exists, and it will become unbearably sore after walking a few steps. It all depends on the will.

That's why he became fond of swimming, because in the water, his old wounds were temporarily relieved.

Everyone thought he was fully recovered and turned back into the omnipotent ensign of Montagne.

Winters was unwilling and unwilling to explain, he thought he was the only one who knew the pain and suffering.

He also doesn't need to seek reassurance from other people, which he insists does not make any sense.

Anna was the first to ask him if it hurt.

"It hurts." Winters' tears filled his eyes uncontrollably. "It really hurts, it hurts all the time."

Ann leaned over, and Winters tried to stop it.

But Anna firmly told Winters: "I want to see it."

Winters' trousers were pulled up by little by little, and the left leg that was trampled by a horse's hoof left almost nothing. Trauma, leaving only a shallow Red Seal.

Ana's fingertips brushed the dark red mark: "It's almost invisible from the outside."

"en. ”

"But it's inside." Anna's forehead was on her lover's knee, and she gently hugged her lover's left leg: "It should be completely different, right?"

Winters held back tears: " en. ”

Anna lowered her pant legs, carefully smoothing the folds, and sat back next to Winters.

This time the two of them didn't have any distance, they were close to each other.

"I don't want you to stay here." Winters looked at the ends of Anna's hair, he dared not look directly into Anna's eyes: "Iron Peak County will become very unsafe."

"You already have white hair." Anna didn't answer directly, she gently hugged her lover: "Will I pull out your white hair?"

Winters obediently placed her pillow on Anna's leg up, like a puppy.

Anna gently stroked the shallow white marks on her lover's forehead: "The wound here is still not healed."

Winters felt the warmth and softness of Anna's body, gently " Hmm." He said.

"It may never grow back."


"It's okay." Anna's fingers ran through her lover's hair: "You're not handsome anyway."

Winters twitched his neck a little uneasily.

Anna felt her lover's anxiety and gently pulled out a white hair: "However, you are still a little handsome... Some people say that you have a good bearing."

"en." Winters nods.

"Don't move."


Clinging to each other, Anna looked for Winters flickering's white hair.

"Why don't you go home? You promised me you would." Anna asked softly.

Winters had a lot of thought for a moment.

He thought of the piles of stumps and broken arms outside the hospital, the touch of blood on his cheeks and eyes, the faces of warriors, and living in despair with only a few pieces. Eggs came to visit the wolf town peasant, thought of the Old Lady waiting for her son to come home, thought of the slaughtered Senggis girl - she was not yet fourteen, thought of everyone's smiling faces, he thought of Lots and lots...

But he couldn't tell Anna.

I don't know why, he can't say it, and he doesn't know where to start.

"I...I don't know either." Winters replied bitterly, "I don't know how to explain it, sorry."

"It's okay." Anna hugged her lover, He kissed his lover's forehead lightly: "You can tell me slowly in the future, I'm willing to listen. You can tell me in a lifetime."

In an instant, Winters burst into tears. His body trembled, and tears fell on Anna's clothes drop by drop, wetting the fabric.

Anna didn't ask why, she just hugged her lover and shed tears silently.

The two hugged and wept, Anna involuntarily humming a song softly—a song her mother had hummed to her as a child.

"Thanks," Winters whispered.

"Why thank you."

"Thank you very good." Winters' tears rolled down his face: "It's very good, you are more beautiful than I thought."

Anna burst into laughter, tugging at Winters' forehead. "Bad thing!"

Winters laughed too.

"What about me?" Winters asked worriedly, "What do you imagine me to be like?"

Anna leaned on Winters' head, shaking her body gently, Said softly: "A lot has changed, and many things haven't changed. It's not the same as you in my memory, but I...I still..."

The door was kicked open, Catherine was angry Chongchong rushed into the guest room: "you two are endless! What's there to say about love? But hurry up and get to the point! Kiss her! What do you think? You too, he doesn't kiss you, but you are more proactive! That's all you are. , still want to defeat the little Pratt...little lady? You're mad at me!"

Winters sat upright for a moment.

Anna blushed and reached out to teach the younger sister a lesson, but she remembered that her "fiance" was still by her side, so she couldn't lose self-control.

“Nava Young Lady Lei, and Nava Young Lady Lei, I have another thing to say this time.” Winters coughed lightly and apologized to the two ladies: “I We must go to Revodan as soon as possible, and we have to leave tonight. Iron Peak County will become very dangerous, if you can, please follow them back to Hailan."

"What? We are thousands of miles away. You're leaving in less than a day after you came here?" Catherine was so angry that she was about to go crazy: "What are you thinking? Do you really care about my elder sister? She gave you everything! You I cherish it!"

Winters was also very sad: "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry..."

Anna grabbed the younger sister and asked her lover gently: "When did you Can you come back?"

Catherine was furious, her chest heaving violently: "Wow, you two are now standing together! I..."

"Don't be ridiculous, Kate." Anna calmly reassured Catherine: "I'm talking about business."

Seeing the elder sister's expression, Catherine subconsciously became quiet.

"Three or four days sooner, six or seven days later." Winters made up his mind and said bitterly, "I want you to follow them back to Hailan."

"Be careful on the road, I'll wait for you to come back."


"I'm here, haven't I?"

Madame Navarre's eldest daughter Once she's made up her mind, nothing can shake her.

Winters gritted his teeth. "Please tell Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Mitchell if you need anything."

"Thank you."

" I'm leaving."

Anna curtseyed slightly: "I hope you have a smooth ride."

Winters turned and walked down the stairs without looking back.

On the first floor of the Mitchell mansion, in the living room, another handsome young man, carefree, was sitting on the sofa.

This handsome youngster is not a native of Wolf Town, he wears casual clothes, but his military temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

His girdle was haphazardly thrown on the small table, and above it hung an unpretentious saber and a dagger with a gold hilt and a silver scabbard.

"Alas." The young man saw Winters come downstairs, sighed: "I can't convince you to come with me, can I?"

"Yes, Senior. ' Winters bowed his head respectfully.

The handsome young man in front of him is none other than the third [Great Veneta] Legion Hundred-Men Commander, Antonio's direct subordinate, Winters' Senior and his comrade-in-arms - Lieutenant Don Juan .

"I brought twelve good hands." Lieutenant Juan asked without hesitation: "But I heard that you are very difficult to deal with now, and twelve people are not enough to force you away, right? Isn't it?"

"Not enough." Winters replied earnestly: "At least one heavy armored Hundred Men Squad is required, and a large number of musketeers are required to avoid close combat with me. I was killed because I couldn't be captured alive."

Lieutenant Juan put his legs on Mrs. Mitchell's cherished small table and smacked his lips: "Your father ordered me to take you back, you mother With tears in my eyes, please let me take you back. I'm going back to Hailan empty-handed, how can I explain it to them?"

"I'll write them a letter and explain it carefully. I'm really sorry, Senior." Winters bowed his head deeply.

"What about your little lover?"

"I want you to take her away."

"No, I can't deal with her. I Damn, I have never seen such a strong temper in my life... ma'am." Don Hu Anxin had a lingering fear: "Her knife is on her neck, that's for real. If she is willing to come with me, I will naturally escort her. She. If she doesn't want to, I have no ability to force people."

Winters felt more and more sad.

Huan looked at the little Junior Brother carefully, then looked all around, and asked with a sigh, "What's so good about this broken place? Is it better than Shanghai Blue Street? Why stay here? it possible that you also fell in love with the sun sheep?"

"Senior..." Winters replied feebly: "Please don't make such a joke. I have enough reasons, I can't go."

"Yeah." Don Juan stood up, circled Winters, and said in a strange voice: "You are all captains! I am a little lieutenant, how can I order the captain. Isn't it?"

"Senior, don't do this..." Winters became more and more humble.

"Come on! You wait!" Don Juan coldly snorted: "I can't cure you, someone can. I sent a messenger while I was on the way, and that person will soon be Coming!"

"Who?" Winters smelled dangerous.

“Who?” Don Juan, laughed heartily, said happily: “Your old superior!”

[Then the question is, how can the “Winters Elite sorcerer be punished” -Blood Wolf-Rare Beast-Plateau Champion-Headshot Monster·Montagne "Who is it? ]
[Although Winters and Anna are still estranged, the two have been able to confirm that their hearts are still with each other]
[Even Mrs. Navarre looked away and underestimated her daughter's stubbornness . Ana Navarre is not soft on the outside and tough on the inside, but soft on the outside and fierce on the inside. She made up her mind, she really won't waver]
[Today is also a big chapter, with 6347 words]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all ]

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