Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 227


Chapter 227 Business
There was restlessness in the air.

The militia had just returned to Wolftown from the Sengeis Valley when more than seventy convicts were gathered in the Old Square.

They were not told what to do, only fully armed militiamen glare like a tiger watching his prey watching over them.

The waiting process was extremely torturous, and some timid labor prisoners had already begun to wipe their tears.

The convicts also knew that there was a lack of food in Wolf Town - the militiamen who watched over them had only two pieces of coarse bread for each meal, and the convicts had only one bowl of mixed-wheat porridge to drink.

But at least they lived a solid life. They had shacks to live in and food to eat. They didn't have to kill or loot. Their daily work was cutting trees, burning charcoal, and building houses.

But at this moment, it seems like they are going to be completely solved no matter what.

"My father said it." A man said to the person beside him in fear: "Whoever the Magyar nobles want to kill, send him a shovel and let him dig a hole. Wait until one person is dug. Shen, then fill in the soil from the top..."

"Damn! Look at it! Old... I don't want to wait to die!" The person who answered was also trembling.

Someone yelled at the militiamen in desperation: "What are you trying to do? Why torture people? Give it a good time!"

The militiamen held their weapons expressionlessly, and no one was there answer him.

The man wanted to continue shouting, but suddenly closed his mouth tightly because he saw the Montagne resident moved towards them.

Winters walked into the town square, he noticed the strange atmosphere, so he waved to reassure everyone: "All sit down, sit down and talk."

He also found a tree stump to sit on but the convicts didn't move.

Winters repeated the order kindly: "Sit down."

Like a scythe cutting through a wheat field, the people in the square all fell short, and sat down on the ground with a rustling sound .

“How many of you are landless laborers or sharecroppers?” Winters doesn’t like to talk nonsense, and asks straight to the point, “Raise your hands.”

Hands One by one they raised their hands, and only two of the more than seventy people present did not raise their hands.

Winters asked the two: "You two are homesteaders?"

"No, my lord." The tall and thin man shook his head quickly, and his answer was organized: " My younger brother and I are brick-burners. No one buys bricks and tiles, so our brother can only run away and... come to you."

"What's your name?"

"What's your name?"


"Sean, Sean Bricklayer."

Winters nods, remembering the man, and asks, "As far as I know, it's just a wolf There are more than 200 households of hired laborers and tenant farmers in the town, where have all the fleeing people gone? They have all become bandits?"

The convicts didn't know what to do, and someone was muttering softly.

In the end, it was the potter Sean who gave an unexpected and reasonable answer: "Gevodan."

If there is no food everywhere, people will follow the grain Go, where there is food, there are people.

Where is the most food in the entire Gervodin area?
It is the city of Gervodin.

It's ridiculous to say that in February, Gervoudan had to send troops to recruit.

Five months passed in the blink of an eye, and Gervoudan no longer had to worry about the source of troops.

Because most of the refugees have already brought their families to the city of Gervodin, begging to be soldiers and earn food.

So recently, the Revodan station has only sent a food collection team, and has never sent a collection team.

Winters asked again, "Apart from the two bricklayers, you were all farmers originally?"

The convicts were nodded.

"If I give you land." Winters asked with bright eyes, "Would you like to farm in Wolf Town?"

The town square was in an uproar, and the convicts They were dumbfounded and whispered.

"Quiet." Winters tapped his palm.

The town square was suddenly deadly silent again.

“Will you? Or not?”

A hair grey-white old man, Brace Oneself, got up and summoned the courage to explain: “Sir, it’s not that we don’t want to farm. You gave us the land, and we can't plant it now..."

"Old man, sit down and talk." Winters asked, "Why can't we plant?"

Old man Still standing, he organized the language for a long time before opening the mouth and said: "Sir, how can there be a long-term worker who doesn't want to have their own land? But the farming season... has passed."

The old man gestured and explained again. After a long time, Winters, the sea blue talent, understood what the other party meant.

In a nutshell, farmers in Palato generally use a rotation system, with two farming cycles per year.

The planting cycle of staple food is from autumn of this year to early summer of next year, and winter wheat is mainly planted.

The planting cycle of supplementary food is from spring to autumn of this year, mainly oats, rye and beans.

If there is excess farmland, plant some vegetables to supplement the table.

It's early August, right in between two farming cycles, missing farming time.

And crops don't mature overnight. If you want to plant the land, you must at least have grain that can last through an agricultural cycle.

"Even if we go to plant winter wheat, we will all starve to death until the wheat is fully ripe." The more the old man said, the more sad he became: "This land is all sticky, wasteland reclamation. We have to use a heavy plow with four horses, otherwise the soil won't turn. We don't have horses or plows, and even if you give us land, we won't be able to open up wasteland..."

The rest The farmer followed nodded.

Winters listened carefully, he didn't bring a pen and ink bottle, or he would have written it down.

He thought about it, but not so deeply—because he simply didn't know how to farm.

The old man rambled and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

After listening to the old man, Winters had made up his mind.

He took a deep breath and exhaled deeply, and asked sincerely: "If I give you land, cattle and horses, plows, and grain that can last until next year's wheat harvest, All the things you"

The old man was stunned, the other farmers were stunned, and even the surrounding militiamen were stunned.

The old man's voice was trembling: "For us forever? before, we work as tenants and long-term workers?"

"For you forever." Winters was calm And firm: "As long as I'm here for a day."


On the fourth day of returning to Wolftown from the Senge's Valley, around noon.

In the barracks, Winters is sawing wood.

He's shirtless but wearing gloves, looking ridiculous.

But don't wear gloves, because working without gloves can cause blisters—this is Winters' labor experience.

He has mastered the art of sawing wood, pushing gently forward and pulling back hard.

Winters' arms went back and forth mechanically, and the sawdust fell "shua shua", and neither of the other two together could work faster than him.

Eerlun tried his best to give him a little bit of fat, but now it has fallen back quickly.

Compared to when he first left school two years ago, his figure has not changed significantly, and he has even lost some of it, but his muscle lines have become more well-proportioned and obvious.

Pierre rode into the barracks and found Hundred-Men Commander among the working people.

He waited quietly until Winters had finished his work before saying, "My mother invites you to dinner at my house."

Winters took off his gloves and replied with a smile, "Okay. , but I'll have to change my pants."

Winters is now wearing a pair of ragged work trousers, soaked in sweat from their original color.

“Scarlett also asked me to measure your size. She wants to make you a dress.”

Winters smiled and shook his head. He walked over to the bucket and picked it up. Bucket, "gu dong gu dong" to drink light salt water.

It wasn't enough to drink, and the water left in the bucket was poured on his head.

“Huh!” Winters wiped his face, laughing and slapped Pierre all over the water: “Nothing is more comfortable than drinking water after work.”

Pi El reluctantly wiped the water droplets from his face.

Winters grabbed his shirt: "Samukin! Tamas!"


"It's over to you!"



"Let's go!" Winters greeted Pierre: "Go and see the blacksmith."

The Wolf Town Barracks is located on the site of the old church. Yes, right next to the town square.

The barracks at the moment is like a large construction site, full of militiamen and convicts at work.

The 70 or so convicts of the past have been pardoned by Winters, and the current convicts are the 30 or so accomplices in St. Guise.

Wolf Town is rich in forest resources and there is no shortage of wood.

Winters doesn't have a shortage of people either, and he has a lot of "slaves"—though they're nominally called prisoners.

He could neither let the prisoners go, nor kill them indiscriminately, nor keep them in vain.

The current solution for Winters is: He provides food and shelter for the captives, who work for him and lose their personal freedom.

Nominally called prisoners, essentially slaves - but at least they still have a life left.

With hands and resources, Winters only lacks food and tools.

So Winters first thought of Misha, the old blacksmith.

Misha was one of the few remaining men in the village of Dusa because of his crippled leg during his service and he was not called up for the draft.

Winters finds Misha himself and asks him to come out again.

The ruins of the smithy are cleaned up and working tools are collected.

The new wood house was quickly rebuilt on its original site, and the extinguished forge was rekindled.

The little blacksmith Carlos takes over from his brother and serves as an assistant to old Misha.

With the melodious percussion of "ding ding dong dong", steel swords are forged into axes, jigsaws, and heavy plows, while lower-quality irons are hammered into nails.

Anyone who sees this can deeply understand why blacksmiths are so important in rural society.

Because human civilization needs tools, and tools are inseparable from blacksmiths.

The two blacksmiths, one old and one young, are busy everyday all from sunrise to late night, and their tools are still in short supply.

So the bricklayer brother was sent by Winters to Misha as his assistant.

In Winters' view, it would be a shame to let artisans with a craft work the fields. But he doesn't need bricks now, so he has to blame the bricklayer brother to become a blacksmith first.

The remaining refugees are working hard to clear land for winter wheat planting in late September.

Except for the warhorses, all the big animals in Winters' hands were handed over to them.

Steel ploughs dug out the ditch on the hardened ground, and rows of wooden houses sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Wolf Town is in the ruins of Nirvana Rebirth, and is slowly coming back to life.

All of this makes Winters proud and joyful from the bottom of his heart.

He is finally no longer a rare beast who only destroys, kills and destroys, he becomes a builder and a creator.

But all of this made him worry and fear.

He set up a double riding post on the road to Gervodin and sent three rounds of scout to Gervodin.

Wolf Town is too closed, no matter how hard Winters tries, the outside intelligence they get is very limited.

He was even thinking about taking a trip to Gervodin himself.

But now, another thing took over his mind.

"Ai, when is it time to cut wood by hand?" Winters complained to Pierre: "The efficiency is too low."

Pierre followed Winters with a horse Beside him, he suddenly asked: "There's nothing more comfortable than drinking cold water after work, isn't that what you said?"

"It's not the same thing." A hydraulic sawmill.”

“Where does the water come from?”

“Isn’t there a river outside the town center?”

“The water is so shallow that it can Okay?"

Winters is quite proud: "You don't understand that? First, the water truck will carry the water into the reservoir, and then use the reservoir to drive the blades, no problem."


"Why don't you feel surprised?"


Winters laughed heartily, laughing With a sudden sigh.

He said distressedly: "Without the caravan, I can't buy anything, not even graphite. I used the blueprint of the sawmill last night, and I still used Lieutenant Colonel Jesska. There's only a little left in stock for me. Well, I wonder how the lieutenant colonel is doing now?"

Pierre heard this and sighed.

"How about we find Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and take him to Wolf Town for retirement?"


Remembering Lieutenant Colonel, Winters is a little sad. He gritted his teeth and said, "I have to go to Gervodin."

"I will accompany you." Pierre did not hesitate.

"No, you have to stay." Winters laughed: "If I'm not here, if you're not here, Wolf Town will collapse."

As they walked and chatted, the two arrived at the blacksmith's workshop .

Misha and the bricklayer Sean are forging nails, Sean's younger brother brow beaded with sweat is pulling the bellows, and the little blacksmith Carlos is missing.

"Where's the Carlos?" Winters was a little strange: "Didn't he want to see me?"

"Who knows?" Old Misha said helplessly: "The child and Vashka is mysterious and secretive, I don't know what they are doing."

While getting dressed, Winters casually asked the old blacksmith: "What do you think of this kid Carlos?"


"This child ... is very good." Old Misha shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The craftsmanship is also clever, but it is much worse than his brother. His brother is calm and can sit still. Carlos is smart and has a lively temperament. ."

Winters nods! Clearing his throat, he roars: "Washka!" !"

Clever and Clever ran back to the smithy out of breath.

There was mud all over their clothes and trousers, as well as their hands and faces. The whole person seemed to have just been fished out of the quagmire, with only a pair of eyes showing.

"Are you two playing in the mud?" Winters didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh.

Washka said happily and dancing: "We've got a big gift for you!"

"What gift?"

"Guess what? ?"

The next second, Vashka had a boot print on her ass.

"What kind of ceremony?"

Washka didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, and brought back a wooden board from outside the workshop as if offering a treasure.

Even the clay is wet and not yet fired.

"Look! It's it!" said Vashka with a bright face: "With it! You won't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life! I thought of dedicating it to you for the first time!"

Everyone was confused, and Winters' face became solemn.

Pierre couldn't help but said: "Vassya! Stop making trouble! How are you..."

"No!" Winters stopped Pierre: "Let him say ."

"Vasya didn't mean to offend you..."

Winters ignored the others and looked towards Carlos: "You said it!"

"Lord Montagne!" Carlos said with pride ten thousand zhang: "This is a blast furnace!"

No need for Carlos to explain, when the others were still confused, Winters had already seen this "terracotta cup" Actually a miniature model of a smelting furnace.

Although it is very rough, the bellows, filler port, and discharge port should have everything.

"I've seen a blast furnace." Winters asked Carlos directly: "Have you learned iron smelting?"

"You have."

"Who taught you? Got it?"

"My father."

"Your brother will?"



"Yes? Build a furnace?"


"Do you know the craft?"

"Know a little, my brother knows best."

Winters and Carlos asked and answered quickly.

There are seven people in the blacksmith workshop. Except for Winters and Carlos, four people can't keep up with the conversation at all. Only Pierre can vaguely understand it.

“Where does the charcoal come from?”

“If you have wood, you can burn it.”


“Let me privately Tell you."

"You can do it yourself?"

"You have to have my brother."

Winters sighed: "I really have to hurry up and get your brother Get it back."

Carlos was desperately nodded.

Winters takes Pierre, Vajka and Carlos to the no-man's place outside the smithy.

"Tell me, where did the iron ore come from?" Winters asked, "Since you took out this thing, you must be prepared."

Carlos didn't expect Winters to be so direct , he looked towards Vashka.

Washka hurriedly answered: "Hundred-Men Commander, do you know why the Chihe Division is called Chihe Division?"

"Why?" Winters had an ominous premonition.

"The Chi River is the Hanlan River. Whenever the torrential rains in spring and summer cause flash floods, the water of the Hanlan River will be as red as blood, so it is called the Chi River!"

"Continue Say it!"

Carlos licked his lips and said with determination: "The Republic of Monta also has a red river, and the Monta people call her the Rose River. The Rose River... is right next to the Steel Fort."

Winters narrowed his eyes: "You wouldn't want to tell me that the Chihe Department guards an iron mine, and you don't know it?"

"Shallow mines and deep mines are not The same!" Carlos was anxious: "The red of the Rose River comes from the iron ore sandstone being washed by the rain. Both the Hanlan River and the Rose River originate from the shaded mountain range, and they change color when they encounter flash floods. It is very likely that there is also iron ore."

"Deep mines, how to explore?"

"Go to Steel Castle and invite prospectors! You can pay for them!"

"How to mine?"

"Someone can mine, and equipment can also be bought from Steel Castle!"

"How to buy it and transport it to the Hanlan River?"


A question and answer, Carlos has been cornered. But when he heard this question, he suddenly asked back: "Sir, where do you think the iron of the Heard minions came from?"

"What do you mean?" Winters narrowed his eyes.

"Herd wasteland is connected to the Republic of Monta."

"But across the mountain."

A subtle sneer appeared on the corner of Carlos' mouth: "Across the Mountains... can't take the caravan?"

Winters vaguely figured out something, he laughed heartily, fiercely spit: "Fuck!"

Pierre and Watts Shika doesn't know why.

“What do you want?” Winters asked Carlos seriously.

"I want my brother back, safe and sound."

"Okay! it's a deal." Winters told Vashka: "Call Ciel."

Soon, Vashka brought the Ciel over.

"Ciel, go to the Chihe Department." Winters made a decisive decision: "Washka, pick two people and accompany Ciel."

"Yes! "

"Bring a word to the White Lion for me."


"Tell him." Outgoing sentiment: "The transaction continues."

[Chihe Department, Chihe Department, Chihe's terrier also revealed]
[The history of the blast furnace is still very long, at least in the era of Winters , this smelting method already exists and is used in production. That's why Winters saw the blast furnace - he saw it at the Victory Arsenal. But many things in the industry do not lie in the principle - the principle is very simple, but in the process and specific process]
[Book friends can look at the < alliance map 1.0>, although the forces of the Hart tribes are not drawn in, it can also be seen that the Hart wasteland is next to the Monta Republic, just across the mountain. . ]
[The previous debts have also been paid, I have no debts now, I am relaxed]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all ]

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