Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 219


Chapter 219 Travelers

Although Winters can move freely, Ellen still accompanies him , even more closely than before.

"I'm willing to talk to you in this tent." Erlun said this, her expression was a little sad: "Everyone in the camp, alas, they don't want to listen to me, they You don't need to listen to me either."

The herdsmen have dispersed with their herds, probably because the pastures can accommodate limited animals.

But the camp is still in operation, and many people, tents and herds remain here, all of which are Erlun's personal property.

The white lion's wife and child died in the war in their early years, and their children are still young.

As the biological younger sister of the white lion, Erlun is naturally in charge of part of the old camp. The white lion also loved the younger sister, and gave her many subjects, slaves, and herds.

So Erlun is the hostess of this camp.

But she was away from wasteland for ten years. At Red Pine Manor, she was Mrs. Kalman's valet. In the Chihe Department, she suddenly became a Sovereign with ordeals.

Not to mention that the followers are not suitable, even Eerlun himself is not suitable, it is inevitable that the servants bully the master.

"I don't know about the Hart society." Winters thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "But when I see tribes moving, they pull out camps, walk, and camp every day. In fact, it's no different from marching and fighting. The military attaches great importance to rewards and punishments. You did good rewards, but you can't beat them with whips."

Eerlun shook his head repeatedly and whispered, "How dare I beat people with whips."

Winters said calmly: "You don't have to do it yourself, just assign someone else to do it. But there must be rules and fairness."

"I..." Erlun's eyes were flushed and he wanted to Then he stopped: "Alas..."

The little lion ran into the felt tent and interrupted the conversation between the two.

He winked and asked Winters: "I heard from Bell, they all call you [Wolf Blood]?"

Bell and the little lion are about the same age and have several points of experience. Similar, so it's easy to talk.

Eerlun wiped her tears, turned and walked out of the felt tent.

Winters sighed and also left the felt tent with a cane.

"Eerlun? Batu? How did you two go?" The little lion, unfathomable mystery, turned his head and asked Ciel with a smile: "Why do you call him a wolf? Wolf is not a good word. Ah!"

Charle, who was pretending to be deaf and dumb just now, asked back: "Wolf is a bad word? Don't you worship wolves?"

The little lion said angrily: "That is The slander of the various ministries by outsiders! Wolves are greedy and vicious, how can they worship wolves? We use words like eagle, stag, horse, and mastiff to praise people. Have you ever seen wolves used to praise people? Cubs. All the tribes will fight if they see a wolf."

The little lion smiled and asked Ciel: "It's Batu, didn't he happily accept the nickname [Blood of the Wolf]? Who is worshiping wolves? Is it you, or us?"

Charle was speechless, he muttered, "My brother is not 'happy' either..."

"Then why do you call him [Blood of the Wolf]?"

Charle said helplessly: "Because my brother's previous nickname was even worse."

"What? What else?" The little lion was interested, and he entangled Ciel and asked, "Tell me about it."


It's also the little lion's mouth that shines brightly, During the day the wolf is bad, and at night the wolf will come.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden commotion in Erlun's camp.

Someone banged on the gong and shouted desperately: "[Herde] The wolf is in the ring! The wolf is coming!"

The men were startled in their sleep and carried Hit the wolf stick and rush out of the felt tent.

Wake up Winters frowned, also leaning on a cane to go out.

The sleepy-eyed Ciel lost all sleepiness in an instant when he saw this scene. He hurriedly stopped Winters: "Brother, your injury is not healed yet! Don't go!"

A Winters Without saying a word, he walked to the camp.

The wolf jumped into the sheepfold, wanting to have a good meal. But was frightened by the herdsmen, moved towards and ran away.

The men in the camp mounted their horses, called to each other, and chased out with wolves.

The sound of the hooves faded away, and the camp was quiet again.

The left-behind women lit the torch and were busy counting the flocks.

Two ewes pregnant with lambs were frightened to abort, and several sheep were bitten in the neck.

The men came back one by one, empty-handed or wounded - it was dangerous to run horses at night.

Eerlun was searching hard in the crowd, and when she saw someone, she asked, "Have you seen Batu?"

Everyone shook their heads.

More and more people came back, except for Palatu Batu.

In the end, the little lion also came back.

Eerlun rushed forward, grabbed the younger brother's arm hard, and asked with tears: "Did you see him?"

Little lion shook the head.

Eerlun seemed to be drained of all her strength in an instant, and fell limply to the ground.

"Let's go." The little lion wanted to help the elder sister up.

Eerlun just stared blankly at the direction where the man disappeared and refused to leave.

The little lion had no choice but to light a bonfire beside the elder sister and accompany the elder sister.

The night gradually faded away, and Erlun's tears had dried up.

When the sky was dawn, the little lion dragged the elder sister up: "Let's go, he won't come back!"

Suddenly, a rider's silhouette appeared on the horizon .

The rider walked slowly, but he was indeed heading towards the camp.

Erren's tears flowed uncontrollably.

The rider is getting closer and the sky is getting brighter.

The people in the camp saw that the rider was carrying two wolf corpses on his horse.

"Batu! wū wū wū wū!" The crowd waved and cheered, shaking their coats and hats and slapping their chests.

Eerlun left silently. She returned to her felt tent and took out a set of clothes from under the wooden box.

It was an Army Officer Academy cadet uniform, and she had meticulously mended every break in it.

E'erlun held the old military uniform and burst into tears.


The day after the wolf attack, the White Lion sent someone to invite Winters.

At the White Lion's camp, Winters met the Rhett cultivator who recently saw the head of the divine dragon but not its tail.

The Rhett cultivator has completely changed.

The former Rhett cultivator will make you involuntarily ignore his thin arms, sagging skin, snow-white beard and vicissitudes of life.

He would yell, laugh and talk like a youngster.

And at the moment, the Rhett cultivator is just an old man who has run out of fuel.

He was still the same him, but extremely weak, as if he was spitting out life force with every breath.

His face also darkened, except for a pair of eyes that still had some light.

He tried to live, as if to see Winters one last time.

Winters had blue veins on his forehead and grabbed the white lion's collar: "What did you do?"

The white lion just looked the head.

"Hey! You kid, cough." Reid cultivator scolded with a smile: "What are you doing?"

Winters then let go.

"When I was, wouldn't I know it myself?" Rhett cultivator labored to greet Winters: "I called you here for the last time. Come and sit next to me."

Winters sat down obediently.

Rid cultivator seems to spend a lot of energy even talking now: "I asked you to come, and I want you to do one thing for me."

"You just say

Reid cultivator said with a slight smile: "This matter, you still have to do it. You come and help me shave my hair. I have passed my life, and when I come, there are also people who come to me. , good."

Winters never worked as a barber, he only shaved himself.

But Rhett cultivator's request, he refused. He simply took the razor, and one old and one young shave in the felt tent.

Two months of sculpting practice have allowed Winters to master the dynamics more precisely.

He was careful not to injure the wrinkled skin of Red cultivator.

Red's cultivator silver-white hair fell like snow, revealing one round burn after another.

"I really don't have much to tell you." Reid cultivator closed his eyes and said slowly: "Only one point. You little fellow, standing too low and looking too close, Especially at the cost of your body."

Winters stood silently behind the Rhett cultivator, carefully controlling the force of the razor, and continued to shave little by little.

"If you don't think about what will happen in a hundred years, you can't even guarantee what will happen in ten years. If you don't think about the entire chessboard, you can't even occupy a corner of the chessboard."


"I heard that this world is a big ball." Reid's cultivator's eyes gradually recovered: "Keep going west and you can go back to the east. ”

“en. ”

“Unfortunately, I can’t finish this section of the road.” Reid cultivator asked with a smile: “Do you remember, you You still owe my old man three months' salary?"


"I don't want your money. We Celica people pay attention to returning leaves to their roots. After I die, You burned my body. Take my ashes, walk this section of the road, take me back to Celica, okay? Bury me in a place called Phoenix."

"Okay, I will."

"What must be?" Reid cultivator smiled and reached out and hit Winters: "This is a long journey, life and death are difficult to know. How can I trouble you to do such a thing, I mean. When I die, find a river and pour my ashes into it, and death ends all one's troubles."

Winters was silent.

Rid cultivator seemed to think of something, and continued to say with a smile: "But my old man swore that I would never return to the east again in this life. So you have to find a river that flows from east to west, don't be casual. Find a small puddle to fool the old man."

"There is no river flowing westward between two mountains." Winters' voice became trembling a little bit: "Don't worry, you wait for me, I Sending you back to Celica."

"Really? It's a shame that there is no river flowing westward." Rhett cultivator coughed twice and patted Winters' arm lightly: "Don't Cry, cry, old man is enough. I have come to the westernmost place I can go. When I die at my age, it is all joys and sorrows. You all have to laugh and send me away. Don't look at you He's young, and he can't live to my age."

The ceremony cut was done, and Rhett cultivator let Winters sit in front of him.

"Although you little fellow is an unbeliever, let me bless you one last time. This is what Philip cultivator said when he consecrated me, and now I say it to you." He held Winters' hand, fingers tapped Winters' forehead, muttered:

"[Ancient] You shall not fear the terror of the night, or the arrow that flies by day; nor the plague that travels by night, or the noonday A disease that destroys people; though a thousand fall on your left, and ten thousand on your right, this plague shall never come near you."

Winters bowed his head and thanked the old man.

Rid cultivator took a deep breath, and suddenly turned back to the wise man who was full of energy and spirit.

He asked sharply, his voice pierced through clouds and rocks: "Am I poor?"

"Yes!" Winters answered.

"Can I be alone?"


"Can I go back?"

"Never! "

"Good! Good! Good!" Rhett cultivator laughed loudly: "I can leave in peace."

His head dropped slowly, and he was in the middle of Winters and White. Accompanied by the lion, he passed away.

In accordance with the wishes of the Rhett cultivator, his body was cremated.

Winters and the white lion drag logs one by one from a distance, and the tower becomes a crematorium.

The great shaman also came, and he danced before the fire in the highest respect.

Rid cultivator has been a monk, a Taoist priest, a priest, a teaching scholar, and a cultivator in his life, and was finally sent by various shamans.

After Rhett cultivator left, Erlen also packed up for Winters.

"I'm sorry." Winters was heartbroken: "I'm sorry."

Eerlun smiled and called the head.

The guilt nearly crushed Winters, but he still had work to do.

When Winters came out of the tent, the lion cub was waiting for him, with four horses on it.

"Let's go, I'll take you." The little lion pretended to be relaxed and said, "These four horses are for you and Shire. You two can ride them. Do you want to name the horses? ?"

"Can't afford it."

The little lion was stunned for a moment: "It can't afford it, it's okay. We don't name the warhorse, we only call it the color of its coat."

"No, I don't want to name the horse anymore."

The little lion led several guards and escorted Winters and Ciel all the way.

Eerlun chased out the felt tent and chased it all the way to the hillside. Looking at the man's back, he cried bitterly.

The white lion also came to the hillside. He wiped away his tears for the younger sister and said softly, "Don't cry, Erlun, I'll sing a song for you."

The white lion looked at the sky and sang softly:

"The one I love,
has climbed over the mountains;

The one I cry,

I have crossed countless rivers;

I cry,
He will not look back on me;
I want to find him,

I have found not reach his way.


This is a woman's love song, but it is the white lion singing.

The song of the white lion is desolate and desolate, and the mourning lasts for a long time. The birds circle for him, and the cattle and sheep stop for him.

You must have had a lot of sad experiences to sing this ballad.

After the song, the white lion said softly to Eerlun: "If you want him, go find him."

"But." Eerlun stopped crying, He just sobbed softly: "What about the fire roaster?"

"It's okay." The white lion took the younger sister in his arms, and gently arranged his forehead for the younger sister: "big brother always has a way."


The little lion escorted Winters all the way to Netherworld Riverside.

He first led Winters to pay homage to Fortune.

Fortune rests on a beautiful hill, and the hillside is full of red and blue flowers.

There is no tombstone. When the little lion was buried, he laid a stake, and a few knives carved a horse on the stake.

Winters caressed the stake lightly, like brushing the side neck and long mane of Fortune.

He had no tears, and he didn't cry again, not once since he came out of the coma.

Even if Reid cultivator dies, even if it's parting with Erlun.

His ability to cry seems to have been completely deprived.

The little lion and his bodyguards were carrying the sheepskin sack and the wooden frame, and they soon had the sheepskin raft ready.

The two guards make a round trip first to confirm that the sheepskin raft can be used, and come to the little lion to return to life.

Four horses were first sent across the Netherworld River, followed by the Shire.

The lion cubs accompany Winters to the east bank of the Netherworld River.

"That's right." The little lion asked curiously, "Although your name is Batu, I don't know what your name is."

"My name is... from the mountains. Deep winter."

"Is your surname 'Qunshan'?" The little lion hugged and laughed: "My father's tribe is called 'Wenduoer', which also means mountains and mountains."


Everything has been shipped to the east coast, horses, food.

"You won't get lost, right?" The little lion asked Winters with a smile: "There is no East, West, North, and South on the grassland, so it's easy to get lost."

" I have this." Winters took out Lieutenant Colonel Jessica's map: "You won't get lost."

"That's good."

"This is for you." Winters added again He took out another roll and threw it to the little lion: "Maybe you can use it."


"The map, I drew it." Winters whispered Said: "Part of the prairie."

"Okay! Thank you!" The little lion laughed heartily: "Let's go, the deep winter in the mountains, go home."

The little lion said goodbye reluctantly and firmly: "Never come back again!"

Winters pulled the reins lightly and rode away, and Ciel followed closely from behind.

One hundred and sixty-four wooden awls, carefully packed in the deepest part of his luggage.

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly passes, rewards and comments, thank you all]
[Some book friends mentioned the growth of Winters. In fact, he did grow up despite setbacks, but not by dead people.

The departure of Rhett's cultivator didn't really bother Winters.

The old man is on his birthday, after all, he is already 95 years old (self-proclaimed).

He crossed the last person (not Winters) and reached the end of his journey. ]

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