Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 228


Chapter 228 Reunion

Visit Mitchell Manor, definitely need to organize.

So Winters first took a bath in the river outside of town.

He has now learned to swim and loves it.

Because the burden on his left leg in the water is not as heavy as on land, it can relieve a lot of soreness.

Clean and shave.

Winters took off his tattered lumberjack attire and carefully removed a starched and ironed officer's uniform from the bottom of the box.

The uniform has been patched in several places, and although the patcher's hands are skillful, it can still be seen.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is an officer's uniform.

In the eyes of experts, it is actually the summer uniform of officers and students of the Luyuan Academy.

This summer uniform was exactly what Winters wore when he was escorted to Palau.

The uniforms of the regular officers need to be purchased by themselves, but none of the Venetas make the Palatine uniforms - except for the "Vanity" Lieutenant Andrea Cellini.

But even Andre's hussar uniform was deliberately chosen with a red waistband and blue piping that was different from that of Plato's hussar.

Winters made a cashmere coat last year when preparing for winter.

But under the coat, he was still wearing his old summer clothes in protest.

And since returning to Wolftown, Winters has been wearing hunting clothes.

The safari suit is not only comfortable, but also has many, many pockets - which Winters as a sorcerer likes very much, and the safari suit does not reveal his identity.

As a result, the old summer uniforms also pressed the bottom of the box.

It was brought back to life because I was going to the Mitchells for dinner today.

It's rude to visit empty-handed, but Winters doesn't have the right gift - can't bring money?
After thinking about it, he picked up two rabbits and plucked a few bunches of wild roses, and then he came to the door.

The Mitchell Manor in the sunset is quiet and beautiful, and it always gives Winters a warm feeling.

Girard's four hounds could smell the blood energy of rabbits from a distance and ran out to greet them.

Not only did the hounds not starve to death, but they gave birth to a litter of cubs. But because the bitch can't get enough to eat, so the cocks are all deflated and have no milk.

Ellen couldn't bear it, so she took the puppies back to the house and fed them with goat's milk.

The four hounds returned to Mitchell Manor.

The hounds were thrilled to smell Winters.

They didn't dare to pounce on Winters or snatch rabbits. It was wagging his tail desperately, running around in circles beside Winters, and licking Winters' hand in a pleasing manner.

The enthusiasm of the dogs was always overwhelming. Winters held the rabbit high and reassured the dogs: "Don't grab it... wait until the fall, and the fall will take you to the field to hunt."

But The dogs didn't understand what Winters was talking about and thought Winters was going to play with them.

So they got even more excited, and one even leaked urine.

"Enough!" Scarlett ran to Winters to clear the siege, using a branch to drive the hounds away: "Bad guy! Bad dog!"

The hounds tucked their tails sadly gone.

"Thanks to you, Miss Mitchell." Winters sighed in relief: "Is Mrs. Mitchell there?"

Scarlett blushed and took Winters' arm : "We're all waiting for you."

Ms. Mitchell almost turned into a boy, with a ponytail and long trousers - unimaginable for a "decent" lady.

Ellen waits for Winters on the porch.

She took the bouquet and smiled lightly: "What a beautiful rose, Mr. Montagne."

"Really?" Now it was Winters' turn to blush: "Actually I don't I know it's a rose..."

These flowers were plucked by him on the side of the road and left him with several small wounds.

"Then you have to be careful, roses have rich meanings and cannot be given away." Ellen invited Winters into the door: "The tableware has been set and is waiting for you."

"Sorry for being late." Winters laughed, loosening his girdle calmly. "But I could smell the chicken stew from a distance."

Winters handed the rabbit to the maid , into the Mitchell Mansion.

At the table sat another guest, and Winters couldn't believe his eyes.

"Good evening, Mr. Montagne." Father Carmen greeted him politely.

Winters was stunned for a moment, then strode to Kaman and gave the priest a bear hug.

Father Kaman was overwhelmed by the sudden enthusiasm.

He, not knowing what to do, looked at Mrs Mitchell for help, arms raised stiffly.

"Mr. Montagne is very happy to see you." Ellen smiled reassuringly: "Father Carman."

Carman sighed, patted Winters' back in disgust: "Okay... okay."

Scarlett took her mother's arm and looked at the "touching" scene in front of her with a smile on her face.

Winters let go of his arms, grabbed Karman's shoulders, and asked in surprise, "Why are you back?"

Karman smiled wryly and removed Winters' hand: "Why am I? Can't come back?"

"I did you come back?"

"I'm a priest." Kaman's tone was light: "Of course it is If you want to go back to my parish, you can go back to my parish.”

Winters pressed impatiently, “Do you know where the others are?”

“Some people I've been separated from me, and some people have been inspired by the Lord." Kaman's eyes dimmed a little: "I came back by myself."

"Where's Mr. Mitchell? Have you met him?"

Kaman shook the head: "No, I've told Mrs. Mitchell. I haven't met Mr. Mitchell."

"Sit down and talk." Ellen greeted gently He wrote: "The soup will be cold in a while."

The four took their seats at the table.

Old Mr. Mitchell is not at home. Mr. Mitchell is on duty in the barracks, so the main seat is empty.

The four sat face to face, with Scarlett sitting beside Winters and Father Carman and Mrs Mitchell on the side.

"Anthony priest." Winters reassured Kaman, "I'm sorry."

Kaman bowed calmly, speaking the clergy's usual phrase: "Anthony brother It's not painful, he's now with the Lord and has eternal life. As for the gold and silver sacrificial vessels, those don't matter."

At this point, Winters didn't know what to say.

He had a vague feeling that the wolf sect protecting the hall was reduced to ruins, and Kaman was not as sad as him.

"That's right, Mr. Montagne." Ellen looked across the table at Winters with her pale blue eyes. "Father Kaman has discussed something with me, and I hope you can lend a hand."

"Just say it." Winters replied solemnly.

"Can you send some people -- to rebuild the wolf sect protecting hall?" Ellen added kindly: "Of course, it won't let your efforts go in vain. Father Kaman and I came up with the best of both worlds. way."

Winters blushed slightly, coughed to cover up the embarrassment, and quickly explained: " don't have to ask me for compensation..."

Winters organized the cemetery , repaired the road, rebuilt the blacksmith shop, the town hall and the police station.

But the wolf sect protecting Tang didn't care, it was still a scorched ruin.

He wants to build prefab houses for the militiamen and prepare shacks for the refugees. How can he have the leisure to rebuild the church?

Not only did Winters ignore the church, he also seriously considered demolishing the remaining stone walls of the church to build other houses - stone is a good thing, how can it be wasted?

But considering the status of this building in the minds of the people of Wolf Town, Winters wisely did not dig the root of the church wall.

But since Mrs. Mitchell and Father Carman asked, Winters naturally agreed on the spot.

He has no shortage of manpower or building materials, so rebuilding the church is not difficult.

Ms. Mitchell and Carman only asked for this, and then it was the usual dinner time.

The few chatted comfortably, and Mrs. Mitchell was always able to continue the conversation justly and well.

Father Kaman seemed indifferent, engrossed in the food.

After the excitement of the reunion faded, Winters looked at Kaman and realized he was sitting in front of a dive technique user.

And also a "friendly" user of the dive technique.

At least Kaman didn't kill him to silence him, and it doesn't look like he wants to try to silence him in the future.

Winters almost shuddered with excitement, his legs shaking under the dining table.

He stared at Kaman, even making Scarlett's expression weird.

But Winters' rationality was still there, and he was careful not to rashly open his mouth, and continued the dinner quietly.

"We'll have to figure out a way, at least make an experiment plan first." Winters stirred the soup plate with a spoon unconsciously: "At least not now."

He immediately decided to go back tonight Draw blueprint now! The church starts tomorrow! Guaranteed to make the church beautiful for Kaman!
Winters's thoughts have escaped to the sky: "There are several pages of conjectures about the divide technique in the general's notebook, what is it? Why can't I remember it?! The divide technique is within the general's system? Still outside the general's system? We have to design experiments to verify! Oh, but only with instruments! Where can I get the instruments? I make them myself? What can I build under the conditions of Wolf Town? Scarlett touched Winters' leg lightly.

Winters woke up from his musings to find that he had stirred the soup on the table.

Mrs. Mitchell's crochet tablecloth has been stained by him.

Scarlett quietly handed him a napkin.

"Sorry, lost my mind." Winters wiped his hands with a wry smile, then went to wipe the tablecloth.

"It's okay, just leave it alone." Ellen didn't mean to blame: "Just leave me to clean it up. But if you don't taste the white soup I made seriously, I'll be angry. I’m done.”

The dinner ended in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Winters leaned against the wall and paced to the living room—what Mitchell's maids used to call "the gentlemen's room."

The Mitchells' chaise longue is still in the living room, wiped clean.

In the past, Winters and Gillard came here after dinner.

Gillard would open the window, lie comfortably in his chair, and fill his pipe carefully.

He would first take a deep breath, and then let out a light mist in a comfortable manner.

Winters doesn't smoke, but he likes the feeling of lying still when he's full.

Occasionally there were other guests: the Old Brothers of Girard, the two priests of the church, the masters of other estates...

Pierre's name was added to the roster After the show, Gillard also began to tacitly allow his son to participate in "Gentlemen's Time".

But right now, the room is empty, save for a few recliners and Winters.

Winters sighed, opened the window, and slowly lay back in the chair.

He ate so full that he felt a hint of guilt.

Because his men were still feeding on rough brown bread -- not even enough, he had a good meal at the Mitchells.

Since he found his old team, he has been working with the troops.

He eats what the militiamen eat.

Speaking of which is easy, but hard to do.

Early-Stage's passion is quickly smoothed out by the bran crumbs in the bread, and then it's all about will.

But Winters held on. Everyone is human, and if a warrior can eat it, there is no reason why he can't eat it.

He gradually got used to the true face of this world, and he no longer spit out the whole piece of bran, but swallowed it directly.

However, he still misses Berion very much. Blacksmiths have a special ability to make unpalatable materials delicious.

And most people only have the ability to make unpalatable ingredients even more unpalatable.

Winters couldn't help thinking: "Should there be a separate department dedicated to preparing meals?"

But that would make the army bloated.

One of the major contents of the old marshal's military reform is to reduce the army: abolish the attendants, abolish all unnecessary auxiliary soldiers, and reduce the burden on the military supply department.

Soldiers are responsible for carrying tents, carrying weapons, and preparing food. Even without auxiliary soldiers, the army will not lose battle strength.

So Winters can't make up his mind either.

"Maybe try." He thought, "There are only three arrows now, so it's easy to make a mistake."

While he was thinking about it on the recliner, Sri Lanka Belle quietly entered the living room.

"Are you going to stay tonight?" Ms. Mitchell asked with a blushing face, "The rooms are all tidied up."

Winters spent all this time with the troops living together.

"Don't bother, I'll go back to the town to live in the barracks."

Scarlett nodded, she didn't force it, but she didn't leave either.

She sat boldly next to Winters, looked Winters in the eyes and said, "Bothayun should have a foal in the third or fourth week of August."


Scarlett's eyes turned to Winters' body and casually chatted: "Do you know why it's called Botayun?"

"Why?" Winters suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Scarlett has gradually grown from the young, timid, and timid little Sika in the past to Ms. Mitchell.

He has a brotherly affection for Pierre, and watching Scarlett is naturally like watching Little Sister, and you can always see Ella's shadow.

But he suddenly realized that this is not his biological younger sister after all, Scarlett is not Ella, her temperament is even more mature, tenacious, independent than Ella looks...

Winters' body language betrayed him, and he subconsciously backed away from Scarlett.

until now , he's actually projecting Ella on Scarlett.

And for siblings who grew up with them, even the slightest thought of carnal desire is involuntarily disgusting.

Winters had this disgusting feeling all of a sudden when she realized that Scarlett had become a woman.

Scarlett looked at Winters' body: "It is the custom of the Dusa people to call their horses by their coat color. Bota was a noble class in ancient times. Bota Yun means white as a cloud. Good horse."

"Oh? Calling horses by their coat color? The Hurds do too." Winters coughed softly, backing away: "How did you know this?"

"The story my father told me..." Scarlett lowered her body slightly: "You can stay overnight."

Winters shook her head desperately.

"That's right here!" Scarlett gritted her teeth and stood up suddenly.

"You...what are you doing?" Sweat dripped from Winters' forehead.

"For you, of course..." Scarlett grabbed Winters' trouser legs and undid the rope ruler from her wrist: "...take the measurements."

"Oh..." Winters let out a sigh of relief, and then exclaimed, "You can't even measure your body!"

Scarlett's eyes blinked.

Winters sincerely explained: "I have no shortage of clothes. I have already troubled Mitchell Manor so much that I have no dignity to trouble you any more..."

"It's okay, I'm willing to I will sew your clothes."

"No, not really."

"I can learn tailoring."

"No, will you? The problem..."

No matter what Scarlett said, Winters desperately refused.

Suddenly, Scarlett's nose was sour, and she lay on the reclining chair and cried.

If there's anything in the world that scares Winters, it's women's tears.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Why are you?" Scarlett cried, "Why do you always reject me? How bad am I? I..."

"What's the matter with you?"

"Why are you?" p>

"That's not the case." Winters was at a loss, and he tried to reason: "You will treat me... In fact, it is because Wolf Town is too closed, and I am a fresh face. When you grow up, when you get out of the wolf Zhen, you will meet more and better men, all of whom are gentle and considerate than me..."

Scarlett cried even more: "You mean that I am not devoted, seeing a man Like one? I'm not! I! No! Yes!"

Not only did Winters' words fail to appease Ms. Mitchell, they did more damage.

"I have fiancee." Winters sighed, whispering to Scarlett, "She's still waiting for me."

This is a good reason, but the first half of it is a lie , because Anna is not engaged to Winters.

The second half may have been a lie before, but now it's even more of a lie, because Anna won't wait for him anymore, he broke Anna's heart.

Scarlett's eyes were swollen from crying: "Your fiancee is in the sky, but I am right in front of you. I can also be your fiancee, and I am willing to take you away."

Winters is out of words.

After a long silence, the cries gradually faded, and Winters took out a handkerchief and handed it to Scarlett.

"Do you really have fiancee?" Scarlett asked, sobbing, "or are you lying to me? Prevarication?"

"Yes." Winters was suddenly sad, His nose also turned sour: "I'll show you her portrait."

He undid the locket and opened it cautiously.

Anna was there, a slight smile curling her lips.

He hadn't opened the locket for a long time, because he didn't dare look Anna in the eyes.

Scarlett took the locket and stared at Anna with crying red eyes: "She's beautiful."

"Yeah, she's beautiful."

Winters clumsily tries to wipe Scarlett's tears away.

"I would be so beautiful, too," said Scarlett in a fit of anger.

"No..." Winters smiled wryly: "No one can beat her."

Hearing this, Scarlett's tears that had already stopped flowing again.

"Don't cry...don't cry..." Winters didn't know what to do: "I..."

There was a sudden commotion at the Mitchell mansion, and Winters was wary. Look towards the source of the sound.

A heavy footstep was approaching from the hallway—a man, if Winters heard it right.

Father Kaman's footsteps were not like that.

And at this moment in Mitchell Manor, there will never be a third man.

Winters hugged Scarlett gently, protecting her behind him.

He looked towards the four walls of the living room, where he was looking for a weapon.


The living room door is opened.

"Here!" shouted a familiar voice, it was Gold: "My lord! Look! Who am I to bring!"

A thin silhouette walks away into the living room.

The silhouette is dressed in men's clothing and a hat, but Winters will never admit it wrong.

It's Anna.

It's Ana Navarre.

Winters had dilated pupils, stiffened, and even lost consciousness.

Scarlett was startled to realize that the brave Knight beside her was trembling -- trembling involuntarily.

Winters looked at Anna, the white moonlight buried in his heart, lightly sprinkled on him at this moment.

But why is she so sad? So desperate?

Winters didn't understand.

And Ana Navarre looked at Mr. Montagne, at the strange girl's red eyes, at the messy lounge chair, at Mr. Montagne's arm around the strange girl.

The two seemed to have traveled through time and space and returned to the mercenary loggia.

It's still him, it's still her, he's still wearing that old uniform, and she's still wearing men's clothes.

But everything has changed.

She left everything behind and came to the end of the world regardless.

It turned out to be this way.

Hasn't she imagined this situation? Of course there is.

She thought that she would be distraught, she would throw her hands away, turn back to Hailan, marry another man, and fiercely take revenge on the bad guy.

But at this moment, there was only anger in her heart. Grief and despair had fueled anger, and her body was shaking involuntarily with rage.

Her mind was filled with a word, a word she had never uttered - "Little hooves!"

"Why are you here?" Winters finally recovered consciousness.

"Of course." Anna almost bit her red lips: "Yes! Come! And! You! Escape! Run!"

The small living room was deadly silent.

A clear and melodious female voice came from behind Anna: "Humph, where is Mr. M owned? I..."

A man also dressed in men's clothing, similar in appearance to Anna, but The brighter girl stuck her head out from Anna's shoulder.

Seeing the scene in the living room, her smile suddenly disappeared without a trace.

She didn't say a word, grabbed Anna's right hand and left.

"Don't!" Winters strode to grab Anna's left hand, he had already cleared the comprehension, but now he was speechless: "No!"

The strange girl angered: "Let go! "

"[Old saying] Seeing is not true." Winters ignored the other, looking straight into Anna's eyes, and he could have made Anna leave like this no matter what.

Scarlett wiped away her tears and walked gracefully to the Navarre sisters: "You have misunderstood."

"Shut up!" The strange girl was even more angry.

Suddenly, there was another commotion at Mitchell Manor.

This time the noise is more urgent and dangerous than before.

Not only heavy footsteps, but also the neighing of warhorses, the crunch of boot nails hitting the floor, and the slap of scabbards on the hem of a coat.

"Scout!" Pierre rushed into Mitchell Manor, with Anglo and Vashka following behind him.

As soon as Pierre entered the main entrance, he shouted and looked for Winters: "The scout! The scout of Gervodin!"
Winters clenched the teeth, took Anna's hand and kissed it.

His eyes were so wide that he almost wanted to dig out his heart to show Anna.
His eyes were intertwined with Anna's: "Wait for me to come back!"

Anna doesn't speak, just nods gently.

"Gold!" Winters yelled the name of the culprit.

The old pirate who knew he was in trouble shuddered: "Sir?"

"You brought people! You take care of them for me! No one is allowed to leave!"


Taking the saber from Pierre, Winters strode out the door:

"Go! It'll be hot on Vodin. Scout!"

Outside the door, the Dussacks slapped their chests hard and cheered loudly.

The sound of hooves gradually faded away until it was no longer heard.

(end of chapter)

Special Document: "Letters Received by Madame Navarre"

Material: parchment
Above It's a line of beautiful cursive characters

A: I'm sorry, mother, I'm going to a long way. love your daughter.

Below are a few crooked letters.

K: I'm going too!

[This chapter has a map of Iron Peak, please find it in the chapter. I will post this map several times in the near future to prevent book friends from not seeing it. Because this is the latest stage. ]
[Thanks to book friends for their collections, reading, subscriptions, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all]
[It's a really vulgar plot (covering my face), but I look forward to writing it It's been a long time here]
[Today's update is late, but the number of words is long, there are 64+ words. Compensation? ]

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